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I wrote this to take a break from writing chapter 44 of the young lady has run away since my mind kept wandering. This idea just kinda popped into my head while I was thinking of some horror concepts, so I decided to strike while the iron is hot.

My name is now Gwen.  I've been reincarnated into a story I dropped a longish time ago, but I'd rather forget my past life. 

Why did I drop the story I'm currently in you ask? Its because its one of those really angsty romance dramas and I'm not good with those. Basically the premise is that the protagonist (who's now me) loves their childhood friends Mia. However Mia is super boy crazy and has a huge crush specifically on a guy from our class named Josh. Mia does the whole please be my wingman thing and murky feelings ensue. Of course theres a twist on the concept with Josh having feelings for Gwen(me).

Normally this would be all good, but after becoming Gwen I find that I REALLY REALLY like Mia. She's super cute and I love listening to her rant about random stuff that interests her. Well random stuff that isn't Josh. Hearing stuff like will you please support our love really twists a knife into my heart. I know plainly stating it like that probably doesn't get across how much it hurts, but it really does.

Otherwise life is pretty easy. I've gone through most of high-school in my past- NO. Don't go there. Well I know most of the stuff in my classes already so I can just coast through them. I checked out most of the clubs but none seem to interest me. Mia says I shouldn't give up on clubs because I haven't checked out the games club, but I really don't feel like going to check it out.

Josh decided to try talking to me after class. He's pretty annoying. I can see he likes me from every action he takes and I hate it. I don't let it show on my face though. I have a really good poker face. I played a lot of poker when-STOP STOP STOP. Hmm, I should really think of a way to get rid of Josh. I didn't really finish the story so I don't know if Gwen and Mia have a happy ending and if they do, how they deal with Josh. AH, I have an idea but it will take some prep though.

When school ended, instead of going straight home like I usually do, I headed to the store. I picked up a few things like bleach, rubbing alcohol, and trash bags. I always forget whether I'm supposed to get the high or low ethanol concentration rubbing alcohol. Whatever I decided to pick up the high concentration stuff for now, I can always come back. While I was at it, I also picked up a few groceries and some wire. I got some stuff for s'mores too. There's a fire pit in our backyard that I haven't used in a long awhile, it'd be nice to have a fire going once in awhile.

When I got home I found it was empty like usual. Mom usually gets back at like 1am and is usually really drunk. Although I think that tends to be a good thing. The less I have to deal with her the better. She left some money on the table, so I decided to stash it.

There have been some weeds growing in the backyard. My house is right in front of an area filled with tall grass and sometimes the foliage starts to creep into the fire pit area, which is dangerous because they could catch on fire. Unfortunately our weed whacker broke down a few months ago so I'll have to clear them out more manually. If I remember correctly my Grandfather had a machete. It would probably be in the attic. It took a minute of sorting through old boxes, but I eventually found it. The machete is still sharp too! Although I did accidentally cut myself when trying to test its sharpness. It can be surprising how easily flesh can be cut...

Hacking away the grass is somewhat demanding work. Luckily for me this body has above average strength. I'm a real tomboy in this life. I decide to save some grass to act as kindling for the fire since its pretty dry.

Finally I do the dishes and then go to sleep. It's a little earlier then usual, but tomorrow is a big day. I want to make sure I'm not sleep deprived.


The next day I pass Josh a note during class inviting him over to my house. Luckily the teacher doesn't notice, but Josh has a big grin for the rest of the day. I over hear him talking to his many friends, but he's being coy with them about his good mood. That makes things easier.

Mia says I seem strange today. I don't really get why that would be though. I've been keeping up my poker face all day. However I'm glad her eyes are on me and not Josh. She hasn't said one thing about his good mood today.

When I got home I made some s'mores in the microwave and set them on a plate I washed last night. They look nice and inviting, perfect. The kitchen is pretty close to the front door so you'll see them almost as soon as you step inside.

I also finish up some ...other preparations. Right as I'm done, I get a knock on the door. He has good timing. I invite Josh inside and tell him to help himself to the s'mores. They work perfectly as a distraction and I'm able to put the cloth to his face with little resistance.

I always wondered why the bad guys in movies and stuff got their chloroform. I assumed its was kinda like drugs and that there was a black market for it or something, but no. It's actually pretty easy to make. Just some bleach and ethanol. Its shocking what anybody can do with just a little bleach. I remember seeing a thread online where someone decided to make mustard gas with some bleach and ammonia and almost died for it. Its a wonder that its not restricted in some way.

Well now that Josh is unconscious, I grab that wire I bought. I tie up his limbs and put his body in a trash bag. I could kill him here, but the blood would get everywhere in the house and that'd be very difficult to hide. I know from experience.

I carry the bag into the backyard while staying low. The tall grass makes great cover, so I dump his body in front of it. I've already placed my machete near by, so I start getting to work starting with his head. 

I know my face remains cold and unfeeling through the process because I have a very good poker face. My poker face can keep even when our games would get really heated. Heated enough for us to want to strangle each other. I-I-I-I strangled him. The whole game club saw. I thought they didn't, but they all did. They called me crazy and I had to agree because that act wasn't made with reason. The actions that followed were however. Just like how this action has been made with reason. I sometimes wonder if the other members ended up in another world like me. Do they still resent me? I'd probably still resent me.

I grabbed a shovel and started digging a whole in my fire pit. Both the dismemberment and digging are tiring, but this body can handle it unlike my last one. I've really learned from my past failures. The dismembered parts fit pretty well in the hole. I also found my note in Josh's pocket. Things are going well.

After reputting the fire pit together, I stripped off my clothes and started a fire using the note and grass as kindling. I tried to soak up as much blood on me that I could using my already dirt clothes, then through them in the fire. Last time I saw that the cops had dogs that could sniff up buried corpses. Hopefully this fire helps hide the scent.

I went inside and took a shower. It took some serious scrubbing to get the blood off. Looking over my body, I don't see any bodily fluids on me, but I can still feel the blood on me. No matter how much I scrub, the blood of my club members will never wash o- I know where this thought leads so lets stop thinking about it.

I get dressed and grab the s'mores I made earlier. They've gotten a little cold, but thats fine. I enjoy them by the fire side. I enjoy the serenity of the night. The crickets play a congratulatory tune for me. Mia is now mine with no one to get in the way of our love.