Chapter 8 – Magical Girl Cui Que
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When Lin Xiaolu and the fairy beside her were almost desperate, the expected tragedy did not happen.

The brutal beast's claws, which had almost pierced the girl's tender neck, were stopped at the last moment.

Because in the blink of an eye, a deep blue magic wand appeared out of nowhere and blocked the claws, saving the magical girl from this fatal attack.

Lin Xiaolu stood behind the magic wand, still unable to understand the situation clearly. She had only a faint awareness of the fact that she had just escaped death when she was suddenly pushed back by a hand.

"Step back."

The person said.

It was at this moment that Lin Xiaolu finally saw who had saved her:

A deep blue magical power, like burning flames, emanated from the wand, creating flickering lights.

And standing among them was a petite girl with an indifferent expression.

She wore a dark blue Lolita-style dress with intricate and gorgeous decorative ribbons. Her long blue hair was neatly tied into a princess braid at the back of her head, and she wore a large bonnet on top.

"If you really want to become a magical girl capable of protecting a city..."

She spoke calmly, her voice like a melodious song but with an air of authority. "Then watch my battle closely."

As she finished speaking, the flame-like magical power around her dissipated.

"Magical girl, Flower Card Certification Number 41076, Cui Que, mission to eliminate."


The brutal beast, which had been repelled by the mysterious girl's wand, let out a furious roar on the ground.

If it could speak, it would probably say something like "I'll kill you too." Following that, the brutal beast exerted its full strength again, the tubes on its body surface pulsating with a fluorescent green light, delivering something to its legs.

In an instant, it disappeared from its original position once again.

The mysterious girl, with an expressionless face, raised her wand and lightly blocked it to the side of her body.


The brutal beast, which had suddenly appeared in the air, had its extended claws easily neutralized.

After the next attack, a hint of confusion appeared on the girl's face. "This speed, is it a caterpillar... Why would there be a caterpillar in Fangting City now?"

However, no one present would answer her question.


The intelligence of the brutal beast did not support a well-organized communication with the magical girl in front of it. After its attacks were blocked, it only let out more furious roars. The sound waves produced by its roars were enough to almost knock Lin Xiaolu and Mo Ke, who were watching from the side, off their feet.

Then, the brutal beast's offensive began again.

The fluorescent green claws flickered in the night, coming from all directions like a spider's web towards the mysterious girl. Its huge size did not hinder its speed. In fact, even Lin Xiaolu, who was watching from the side, couldn't capture its movements despite its enormous size.

But this speed seemed to pose no threat to the petite girl with the deep blue magical power.

With a simple sway of her body, she quietly appeared several steps away in an open area, easily avoiding the brutal beast's dense and swift attacks.

But it wasn't over yet.

Realizing that its target had evaded, the brutal beast quickly locked onto its target again, lunging forward to continue its attack.


An irritating sound of metal scraping erupted between them.

The mysterious girl moved gracefully, dancing lightly within a small space, occasionally using her wand to block some of the more tricky attacks. She remained unharmed despite the brutal beast's relentless scratching.


After a period of evenly matched confrontation, it was clear that the brutal beast was losing patience. With a roar of anger, its body emitted a fluorescent green light, and then it suddenly made a short sprint. At the moment it was about to attack, it disappeared again, launching an attack from behind the mysterious girl almost simultaneously.

The terrifying attack lasted only a moment. Any slight negligence in response would result in a gruesome death. However, the girl skillfully blocked the attack with precise movements, showing no signs of strain.

However, it was not over yet.

The two huge heads of the brutal beast opened their mouths almost simultaneously, revealing their white teeth and dripping saliva. In the moment when its mouth clashed with the girl's wand and claws, it seized the brief interval and viciously bit down on her neck.

At this moment, Lin Xiaolu, who had been watching from the side, finally understood the situation and felt her heart almost stop.

But at this moment, the girl about to be bitten just watched, without any intention of stopping it.

The giant jaws closed.

But they couldn't close.

At this moment, time seemed to stand still. The brutal beast's head had clearly reached in front of the mysterious girl, but it couldn't move forward even a bit.

And upon closer inspection, it could be seen that the brutal beast was still moving, but it seemed to be blocked by something, only able to make small movements.

"——Motion defense battle, I'll stop here for now."

Under the shadow of the brutal beast, the petite girl suddenly spoke.

It took a moment for Lin Xiaolu, who was standing beside her, to realize that the girl was talking to her. She nodded somewhat dazedly, "Ah, okay... Thank you?"

The mysterious girl glanced at her, then shifted her gaze back to the brutal beast in front of her for some reason, and continued, "Then, it's time to end this."

From beginning to end, it seemed that she had never regarded this brutal beast as a threat.She simply extended her hand, lightly touching the void, as if plucking the strings of a harp. Her fingers gently curled, slowly lifting, and abruptly, linear indentations appeared on her fair fingertips.

Then, deep blue magic power slowly emerged from all around.

One strand, two strands, three strands, emitting a clear luminescence.

Four strands, five strands, six strands, weaving into a fine net.

What appeared in Lin Xiaolu's eyes was a net shimmering with blue light, entirely composed of strands of magic power.

A massive amount of magic threads appeared without warning in the originally dim forest, illuminating the surrounding darkness, dispelling the cold brought by the Brutal Beast, and firmly trapping the huge monster in the center, motionless like an inanimate doll.

Only then did Lin Xiaolu notice that, at some unknown point, the mysterious girl's magic wand had disappeared.

In its place, what she held in her hand was a rather small pair of tailoring scissors, intricately carved with complex patterns.

"Magic Power Assembly, disassemble."

That's what she said.

Then, the threads of magic power wrapped around the Brutal Beast began to surge as if they were alive.

The deep blue threads of magic power writhed and intertwined with each other. Each thread connected, then stretched and passed through, eventually constructing a hollow short sword that looked as if it was carved out of metal wire.

The mysterious girl held it in her hand, as if holding a delicate toy, devoid of any power.

She lifted it, aiming at the Brutal Beast's forehead, her face expressionless.

Although the Brutal Beast was firmly suppressed by the magic threads, and it knew it was facing death, there was still no trace of fear in its violent eyes, only the desire for slaughter and destruction ingrained in its instinct.

Even at this point, it was still trying to break free from its bonds and attack the Magical Girl in front of it.

So the girl didn't wait any longer, she gently raised her hand and swung decisively.

The deep blue magic power erupted in the deep night forest, bursting out a dazzling light, illuminating the surrounding night sky.