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The War of Iron and Fang (A RWBY Story)
The War of Iron and Fang (A RWBY Story)
491 Views 1 Favorites 10 Chapters 3 Chapters/Week 6 Readers
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(What If)
Sienna, at the end of Volume 5, survived Adam Taurus' attempted coup? This story was an idea I'd been pondering for a long time after seeing Sienna die the way she did. I never agreed with how unceremoniously she was killed before we really got to know her. And not to mention when Adam does betray her, no one at the compound that she operated from came to her defense. Well this story fixes all that. This story will be my depiction of what would have likely happened the months and then years after Sienna was saved. This story revolves how the White Fang single handedly changed the future of the Faunus and the many obstacles they faced. Eventually, the story will end on true harmony between human and Faunus.

Sienna Khan (Primary)
OC (Samine Savado) and his father and mother
Team RWBY with friends and allies
James Ironwood
Adam Taurus
Ghira Belladona
Kali Belladona

Based on an Anime Different Social Status Military Mismatched Couple Mystery Solving Near-Death Experience Nudity Politics Power Struggle Rebellion Saving the World Slow Romance Strategic Battles
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