Chapter 31 – …Tied Up
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Patreon Shout Out: 

Special thanks to Conner for Joining Fluffy Eared!!

I apologize for the Late mention. I’m in the middle of moving and didn’t have the time to give you last chapters thanks.

I spent the next few hours going around and separating the different colors of yarn, then laying them all out in a single line: from the edge of the front doorway, around to the stairwell, and then up to the front door. It took a total of three hours to do but by the time I'd gotten the last one tied to make the trip back to the door I was determined to make this place as chaotic as possible. 

First, I took all of the tied up yarn and started wrapping it around my arms and legs, I imagined I could just go around letting the yarn spool off of me, but the second I made it up past the elbow section of my left forelimb I found I wasn't able to move that limb anymore. I tried a few other things, even trying to wrap it around my tail, but the end that slid off as I tried turning or moving my tail immediately severed in two. 

Hmmm, I decided I might as well just grab a piece and move around doing whatever: I went back over to the door, made sure that the lines along the floor were all secured and that they would be able to move and shift as I went along my way, and then I just zoomed around all over the place: I went from the living room, around everything in there--even stopping to make sure I'd wrapped around the clock and each separate table, chair, and candle; then I continued on my way through the kitchen, the guest area, and when I finally made it back to the front door it had looked like everything had been spit on my a spider with colorful webbing. 

There was still a tonne of it left too!

I grabbed the rest in a bunch, cutting off the attachment to the rest of the mess at a knot, and tied the loose string to the doorknob. I had to go around a few more things to do that and make sure everything was tight and not going anywhere before I tied it off. Then I carefully made my way to one of the upstairs rooms: the first room I'd put all of the vases in when moving things around the house in, and I sat in the middle of the room and spun around in a circle. Aiming on spreading out the yarn to the entire room in what I'd hoped was a circle. 

Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention to said circle and didn't notice the yarn getting tangled on my wings, legs and around my neck until it was too late: I'd stopped spinning for a second to look around and that's when I noticed that I'd trapped myself. The yarn had gotten in under and around my wings; it was wrapped around several sections of my neck in between spines; it somehow even managed to pin my tail to my back left foot in a rather complicated mess of string...

I tried bend around to look at it, and every string went taught; I fell over with a huff, and despite better judgement, started to flail around in place until I couldn't move. I got a hold of myself a few moments later, but the damage was done. I was officially tied up. And now I was getting hungry...I looked at the time: 


...This was going to be a long few hours.


I woke up to the sound of several things crashing below; snickering internally thinking about who it might've been that opened the door. Honestly I didn't expect for Redline to be coming back home anytime soon, but if it was Pops and he was the one to open the door I think all the effort was worth it.

Though, I was still stuck here; At least my nap was good...

There was a pulse of energy and suddenly I was staring at a pair of black boots with a flaming pattern traveling halfway up the outwards facing side. I tried moving my head up to see what was happening but there was just a chuckle and he started moving around me to sit on the bed.

...I was speechless. I grunted and hissed in a manner that proved I needed help and he just snorted, "You got yourself in that mess. Get yourself out of it." 

You...You demon. I struggled, grunted and hissed trying to gain a little pity on the man but the bed just groaned a little and he let out a sigh. "Wake me up when you escape your little predicament..." 

What!?! I wanted to scream, You are not going to just leave me like this! 


Please don't leave me like this. It's so uncomfortable...

"No (Flame) either" He mumbled, "Don't want you burning down my place..." Then his breathing audibly shifted: instantly getting more even and slower and I glared at the door in absolute rage. You're just going to sleep? Right next to me?! When I got out of this I am going to rip out that pitch black heart of yours and show it to those blood-red eyes. 

The next few moments were just flooded with thoughts of tearing nearly everything around me apart in my rage, and the moment passed: He was right...I'd gotten myself in this situation and I needed to get myself out of it. But why can't I use fire? That would've made it so much easier if I could just breathe a little flame on the floor and drag myself over it to burn everything off... 

I was fire-proof...or at least fire resistant, and I very much doubt this place was in any way capable of catching fire easily. 


It's only been two hours?! I swear I was forced to just stare at this stupid door for the past several hours! 


Alright. I need to figure out a way to get myself out of this...I can't move any of my limbs, my wings were too awkwardly held against my body for moving of any kind, my tail was kind of also out of the picture since apparently only the base had gotten stuck and I wasn't able to bend the rest of it around to scratch any of the yarn. 

How was it even this strong?! I'm a 400 Strength and I can't break a few dozen threads of yarn!

I went through my Skills again to see what I could do:  

Skills: Flame (Lv. 6), Toxic Slash (Lv. 35), Tail Smash (Lv. 31), Bite (Lv. 10), Flight (Lv. 2), Toxic Breath (Lv. 11), Hindrance (Lv. 12), Stealth (Lv. 15), Patient Hunter (Lv. 22), Steal (Lv. 16), Tracking (Lv. 5), Paralyzing Touch (Lv. 11), Dash (Lv. 40).
Special Skills: Void Storage (Lv. ---), Invisibility (Passive/Activated), Fear Aura (Lv. 5 (Passive), Spy (Lv. 5), 
Reap (Lv. 2), Soul Devour (Lv. 3). 

(Flame) is out, annoyingly enough. I didn't really want to use (Toxic Breath) either without being in a more controlled environment where I would be sure I wouldn't hurt anyone or thing; that the wind or something would carry it away and I'd be responsible for something like killing off a good tenth of the city, or something absurd like that. 

I didn't really have anything else that I could use to get out of this either: (Toxic Slash) was as useful as (Tail Smash) when immobile; (Stealth), my (Invisibility), and all of the other skills I had besides (Bite) were just as useless. I wasn't even able to bend my neck in any way past maybe four degrees to the side and down so Biting something to free myself was out of the picture. 

Wait, he'd mentioned that my (Invisibility) wasn't normal compared to other (Stealth)-like Skills...maybe I could use it in some way. 

But how?

There was the point of not being able to be seen that got me that ability in the first place, but what if I could use it for things other than just being hidden from sight? I thought a little about invisibility and what it applied to: for me it was my body that only remained visible for a short period of time, no matter how much I tried to prevent that condition. I could still feel all of my spines, my limbs, and I knew what they did and the damage they could cause but I couldn't really show them due to this reason. 

I'd wanted to be invisible, so I got the ability to stay invisible, it didn't give me choice in the matter as to how or staying that way. And earlier I found that I couldn't apply the same effect to physical objects not already a part of me--things that were eaten by me were hidden from view, thankfully--but could I use a different effect that causes me invisibility to ignore physical objects as well? 

Incorporeality could be seen as a kind of invisibility after all...

With this new thought I closed my eyes and felt where the yarn was and what it was effecting. The smallest and easiest areas to focus on were my wing-joints, they were the thinnest part of my body but I felt like I needed to free my wings first and then my limbs. I focused on how the yarn felt when I moved and blocked out everything else around me for the first time. 

It's been grating into my scales since I got myself into this, burning stripes across everything when I moved; it was uncomfortable as hell and I wanted to escape from it. I didn't want to just escape this feeling, I wanted to make sure I would never have to feel such uncomfortable pain again. I'd just gotten over with coming to terms with my earlier death and how much that had effected those around me, I wanted the chance to live; to see if they also got the same chance and were put in this world with me. And if they weren't I wanted to get strong enough to see what had actually happened to them. 

{Skill Gained: Meditation (Lv. 1)-->(Lv. 2)}
{Special Skill Gained: Incorporeality (Lv. 1)}

Suddenly I felt all of the yarn keeping me restricted disappear; it felt like they'd all turned into phantom threads falling through my body. I opened my eyes in surprise and looked down to see that all of the yarn was now underneath me in a large, circular pile. It took me a moment before I realized that this was the result of a new Skill, a new Special Skill at that, and it was incredibly taxing to use apparently. It felt like I'd gone swimming for a thousand miles and then forced to climb a mountain directly afterwards, and this feeling didn't go away immediately like usual. I checked the time to see how long that had taken, and it had taken a lot longer than I'd thought: 


Over five hours had passed! 

I think that's the longest I'd ever been so focused on anything since being reborn into this new world. Though this feeling; it was new to me in this body, and while it was strange to feel such a bone-tired soreness again in a foreign way. I welcomed it as a sign of my succession in a task that I'd deemed otherwise impossible. I was just about to set my head down and close my eyes when that damned wave of energy passed through my being once again: I will never get used to the feeling of having my body filled with a sudden, explosive amount of stamina and energy. 

I decided to use it in the second best way possible: by following through on my promise and jumping directly at the bed towards the demon's chest. 

This was surprisingly a bit harder of a chapter to write: I don't know if it was because I wasn't planning on doing two of Sc'the POV's in a row (because he's the MC and I want the story to be mainly about him) when putting it in Poppa's POV might've been better for the surprise factor and maybe even the hilarity of him coming home to the mess Sc'the made: as a second time doing something he wouldn't have expected. 

Though in the end I managed to get it done and even got to introduce one of the Major Skills I wanted to use in his steps towards the next evolution: Though the specifics of which (other than it's description found in the Glossary) are going to be something I'll keep in the dark for now. 

I also feel like this is a good time to mention that I'll probably be having a decently large time skip in the future as a sort of acclimation Period for Sc'the to get used to City life in a Human Super-city, but that's also something that will more than likely only be like a few months and only so much to just get an excuse to have Sc'the and the other characters like Freija and Wreign the ability to interact with him better. 

Thanks for reading and I'll see you in the next one!


Patreon Support: Nicolae, sselraef, ShadowOfShadow, EstenLyrics, Conner


(If you want a Patreon Shout out please consider joining The Eyes of Amber, in order to gloat about them to the world!)


P.S. There are two more characters in the series that I want to introduce, and there's also the thing with the Underground Dark Gladiator Games that have yet to come completely into fruition...
...And I apologize for such a long A/N