Chapter: 31
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‘‘Hmm,’’ when noticing the trace of worry on him, Akame's breathtaking smile widened further as she gently nodded. 

Reaching forward and grabbing hold of her hand, Tatsumi helped Akame up and released a tiring breath he didn’t know he was holding. Dropping down on his rear, he uttered wryly. ‘‘I won but I seemed to be far more exhausted than you, don’t you think?’’ 

‘‘That is because you were swinging around your sword wildly like that, it would have been more unreal if you were less exhausted than you are now.’’ Smiling still tugged at the corner of her lips, Akame's voice was soft as she shot him a narrow glare mixed with dissatisfaction. 

‘‘I suppose you are right,’’ Tatsumi acknowledged her words and lightly smirked, continuing. ‘‘But still didn’t change the fact that the method worked somehow. I won and you lost.’’  

‘‘...’’ Akame lips twitch slightly at the last comment. 

looking at him sitting down on the ground, trying to gradually ease his breath, Akame thought in her mind. Yeah. Just like you promised.

But there was one thing Akame was curious about, measuring him up and down repeatedly, she asked. ‘‘Why did you suddenly resort to such a strange tactic in the middle of the fight?’’ As he heard her question, he answered. ‘‘Believe it or not it just suddenly came to mind because of you.’’ 

‘‘Hm?’’ Akame didn’t understand, so she shot him a look that said she wanted him to explain further.

Tatsumi's emerald-colored eyes gave her a deep look, it was unknown what he was thinking during that brief time that passed. Akame didn’t make any noise nor say anything either, unsure why he suddenly grew quiet. 

‘‘It’s because during the early stages of our fight… it felt as though… you could predict my movement and the way I tend to fight.’’ Tatsumi paused briefly, then grinned lightly and continued. ‘‘So while contemplating that—I thought; if that was the case, I just needed to use a method I never used before. 

‘‘And then the method just came to me suddenly. Surprisingly enough, it worked despite how unorthodox it was, not to mention a very bad way of dealing with an opponent since it’ll likely tire you out before your opponent does.   

‘‘Kinding like how I am now.’’ After explaining, Tatsumi couldn’t help but look a little sheepish. 

Akame stood quietly, listening, and only when he was done did she thoughtfully mumble. ‘‘... this is the whole reason why you resort to such tatic then.’’

‘‘Yes, but there is also another large reason that influences such a decision on my part. You should be able to know, so why don’t you guess?’’ Tatsumi remarked when he heard her mumble. 

‘‘There’s more? Hmm, let me think…’’ Hearing that there were more reasons behind it, Akame sank into thoughtful contemplation. And before long...

‘‘Because you didn’t want to lose to me, right.’’ After mulling over the reason for a bit, she drew her conclusion knowing his nature.  

‘‘Um-hum,’’ Tatsumi nodded.      

‘‘For some reason, you seemed more stubborn in not losing this time.’’ Seeing him admit it, Akame lips pursed up slightly and uttered. 

He remained silent for a moment before eyeing her, he said. ‘‘Odd, though losing a fight is not something I like. To you, I especially don’t want to. It feels as though I lost to you many times before, and… I don’t want to again.’’    


The instant she heard him utter those words, Akame's face immediately flickered with shock and surprise. Her hands tightened into a fist, looking extremely shaken by what she had heard. 

D-does h-he remember about our times together in the dream…! At that moment, Akame dared to hope that it was true. 

However, seeing his obvious look of not understanding why either and remembering his voice that was filled with bewilderment, Akame turned her head away, biting her gum until it looked like it might just bleed.        

It seemed he really doesn't remember... it was just a vain hope after all... Akame's heart felt bitter, a pang of pain rang through her chest. 

But despite the disappointment she was feeling—the hope that was previously installed in her heart wasn’t completely extinguished yet. 

But even so, while it doesn't seem like he remembers anything at all; from his words just now... it’s not entirely hopeless. 


That actually raises a reaction out of her... Tatsumi uttered inwardly with complicated emotion after observing her react strongly to his words. 

Haa… my relationship with these girls isn’t simple. But I swear before that night, I had never met them ever in my life before… So how is this possible? Even Sayo and Ieyasu have never met them, and they know I have never left the village until recently. 

That means there is definitely no hole in my memories that would suggest we met in the past before.  

However, it also feels undeniable that we should have met in the past before. Otherwise, how can I explain the sense of familiarity when I first laid eyes on them and the weird way they act around me?

And even now… it wasn't a lie when I uttered that. I truly feel like I lost to Akame before… many times at that. 

Tatsumi's hands tightened a little when he thought about the last part. 

‘‘What with the loud commotion?’’ 

‘‘You two really did a number on the training ground, huh!’’ 

‘‘The commotion was so loud and with all the shaking, I thought there was either an earthquake or we’re under attack or something.’’

‘‘You do know we're on top of a mountain, right? How is it possible for an earthquake to occur here?’’

The loud rumbling commotion that had occurred on the training ground because of Tatsumi and Akame; the majority of the Night Raid members stopped the things they were respectively doing and immediately rushed out of the hideout to take a look.  

When they notice that it was just Tatsumi and Akame, along with the beat-up training ground, they sigh in relief at the fact it isn’t anything major.     

Night, dining table. 

‘‘Hahaha!! You actually lost Akame and from one direct knee strike at that. If you haven’t admitted it yourself I wouldn’t believe it even after hearing about it. So Tatsumi, how does it feel to beat one of our strongest members?’’ 

Chugging down an entire half bottle of Red Wine, face slightly red, Leone laughed loudly and spoke with a broad smile.    

‘‘How does it make me feel? Let me think for a moment…’’ being asked, Tatsumi faintly smiles with a thoughtful look. ‘‘Ah, of course, it was exhilarating. The first time I saw her that night; I thought she was very dangerous and powerful, but now… to know that she couldn’t measure up to me. Was so unexpected that the only word I can use to describe this feeling is ‘exhilarated’.’’        

Even as he uttered these words, Tatsumi's eyes were on Akame, who was sitting beside him on the left, eyeing her up and down intently with a faint but visible smirk. 

All the members could see that he was taunting her with his remark just now.   

‘‘Um, Tatsumi, dude, have you been drinking?’’ Ieyasu asked when he saw the sight. ‘‘I know you like teasing people after beating them in spar, but aren’t you being a little too direct right now?’’ 

He wasn’t lying about the fact that Tatsumi love was poking fun at others after beating them, just thinking about his childhood growing up with him is enough to cause his stomach to boil with flaming rage. But he would usually be slightly more subtle with it.  

Not right now; where he was eyeing her and visibly smirking, taunting! 

‘‘Hmm, no, I haven’t been drinking any alcohol content if that's what you're asking.’’ Tatsumi gently shook the cup he was holding, responding back, then shooting his childhood friend a glare. ‘‘I’m not like someone over there who can’t stop herself from endlessly indulging in this stuff.’’ 

Although he didn’t explicitly state who he was referring to, anyone sitting at this table could tell he meant Leone, who had chugged down the rest of her bottle of Red Wine, with a refreshing expression while doing so. Facing looking far redder than before. 

‘‘Heh heh I can’t help it, booze really is the best. Can’t blame a lady for loving something that makes them feel good, can’t you~?’’ Leone grinned at him, speaking in a seductive tone.      

‘‘... no, I can’t.’’ Tatsumi only measures her up, before taking his eye away, leaving behind those words.

‘‘Still, did you actually manage to beat Akame in a fight?’’ Lubbock lifted his brow, questioning. 

‘‘Uh hum. If I have a badge to prove it, I’d take it out right now and show it to you all but unfortunately I don’t have such a thing.’’ At Lubbock inquiring, Tatsumi nodded happily.  

‘‘That’s impressive Tatsumi! You weren’t weak to begin with but to think you would have improved this much during such a short time after joining the Night Raid.’’ Bulat, with his pompadour, praised earnestly.    

‘‘I have you to thank for that, Bulat. Sparring with someone at your level for the first time helped me to grow much faster than sparring with those weaklings, whom I would not name, ever could.’’      


Tatsumi laughed as he said, completely ignoring the dagger-like glare his two childhoods sent him from across the table. 

‘‘However, while I might have gotten stronger…’’ his gaze narrowed suddenly, gluing itself to Bulat. ‘‘But unless I beat you and have my fist landing square into your face after going through that ridiculously tough armor of yours, it's nothing much to brag about.’’ 

‘‘That is only because of Incursio. Without it, I have already lost to you a few times.’’ Bulat chuckled at him and said. 

‘‘Incursio is part of your strength, beating you without it doesn't mean anything. Only when I can; can I say I have beaten you.’’ Tatsumi shook his head and chuckled as well.       

‘‘That might be great and all, but you've been making fun of Akame for losing to you this whole time. Aren’t you worried she would be mad at you?’’ Sayo spoke next from across the table, while also throwing a cautious look at Akame. 

‘‘If I were in her position, I'd certainly be mad. Don’t you think Sheele?’’ Mine uttered. ‘‘Um… what?’’ Sheele, blankly eating her food, looking confused when being asked.                  

‘‘Uh, weren’t you listening this whole time to their conversation?’’ Mine question after seeing her friend's obvious look of confusion, not understanding what they’re talking about. ‘‘Nevermind.’’  

‘‘I, um, sorry.’’ Sheele habitly apologizes.          


‘‘Sheele, you need to get over your habit of apologizing for everything.’’ Mine rubbed her temple and said.

Meanwhile, as the two were talking; the rest directed their gaze at a certain black-headed girl with deep red colored eyes, devouring all the food in sight with inhuman speed. 

Having all the eyes directed at her, Akame stops devouring the food and gazes calmly at Tatsumi. She said, ‘‘I will win in our next fight.’’ Although her face was calm and her tone was soft—everybody could feel an edge to it.   

‘‘Hehehe, it seems Sis is really mad, right?’’ Kurome, sitting to the right of him, nudged his arm and said with a giggle. ‘‘Your repetitive comment about her losing to you must have gotten to her.  

‘‘Nonsense, that is what we call a loser expression. Don’t pay no mind to it.’’ Tatsumi didn’t seem to care and shrugged it off casually, saying.  

In truth, if they were to have a fight again, Tatsumi knew he would lose to Akame with his current strength.

His win against Akame was due to his unexpected tactic and luck. 

His unexpected tactic of driving her into a deadlock between them during the midst of their fight caught her off guard and therefore managed to successfully trap her in place. 

The luck came from the fact he had managed to distract her during the course of their fight, throwing off some few words and disappointing her soon after. Until she thought he was just playing with her and stopped paying attention to his words, and focused most of her attention on his swings.  

Thinking he had decided on a fight where one of them would win if they lasted longer.             

The moment Akame really thought that was what he was after; did he delivered a powerful knee strike containing all the strength to her abdomen to win. 

All of this may sound like he was outwitting her, instead of luck, but if one thinks carefully about it slightly more one would know it was mostly due to luck. 

In the first place, his method of trapping her in a deadlock was pretty bad in his opinion and it would certainly not work the second time. And the fact that he was far more tired than her during the course of the fight due to consuming much more energy wasn’t great in his mind.

If Akame had chosen to dodge that last swing of his before he delivered that knee strike differently than during the fight today—he would truly have been screwed. 

For example, if she had somehow managed to back off instead of bending her upper torso only slightly backward when he suddenly chose to send a faint strike toward the end of the fight, he wouldn’t have been able to deliver that knee strike.  

Or worse, even if his plan still worked had he delivered that knee strike a little late. With Akame's inhuman reaction speed, she would be able to avoid that, in which case he would truly be screwed by then.

Because of that slight mistake, Akame would have been able to get out of the deadlock and defeat him quite easily since his strength was already heavenly drained. 

And even if he somehow kept her in place—it would have truly become a battle of endurance since Akame would surely be aware and careful of anything he tried next. 

By that point—the winner was already almost guaranteeing who it was gonna be without even having to explain.   

So while Tatsumi may be a person who didn’t like losing combat; he could still rationalize that Akame was still currently stronger. Though he didn’t like it—their next fight tomorrow would likely be him losing to her.         

That’s why… while I’m still considered the winner. I’ll brag about it as much as I want! Tatsumi calmly down the drink while chuckling silently in his mind with a glee.   

‘‘It seems you have gotten more comfortable with the Night Raid since you're now able to show such expressions.’’ 

Najenda, who had been silent during most of the conversation going on at the table, smiled beautifully and said, prompting all to gather eyes on her.    

‘‘What do you mean?’’ Tatsumi inquired, frowning.   

‘‘Haven’t you realized; you’re now more talkative and relaxed around everybody, able to act more casually. I see that as an improvement.’’ Najenda locks her one good eye on him; smiling beautifully and even a little… seductively. 

That little action of hers prompts the rest of the girls except for Sheele to glare hatefully at her—looking at her like she was an enemy that they needed to be wary of.    

While the girls were hatefully glaring at their boss, the males, Sayo and Lubbock only look on with depressed air pouring out from them while Bulat gives Tatsumi an admiring glacé.  

Tatsumi on the other hand only clears his throat and chews on some danger-beast meat—not minding what was happening around him. 

Deep into midnight where the stars scatter across the sky like an endless sprinkle of sand, and shine like little twinkling dots of light in the night, and where the moon becomes the only beacon of candlelight for the world while shining down majestically from high above the heavens.  

Tatsumi stepped out from his bed which is now almost certainly permanently shared by another, and went to the kitchen sink to get himself a glass of water and use the bathroom along with it.  

When walking back to his room through the wooden hall, he saw a certain unexpected person sneaking out through one of the front doors in a quiet manner.  

The person was a woman; with a voluptuous figure and long purple hair that is rarely seen, with a beautiful and delicate-looking facial feature even while wearing glass. Who else but…

‘‘Sheele…’’ Watching her leaving after going out the door, Tatsumi murmured her name curiously. ‘‘What is she doing up and about this deep in the middle of the night?’’

‘‘Hmm, should I follow her?’’ Feeling somewhat curious, Tatsumi asked himself in thought. ‘‘I don't see why not.’’ After thinking about it for a little bit, he chose to follow her. 

‘‘What reason could she have for going up the hill?’’ Following Sheele quietly behind, Tatsumi spotted her going up the small green hill, rousing curiosity in him. ‘‘And now she’s just sitting there and looking up at the stars.’’ He thought aloud when seeing her next action.                 

So she was just out enjoying the stars… Watching her figure being drowned by the starlight from above, Tatsumi came to this conclusion after mulling over her action.   

‘‘Come to think about it… it has been a while since I also look up at the stars like this, huh.’’ Mimicking her action, Tatsumi gazes up at the sky, lost in thought. ‘‘I think the last time was with Uncle before we had to leave…’’ his voice became quiet as memories of his Uncle flooded through his mind at that moment.