Chapter 34: If you want mud angels
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The moment they arrived home, Jacqueline fetched some hot water and they began to cleanse and untangle the wool. William got the job of combing the wet mess.

To avoid splattering the dirty water all over the house, they did their work right outside the front door. It was half open during that time. Letting them in on a rather touchy conversation between Vanessa and her husband.

Her soft voice reached their ears "My dear… Maybe this is a blessing like Grettel said… We have tried for years now to have another child to succeed our name, yet it didn't happen. I don't dare blame you. For you are already a father to Joss and Mirabelle… But…".

The father's voice rang out “You think that I won’t accept this child?.. Don't worry… Right now we actually only have one child… Joss. After all, Mirabelle has already been promised away to Grettel…”.

This made Vanessa quiver in her voice as she asked “Then what if it’s another girl again?... Will you let her stay?”.

To this the father answered with glee “Our future looks brighter than ever before. I have a better position now in the castle and the lord has showered us once in a while with fortune. We won’t starve even with an extra mouth to feed. Whether this mouth is on a boy or girl… I’ll accept both. In the end, we need someone who can spread the roots in our name, like you so kindly reminded me of...”.

A pause followed. At that moment Jacqueline who had been very captivated by their speech, stirred and left William to head inside.

Vanessa sighed while she muttered "It must be God who knew this would happen and so he made us wait…".

Jacqueline who had reached the pair, interjected “What about my child? Will you accept it as your servant?". This sentence took both parents off guard. Before they questioned her decision and her audacious behavior, Jacqueline continued "As things stand, I might only serve you for another year. This is according to the agreement you made with Grettel and Harvick. This means that the castle awaits my service after the seasons have sprung... Just please, consider it carefully! If you accept you’ll gain a servant in my place. I’ll let you have it. My only condition is that you keep it alive and let me see it…”.

Jacqueline tasted those last words and added “Once in a while”.

The adults continued talking. Trying to negotiate the price of an unborn life. While they did, William began seeing ripples in the steaming water. A prick here and a slight tickle on the nose. Before long the small dribble that fell from the sky rose to a roar.

William got drenched before he even reached the door. He didn’t care to what climax their debate was headed. He instead desperately screamed at them “Rain! It hash begun to rain like crazy!”.

Jacqueline immediately ran out to fetch the dry laundry. This act, made it so William was alone, facing his parents. Vanessa caressed the table, trying to avert William’s attention, while his father stared right into his eyes. They knew that he had heard everything and yet it didn’t take long before they split up. Leaving without saying a word…

William stood silent in the living room, as the rain grew stronger. Damp cold air began breezing in the open door. Rumbling clouds invaded the heavens, while the earth darkened. 

William didn’t like this darkness and so he went on to light up two rushlights. The fresh scent coming from outside, drew him towards the door. As he looked out he saw his brother come running towards the house.

“Hi, Mirabelle!” Joss shouted. The first spot he wandered to, was the fireplace. He shivered as he glanced a few times at William. Seeing how gloomy he was, Joss asked “Are you scared that there’ll be thunder today?”. William met his brother’s eyes and smiled with the feelings he had left.

This made Joss sure of his suspicion, so he teased “Haha, you’re still such a baby. But don’t worry, I hurried back thinking that you might be scared. And, well. It’s raining so hard, that you’d think that the lake has been turned upside down. Lying up in the sky instead, hehe…”. Joss squished out some water from his hair and clothes before he commanded “Come!”.

Joss held out his hand, waiting for William to grab it. At first William let him hang there for a while. Slowly gaining a mischievous smile on his lips from seeing his brother’s fading patience. Joss tried to hold out as long as he could. Even beginning to curl his lips because his hand was getting so tired.

Before it fell down in defeat, William grabbed it and said “You’re wery stubborn!”. To this, Joss could only grin and say “I’m the best at everything. Even if it’s being the most stubborn there is! No one can beat me!”. William felt his mouth broaden as he challenged “Then let’s shee whom of us can mwake the best mud angel!”.

At first, Joss felt a great thrill, but then he reminded William of his behavior “Mirabelle! That’s not something girls do. Mother said she hates it when you get dirty... And making mud angels is the most dirtiest thing you can do!”.

William halted his good mood. For the first time in years, he felt his rebel spirit ignite. From the little girl’s mouth, words were muttered “Soh what?.. I want her to get mwad”. Joss gaped at this and asked bewildered “Why!?”.

William clenched his hand around Joss’ and asked his brother “You doh know that they promwised me away to that old witch, right?.. But now… Now their fine keepwing a disgushing bandit’s baby…”. William tried to hold back his feelings but had to croak “Why not mi, Joss!?.. It doesn’t mwake any sense! Shouldn’t they gwive Grettel that child instead? What have I done to deserve thish?..”.

Joss took a step back. Feeling an enormous pressure released from his sibling. William still held on to Joss’ hand as he sobbed “I’ve tried my best to be gwood and yet they neber praise me! They neber reconswider… So why act like my bwest? When they tweat me like I’m the worst!?”.

The few escaped sobs turned to crying. William hated it. He hated crying in front of others…

Boys don’t cry! So he ran out of the house into the rain…

Joss stood back and watched his sister run out in tears. Before she reached the doorframe, he stopped her and yelled “Fine!.. Mud angels!”. William looked back as he wiped away those poisonous droplets.

Joss confirmed his answer by saying again “Mud angels. We’ll make them!”.