Chapter 13 – Probe
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Cui Que looked at the girl in front of her, feeling a slight stir in her heart.

It wasn't because of the girl's appearance; she didn't judge people by their looks.

It was because the girl mentioned a "cat," which was clearly referring to Mo Ke, who had been following them all along.

Ordinary people couldn't see fairies like Mo Ke, and generally wouldn't even sense their presence. This indicated that the girl in front of them was not an ordinary person.

Considering her question and Lin Xiaolu's reaction behind her, it wasn't hard to deduce that she was the girl with a "magic power talent" they had been searching for.

"You, when did you sneak up here?"

At some point, Lin Xiaolu had already hidden behind Cui Que, facing the girl with a somewhat fierce yet timid tone. "I clearly saw your group walking ahead!"

"Walking ahead... Ah, I found an excuse to separate from them."

The girl blinked and smiled. "Because I saw you following me, I wanted to ask what you were doing."

"Saw me? Impossible!"

Lin Xiaolu shook her head and pointed at the girl. "There are so many people on the street, I was blending in with the crowd. How could you notice I was following you?"

"But you're wearing the same school uniform as me."

The girl tilted her head. "You're the only one from our school around here, so you stand out to me."

"Same school? Don't try to use that excuse..."

Halfway through her sentence, Lin Xiaolu seemed to realize something. She carefully examined the girl's appearance and then, as if remembering something, exclaimed in shock, "Ah, I remember now! You're part of that delinquent girl group in our grade!"

The term "delinquent girl" caught Cui Que's attention, and she couldn't help but glance at the girl again.

With makeup, dyed hair, and ear piercings, this look could indeed be considered "delinquent" at the middle school level, though there wasn't much evidence of delinquency.

"Delinquent girl group... hahaha."

The girl didn't show any clear dislike for the term. Instead, she laughed as if she had heard something amusing. "Is that what they call us at school? Or is it your own creation?"

Lin Xiaolu didn't answer but took two steps back, grabbing Cui Que. "Cui Que, this person is very dangerous!"

"Dangerous?" The girl looked puzzled at such an evaluation.

Lin Xiaolu righteously declared, "I've seen it before, groups like hers bullying other girls!"

"But I've never bullied anyone."

The girl retorted, "You're slandering me!"

"Even if you haven't bullied anyone, your appearance is still indecent!"

"This is just normal self-expression."

The girl pouted. "Isn't it better for girls to look a bit more fashionable?"

"Because it's shameless!"

Lin Xiaolu shook her head repeatedly. "Dressing like that is one thing, but you and your group are always flirting with boys! One of you was even suspended for being in an empty classroom with a boy..."

"Doing * with a boyfriend? That wasn't me."

The girl raised an eyebrow, looking a bit helpless. "And I don't flirt with boys. I find dating troublesome and have rejected all confessions properly."

"Doing... Why did you say that word directly? Are you a rogue?"

Lin Xiaolu's cheeks turned red, filled with shame and anger. "Even if you haven't done that, you dress like that to attract boys' attention!"

"Well, that's true."

The girl admitted frankly, but her smile remained serene, looking quite innocent. "But don't you find boys' reactions funny? They want to look but don't dare to."

"You... you..."

Lin Xiaolu was truly flustered.

Seeing the conversation going further off track, Cui Que finally had to step in. She sighed and interrupted them. "Ladies, can you stop for a moment?"

She pointed to the side, indicating, "Regardless of your issues, arguing on the street is inappropriate. Look, people are already watching."

Lin Xiaolu and the girl finally stopped, looking around to find that many people were indeed watching, some even taking photos with their phones.

It wasn't hard to understand. Three young girls, one even looking quite young, standing together. They all looked youthful and cute, almost idol-like, arguing on the street. It was hard not to suspect they were filming some new idol show or online video.

To avoid drawing more attention, Cui Que quickly suggested, "How about we find a different place to talk?"

The girl was momentarily stunned, then smiled with some confusion. "Eh? But I don't even know who you are or what you're doing. Why should I follow you?"

"We're following you."

Cui Que said expressionlessly, "Because you're special. We need to talk to you."


The girl covered her mouth, showing a somewhat scared expression. "How could you follow me? What do you want? If I give you money, will you let me go?"

"Since you approached us, you must be interested."

Cui Que ignored her exaggerated performance and continued calmly, "Until now, you're still curious about that pink cat flying in the air, aren't you?"

"Maybe..." The girl's attitude remained ambiguous.

Seeing Cui Que mention her, Mo Ke flapped her wings and flew over, wanting to speak, but was stopped by Cui Que's gaze. Intimidated, she had to stay silent.

"I can tell you, your vague feelings are all correct. They all exist."

Cui Que controlled Mo Ke and looked at the girl, one hand on her hip. "Whether it's the attraction you feel from that pink cat or the inexplicable sense of danger you feel from me, they're all real."

"If you want to know why, follow me."

Seeing the girl's expression finally show some surprise, clearly hitting the mark, Cui Que felt it was time to play a bit of hard-to-get. She raised her chin, her expression becoming slightly arrogant. "I won't force you. You can refuse and leave now, but my invitation won't come a second time."

With that, she turned and walked away, leaving the girl staring at her back.

Mo Ke and Lin Xiaolu quickly reacted. Mo Ke flapped her wings and followed, while Lin Xiaolu glared at the girl before running after Cui Que.

"...Ah, no choice, I guess I took the bait."

The girl paused for a moment, then smiled helplessly and followed the group ahead.