Chapter: 21
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I had another dream and in this dream...  

It was cold; the wind was very heavy and the snow was thick and tall enough to reach my knee. I was small, very much so that this only became like a nightmare for me.  

In this freezing tundra. There was this small tribal village—the village was completely empty, but the tents and other types of shelters could still be found. I was curious about why it was empty, seemingly devoid of life when I first laid eyes upon it. 

But despite being young, I was considered more mature than others around my age by Uncle’s and the others. So after some thought, I came to the conclusion that this place must have been abandoned, that is why it was empty with no life to be found.

Despite knowing this was only a dream, I gradually became scared when I continued to move my small feet across the village devoid of inhabited. 

I wanted this nightmare to end quickly, but for some reason, I couldn’t... In my moment of despair, I heard a sound that brought me away from despair.  

Following that sound with hope and excitement, I quickly scurry forward, pushing my two small legs to its limit.  

When I finally reached the sound that I heard, I stumbled upon a small girl with blue hair, she was older than me. She was sitting by the bonfire with a smile, and roasted meat on a stick. As well as a huge terrified danger-beast further away from her.  

When I saw her, I felt a weird vibe from her — she didn’t notice me, so I was hesitant to go talk to her. When I finally managed to muster the courage to go forward and talk, she noticed me, but our conversation didn’t go the way I had expected.  

This blue-haired girl begins to talk about how life revolves around the strong and how the weak can only be made into prey in front of the strong.  

For some reason I didn’t like what she said, so I tried to counter her words. However, I couldn’t come up with any facts to counter what she said… so I could only be stubborn and disagree with her.    

The nightmare ended shortly after. 

I was happy, I didn’t like that girl and hoped I would never meet her in the dream again.   

Unfortunately, things don’t go the way people want most of the time! I met her again, again, again, and again. Over and over.   

Each time in the dream, our meeting was frequent and unavoidable. 

And eventually, time passed. Both she and I grew older, which I found funny since someone who only lived in my dream also aged at the same time as me.  

Through our meetings one after another, despite our initial encounter, my relationship with her became better and more favorable. Even so, there was still an unavoidable distant feeling between her and me. Simply because her ideology was something I couldn’t tolerate.  

Talking about her ideology; this girl continues to shower me with those. Not only that, she continued to insist on me following her around while demonstrating to me how the weak can only be prey for the strong by killing one creature after another and showing her cruel side. 

After having seen her demonstrate it to me so many times and her endless babble about her absurd ideology. I grew annoyed and came to a realization; this girl was trying to change me to see her way.  

Of course, I didn’t like the idea of her trying to make me become like her, so whenever she started to babble on about such things I would turn my head the other way around in order to not hear her voice. 

However, such a loose method naturally doesn’t work, and I still wind up listening to her talking nonetheless even if I was unwilling.

After a period of time, knowing I was going to have to continue living while hearing her speak about her absurd ideology to me while always giving a weird smile. An ingenious idea came to me—if she could try to change me, why can’t I do the same?     

As the ingenious idea hit me. 

During every dream with her then on, I begin the process of reforming the girl who lived her life, holding a lack of empathy toward things she deemed weak and was seemingly born with a twisted sadistic nature.       

A nature that really makes me dislike her for… maybe even hate her somewhere deep in my heart because of it.

‘‘Mhm,’’ Tatsumi felt a pang of pain in his head right after waking up, he immediately touched his head while winced. ‘‘What was that dream… who was that girl!?’’ he winces even harder when mentioning the girl, and the pain he was feeling persists.    

However, the image of the girl not only did not get clearer when mentioning her. Instead, the image of her only continues to drift further away from his memory. 

Until there was nothing left for him to remember.  

‘‘Hmm, what was that headache just now?’’ Tatsumi questions, letting go of his head as the pain he was feeling, suddenly as it came—disappeared with no trace. 

‘‘And… Was I dreaming about something last night? Mmm, it felt important but I can't recall anything, though.’’ A contemplating look formed on Tatsumi when feeling he was missing something. 

However, that part of his memory seemed to be wiped clean, causing him to recollect nothing in spite of trying to.   

‘‘It’s just a dream even if I can’t recall it, it doesn't matter.’’ With his character, seeing as how it seems impossible to recall he didn’t bother to dwell on it further. He instead chose to regard the person soundly lying asleep still, next to him. ‘‘Ha…’’ a sigh escaped from him soon after.

‘‘Seriously, how do you manage to snuck in without me noticing every time like this?’’ The reason for him sighing was because of Kurome; who once again was sleeping next to him on the same bed.

‘‘Mhm, looking at her like this, maybe I should pinch her face to teach her a lesson.’’ Tatsumi’s countenance flickers between mischief or just pure annoyance when looking at her cute face when asleep. ‘‘... ha, nevermind.’’ He chose against doing such a thing after some thoughtful musing.   

‘‘But her sneaking into my room in the middle of the night has already become somewhat of a habit on her part at this point before it completely becomes a habit…’’ he said with a blank tone, while a sly smirk formed across his lips. ‘‘I’ll ask Akame to deal with her.   

When thinking about how Akame would reprimand Kurome as she did last time, a part of him felt like laughing at the girl's expense.   

While this likely wouldn’t prevent Kurome from coming to his room late at night and sleepy next to him, having her being forced to bear an earful from her sister still felt amusing to him.  

After a few more moments of indulging in his own amusing thoughts, Tatsumi decided it was about time he got off from the bed.  

Choosing not to mess with Korome and waking her accidentally, Tatsumi carefully and silently got off from the bed. But as he proceeds to make his way out the door, after only taking a few steps. 

‘‘... you are going to tell Big Sis about me sneaking into your room, right?’’ Kurome suddenly opened her eyes, raised herself up, and said.  

When Tatsumi heard her sudden voice, his back stiffened momentarily; which only lasted for a brief second. He turned back around, looking at the pouted girl, a grin traced across his lips immediately. ‘‘Yes. I’m going to tell your sister. Is there a problem with that?’’        

Hearing him bluntly admitted to wanting to tell on her to her Sister, Kurome's pouting face couldn’t help but twitch slightly. ‘‘Can you not? I don’t want to hear her talking about how I can't sleep next to you. Hmph, and in the first place, wherever I sleep has nothing to do with her!’’ She snorted unhappily when thinking about how she got reprimanded the last time.  

‘‘...’’ For some unknown reason, Tatsumi tilted his head down and fell deep in thought for a brief moment. However, he soon brought it back up, giving her a deep look.  

‘‘Hmm, I won’t deny that sleeping wherever you want is something even Akame can’t say anything about. But… does it have to be at my bed?’’ With an unchanged grinning look, Tatsumi inquired. 

‘‘I want to sleep next to you.’’ 

‘‘Any reason in particular?’’

‘‘Because I just want to.’’ 

With a stubborn look in her eyes, Kurome resolutely replied back under his scrutinized gaze. Knowing that was the only answer he’d be getting from her, Tatsumi dropped his scrutinized gaze as well as his grin and just helplessly sighed.   

Guess that’s all I’ll be getting out of her… Tatsumi said inwardly. 

‘‘You won’t say anything to Sis, right?’’ Her cute yet charming facial appearance seemed to plead with him.   

‘‘I’m sorry. If that is all your reason for sneaking into my room and lying next to me, I much prefer telling Akame in hopes somehow she might be able to convince you to stop what you are doing. Moreover, at this point, she should be able to guess where you are.’’       

Seeing him shutting down her request instantly without a second thought, Kurome's cute face became dark. She gazed dejectedly at him. 

‘‘You know she already knew, so why do you make such a face? If someone suddenly comes in and sees this scene and thinks I’m bullying you. I’m not letting you go for that.’’ Tatsumi felt slightly awkward when being stared at with such a gaze.   

‘‘It’s true she would already know, but I want to say to her face that you don’t mind since you’re not saying anything about it.’’ Kurome said, not embarrassed by what she had just uttered. 

‘‘...’’ Tatsumi blankly stares at her. ‘‘It’s amazing how you can act so childish.’’ After a moment passed, those were the only words he could say in response.   

Kurome giggled cheerfully, ‘‘Hee hee, only around you.’’   

‘‘Ha… fine, I won’t say anything about it.’’ Giving up, he turned back around, about to make his way out. 

‘‘By the way… why did you wake up holding your head in pain and say, ‘What was that… who was that girl’?’’ A hint of worry could be heard clearly from her tone. 

‘‘What are you talking ab—’’ looking confused, Tatsumi was about to ask. However, the door suddenly swung open with a loud bang.       

‘‘Kurome, how many times must we tell you to not trespass into the Tatsumi room!’’ Storming into the room, Leone expressed her irritation toward the black-haired girl still seated on the bed. 

‘‘Can you be any more loud, you hag.’’ As if her whole persona suddenly changed, Kurome wore a blank look, uttered carelessly.    


Upon being called a hag right after entering the room, Leone stood speechless, eyebrows twitching non-stop at the young girl. ‘‘You damn brat! those small breasts of yours must have really caused damage to your memory! How many times must I say to not call me that!’’ Her anger erupted. 

‘‘Hmph, I’ll continue to call you that as much as I want!’’ Kurome didn’t back down even with Leone’s wrath approaching her. ‘‘Besides, with your age the word old lady is basically meant for you. I wonder though, why is someone as old as you so desperate to stay close to Tatsumi. You should be ashamed.’’ Kurome said in a mocking manner. 

She’s very cruel with what she says, huh? And her cute way of acting completely disappears too. However, do they always have to cause this much noise in the morning? Watching the two, Tatsumi thought irritatedly. Always in my room no less.    

‘‘Ha… whatever, I don’t want to deal with this in the morning.’’ With a sigh, Tatsumi walked out the room, not feeling like bothering with this. 

‘‘Hmm, what did Kurome mean when I woke up holding my head in pain and saying strange things?’’ 

Ignoring the noise behind, Tatsumi thought strey towards the words spoken by Kurome.

‘‘She didn’t seem to be lying either… Did I really utter something like that?’’ 





Bumping into someone after not watching where he was going, Tatsumi gazed down and saw a beautiful woman flat on her rear with long purple hair and purple eyes, wearing glasses. Her body was slander-yet-curvaceous; she wore a lilac cheongsam dress. 


She was the Night Raid, Sheele.

Tatsumi had a good impression of this woman. 

Part of the reason was because she was really kind and thoughtful to the rest of the Night Raid members. However, his true reason for having a good impression of this woman wasn’t because of that. 

It was because... she was the only female among the original members that he hadn’t felt anything when first seeing her, unlike others, causing him to immediately have a good impression on her.  


Plus, she was only the one who didn’t seem to want to constantly stick close to him like glue. Also, their overly affection towards him at times makes him feel uncomfortable to say the least.

‘‘Ah, sorry for not watching where I was going, Sheele.’’ Tatsumi stretched down his hand toward her and apologized. 

‘‘No, don’t apologize. It was my fault as well for not watching where I was going!’’ Sheele waves her hands, saying when seeing him apologize. ‘‘Hm, I see, then are you going to take my hand or is my gesture unnecessary.’’ Watching her stammer, Tatsumi gave her a light smile as he said.    

‘‘Um, oh, umm, T-thanks.’’ Looking at his hands, Sheele stammered, uttering as she took his hand. Pulling her back up, Tatsumi bent down and grabbed a book that had fallen off from Sheele’s hands. ‘‘Here.’’ He said, handing it over to her. 

‘‘Thanks.’’ Sheele bowed her hand unconsciously. 

Tatsumi nods his head with the same light smile, proceeding to make away without saying anything further. 


After Tatsumi washed up in the morning, he trained with Ieyasu and Sayo, accompanied by Bulats who helped with the training. Then hang out with the rest of the Night Raid members who hadn’t been out on a mission.   

Like that the early morning flew by in a flash, quickly reaching noon.

Tatsumi and two other people advance quietly, trying to stay as unnoticeable and silent as possible.

While following them along, Tatsumi glances uncertainty at the two in front. ‘‘Isn’t this just a hot spring, why are we discreetly advancing toward it when we’re just going there to bathe?’’ The two in front he was asking had green hair and unruly dark brown hair.

They were obviously Lubbock and Ieyasu. 

For some odd reason, they were making a very nervous expression as they went at a slow pace. In Tatsumi's eyes, these two have become especially close during the short time he and his two friends joined Night Raid. 

If he thought Ieyasu and Bulat were close enough to even have a relationship such as a young and older brother. Ieyasu and Lubbock were like twins who almost never separated from each other, which was only worse since they had an unsightly hobby.  

Which is trying to peek at the female members when they either bathe or change clothes, and more similar hobbies to those.     

When they heard him asking, Instead of talking, Lubbock put one of his fingers to his lips and made a gesture of silence. ‘‘Shhh. Don’t talk so loud, we need to be absolutely silent.’’ His gaze was directed solely on Tatsumi. ‘‘That’s means you!’’ 

‘‘...’’ Having been shushed, Tatsumi's uncertain gaze came to an understanding. Ah, it seems I was tricked. We aren’t taking a bath in the Hot Spring, we’ll instead hide in the bush and peep at those who are already in. He drew a conclusion in his mind.               

‘‘Haa, I don’t get it, what is so good about peeping on a girl anyway?’’ Tatsumi breathed out a mouthful of air and said to Lubbock. ‘‘Is there any point in wasting your time on such stupid things?’’ 

‘‘Hmph! Only you can say that because you are surrounded by girls and can do what you want with them. You don’t understand the rest of us poor lonely souls that had to try so hard just to glace a peek!’’ 

Tears seemed on the verge of falling from Lubbock when he said that. 

‘‘You’re right, I don’t understand. There was never a time when I needed to do such a thing.’’ Tatsumi uttered back when hearing about his sad situation over not being popular. 

‘‘This guy!’’ Lubbock grabbed Tatsumi’s arms, his expression flustered between emotions varied from jealousy, anger, or sorrow. ‘‘Popular guys like you are so annoying!’’            

‘‘Um… L-Lubbock, t-there is a problem.’’ Ieyasu tugged at the green-haired sleeves, trying to gain his attention. ‘‘What problem?’’ With his sleeve tug, Lubbock drew his attention back to Ieyasu, asking.  

‘‘While you weren’t looking… your legs might have touched the trap they set out.’’ Ieyasu wore a pale expression, as he gazed down at a very thin wire being stepped on by one of Lubbock's feet.             

Face growing pale as well, Lubbock’s gaze roam to the two giant rocks hanging on the air about, with ropes tied to it. The two giant rocks quickly swung toward them, and along with the rocks many darts came flying from both sides.

‘‘I’ll leave you two to deal with this.’’ Seeing the trap activated, Tatsumi warmly smiles and bonds backward. 

‘‘Hey, wait!!’’ 

With the sound of Ieyasu's voice came the sound of the two screaming at the top of their lungs.