Chapter 29 – An Embarrassing Two Days: Day 1 (Part 2)
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It took a good ten minutes before Sc'the was seen near everyone again: He was standing at the corner of the room leading over to the stairs, and only his head stayed visible the entire time as the other two listened to me telling stories about things that have happened since discovering him. Or rather, taking him with me and then him being discovered by others along the way. 

"...wait. Go back for a moment here; You're saying that the Captain of the Guard, a lady that holds a grudge worse than me against the Dragons, let Sc'the just write on her door?" Freija asked, completely in awe as I retold her what had happened after getting past the gates into the city with Larry and his 'Buddy'. 

I was pretty sure that (War Orc) was either black-mailed into staying with that asshole, or the guy had something over on him that the (War Orc) was unable to pay back immediately and just outright kill Larry or leave...I'd seen how many times the Larry had pissed the big guy off, but every time the (War Orc) just tightened his gauntlets ever so slightly in repressed anger, or he let it out on whatever poor soul that tried sneaking past him with a (Stealth) Skill. 

"Yeah. It was so hilarious" I grinned, "He just picked up a stick of Glowing Powder and just drew on her door, making a picture to say that he was hungry. It was one of the most hilarious and horrifying experiences I think I've ever gone through..." 

"I don't know about that Kitty," Wreign spoke up, "You might have to replace a few things at the top of that list with what Foxy had planned for the next two days." 

I glared at him with the most intense, hateful glare I could muster at the moment. I was likely not going to have much energy to do even that after tonight; I didn't want to get off of the comfy couch to shoot him either, and making an arrow without using it on the bow cost more Mana than I wanted to use for a shot that would likely miss anyways...

"Right! I've been so distracted by what's gone on here for the past twenty minutes that I completely forgot about dragging you out of the house kicking and screaming..." Freija's eyes gleamed with a mischievous grin and I tried to bury myself deeper into the couch. 

"Before we go out you are going to apologize to Sc'the, and I want you to promise that you'll get him something in return for whatever damage you've caused on top of what Pops did yesterday. And I want you to come back here to bring it to him yourself and apologize again..." I looked her in the eyes to show I wasn't going to let this go so easily and there was no way I would be cooperative if she didn't...

She took one look at me and sighed, turning over to where Sc'the ducked slightly behind the corner of the wall again and apologizing, "I am sorry..." I hissed at her warningly, "...For trying to attack you earlier and saying all of those mean things earlier..." 

I sat up to see how he would react: he seemed torn for some reason, his left foreleg raised in a partial stepping position, but he set it back down and instead raised the only visible part of his tail. Doing something I didn't think was possible for a tail: He bent it at an angle, with nothing other than pure control, and made a check-mark with the blade being the shorter angle.

How did he learn how to control his tail like that? Actually, how was he able to do that at all? It seemed that the other two were just as flabbergasted at the observation, but as soon as it was done he disappeared; those eyes of his always left a sort of haunting visual lurking in the mind even when they weren't visible any longer. 

...It was as if he was a Spectre or something: Hanging out on the edge of reality--those eyes being the only indication of having seen him at all...

"That's a pretty cool effect he has with his eyes there." Wreign commented, "They're even able to penetrate my (Influence Resistance) for a few seconds longer than most Visually affecting Illusions." Both of our attention snapped to him at that. It wasn't really a surprise to me that his eyes had a sort of entrancing effect just like one of Freija's skills caused, but to effect Wreign with his Resistance skill for even a few seconds was impressive. 

It seemed to be a (Passive) effect of his species too because I don't think Sc'the was using an Entrancing effect in any active manner of influence. The fact that that got Freija's attention was note-worthy in itself...she had the named skill for such an influencing skill and at her best she was only able to distract Wreign's attention for just over a second with whatever current level it was. 

She suddenly thought aloud curiously, "Now that I think about it I should've been able to react just a little faster than I had in activating my (Reflection Barrier)s to trap him at the door there." She turned to me and her head tilted slightly with interest, "Does he have a Debuff skill or something in of a similar manner?" 

I shrugged, "I had a similar moment when encountering him in the caves, but currently I don't know if it's a skill that he had or if it's just another trait his race has..." I looked at the place he'd been earlier wondering if he was still listening or not. There were so many things I had yet to learn about him, but couldn't due to this...crap." 

"Hey! Don't think I don't know what your thinking based off of the way your ears droop." Oh shoot, "I am not going to let you off easy again, not this this time...You will be doing every event no matter how much you don't want to, and this is non-negotiable--in any manner whatsoever." 

"I think it's about time we got you out of this house an in a dress young lady," Wreign had that stupid ear-to-ear grin stuck on his face again. "No more procrastinating for you..." 

Awww....I was really hoping to waste at least a few more minutes here--Both him and Foxy grabbed my by the underside of my arms and dragged me out of the house. 

"First stop: Requiem!" Foxy yipped gleefully. 

Pleasebeclosed. Pleasebeclosed. Please, for the Graceful light of the Moons, be closed...


It wasn't. And with the speed that Foxy had dragged me along through the city, it had only taken an hour to get there from home. It would normally have taken two hours to get there at a walking speed and with-out traffic, but as much as people knew Foxy and Wreign down below, they knew them both up here far better than to get in the way of the determined fox-lady dragging whatever unfortunate soul they had captured...

Requiem was a huge clothing store at the heart of the Second District's Main Commerce Area: A Colossally Enchanted building designed to draw attention from every source of persons, no matter how many times they'd seen it. Unless they had an Influence Resistance Skill like Wreign did there was no way they would be able to not notice the building's decorative enchantments...The entire building was designed to draw the most attention possible, and that was for good reason; Thanks to the Gladiator Games coming up soon it was one of the busiest times of the year and they probably had tens, maybe hundreds of thousands of people and kin coming in and out with something every day. 

It even got some attention from the Inner Districts, some of the royals taking a carriage or teleportation rune with a tonne of guards to just 'look around' for hours upon hours every. Single. Day...I shuddered at the thought of such a job: sure, they were trained for it, and knew what they were getting into serving in such a position, but it still was something that I would never see myself even thinking of doing. 

...No matter how in need of money, nor how strong I'd have gotten in the future. I was never-- Ever going to be doing that sort of job. 

If anything I really wanted to get into an The Academy for Stealth and Magic; I had most of the requirements to go--even the social status, now that I was pretty much unofficially, officially Pops' adoptive daughter, just a step away from accepting that title--but I was just too worried about having to ask for his help with the funds to get in...I wanted to do that myself; There was no way I was going to go to him for help if I knew I was perfectly capable of doing such on my own, as well as getting the required level to even get a spot in an acceptance trial.  

I was dragged from my thoughts as Foxy eagerly dragged me towards the horrifying building, I was sure that Fear Resistance would have gotten a level already from just going through events such as this, but it seemed the system didn't really care about leveling resistance skills based purely on psychological trauma alone...

I tried fighting back against Foxy's Diamond hold, but she did not give even a little, "Do we have to do this Foxy? Why can't we just go somewhere else for this...It'd have the same effect," and it won't be so expensive. 

"Oh stop whining Red" Wolfy snickered behind the two of us. I noticed that we were completely avoiding the main line into the building and heading directly up to the 'VIP Entrance' area. "You know as much as I do that when she's set one something, nothing will interrupt that, and Moons help the ones that do..."

He was right. He was always right about things like this when it came to her; it was very adorable, but quite suspicious of what else he knew about her and could be hiding, keeping to himself for whatever reason..."I know. She isn't even listening to me right now. But it never hurt to try...right?" 

He snickered as I craned my head back--nearly upside-down--to look at him, "Every Time?" He smirked when I just huffed at him in annoyance and then he left me to suffer my up-and-coming fate in silence. 

We reached the 'VIP Entrance' a few moments later and--not surprisingly--were let in on sight. Foxy hadn't even stopped to see if they required her to be checked for weapons or other things, instead just walking right past the five guards behind the row of Guards with Scanning Shards and towards the signs' labeling the direction for...'Dresses'

I snuck a glance at the clock: 

Today was going to be such a looong day...

I had to figure out a few things with future levels now that higher-leveled characters are going to start being more of a common-place occurrence...

Also feel free to let me know if I'm doing Dialogue wrong or in a visibly subdued manner; I am not good with character interacting at all and this book is definitely going to be both a new thing to learn in areas I'm not all that comfortable writing (ie - Characters such as Larry and how he thinks he's hot shit that's can do nothing wrong because of where he is and what he has connected to his name (the (Hero) Title and Class), and I'm also particularly bad at writing arrogance (period) in characters, as well as one's with accents, meek/shy ones, and hot-heads...)
So feel free to point out any oddities with any character--no matter how small--just in case I may have missed, misused, or misrepresented about them. 

Anyways. Thanks for reading and I'll get on with the next few Parts...


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