Chapter: 22
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The cries of terror and panic resounded.  

One hidden trap after another spurt forth from the surroundings, some came from the ground while others were darts hiding behind tree breaches, shooting toward two poor fellows. 

After a few minutes passed, Tatsumi casually strolled forward and lowered his head to look down at a pit-hole. ‘‘They really went all out for you guys, huh.’’ 

Down below the pit-hole, two messy figures could be seen huddled together in a frightful manner, their eyes were white and pupil-less, passing out from fright. The sight was almost comical to look at.     

‘‘The two screams were quite loud. But sheesh, you just won’t stop huh, Lubbock, and now you even completely rub off on Ieyasu. Though, it’s great to know the traps were useful, right Najenda.’’ 

‘‘Indeed, it’s great to know even the most casual men-made traps can ensnare and defeat even a great assassin.’’ 

‘‘Yup, now let's take a look at our two little perverts that are always in desperate need of a beating!’’  

Leone grinned dangerously when saying her last sentence, and following suit Najenda’s grin wasn’t any better.              

But while the two slowly pace closer to where Lubbock and Ieyasu had set off the traps, their footsteps stop suddenly as they see a young man with green eyes, calmly staring back at them. 

The area suddenly fell silent, Najenda and Leone were unable to respond for a while and continued to stare back at Tatsumi. However, being herself and seeing who it was, after a moment Leone wore a smile and said coquettish. 

‘‘Ahh, so you also wanted to take a peek at us~, why do you even need to sneak around like this? If it’s you Tatsumi, I’d don’t mind—’’ 

‘‘Please, don’t even finish saying what you were about to say. I was only here to take a dip in the hot spring and no other, don’t misunderstand the situation.’’ 

Tatsumi immediately interrupted her before she could finish, he also took a step back. After all, he still hadn’t forgotten about that night when she pounced on him and stole his first kiss.

Seeing her acting flirtatious and talking in coquettish ways only brought back the memory more vividly, causing him to feel a little uncomfortable when near her.  

However, unfortunately for him, Leone wasn’t faced by his words and continued. ‘‘Don’t lie. There’s no need for you to worry like I was about to say.  if it’s you, I don’t mind show—’’ 

‘‘That’s enough!!’’ Tatsumi's voice raced higher, the seriousness in it was real.

It caused Leone to flinch and stop talking immediately, and even Najenda was caught off guard by the sudden outburst, noticing that he wasn’t joking this time. 


Glancing at their reaction, Tatsumi quickly turned away from them. His face had a tint of red around his cheeks, he could feel his heart was also noticeably beating faster than before.    

Damn it! Ever since that night... when she does stuff like this… Tatsumi took a few breaths in and out, gradually trying to calm his heart from beating any faster.     

‘‘Phew, finally, it got back to normal.’’ He spoke quietly to himself with a slight frown when his beating heart reverted back to normal. ‘‘Ha… not long ago I was able to completely stay calm and even feel nothing when she acted flirtatious, but now this…’’ 

Despite how it looked, Tatsumi wasn’t that shaken up about the way he was acting just now. 

He wasn’t stupid or dense, if he was, he wouldn’t have been able to figure out that these girls were infatuated with him. Something he still couldn’t grasp and has been trying to find out why they were.    

For him, it didn’t come at too much of a surprise when his face heated up and his heartbeats increased when he was met with Leone’s flirtatious tease, and vividly remembered memories of that night when she kissed him.  

While he may be able to react indifferently to females flirting with him most of the time; at the end of the day he was still a young teenager who was naturally attractive to women. 

His indifferent attitude would naturally have some crack in it after what happened that night. 

Fully making sure everything was normal, Tatsumi turned back around, keeping his calm, he said with a smile. ‘‘Since you two are dressed from head to toe, I’m guessing you won’t be using the hot spring anymore, then we’ll be using it.’’ 

Saying that he hastily grabs the two perverts from the pit hole, rushing past the two women who still have a shocking expression, maybe from his outburst.      

‘‘What did I just see…?’’ After he was out of their sight, Najenda uttered, wearing a disbelieving look. But while Najenda was full of doubt, unable to believe what she had seen.      

‘‘His face was r-red… could it be... did my flirtation actually work…’’ Leone held her face with her hands, muttering, still shocked by what she had seen.

Contrary to what Tatsumi believes. Najenda and Leone weren’t that surprised by his outburst, what had really caused them to go quiet — was the tent of blush that he had shown before turning around.

The picture had stuck in their mind even when he was gone and out of their sight. 

Despite seeing him making that type of face a few times in the dream, after interacting with the current him for a while and always seeing him being able to shrug off any form of teasing and flirting that was thrown at him. 

All the girls believed he might be incapable of making such an expression. 

But after Najenda and Leone saw him blush slightly just from being flirting with — they realize, he was in fact very capable of making such a face when facing embarrassment from being flirting with. 

‘‘I got through to him! Our relationship is progressing! And that blushing face of his was so cute, aww~!’’ 

After fully digesting all the information and coming to the conclusion that it was really her; she was the one who had caused him to make that face. Leone couldn’t control her excitement, loudly saying.   

Leone's heart fluttered like there was a butterfly hovering about within her stomach. She couldn’t even bother to pay attention to Najenda, completely absorbed in her own thoughts.   

Najenda bites her lips, looking at Leone beaming with strong intensity, giving out a blinding glow from finding out Tatsumi reacting to her flirting. Jealousy surged through her heart as she continued to gaze at Leone, overwhelming her in a deep bitter wave. 

When did it happen!? The question went through Najenda. 

She really couldn’t understand how it happened — in the past, no matter how many times Leone flirted or teased Tatsumi — he would always react indifferently. So Najenda was able to hold back her jealousy and not think too much about it. 

But now, everything was different after seeing Tatsumi become embarrassed from being flirted with by Leone. A terrifying thought surfaces through Najenda, something she didn’t want to believe but had no choice to.       

Could he be developing affection for her…? 

It wasn’t impossible in her mind. After all, Tatsumi is just a young teen and with how much attention he got from the opposite gender in the Night Raid, it was only natural for him to develop some feeling even with how he usually is.   

‘‘Heh, this hurt more than I expected.’’ Najenda muttered, touching her chest with the hand that wasn't a mechanic. Feeling the pain from within, memories flash through her mind at that moment.

A memory of a boy. 

One day that boy suddenly appeared in her dream, entering her life without asking. At first, she found it strange and odd, she couldn’t understand why she continued to dream about the same boy over and over. It felt completely unnatural.

Moreover, unlike most dreams the dream was so vivid and lifelike, as if she was actually experiencing it for real. 

As time passed, her relationship with the unknown boy in the dream deepened, to a point where she began to consider him a little brother of sorts, even forcing him to call her Big Sister.    

Little brother… heh, who am I kidding… Najenda mocked her own thoughts that came to her.   

Once upon a time, she really did consider him like a little brother. But while their relationship progresses, she begins to see him as something more — something far, far more.  

Before she realized it herself at the time, Najenda had developed feelings for that small boy. However, back then the boy may have seemed to also aged in the same ways as a normal person. He was in the end still a kid while she had reached adulthood.   

One can say she shouldn’t mind such stuff since he was a person who only existed in her dream anyway, but to her, having an impure feeling toward a boy that young felt wrong to her.   

Because of that, she formed a barrier around her heart, a wall that prevented the boy in her dream who continued to call her Big Sister, from ever finding out her true feelings. And at the same time, continuing to force herself into thinking he was just a little brother figure, and nothing more.

That was until… The boy suddenly and without warning vanished from her dream a year ago. 

The anguish and regret she felt at that time carved itself deep into her memories, something she would never forget.   

The feeling she was hiding burst out in full bloom! 

Realizing her own feelings only caused the pain in her heart to grow stronger, deep longing for him engulfed her very being.    


Splash! Tatsumi dumped the two he was carrying into the hot spring, Ignoring the screams and anger directed at him by Lubbock and Ieyasu. A sighed escaped from his mouth, 

‘‘She’d likely misunderstand from now on because of what just happened. I’d just hope she won't go even further with her teasing and flirting…’’ 

It might be an impossible wish at this point but Tatsumi felt like holding on to it. 

Later that day, midnight.     

Walking out of his room to get a glass of water, Tatsumi saw Sayo, sipping down a glass of water. 

Coming to the conclusion that she must have also woken for the same reason as him, he said. ‘‘ Thirsty, huh.’’ Hearing his voice Sayo became startled, only after looking at who it was, she looked relieved. ‘‘... yeah,’’ avoiding his gaze when replying.     

‘‘Mhm,’’ Tatsumi’s eyes gaze at Sayo in a peculiar manner when seeing her getting startled so easily by his voice ‘‘Um, is there something wrong?’’ Despite wanting to avoid his gaze, Sayo couldn’t help but notice the way he was looking at her. 

‘‘You’re awfully tense, are you nervous about your first mission assigned to you and Leone by the Night Raid?’’ He inquired. 

‘‘Y-yeah. The upcoming mission… I’m worried about if I’ll mess up.’’ When she heard him mention Leone, Soyo brows knitted in a frown but she quickly hid it away to prevent him from noticing it.    

‘‘Huh, it seems like you are nervous about the mission but that isn’t all.’’ Tatsumi held his chin, deeply observing her. Under his scrutiny, Sayo became nervous, she was worried about him finding out about the real reason she was acting strange.

‘‘What are you talking about? Why wouldn’t I be worried about the mission and worried over something else?’’ Trying to act normal, Sayo said.  

Not replying back to her immediately, Tatsumi went to the sink, and filled the glass up with water, gulped down the entire glass of water in one go, he then gestured for her to come over.   

Confused and nervous, Sayo took a step closer to him. And immediately as she did, a yelp could be heard from her as she instantly placed her hand on her forehead. ‘‘What was that for!?’’ Her gaze was full of resentment.  

Her forehead was flicked by him once again; a daily occurrence in her life. 

For most, if they were glared at by such a beautiful young girl with resentment, they would have flinched and felt afraid. However, without a single change in expression, Tatsumi maintained his calm and said. 

‘‘How long do you think we have known each other?’’   

‘‘Hum? Since we’re kids, obviously.’’    

Not understanding why he would ask such a question, Sayo nonetheless still answers him. Tatsumi on the other hand, only nodded at what she said. ‘‘Yes, like you say, we have known each other since we were kids. Do you think I can’t figure out if something bothers or does not bother you.’’ 

Sayo's expression froze from his words, she tilted her head down. Unbeknownst to him, a blush was on her face.       

‘‘So now tell me, what really bothers you.’’ Tatsumi inquired again, this time his voice was noticeably far gentler than before.  

As he asked her to tell him what was bothering her, Sayo fiddled with her fingers, occasionally glancing up at him while her face heated up in a deep shade of red.  

‘‘Hm?’’ Tatsumi tilted his head, he heard Sayo mumble some words underneath her breath but it was too quiet for him to hear any word clearly. ‘‘When I asked you to tell me, I didn’t say to be that quiet about it. How can I hear you like this, speak up?’’ Tatsumi frowned.       

‘‘... fine.’’ Still fiddling with her fingers and acting strange, Sayo utters. She then looks up at him while keeping her blush under control, hoping the night would also help with that. ‘‘T-that o-o-ther n-night, y-you…’’ 

‘‘Stop,’’ Tatsumi interrupted her, helding his palm to her face. ‘‘What is with all the stuttering, it’s giving me a headache just listening to it. What happened, where’s your confident self?’’ Tatsumi rubs his temple, actually feeling the headache.      

‘‘Alright, alright, I’ll stop stuttering. Sheesh, you’re so annoying at times.’’ Staring at him acting like this because of her stutter, Sayo puffed up her cheeks slightly while exclaiming. 

‘‘Now… um… hah... that night, why did you and Leone k-kiss each other?’’ Composing herself in case she stuttered again, at first Sayo struggled to form the words she wanted to say, but in the end, was able to.    

‘‘…’’ Instead of answering, Tatsumi stood frozen. 

‘‘H-how did you find that out?’’ 

Only after an awkward silence passed was he able to utter. Despite being able to keep calm most of the time, Tatsumi couldn’t help but become a little flustered at the mention of that night. 

‘‘... why are you flustered? Where is your usually calm and indifferent self?’’ Discerning with her own eyes that he was actually getting flustered by her question, Sayo felt her heart tighten. 

‘‘Hey, I’m not stone, it might be easy to shrug off her teasing as long as she doesn't do anything over the top. But when she did… it’s hard to not feel anything.’’   

Having been caught off guard by her previous mention of the kiss Leone and him share, Tatsumi fails to notice anything odd about Sayo and chooses to answer her question while stroking his cheek lightly. 

‘‘Anyway, how did you find out about that?’’ 

‘‘I needed to use the restroom so I woke up, but while making my way to it… I found you and her, and… you were doing that with her.’’  

‘‘Really, huh. That’s slightly embarrassing, to think I didn’t noticed you were near.’’ Pushing down his previous embarrassment, Tatsumi regained his calm and stroked his chin as he spoke. Completely unnoticed how the girl was biting her lips and clenching her hands.   

‘‘However, can you keep this a secret for me, you know how those women are.’’ Mentioning them, he heaved out a sigh. ‘‘... I can. But you got to answer a few questions for me, alright.’’ Sayo averted her face away from him as she said. 

Tatsumi lifted his brows and simply retorted. ‘‘I don’t know what question you wanted to ask but sure, go for it.’’ Grabbing her robes tightly, she seemed to hesitate at first but was able to muster her courage soon after. ‘‘Why did you and her… kiss?’’ 

‘‘Oh that, she was the one who forcibly kissed me without warning.’’ Tatsumi straightforwardly answered.    

‘‘Uh, really!?’’ Shocked by his words, Sayo wanted to confirm it. 

‘‘Yes, why would I lie about that?’’ He tilted his head at her, curious as to why she would not believe his words just now. ‘‘Did you think I would be the one to kiss her first?’’ 

‘‘Eh.’’ Sayo nod. 

‘‘Is that what it looks like to you?’’ Tatsumi only said, didn’t seem to care much about who believed who kissed who first. ‘‘Then, is this all you want to ask about?’’ After getting over initially being flustered Tatsumi seemed to be more comfortable talking about the matter.

‘‘N-no, there's another…’’ Seeing that she still had more to say, Tatsumi patiently waited for her to ask. ‘‘ d-do you like, like… Leone.’’ Sayo said, her voice soft and quiet, if Tatsumi wasn’t close to her he wouldn’t have been able to hear her at all.   


‘‘Please just answer me honestly.’’ 

Before he could express how surprised he was by her words, Sayo interrupted, pleading with him to answer her.   

‘‘...’’ Tatsumi deeply observes her for a moment, only now truly noticing the odd way she is acting when asking him these things. A strange idea seemed to come to him at that moment, but he immediately shook it off, not believing it himself. 

‘‘Like is a strong term…’’ he saw her eyes lit up at that instant, solidifying more of the strange idea that came to him. But while he did notice, it didn’t stop him from proceeding to say the rest of his sentence. ‘‘Ever since that day, I began to take notic— No, I grew to find her attractive, physically.’’    

‘‘I’d see…’’ Sayo was in deep thought after his confession. After what felt like a long time passed in that awkward manner, ‘‘If she can make you take notice of her because of that. Then I should try too.’’ Immediately as the words escape her mouth, Sayo moves and smacks her lips into his.