Chapter: 25
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In the Empire Palace; inside the hall of the Throne. 

The Throne hall was spacious and filled with a wide range of antiques and beautiful paintings. Court officials lined up in rows from both sides, and in the center, a man could be seen kneeling down in a show of respect toward the boy sitting at the majestic Throne.

The boy was the current Emperor. 

He had shoulder-length green hair braided on both sides and donned a purple outfit with a blue mantle and large headdress. On his right hand was a scepter with a blue orb attached to it.  

Looking down at the man kneeling, The Emperor opened his mouth and calmly spoke. ‘‘Internal affair officer Shoi, thou abject our political measures. For the sins of delaying our political affair, we sentence thee to dismemberment by bulls.’’ 

Right after opening his mouth, The Emperor immediately declares the fate that awaits the Internal affairs officer Shoi.    

The Internal affair officer Shoi and all the court officials lining up immediately tense up with fear.  

‘‘Does this satisfy you, Minister?’’ 

‘‘Huhaha, truly Emperor Makoto is a wise ruler.’’

Appearing from behind the young Emperor’s throne was a large and round-looking elderly man, holding a large meat in hand. The moment the elderly man appeared with his toothy grin and loud laugh, all the court official seemed to become nervous by his mere presence. 

‘‘Meat again? Thou seem to eatest a lot of that.’’ The young Emperor said, noticing the meat in the Minister's hand. ‘‘Fuhuhu, one must be able to enjoy oneself, Emperor.’’ The Minister said while biting into the meat. 

‘‘Enough! The Emperor is being fooled by the Prime Minister!! I plead with you to listen to the voice of the people!!!’’ 

Listening to the young Emperor conversing with the prime minister after declaring his fate, Internal Affairs Officer Shoi couldn’t take it any longer and shouted loudly for the emperor to hear his voice.             

He was an internal affairs officer of the empire, after finding out about the corruption that is eating away at the empire. 

He spoke out about the empire's policies and purposely delayed the affair in order to gain the attention of other public officials who had yet to fall under the Minister. But before he could go far, the Minister found out about his intent and had the Emperor bring him here.  

Despite being brought over after speaking up, the internal affairs officer Shoi wasn’t completely without hope, because he thought he could somehow convince the Emperor to look into the things currently happening to the empire. 

However, he didn’t think that before he could even try to convince the Emperor. The Emperor would immediately order his death sentence.  

‘‘He is accusing you.’’ The Emperor said, pointing at the internal affairs officer down below. ‘‘Had his needless rambling confused you, Emperor?’’ The Prime Minister said, smiling gently at the young Emperor. 

‘‘Of course not, for the words thou had spoken have always been correct since long ago.’’ The Emperor replied without hesitation, his voice was filled with trust toward the Prime Minister.   

‘‘No! You’re majesty, you mustn't heed his words!! Listening to what I have to sa—’’

‘‘A pity, Shoi.’’ 

Noticing that the Emperor completely disregarded his words and fully trusted whatever the Minister said, internal affairs officer Shoi felt despair but still tried to convince the Emperor somehow with his words.     

However, before he could continue, the Prime Minister cut him off and waved his imposing hand. And as he did, painful cries immediately came out from the officer down below. 

Two guards had come before the internal affairs officer Shoi and landed repeated blows on him with their staff, causing him to slump down on the red carpet from the force. Even as the pain streamed through him from the repeated strike from the two guards, the internal affairs officer Shoi gritted his teeth and endured the pain, he raised his head to speak. 

‘‘Emperor, please heed my word! If the Empire continued like this without stopping the thousand years of history will end.’’

‘‘Shoi, this is our final parting. Leave that wife you left behind to me, I’ll make sure to care for her — every part of her for you.’’ 

The Prime Minister squatted before him, and as he spoke, a terrified and sinister grin formed on his round face. Being dragged away and gazing at the sinister grin plastered on the Prime Minister, internal affairs officer Shoi was filled with rage at the injustice.  

This man is a demon! Someone!? Anyone!? He can not be allowed to go without punishment…’’

At some different parts of the Capital City. 

The sky was pitch dark, the only saving grace was the countless light emitted from the entire city. Driving the darkness away and letting the light dominate the City even at night.     

On a small hill, atop a tall tree, two figures were hidden, using the branches as covered.  

‘‘He should be out at about any time now.’’ 

‘‘Mmm, is that your Teigu? I know that Bulat’s Teigu, Incursio, allowed him to manifest a powerful armor that not only protects him but also greatly strengthens him. So what does your do?’’  

The two figures were naturally Tatsumi and Mine. As for why they are currently atop a tree and hidden, it had to do with their target of assassnation. They were waiting for their target, Iokal, to come out from his residence so they could snipe and kill him in one shot.    

‘‘Pumpkin? You want to know what ability it has?’’ Looking through the telescope of her rifle and observing attentively at the action of their target, Mine lifted her eyes to him when hearing him inquiring about her Teigu. 

‘‘Pumpkin, so that is the name.’’ Tatsumi nodded, staring interestingly at the rifle. Upon witnessing his interest in her Teigu, Mine smirks proudly, then proceeds to explain. ‘‘Pumpkin’s ability is to generate spiritual energy into an ammunition and fire it.’’ 

‘‘Spiritual energy. What's that?’’ Tatsumi was perplexed by her choice of words. ‘‘Basically my mental strength; Pumpkin converts it into a fire power without actually needing any actual ammunition.’’ 

Tatsumi stared intently at the Teigu for a bit more, he was feeling slightly envious of such a powerful tool. 

He had only one experience dealing with a Teigu user during a fight, and that was Bulat. Not only from their exchange in their first meeting, also from many times he had faced off against him during training.   

Since he started training with someone above his level, Tatsumi felt he was growing stronger rapidly compared to the past. In the past, he could be said to be somewhat below Bulat but lately, except for him lacking experience he was now equal to Bulats in terms of pure skill.                  


A few times during the sparring he was even able to overpower him. 

However, such things became completely impossible the moment Bulat donned his Incuriso, the fight would always become one-sided. It was just like that night, despite being told he had improved a lot by said person, he always felt hadn’t. 

Compared to the dangerous fight ahead of them, he felt that his improvement rate was far too insufficient. He needed to become stronger faster. Not only to protect himself but also his friends. 

Because of losing to Bulat after donning Incursio all the time, Tatsumi realized the importance of such a powerful weapon. Unfortunately, when he went to Najenda to see if they have one available for him, she said they currently have none. 

Although disappointing, he wasn’t surprised that they didn’t have one for him. After all, from what he learned there were originally 48 Teigu, and during the civil war a few hundred years ago half of them were missing.    

Tatsumi’s gaze didn’t linger for too long, staring at it only increased the envy in him. 

Noticing the envy in his eyes, Mine rapidly blinked a few times, realization then finally down on her. ‘‘Ah, I see, you’re envious of my Pumpkin. So if I shove it close to your face like this, would it make you mad?’’ Leaning her Teigu closer to him, Mine cheekily said.  

Seeing her acting in this manner after knowing that he was indeed envious of her weapon, Tatsumi's face darkened, staring annoyed at her.   

‘‘Tsk, it seems you really are jealous if a few of my words are enough to cause you to get annoyed.’’ Mine clicked her tongue in wonder, noticing her words caused a reaction, but despite knowing that she couldn’t help go for another jab at him. ‘‘I don’t blame you for being jealous. After all, while I have this treasure you on the other hand… have a regular Old sword.’’ 


‘‘Ow! Hey, you can’t just smack the head of a lady as you like even if you’re angr—’’ Mine expression froze for a brief instant, she couldn’t even finish what she was saying. 

Bearing down at her was Tatsumi's calm and composed harmless smile, despite looking like that. She felt an unknown pressure from it. 

‘‘Are you still going to speak a load of crap? If you are, my hand is still itching to whack something again.’’ Tatsumi said, hinting at her to continue whatever she wanted to say.

Under the threat of being hit again, Mine quickly turns her head away and harrumphs. Pouted in a sulking manner, she softly said underneath her breath. ‘‘I was just trying to light up the mood for you… Hmph! You didn’t have to hit me?’’

Mine complaining, feeling aggrieved. 

The reason she decided to poke a jab at him so suddenly was because she noticed Tatsumi still wasn’t in the right mood after today — during that public execution. She wanted to take his mind off it by letting him think about different things.  

However, instead she was hit in the head. 

While Mine was immersing in her inner thoughts and feeling aggrieved, a hand suddenly landed gently on top of her head. Surprised, she looked over and saw Tatsumi smiling at her. ‘‘Thank you.’’ 

When hearing the words that came out from his mouth and his smile, Mine felt her heartbeat quicken, her face turn red and heated up. She directly turned her face away, and snorted and said. 

‘‘Hh-hmph! Instead of saying sorry, what’s with the sudden thank you? You should stop spouting random things like that.’’ 

Unlike her words, Mine expression was beaming happily. However, she couldn’t indulge in the happiness of being ‘Thanked’ by him for long. 

The next moment, both Tatsumi’s and Mine’s expressions turn serious.

Their target, Iokal, has finally stepped out from the only place that could protect him from them.

‘‘He’s quite far away but I can still see his appearance somewhat. I’m assuming he’s that fat dude who's holding two other girls beside him, right?’’              

Mine nodded and said. ‘‘Eh. He’s the bastard who's been using the Prime Minister’s influence to capture young girls and torture them to death. The five guards are also beside him.’’ Upon the five guards being mentioned, Tatsumi gazes at Mine deeply. 

‘‘We don’t know how powerful those five guards are and we have no reinforcement either, we must stay cautious. You remember the plan, right?’’ 

‘‘Hmph, you talk like you're the superior here, but remember you’re still just a newbie. I’m the one who should be reminding you, not the other way around.’’ 

Mine snorted at him for seemingly trying to be the leader.

Looking through the telescope and putting her entire focus on Iokal, Mine bit her lips and softly said. ‘‘Be careful.’’ 

‘‘You're the one having my back, if something happens to me it would be on you. So don’t go saying words like ‘be careful’. My faith in you might become less stable.’’ Tatsumi grinned, teasing her. ‘‘You’re so annoying.’’ Mine uttered, secretly feeling elated from his trust.

‘‘He is quite a distance away from us and also surrounded by innocent people as well, are you going to be able to snipe him accurately without harming those people?’’ Tatsumi furrowed his brow, bringing the topic back to their target.

‘‘Who do you think I am? I’m a genius sniper, even if we’re far away I am confident in still being able to accurately hit my mark without harming the others.’’ Mine snorted at his questioning of her skill. ‘‘Hm, at least you are confident.’’ Tatsumi felt relieved at her confidence. 

Feeling less worried over her accidentally shooting the innocent young girls around him instead of Iokal, Tatsumi had nothing else to say and nodded his head at her. 

Signally her to eliminate Iokal. 

Mine then focused her attention and positioned her Pumpkin, taking aim. However, instead of immediately shooting she turned to gaze at him with a smirk. 

‘‘You asked about what Pumpkin can do, right? Be grateful you’re getting a first-hand experience to see what it can do without dying by it.’’ 

Before he could retort, Mine refocused her attention back on Iokal through the telescope, and with the sound ‘click’ she pulled the trigger under his watchful eye. 

After the trigger was pulled, with a banging noise a small bright beam of light immediately shot out from Pumpkin. 

Flewing at incredible speed, the bright beam of light quickly transverses a long distance and arrives close to Iokal, who expresses a shocked and confused expression when seeing the unknown beam of light heading toward him.    

Unfortunately, before his mind could even allow him to question what the beam of light was, it directly hit his forehead. Iokal’s body and head swung slightly backward from the force contained in the beam of light.

Blood instantly flew out from the area where the beam of light landed. 

Iokal released the two girls he was holding and fell limp on the ground. There was no struggle or anything of the sort, he was dead instantly.                 

Instantly after his death, five guards donning a clock that covers their bodies and faces released a surprised gasp, unable to comprehend how the man they were supposed to protect would die suddenly just like that. 

Only after a couple of seconds passed, did all five react and dashed off at the direction where the beam of light was spotted.     

‘‘They can’t be far, we have to hurry! If we don’t at least capture them we would all be killed by the Minister!’’ 


Thud, Thud, Thud…

Tatsumi sprints through the landscapes at extremely quick speed, swiftly maneuvering around every tree and other things that appear to obstruct his path. 

In this pitch-black darkness, the only things that stood out were the sound of him pacing through and causing a thudding noise each time his boot hit the earth. 

However, amidst his continuous sprints, his face reveals a slight smile when he senses more than one person. Moving skillfully through the landscapes, in hot pursuit of his tail.        

They're quicker than I expected, and there are indeed five of them in total. I can’t really tell how powerful they are without actually fighting them, but they don’t really give off that strong of a presence. So they shouldn’t be as strong as someone like Bulat even without the armor, right?

The one in front does give off a stronger presence than the other, though. He might pose the most problem of the bunch.     

Tatsumi's brow narrowed, trying to judge how powerful these five guards were to protect an important person such as the relative of the Prime Minister.

Even so, I should still be cautious. After seizing up the guards and not sensing any strong and intimidating presence from them, Tatsumi felt the five guards weren’t that strong. Though he thought that, he still reminded himself to be careful.

But if they continue to run at this pace they'll never be able to catch up with me. Should I slow down a little and intentionally allow them to catch up? Tatsumi pondered contemplating. 

However, they likely will easily notice such things and believe I’m setting up a trap… but it’s not impossible either. As long as I make it look as natural as possible, making it look like I’m running out of breath and becoming exhausted. They shouldn't think it’s a trap.