Chapter: 33
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Our mission this time is to assassinate a serial killer who has been Indiscriminately killing people. To lure him out we’ve split up in a group, hoping he would take the bait and attack one of our group. But… 

Why did I end up with these two sisters? Tatsumi felt his eyelid twitch as his left arm was held tightly by Kurome. ‘‘Can you let go?’’ Holding back his growing annoyance, he plasters a slight smile and asks her to release his arm. 



‘‘Because I don’t want to since this is the first mission we have together.’’

‘‘...’’ Tatsumi grew silent from her response. 

However, it wasn’t because he found her response reasonable and decided to indulge her. He was trying to hold back his annoyance from exploding because of how willful Kurome was acting.   

‘‘You really are a brat, aren't you?’’ Tatsumi exhaled, keeping his calm. ‘‘Thankfully your sister isn’t like you. On this aspect, I prefer her far more than a little brat that only knows how to cling onto someone.’’ 

Tatsumi glanced over to Akame, who was carefully scanning their surroundings, at the same time sending her little sister a dagger-like glare every now and then. After glancing at her, he winds his gaze back to Kurome and smirks while comparing them.  

‘‘... I know what you are trying to do…’’Kurome stared at her big sister for a second, then turned her gaze back to him, she pouted and continued her sentence. ‘‘You are comparing my sister and me so I can let go, right?’’

‘‘Yeah. But I wasn’t lying when I said I prefer your sister more than you.’’ Tatsumi admitted what he was trying to do, but also went on to clarify that he wasn’t lying about his previous statement.   

‘‘Why…!?’’ Kurome said, clearly displeased by his statement. And it only made her more unhappy when eyeing her sister, and seeing her sending a slight mocking smirk her way. 

‘‘You heard me, I like non-clinging people more than clinging ones. If you look at the fact that you’re still grabbing my arm without letting go and her not doing so, it’s quite obvious why I prefer her more than you.’’ 

Kurome's expression turns downcast after hearing that blunt response, but for some reason, she still refuses to let his arm go from her grasp.  

From upfront, Akame looked over at her beloved little sister and noticed her downcast expression after the blunt response from the boy, and seeing her like that made her a little concerned for her little sister.

So despite Akame's annoyance toward Kurome for clinging onto his arm, she stops and strides close to the younger girl. ‘‘As long as you let go, I’m sure Tatsumi will take back the negative opinion of you just now.’’ She placed her palm on the younger girl's hair while saying.

Kurome notices her elder sister's actions and understands that she is trying to comfort her. Kurome's expression warmed up slightly, causing Akame to feel glad that her comfort was working. However, the little sister's next words sent the older sister frowning.    

‘‘Hmph, big sister, if you want to be nice then stop trying to steal what belongs to me like the other girls.’’ Kurome shrugs the palm away while speaking with a venom-like tone. 

‘‘... I’m sorry, Kurome, but I can’t willingly let go of something that doesn't belong to you in the first place.’’ The frown forming on Akame grew deeper and the once sisterly look on her was gone—her response was equally laced with venom.   

The short-haired girl’s brows narrowed down at the response. 

She wasn’t hoping much that her request would be granted seeing how her big sister seemed to be equally affectionate toward the boy. She, however, didn’t think that her request would be so flatly denied like that. 

‘‘Shouldn’t a big sister indulge their little sister, why can’t you?’’ 

‘‘I’m willing to indulge you on many things Kurome, but not this. This is something that I refuse to relinquish to anyone, not even you.’’ 

Both sisters stare intently at each other as if using this staring contest as a means to show one another their unyielding resolve to not relinquish their claim, even if the other party is their own sister.

Watching this all too familiar sight happening again, Tatsumi couldn’t help rolling his eyes and sigh deeply.

The reason he was complaining about having the two sisters group up with him in the first place was exactly because of this. For some odd reason, when they're alone with him they would almost end up arguing with each other all the time.     

‘‘Haa…’’ Tatsumi sucks in a large amount of air and releases them, catching the two sisters' attention. Finally having their attention directed back to him, he first starts saying to the younger sister. ‘‘If you let go now, my opinion of you would be the same as Akame. How about that, satisfied?’’            

‘‘Hmm,’’ Kurome squatted both her eyes, seemingly in deep thought over his suggestion. ‘‘Alright, fine.’’ After what looked like a hard contemplation on her part, she agreed to release her grasp, albeit reluctantly.   

‘‘Now am I better than my big sister now?’’ Linking her fingers in a gentle lock, Kurome blinked and hopeful inquired.    

Seeing her expecting expression, Tatsumi looked over to Akame calm and collected but also hidden the same expecting look, he immediately felt his head start throbbing suddenly.    

Dealing with these two is giving me an unknown headache… Tatsumi thought when his head began to throb. Instead of directly answering, he strode passed them both and said. ‘‘Start behaving like this more and will see.’’ 

Kurome clearly looked unsatisfied with the answer but remained silent, knowing that he was likely very irritated by her action. But I just want us to be close, is that so wrong!? She frowned while thinking inwardly. 

‘‘Akame, do you think he would take the bait to attack us if we’re just wandering about in the street like this?’’              

As the group moved along the sidewalk, passing by houses, buildings, stores, and lampposts. Tatsumi asks Akame without stopping.   

‘‘I don’t really know,’’ Akame replied. ‘‘Zanku the Beheader is known for targeting his victims randomly, whether that is a normal civilian or even an imperial police high-rank officer, as long as they are found wandering in the street. They would be killed regardless of their status.’’ 

‘‘The more I heard about him the more he sounded just how I imagined a crazy and psychotic person would act like. Does that make him better than those disgusting filth in the palace?’’ Tatsumi muses aloud. 

‘‘... I suppose.’’ Akame blinked twice when hearing his musing. 

‘‘Really?’’ Kurome questions after listening to their conversation.   

‘‘...’’ Neither Tatsumi nor Akame replied back to the question. 

They continued strolling about, going through many sketchy and unsafe areas. Their goal was to lure out the serial killer who had been terrorizing the Capital in the middle of the night, murdering people indiscriminately.      

Along the way, they also had to avoid many officers monitoring the roads in search of the serial killer, Zanku. While the officers' goal and theirs were the same—they were a group of assassins wanted by the entire Empire—so they were by no means allies on the hunt for the serial killer. 

‘‘It’s been a few hours but there is still no trace of him.’’ Tatsumi sat down on a bench by the small store and uttered at their mission that wasn’t showing any progress despite acting as bait for so long. 

‘‘Our luck isn’t going good. At this point, by the time dawnbreak comes we might still not even have completed the mission,’’ Kurome said. ‘‘But on the bright side, the mission doesn't have to be completed in just under a night.’’

‘‘That is true but then more people would be murder by then. If it is just those high rank officers, I don’t really care much but civilians are another matter.’’

‘‘You're right.’’ Kurome blinked and nodded at what he said.         


‘‘I hope the others had far better luck than we do right now,’’ Tatsumi leaned his head back and said. ‘‘Come to think about it, this Zanku person was once an executioner but went crazy and took to the street to kill. Didn’t he steal a Taigu along with him?’’ 

‘‘Yeah.’’ Akame nodded, taking out a few pieces of candy from her pocket and handing one to him.

 ‘‘What about me, I’m your little sister?’’ Witnessing the sight, Kurome quickly complained at the obvious favor her older sister was showing. 

‘‘...’’ Akame handed a piece of candy to her sister as well. After doing so, she continued to say.‘‘That means he won’t be easy to beat. We need to be extremely cautious when confronting him in battle!’’ 

‘‘Taigu...haa…’’ muttering the name of what they’re up against, Tatsumi exhaled, for a different reason they didn’t know. ‘‘Yours is Muramasa; able to kill with a single cut while Kurome is…’’ he gazed quizly over to Kurome. 

‘‘Yatsufusa. It has the ability to reanimate corpses of whom it killed and control all the ability and skill of that person when it’s still alive like a puppet.’’ Notice the gaze, Kurome smirks and explains the ability of her Taigu.    

‘‘... that is a very terrifying power!’’ Tatsumi exclaimed, clearly impressed by the description of the blade’s capability. ‘‘Is there any limit to the amount of corpses it can control?’’ Feeling that the blade was too powerful; he felt there had to be some downside to it, otherwise it wouldn’t make much sense. 

‘‘Hm, there is a limit to it. Yatsufusa can only reanimate eight corpses at a time and no more than that also, when the corpses I control are destroyed I can’t regenerate them so I needed to replace them with a new one.’’      

Kurome popped the candy into her mouth and went on to explain the drawbacks of her Taigu.

Hearing about the drawback of Yatsufusa, Tatsumi stroked his chin in thought and said. ‘‘That seemed fair given its terrifying ability. So how many corpses do you have in store right now?’’ 

‘‘All the spots are filled, but…’’

‘‘But what?’’ 

Kurome brows furrow, ‘‘They are all very weak since I didn’t have time nor come across a powerful opponent as of late. All my previous corpses of decent strength were all destroyed not long ago.’’ 

‘‘Is that so? Then you're out on a hunt to get stronger corpses to replace them?’’ Tatsumi inquired, and Kurome nodded in acknowledgment. 

‘‘Maybe you should try to get a new corpse tonight. After all, Najenda’s report says that not only is Zanku strong because of his Taigu, but he is also powerful even without it.’’ He suggested, hearing that she needed stronger corpses for her Taigu.   

‘‘Hmm, you're right.’’ Kurome thought over it for a bit and felt his suggestion was quite good, if Zanku was really as powerful as the report says even without the Taigu, then it would only make sense if she added him into her collection to strengthen her force.   

As her thoughts reached this point, she smiled knowingly at him in a cute manner. ‘‘Tatsumi, you got used to our line of work quite fast, when you first killed that mercenary you were shaking and panting so heavily.’’

Knowing what she was talking about, Tatsumi didn’t respond back.  

The Clock Tower.  

A man with a robust and tall body stood atop the Clock Tower, seemingly observing everything down below with a sinister smile that extended almost to the entirety of his face.  

The man's blonde hair had horn-like bangs, and he wore a black and white handphone. As for the man’s clothes, it was composed of a long coat with a steel, shell-like object on the shoulder. Underneath that was a white shirt with a purple tie.   

Atop the man’s forehead was an unknown weird green eyeball-like object, looking too unnaturally to be just any fashion accessory. 

‘‘After a serial killer was roaming about, now there are so many dangerous assassins as well. My oh my~ isn’t this city quite unsafe? Now which neck should I go after first!?’’ The man spoke with a sinister expression. 

He was Zanku, the dangerous serial killer who had been murdering people indiscriminately the past few days after coming back to the Capital.  

Observing from atop the Clock Tower, Zanku's gaze pierced through seemingly impossible distances and landed on every member of the Night Raid, watching their every action like a hawk. 

The darkness from the night was unable to obscure his sight even slightly.    

‘‘Hmm, there should have been three unripe fruits on the verge of ripening but unfortunately, the last one has already ripened not long ago. Hehe, quite dangerous too. No matter, there are still two to pick from!’’ 

Zanku held his face with his palm; the sinister smile that extended to almost the entirety of his face widened even further if possible. 

Within his view, three figures could clearly be seen by him. 

One was a boy sitting down on a bench, conversing with two other people. The other boy was roaming the empty street with an equally robust and tall figure of a person like Zanku himself. And last but not least was a young girl, striding through the alleyway side by side with a blonde hair woman. 

‘‘Oh, this is quite hard to pick from~ both are looking very tasty.’’ Zanku said, looking from the remaining two to pick after discarding the one sitting down on the bench. ‘‘Ahh~ although both of them are unripe, that one is the greenest. The most enjoyable kind!’’ 

‘‘Your hands are shivering, Ieyasu.’’ Bulat said, noticing the boy beside him trying to desperately hide his fear. 

‘‘I know you're nervous since this might as well be your first real mission. However, being alert and remaining calm is the most important factor in this line of work. Otherwise, an accident could occur at any time that would lead to death. So stay alert and calm your growing anxiety!’’  

‘‘... phew, you’re right big bro. I’ll stay calm and alert.’’ Having been reminded to stay calm and alerted by Bulat, Ieyasu put on a brave front and replied.   

Noticing the boy putting on a brave front, Bulat ruffled his hair, smiling. ‘‘Don’t worry, I’ll be right beside you watching your back. Furthermore, Zanku might be a bit much to start with so I’ll handle it when he shows up.’’ 

‘‘Yeah, still though…’’ Ieyasu's head lowered, and his voice sounded less like his usual cheerful and goofy self.             


‘‘Mhm, something bothering—’’ Eyeing the way the boy was acting, Bulat frowned and was asked, until his expression flickered as he grabbed and pulled him alongside him to hide on one of the corners of the building close to them. 

‘‘Is it the police monitoring the area again?’’ Regarding Bulat's shift in demeanor, Ieyasu cautiously whispers. ‘‘Yeah, and there seemed to be a lot of them this time.’’ Bulat replied while keeping his attention on the lookout. 

Rumble Rumble... 

Footsteps marching about and the sound of shouting could be heard not too far away from them. Ieyasu nervously held his breath so as to not make even a slight noise and have them be found by the police patrolling the area.

Leaning against the brick wall, both of them listen intently to any noise from the police who still haven’t left the area, still monitoring the area carefully. 

‘‘The police still haven’t left yet. They seemed more proactive in patrolling things this time around, are they aware that the Night Raid are out for hunting tonight?’’ Hearing footsteps still marching about, Bulat wore a serious look while saying. 

‘‘...wouldn’t that be bad for us then?’’ After Ieyasu heard Bulat’s words, he questioned, his voice laced with nervousness. 

‘‘It would become more troublesome hunting down Zanku for sure, but as long as we’re careful it won't be too big of a deal.’’ Still on the lookout, without turning his attention, Bulat explained.  

Phew! Hearing Bulat's confident and reassuring words, Ieyasu was immensely relieved, calming his nerves quite a bit. 

But I can’t just rely on big bro for lookout, I need to also show my part of the work! He inwardly utters to himself the next moment because of feeling a little unless.

With that said, Ieyasu inconspicuously poked his head out slightly from the corner of the building they were leaning on, roving his gaze around and making sure to pay attention to anything. Not just the noise the police were making with their boots.           

There is nothing. That’s good. He said to himself when noticing nothing from their surroundings. Wait! There someone! However, right after uttering that in his mind, Ieyasu was startled when spotting a figure surfacing on the other corner of a building. 

Feeling alarmed that there might be someone who had spotted them, Ieyasu gulped down quietly and observed intently at the sudden arrival of an unknown person. But when observing the unknown person, his expression turned immediately filled with incredulous... 

Is that...Uncle John...but how!? Ieyasu said in his mind, unable to believe what he was seeing despite it clearly in front of him. 

He should be in the village, why would he be here? Feeling that something wasn’t right, Ieyasu questioned as he couldn’t understand how Uncle John could be here. However, the person he was seeing was clearly him! 

The unknown person, or Uncle John, flashes a gentle smile and spun around, moving out of his line of sight in a second.  

He’s leaving! When Ieyasu saw him running off, many questions streamed through his mind, such as why are you here? Aren’t you supposed to be in the village? Did something happen if you're here?   

Being continuously hit with all these questions as well as the sudden appearance of Uncle John, forgetting to think about how strange the situation was, Ieyasu storms out to follow the direction where Uncle John left from.   

‘‘Ieyasu! What are you—’’ Bulat called out when suddenly seeing Ieyasu running off. 

‘‘I heard a noise over there!‘’   

‘‘Everybody moves, search that area!’’ 

Damn! Bulat cursed, as the police officers became aware of where they were hidden and noticed the gradual fleeting figure of the boy.