Chapter: 20
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Tatsumi's mind shook intensely at the realization. 

‘‘Die!!!’’ Seeing how his words had disturbed the mind of his opponent, the mercenary laughed coldly inside, swinging down the blade on Tatsumi at break-neck speed. 

But just as the blade was a mere inch away from touching the strand of hair on Tatsumi's head, his eyes regained their calm in that instant, while at the same flashing with cold light. 

In less than a split second that passed he disappeared from the mercenary gaze, only to appear a few steps away. 

‘‘You're right. No matter how many times I resolve myself in my head, I would still hesitate when I truly have to do it for real. However, I must do it. So thank you for becoming the first to die by… my hand!’’ 

Drip, Drip...

Tatsumi’s lips parted open as he uttered softly to the mercenary. The sword in his hand stains with deep red blood that slides down to the hilt, and drips down to the ground.

What is he… Before the mercenary could even finish his thought process; countless red lines showed up, tracing across his entire body. And with the red lines, his consciousness slips away instantly.

The mercenary body then began to fall apart as it was dismembered into many pieces, creating a grotesque scene of flesh and intestines mixing together. Reaching the ground soon after falling apart, a pool of blood formed around the dismembered corpse.  

‘‘Huff...huff...huff…’’ turning back to look, Tatsumi breathing heavily. He wasn’t breathing heavily because of true exhaustion, instead, it was because of what he knew he had just done. 

He had taken a life for the first time! 


As the memory of his first kill flashes through his mind vividly, Tatsumi eventually leads Ogre into an isolated alleyway devoid of any person on sight. 

‘‘We’re here, now make it quick! Don’t continue wasting my time!’’ Ogre's voice rang out coldly, stirring up the dark and quiet alleyway with noise.    

‘‘Alright. At your wish, Lord Ogre.’’ Tatsumi calmly spoke, the tone that once suggested he considered someone like Ogre way above him was no longer able to be found. ‘‘However, before we do that, I need to take away some part of you so you can’t struggle.’’ 


‘‘Unfortunately, an insignificant brat like you won't be able to take away anything from me.’’ Ogre’s red-black sclera eye glowed menacingly in the dark; his hands went to the hilt of his sword tied around his waist.   

‘‘Maybe…’’ immediately as those words left his mouth, Tatsumi spun around at inhuman speed and directly dashed forward at Ogre. ‘‘If I was dealing with someone more powerful than you.’’ Before Ogre could even react and pull out his sword, Tatsumi unsheathed his weapon and swung out two times. 

Ogre’s red-black sclera eye instantly reveals a shocking and fearful look as his hands include the one holding onto the hilt of his weapon, detaching and flung through the air while pouring out large amounts of blood.   


A painful howl immediately came from Ogre as he watched his severed hands being overtaken by gravity and falling toward the ground.     

However, unfortunately for him, the young assassin didn’t allow him to indulge in his scream. Tatsumi raised his foot and with a loud bang, he kicked Ogre’s abdomen with enough force to send him flying and crashing through the wall of the building on the right.   

Boom! When Ogre crashes into the wall, a large part of it immediately collapses, revealing the dark empty inside of the building.

Thud, thud… Without letting his guards down, despite already assured of his victory in this fight that only lasted for a second at best. Tatsumi carefully made his way to Ogre, who was covered in debris and rubble from the collapse of the wall. 

When reaching Ogre, staying three feet apart in-

 in case unexpected things might happen. Tatsumi narrowed his eyes and carefully observed for a few tens of seconds, before finally saying. 

‘‘Pretended to be dead isn’t going to work when I can hear your breathing loud and clear, stupid!’’     

Right as Tatsumi's voice rang out, Ogre’s lying body beneath the debris and rubble suddenly propped up using his leg muscles. And with a menaced aura and vicious expression resembling a demon. Ogre roared, opened his mouth, and revealed his sharp teeth, lunging at Tatsumi.  

The distance that separated them was only a mere three feet so Ogre was able to instantly cross it, having his large muscular figure right before Tatsumi. Ready to chomp down at him with those sharp and dangerous teeth.     

Tatsumi's gaze continued to stay calm without flinching even as Ogre was about to chomp down on him, he’s fast… but I’m faster. Tatsumi swiftly and nimbly leaps upward, causing Ogre to bite down on nothing for air.   

‘‘It seems even with no arms you can still put up a resistance; then I’ll take away those legs of yours.’’ Tatsumi coldly spoke. For these types of people, there wasn’t a single strand of mercy in him.  

Before going into this mission, he was brief on the crime that Ogre had committed in a more detailed manner than the other night. When thinking about what this monster did, Tatsumi's heart surged with even stronger killing intent.  

Tatsumi grabs hold of Ogre's left shoulder when on the verge of descending back down to the ground. After grabbing hold of Ogre’s left shoulder, Tatsumi swung himself down even faster and with his remaining free hand held his sword. He swung forward at Ogre's legs without hesitation.  

‘‘Urgghhh!!!’’ A loud and wretched scream filled with agony came out from Ogre as his torso dropped down to the ground after having his legs severed away.

‘‘Just killed me already!’’ With all his limbs severed away, Ogre crawls on the ground like a worm, gazing up at Tatsumi with those red-black sclera eyes of his, he shouts at Tatsumi to end him. 

‘‘I will… but not before I ask you a few questions.’’ Tatsumi coldly said, looking at the once haughty Ogre worming around pathetically on the ground.

‘‘What is it!? Spit it out quick!!’’ With pain coursing through him, Ogre crazily shouted. ‘‘You’re eager, then again I suppose it’s only right with your current pathetic state.’’ Seeing how Ogre was eager to answer his question, Tatsumi uttered again with the same cold tone. 

Damn it Damn it Damn it…!!! How can I, Ogre, the ruler of this city be subjected to such humiliation! I kill you I kill you I kill you!!! The moment he heard what Tatsumi said, Ogre's vine popped as his anger exploded. 

But knowing he could do nothing about it with all his limbs severed away and with his opponent’s strength far surpassing him, Ogre could only curse Tatsumi inside his heart while also hoping he would kill him and end the humiliated state he was in.     

‘‘... aren’t you humans just like the rest of the people, why do you enjoy hurting others so much!? From what I heard you frame people on false charges and have them executed, and have done far more than just that… Why!? Do you enjoy the suffering of other!!?’’ 

Before starting questioning Ogre, Tatsumi took a deep breath first as if trying to make himself remain calm, but when actually confronted Ogre with these questions, his voice began to rise at a rapid pace, unable to remain calm as he had wanted.  

As for why he was asking Ogre these questions in the first place; it was also part of his reason for taking on this mission in the first place. 

Last night, when Najenda brought out the topic of their mission and when Leone was explaining to them about the things Ogre did. The reason he was so quick to take on the mission was because… there was this burning question he had wanted to ask for a while ever since the incident at Aria Manor. 

Why do these people who are the cause of the empire's current state do what they do!? What makes them believe they can torment their fellow people as they like just because they stand on a higher statue!? To be able to do what they do… do they not believe the people who suffer at their hands are people as well, just like them!? 

‘‘Ahahahahaha! I thought you would ask me something important like trying to obtain information from me, but to think you would ask such a naive question! Haha…!’’ 

Hearing Tatsumi's question, Ogre began to laugh in a crazy manner. The red part of his red-black sclera seems to glow a deeper shade of red in madness.    

Tatsumi clenched his hand tightly, his face and voice was colder than ever. ‘‘Is my question that funny to you that it would cause you to laugh, Ogre?’’

When Ogre heard his voice only then did his laugh gradually end, though his expression still told Tatsumi that he was mocking his naive question. 

‘‘You want to know why I do what I do? Isn’t it obvious, because I’m above those low-life and can do what I want with them! They can only—’’


‘‘That’s enough!’’ Tatsumi smashed his foot down on Ogre's head to stop Ogre before he could say anything further. The force from his foot caused a large crack in the ground; it spread outward like a spiderweb. 

A muffled sound came out from Ogre who had his head planted deep in the ground, with his tough physique he hadn’t died despite the power contained in the foot. In fact, the muffling sounded like a laugh as if mocking Tatsumi even now.  

‘‘You know… I really should thank you.’’ Tatsumi's lips curled up into a freezing smile, his voice was soft. ‘‘If every person I had to deal with from now on is a human trash like you. I might just come to love killing each and everyone of you!’’     

Tatsumi lifts his foot back up and ruthlessly brings it back down again. With a loud boom the ground cave-in even further, while Ogre, the target of the Tatsumi fury, had his head destroyed.    

White brain matter and blood flow outward, staining his foot in a deep red color. 

Looking down at Ogre's head that he had crushed with his foot, Tatsumi gazes up at the moon, exhaling silently. 

‘‘My questions were indeed laughable and naive… but at least I attained enough resolve. For this type of people, who become drunk with power and do whatever they like — I'll send all of them to hell!’’        

The first mission Tatsumi was assigned to have met its end in a complete success, as well as ignited a fire in him. The fire ignited in him had now truly made him part of Night Raid in both mind and body.    

When first joining Night Raid and hearing their so-called cause, he still hesitated because he doubted if their goal could be realized. If it wasn’t because there was money involved and that he couldn’t exactly refuse, he wouldn’t even agree to join them.  

But now, there was no reason for doubt, as the desire to eliminate all corruption in the empire had now fully formed in him after this night. 

...  `

‘‘Phew, thank god. It seems you were able to finish Ogre off without a lot of effort since it doesn't seem you sustained any injuries.’’ 

A little while later, Leone, Akame, and Najenda arrived at the scene where Tatsumi and Ogre had their fight.    

‘‘Hm. Ogre was much weaker than I had anticipated, it seems there is no problem on your end as well.’’ Tatsumi responds back, as he turns to gaze at his comrade who has just arrived at the scene after finishing their own part of the mission. 

‘‘These two did great, they were able to infiltrate the base where Gamel operated without the people protecting him noticing and successfully assassinate him silently.’’ Najenda responds with a chuckle. 

 ‘‘It’s great that everything went well.’’ Tatsumi couldn’t help but smile, hearing how the mission was so successful.       

‘‘Wait, hold on a second. I got to see if there are any hidden injuries on you.’’ 

Akame narrowed her eyelid, moving closer to check if he had any injuries that he wasn’t telling them. But while she was about to reach the tip of his clothes, Tatsumi bound backward.    

‘‘I don’t think there is a need to repeat what previously happened the other time, is there?’’ Putting some distance between them, Tatsumi said, glaring at her. ‘‘Besides, I would know best if there is a hidden injury on me.’’    

‘‘...’’ Seeing him avoiding her inspection of hidden injuries, Akame's gaze turned more determined. ‘‘I’d be the judge of that after actually looking through your body.’’ She quickly darted toward him again.  

‘‘You. I’m starting to think you might really be addicted to pulling someone's clothes up to look at their bare body.’’ Witnessing her not backing down despite what he says, Tatsumi squats his left eye while saying.  

‘‘And like I said, if it’s you, maybe.’’ A smile traces across Akame's lips in the midst of him dodging another grab from her.  

Ha… I had to wonder, what did these girls find interesting about me? Persistently avoiding her every move, Tatsumi sighed inwardly. ‘‘If you're persistent about it. Fine, I’ll let you search for any hidden injuries.’’ Flashing a helpless glance at her, he chose to pull his shirt up on his own accord. 

‘‘Didn’t think he would give in this easily, huh? You seem jealous of it.’’ Watching the two from the sideline, Najenda uttered in a teasing manner toward Leone. 

‘‘Hmph! What would I be jealous of something this small when my time with him was much closer than this.’’ Leone said, her expression a little dark. 

‘‘In fact… I believe you should be the one who’s jealous. After all, unlike me, Mine, Korome, and Akame, his relationship with you is the most distant. You might try to hide it unlike others, but I can still smell what you… feel about him.’’     

A teasing smirk gradually formed on Leone as she continued to speak, her eyes leering at Najenda the whole time as if mocking her.  

‘‘Leone, do you feel like getting a beating!’’ Leone immediately shudders, gazing at Najenda, who seems to give out a dark illusory aura around her. While an intimidated smile hung on her pretty face.  

‘‘Wait, wait, wait! Come down boss, it was just a joke no need to take it seriously!’’ Leone nervously sweat drops. Taking a step back, she quickly uttered in order to defuse Najenda's anger.               

Still emitting the dark illusory aura, Najenda’s piercing glare directed at Leone persists for a moment before it suddenly vanishes as she directs her gaze forward to Ogre’s corpse. 

‘‘For Tatsumi's first mission, it went more successful than I thought. Knowing his current strength, now it is pretty laughable for us to try to prevent him from taking on this mission in the first place when he clearly could accomplish it easily.’’   

‘‘Y-yeah.’’ Leone put on a big wide smile, concurring with Najenda while still feeling nervous in case her temper flared up again. 


‘‘Something’s wrong?’’ 

Noticing how Najenda observed Ogre's lifeless corpse with deep thoughtful expression, Leone inquired after breathing a sigh of relief after realizing her boss wasn’t mad anymore. 

‘‘No, everything is fine. I’m just feeling relief more or less right now.’’ Najenda shook her head, taking her gaze away from the corpse. ‘‘Um, over what?’’ Leone tilted her in confusion.  

‘‘According to him, that mercenary he killed last time was the first person he killed, so I was hesitant to send him out on this mission because I was afraid he wouldn’t be able to kill without hesitation and might find himself in trouble. But judging by this, I was overthinking it. I’m glad…’’

Najenda looked toward the pair who were still dealing with the matter of Tatsumi's hidden injuries, and as she looked, a genuine smile formed across her lips… as well as a trace of envy directed at Akame.  

Despite not wanting to admit it, Leone is right in some regard. While our relationship isn’t bad, however, out of all the girls in the Night Raid, my relationship with him is the most distant currently…  Najenda slightly frowned while being pulled into her own thoughts.  

But while continued to be pulled deep into her own thoughts, the slight frown on her face eventually disappeared without a trace. But it’s fine, unlike others we have a deeper connection… right? 

When Najenda thoughts trail toward the encounters in the dream, her eyes can't help moving between Akame and Leone. 

‘‘You’re still not angry at my teasing…’’ Leone stroked her cheek uncomfortably, still a little jumpy about whether her boss was still upset over her earlier teasing remark. 

‘‘If you keep mentioning it I might still be angry for real.’’ Najenda said, gaze bore straight in Leone. ‘‘You got it, lips sealed, never to be mentioned again! Ha ha ha.’’ Leone quickly and exaggeratedly nodded her head.

‘‘Great.’’ Najenda said, taking her gaze away.   

It can’t be… Suspicious still couldn’t help linger in the back of her mind, it took root deep in her heart once it had formed. 


‘‘Pants! Off! Limit!’’ Tatsumi wore a dark and serious expression. He uttered all three words slowly, emphasizing each one.

‘‘...’’Akame held the bump on her head while crouching down, her red eyes gazing up at him resentfully, making her oddly cute at this moment. ‘‘Understood.’’ She nodded while pouting. 

Perceiving her resentful look, Tatsumi breathed out a sigh. ‘‘Don’t make that pitiful look, I’m sorry for hitting you. Here,’’ he held his hand down to her, saying. 

‘‘...’’ Surprised by it, Akame blankly gazes intently at his hand for a short moment. Taking his hand after a short moment passed, a lovely smile sprouted from her the next instant. 

Uh! Why should I be apologizing when I had a perfectly good excuse to hit her? Suddenly realizing he shouldn’t be apologizing, Tatsumi bore a somewhat confused expression. If this was Ieyasu or Sayo, I surely wouldn’t... like I thought, these girls are something. 

Glancing at Akame's lovely smile, he said inwardly, making a particular face.