Chapter: 29
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Walking out from the shower room, Tatsumi was met with an unexpected person. 

The person was a girl with long smooth, flowing back hair and red eyes. Her appearance was delicate and beautiful, and she wore night clothes composed of a pajama with black and white color.      

The person was naturally Akame.

Notice her, Tatsumi nods and asks. ‘‘How was your night?’’ Akame, who still wore a somewhat tired look didn’t reply immediately, only after taking a moment did she respond. ‘‘It’s okay. But, since Kurome isn’t around anymore it has become a bit lonely.’’ 

When Akame talked about her Kurome, he felt slight annoyance mixed in her tone. Though, whether it is because her Sister prefers to sleep next to him or because she is sleepy close to him, he wasn’t sure which was causing her irritation.    

But he didn’t bother to dwell much into the matter and was about to walk away since he already said his greeting.                     

However, before he went far, when he only took 2 steps away Akame reached forward with one of her hands and grabbed his side. He raised a brow and said. ‘‘Is there something you want to say?’’ 

Akame said, ‘‘We haven’t spar together even once yet, right?’’ Tatsumi acknowledged her words with a simple nod while shooting her questioning glances. 

‘‘We spar this afternoon, just you and me.’’ Akame smiled faintly and gave a subtle challenging look at him. ‘‘That is… if you think you would lose and don’t want to.  

As for Tatsumi, when her first statement was for them to spar, he didn’t react much since the request wasn’t something unusual. Moreover, they were from the same group, and training to improve each other should be something natural in his mind. 

Besides, and lately he has only been training with that armor bastard, so the thought of sparring with another member of the Night Raid who doesn't have impenetrable armor he could use anytime actually excited him.      

But the moment he heard her second statement his face immediately frowned as a black tick-mark formed on his forehead. Then a fighting spirit directly willing within him as he suppresses the frown and tries to smile, though with much difficulty.    

Rising to meet the challenge, he said. ‘‘Sure, sparring would be great for me so I’ll of course accept. Though I should warn you not to feel too depressed when I knock you off the ground and flat on your back.’’ 

‘‘What you said won’t happen, but I do look forward to seeing what expression you would be making when your words reverted back to you.’’ When Akame saw the look he was making and heard what he said, her faint smile deepened.

‘‘Same to you,’’ Tatsumi’s brows twitched repeatedly, not wanting to say much so he only uttered a few words in response. Though In his mind, he inwardly questions. Who taught her to speak in such an irritating way?  


Sheele’s morning in the Night Raid was just like usual; she would wake up earlier than others and wash herself up before just going about doing her own things, like reading and a few small other hobbies she has. 

While Night Raid members do have some special duties such as cooking, cleaning, washing, and other small-time chores that they do and switch between among one another. Sheele on the other hand, was the only one with no such duties. 

Leaving her with nothing to do every day, so she could only indulge in her hobbies… However, it was not that she didn’t want to help around. In fact, she asks and tries to help all the time, but…

The end result was always disasters! Calling her ‘help’ helping, wasn’t a thing any of the members would utter after she was given a chance to help.          

Because of her natural talent for being clumsy, the help she provides around here always ends with more mess and therefore more work for the members. Causing them to be frustrated with her, even if they try not to explicitly show it. 

Sheele could easily tell though. 

But she couldn’t exactly blame them since she knew it was her fault. 

So while the rest might have some chores and couldn’t slack off every time—as for Sheele, such things didn’t exactly apply to her. 

Sheele’s morning was always the same and though she loved the Night Raid, she admitted that there were almost no interesting things that happened outside of the mission. If she didn't have a few hobbies around; boredom would be the only word that exists in her dictionary.     

However, things have completely transformed since that day, when he came into their lives.  

Tatsumi. For some unknown reason to Sheele, after joining them, things in the Night Raid completely change because of his existence alone which causes all the other female members to desire him.   

The Night Raid members who previously never got into an argument with each other, have now made it a daily occurrence for them to get into an argument.  

That said, she was worried at first that their constant arguments with each other would cause their relationship to deteriorate and create bad blood among one another. And she didn’t want that since they were all important to her. 

But it seemed her needless worry was unnecessary as, even when they get into arguments frequently, it never really affected their relationship much. However, it does create more squabble between them more often than not. 

And another thing… Well, this may be bad of her, but Sheele did enjoy their endless squabble since it gave her something to enjoy watching. Ridding her of some of her boredom when they’re not on a mission.    

For example, now…

Sheele hid herself somewhere in the corner of the hall while poking her head out to observe the commotion going on inside Tatsumi’s room. The bickering was loud and would have woken anyone, but by this point, most members were kind of used to it so they didn’t care. 

In the past, Mine and sometimes others would come to take a look at what was going on, now there was only her and the others simply ignored the entire commotion. Treating it as something that is normal.

‘‘Are observing them bickering like that in the first thing in the morning really that enjoyable?’’

While Sheele was observing what was happening inside the room intently without paying attention to her surroundings, a hand suddenly reached forward and with gentle force tapped her shoulder while a voice rang in her ears.   

Surprised by the sudden touch and voice, Sheele let out a surprised cry and was about to instantly turn around to take a look at the one tapping her shoulder. But in the midst of turning around, her clumsiness kicked in as she accidentally tripped on her skirt and was about to fall down. 

But before she did, a hand grabbed hold of her, preventing her from falling. ‘‘I swear, you might be the living embodiment of clumsiness with how clumsy you are.’’ The one preventing her from falling said.              


Having been prevented from falling, Sheele straightened her glass and glanced curiously at said person. 

The first thing her eyes were drawn to was his beautiful emerald-colored eyes that were deeply calm and his lips that formed a light teasing smirk. 

Who else but Tatsumi. The same boy she was thinking about not too long ago. 

When being found out by the owner of the room that she was just spying inside, Sheele immediately felt embarrassed and repeatedly bowed her head while saying. ‘‘I’m so sorry, I’m so sorry…’’ 

‘‘Stop! Sheesh, do you make it a habit to apologize for every little thing or something?’’ Tatsumi rubbed the back of his head and said with a sigh.         

‘‘Ah, ah, that’s because…’’ When he asked her that, Sheele's immediate reaction was to start explaining. ‘‘That wasn't a question, it was just a small joke.’’ Tatsumi chuckled when he saw her react over a teasing remark. 

‘‘A joke! O-oh…’’

‘‘That said, why are you standing in the corner and peeking through my room?’’ He lifted a brow at her and asked. Being directly asked the reason she was hiding and looking through someone else's room, Sheele froze, unable to muster up any response. 

Seeing her silently fidgeting without being able to form a response, Tatsumi peered at her and said. ‘‘Was my assumption that you like observing their bickering true?’’ The moment he said that Sheele immediately trembled.

‘‘Um…’’ Sheele tilted her head to the side in an awkward manner, looking extremely embarrassed at having her current hubby pointing out. ‘‘I-I don’t—’’

‘‘I’m kidding. No need to take it so seriously.’’ Interrupting her from completing her sentence Tatsumi chuckled deeply as he said. 

Realizing that she was being messed with once again, Sheele didn't know what to say or even what expression she should make at the moment. In the end, she tried showing a smile but it was a bit forced.

But for some reason that only caused him to chuckle harder and look quite amusing. Sheele didn’t exactly know why but she couldn’t find herself smiling when noticing his amusing look. 

‘‘Anyhow, those two are still going at it.’’ Satisfied after messing with Sheele a bit, Tatsumi turned his attention to the commotion still happening in his room. He frowned while also looking a little helpless. ‘‘Why are they always so exhausted to deal with?’’    

He then patted Sheele’s shoulder and flashing a wide grin at her. ‘‘I’m thankful you aren’t one of them, otherwise this place might feel very suffocating and hard to deal with. Ha… I need to stop them.’’

Sheele watches his figure leaving to enter the room. Thinking about his last few words he uttered to her, she felt lost, confused by the meaning of it. 

‘‘He seemed strange, and also... does he like messing with me?’’ Sheele murmured. ‘‘I can’t continue to watch… I’ll read then.’’ After being found out what she was doing, Sheele couldn’t bring herself to continue without facing extreme embarrassment.    

As she turned to leave the commotion inside the room diel down, and a little bit later two people could be seen being thrown out the room.   

A bit close to noon. 

Sheele sat quietly on the couch while holding a book to read, as the rays of light from the outside passed through the window and shone brightly onto her. Causing her smooth, beautiful purple hair to seemingly glow because of it.             

With her already beautiful looks and figure, the sight only made her more stunning and breath-taking.

‘‘... I usually see you read by yourself, do you like enjoying quiet time by yourself?’’ 

While immersed in her reading, Sheele looks up after hearing the voice speaking to her. 

The person asking her question was a young girl wearing a white-cream robe, long black hair and eyes, and an accessory in the form of a butterfly on top of her head. Her appearance was beautiful, possessing soft and fair skin. 

She was Sayo. 

Noticing who it was, Sheele flashes a small smile and explains. ‘‘Yeah, I do. But that is because I don’t really have anything else going on.’’ Looking slightly disheartening when mentioning that. 

‘‘Hmm,’’ Sayo only smiled and nodded, if she noticed the change in Sheele’s expression when saying that she didn’t point it out, pretending not to have noticed at all. ‘‘Can I sit down?’’ 

‘‘Of course.’’ Sheele replied, eyes brightening while moving over, making room for her. Sayo didn’t hesitate and took a seat. After taking a seat Sayo looked over at what Sheele was reading, and said. ‘‘You’re reading this book, I read it before.’’ 

‘‘You have?’’ 


When Sayo admitted that she had read the book she was currently into already, Sheele’s gaze looked surprised as she inquired further. 

‘‘Do you remember anything about the context of the book?’’ 

‘‘Yeah, I do. Though it has been a while, I’d definitely could tell you about some of the important parts that I could recall.’’ 

Thereafter, Sheele listening quietly to Sayo briefed her on the important details of the book in her hands. While she listened, as the black-haired was done telling her all about the detail, Sheele said.   

‘‘You were quite detailed in explaining about them, it seemed you liked the book quite a lot.’’ 

‘‘I do, but in general, I just enjoy reading since it allows me to accumulate more knowledge. And knowledge is very important so it’s something I took to investing my time gaining more and more.‘’ 

‘‘Hm,’’ Sheele acknowledged the reasoning. ‘‘How about you? Do you read books to gain more knowledge as well?’’ Sayo then took to asking about why she chose to read a lot.

At her question, Sheele shook her head gently. ‘‘Sorry, but reading is just something I enjoy. 

Her reasoning for enjoying reading books was much simpler than Sayo’s. Even before she understood her talent and became an assassin, books were always her hobby to go to when she had nothing else to do. 

It’s just after joining the Night Raid, because of her clumsiness in helping out with chores she ends up having far more free time when there is no mission that they are assigned to.  

‘‘That’s fine too. People enjoy the same things for different reasons, not everybody would be the same.’’ Sayo shrugged off the apologies and uttered. ‘‘Say, do you have any books that I haven’t read yet?’’ 

‘‘Let me check first.’’ Sheele smiled while saying.   

Although the Night Raid members were all friendly to each other and interacted on a daily basis, Sayo was still a newbie who hadn’t joined for long. So the two interactions were all composed of a few words such as a ‘greeting’ and the like at best, causing their relationship to appear distant to each other.          

But only now did their relationship appear to be less distant... This can be considered a form of bonding for them over their shared interest. 

‘‘Let’s see if you would still have the same attitude as this morning after I crushed you completely in this fight.’’ 

Tatsumi got into a fighting stance, he moved his right leg forward and hunched his back slightly, half-pulling his sword from the sheath while glaring calmly at Akame in displeasure.   


Akame also did the same and faintly smirked as she responded. ‘‘For someone who never once won against me, you sure act confident.’’ Tatsumi's eyelashes twitch, feeling her confidence. 

And if he notices her remark about never beating her even though they have never actually fought before, he didn’t point it out. He is used to these girls spouting random Incomprehensible words and avoids it when he asks them about it.  

‘‘Then today would be the day that I’d win.’’ 

The moment he uttered those words, he didn’t bother waiting for her to respond back with another of those snarky remarks and directly charge forward, hands ready to completely unsheath his weapon and strike out the instant he reached her.  

Tatsumi has always been a very competitive person when it comes to fighting, not liking losing nor admitting defeat to others easily.   

It was just like back when he was younger and weaker than his Uncle, every time they trained and he lost, he never immediately gave up and kept going until he was forced to be convinced. The situation with Bulat was also the same, except... because of Bulat’s armor. 

Though Tatsumi never stopped challenging him, he did feel disheartening every time his sword was about to reach but ended up hitting an impenetrable steel plate.      

Still, he never gave up and continued to challenge Bulat every day despite knowing he lacked equipment and therefore put him at a disadvantage. And it was all because of his competitive nature that didn’t like losing.    

Watching Tatsumi move at an incredibly quick pace toward her way, Akame outwardly showed a calm and serious demeanor, but inwardly, she was gushing with excitement out of happiness of finally getting what she wanted after so long. 

How long have I wished we would be able to spar like this again...? Akame thought in her mind while twisting her body to the side and perfectly avoided the first strike aimed at her. 

Unsurprisingly by having missed his first strike, Tatsumi simply brought his sword down in a straight line and followed by a thrust when Akame bound a step or two backward to avoid it. 


As the thrust sped forward Akame only faintly smiled and twirled around once to dodge the thrust. She then bolted to the air with a leap, putting distances away from him. As for Tatsumi, having his thrust missed wasn’t unexpected to him, but his brow couldn’t help narrowing down while his face was plastered with a slight frown.

‘‘I admit you are quick, however, are you just planning to dodge the entire time?’’ Tatsumi asks as he shoots forward with more speed and strikes out one slash after another. 

Black hair flutters in the wind, Akame deftly avoiding all of the strikes with extreme ease. She replies softly. ‘‘No. I just wanted to reminisce a bit.’’ 


Seeing his confusion she didn’t explain—not that she could. The reason she was merely dodged at the moment was because—just seeing him charged at her like this brought back memories of that young boy doing the same.   

‘‘Then would you be serious now,’’ Tatsumi said while shrugging his confusion away. 

‘‘Yes.’’ Akame nodded. 


A/U: Can’t tell how I should feel about this chapter, maybe because people character seems all over the place. Haa... Other than that, I’m still a billion miles a way from able to write a good and fun action scenes.  
