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Mesozoic Ocean (dropped due to loss of passion)
Mesozoic Ocean (dropped due to loss of passion)
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Mesozoic Ocean

Region:Earth’s outer core

Name:Mesozoic Ocean Number of species:unknown

 Number of Recorded species: 3,

Known Species: Jumping Crow, Island turtle, and Titano Serpent. this is a whole new plain of life to explore. 

Discovered materials: Fer Bleu ,Faux Fer Bleu, Electite, and Acier Noir.

Further Information can be found in the documents below

Corbeau Pomme


Corbeau Pomme: The fruit of a tree grown near the blood of a Jumping Crow. When it comes into contact with something organic it takes on some of its cellular properties. The properties it takes on encode themself within the fruit the serum made from the liquified remains of the fruit seems to cause some sort of cellular boost in evolution of some sort, such as when exposed to water it causes your body to develop mutations need for gills however these mutations don't take effect visually unless the serum is taken at a young age or someone who has taken the serum has offspring.

Notes: When planting a seed from a Corbeau Pomme you can Naturally grow “Pure Fruit”, “Pure Fruit” is much more potent than its counterpart “Impure Fruit”, “Impure fruit” is created when injecting a fruit with the Corbeau serum.

Special Minerals

Fer Bleu: Due to the pressure with the world ocean, hydrogen binds to a mineral called Electite, while this bond may seem fragile the molecules of it seem to stay relatively stable, this reaction Metal found somewhere near France seems to be corrosive to organic material. Usually found in lakes bordering a Static forest.

Faux Fer Bleu: When Electite bonds with Oxygen rather than hydrogen, this is more common due to the reactions between oxygen and iron. Its effects on organisms aren’t corrosive as Fer Bleu is, however, it can cause certain plants to die. Can be found anywhere near water

Acier Noir: The process of its creation is not fully known but it is thought that when an underwater volcano erupts and comes in contact with nearby iron deposits over time it melds together, while it may seem fragile it is quite strong and light in weight. Usually found in deep underwater caves

Electite: a rare mineral found in the mesozoic ocean that naturally generates energy when exposed to copper or other conductive substances becomes partially disabled when exposed to rubber allowing for containment while not removing any of its properties. Usually found near forests

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