Chapter: 19
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‘‘Are you going to continue standing there without saying anything? C’mon, have a seat with me. I want to talk.’’ Seeing him not coming over, Leone said again.  

‘‘Ha… fine.’’ Noticing that she seemed to really want to talk with him for some reason, Tatsumi sighed as he uttered. ‘‘Please tell me you at least have a good reason for wanting to talk at this hour.’’ Tatsumi went over and took a seat next to her.          

‘‘... your face is just so cute, I really want to touch it.’’ Once he was next to her, Leone carefully observed his face and uttered excitedly after.

‘‘Is this all? You want me to talk to you about my face, if so, I’m leaving.’’ Tatsumi's expressionlessly said, his voice a bit colder than usual. 

As he was about to stand back up and take his leave, a hand raised up to seize the tip of his clothes. Knowing who it was he gazed back down and was surprised by the expression Leone’s making.  

‘‘W, why are you making such a face is this really something to make a face like that?’’ He couldn’t help but ask when he saw it.   

‘‘Don’t go…’’ 

Leone was currently making a sad and pitiful face, completely unlike her usual self who always showed a cheerful and carefree manner of acting.  

With how beautiful Leone was any and all who laid gaze on her current pitiful and sad self would have their heart tightened and felt a certain emotion coursing through them—they would feel the desire to make sure that expression of her went away. 

Tatsumi, and like any other, also felt the same. ‘‘Tch, I won’t go. Seriously, just what is with you people?’’ He sat back down next to her while clicking his tongue in wonder. 

‘‘You actually sat back down? Hee, it seems acting pitiful also works on the current you~’’ The instant he sat back down next to her as if the entire pitiful face she was making was just an act. Leone gleefully utters with a smile.         

‘‘Hey! If you don’t want me to leave you here and now, continue to make that pitiful face, alright!’’ Tatsumi's face darkened, his tone was cold.     

‘‘Alright alright! I’ll stop with the joking, can you stop making that face!’’ When she saw his face darkened, Leone quickly said. Only when hearing her did Tatsumi's expression begin to ease.

‘‘Cheesh, it’s difficult to talk with you sometimes.’’ Leone only became relieved when she saw his expression eased. ‘‘…so…’’ Looking up at the Moon for a moment, uttering just that one word, Leone seems hesitant to say anything further.  

‘‘Hum? If you want to say something, just say it.’’ Tatsumi's brow furrowed slightly while saying.

He’s right… I should just say it. Why am I acting like this? It must be because of all the drinks... Leone released a breath, sighing at the way she was acting. She averted her gaze back at him, and then finally said.

‘‘While you don’t show it… do you hate me for the fact that I was the cause of you basically being forced to join the Night Raid? I’m… I’m sorry about it.’’ After saying that, Leone immediately turned her gaze away, fearing what he might say.  

‘‘...’’ Tatsumi didn’t respond back immediately, remaining silent. 

Holding in her breath, the silence and wait felt like an eternity to Leone. Every second that passed felt torturous and like it was extended forever in a never-ending manner. 

‘‘I didn’t think with your character you would worry over stuff like this.’’ Tatsumi directed his emerald green eyes at her as he calmly said. ‘‘Hmm, instead of hating you… I should thank you on behalf of my friend and I for allowing us the chance to join.’’ He truly meant those words. 

While joining the Night Raid wasn’t what he had planned when coming to the capital—far from it. At the end of the day, it still met his requirement in coming to the capital. 

After all, he only came to the capital to make a fortune to save the village, using his skill and joining the army might have been his intended goal but it wasn’t exactly something that is strictly required. 

So when mulling over the offer to become a member of Night Raid along with his friends after being forcibly brought over to the hideout, there wasn’t much hesitation on his part or his friends.     

Of course, more than half contributed to the fact that they couldn’t exactly refuse to join, but if that was only the case they wouldn’t be currently happily interacting with the members of Night Raid or taking orders. 

What also contributed to the current joyous mood within the Night Raid was the payment itself.  

It was a staggering fifty silvers for each of the three, something he felt completely shocked by.  

One has to know that the 41 silvers that he gave to Leone were enough for one to easily live a lavish lifestyle for a few months without depleting it. So one can imagine how much that amount of wealth was to attain all that for the down payment for joining Night Raid.

However, according to Najenda, they wouldn’t be paid that much again if they didn’t do well. Since at the end of the day, they were still an assassin organization, and how much they get paid depends on their performance and how well they get the job done. 

But of course, if they do really well on each mission, fifty silver wouldn’t be the maximum amount they would be paid.    

Him volunteering to kill Ogre was exactly for that… and also, because—hearing about that Ogre person caused his blood to boil in anger.   

‘‘Really…!’’ Leone's expression rapidly lit up in a bright manner, happiness overflowing out from her. The joy from just hearing those words of his was enough to cast away all the gloomy feeling inside her. 

‘‘Yeah.’’ Noticing her mood was getting better, Tatsumi felt glad.  

His relationship with Leone wasn’t all that bad, in fact, it can even be considered good, so he didn’t feel the need to have her continue looking gloomy because of him. 

‘‘Ahh, I’m so glad you aren’t mad!’’ Unable to resist, Leone directly smashed her body into Tatsumi, hugging him tightly. 

‘‘Damn it, let go!’’ 

Suddenly being hugged tightly, and worse with Leone's strength. Hearing his bones emitted a cracking sound, Tatsumi uttered desperately while prying open Leone arms that were holding on to him. 

‘‘Sorry, I lost my cool there for a second.’’ Finally after having her hands pried open by him and being glared at, realizing she must have hugged too hard, Leone stroked her cheek, apologizing.      

‘‘Ha…’’ giving her another glance, Tatsumi just sighed and looked up toward the beautiful moon. ‘‘The moon really is beautiful, isn’t it.’’ He said, leaning his back slightly.  

‘‘It is…’’ Leone echoed back with a smile. ‘‘Oh, by the way… why were you speaking so coldly to me just now if you aren’t mad about me being one of the causes for you being forced to join Night Raid?’’ She asked, curious as to the true reason for him acting cold. 

‘‘Mmm…’’ pondering thoughtfully, Tatsumi's eyes lit up as if remembering something very important. 

The next instant he holds his hand out, and smiles while saying. ‘‘The silvers and coppers that you trick us into giving you, give it back!’’ For Leone, his smile seemed to tell her there was no refusing; only that she had to give it back! 

‘‘I see… so that's what you were mad about, huh.’’ Leone chuckled bitterly.   

 ‘‘Give it back!’’ His smile was the same and while his tone wasn’t forceful, there was still an air that demanded no refusal. ‘‘Heh heh, if you're going to be that persistent about it there really is nothing but for me to comply, is there.’’ Knowing he wouldn’t let go of this matter, Leone could only do as he asked.

‘‘Here, every coin. Cheesh, even though you currently have lots of money you’re still not satisfied.’’ Leone said, taking out a cloth bag from somewhere on her. 

‘‘How can I... with only this amount? A may seem like a lot but with the amount of tax, the empire demanded it would only last at most a year or slightly more, not to factor into the fact that the tax is still increasing even as we speak. I must continue to make more money, enough to buy the village many times over.’’ 

‘‘...’’ Leone stayed quiet, she knew about his reason, and that only made it sad for her. ‘‘As long as we win… you won’t have to worry about such things again.’’ After some time passed, gazing at him she uttered with determination.           

That is if we win, otherwise… everything will be lost. Tatsumi chuckled in a bitter manner when hearing her. 

‘‘Hey! You want some booze!’’ Leone suddenly said with a big grin, holding up a bottle of red wine to his face.

‘‘I’m not old— haa, fine.’’ At first, Tatsumi was about to say he wasn’t old enough, but when thinking about how he might need it he chose to take the bottle right from her hands.  

It smells weird, I wonder what people like about this? Oh well, it wouldn’t hurt to try it... Gently shaking the bottle, Tatsumi mused while smelling the red wine. Gulp gulp gulp, with not much hesitation Tatsumi directly down the entire bottle. 

‘‘Pifft! Cough cough cough…!’’ 

The instant the wine went down his throat and through his system, Tatsumi spit some back out while beginning to cough violently. 

‘‘Who likes this thing!? It's so gross!’’ Only when he gradually stops coughing, he loudly utters, face flushing red because of alcohol entering his system, heating his body up.   

‘‘Bahahaha! It might have been your first time but to think you're this weak against alcohol!’’ Seeing how he was acting, Leone’s grin became impossibly wide. ‘‘I will say, though…’’ her voice got lower. 

‘‘Hm?’’ Face still flushed bright red, Tatsumi tilted his head, gazing over to Leone. 

‘‘You’re impossibly cute like this~’’  



Before he could finish speaking, his mouth was suddenly sealed by Leone's soft lips. With wide eyes and unable to react to the unexpected situation, he was further pushed down by her without resistance. 

On that calm night, as the beautiful moonlight lit down on the two, the close contact between them could clearly be seen.  

Late at night in the capital city. The street lights lit off the place, and despite it being quite late many people could still be found wandering about during this part of the city.   

‘‘Hu~ Wah… Sake really is the best after a night of thorough interrogation.’’ 

A muscular man with red eyes, a large star-shaped scar over his missing left eye, and black hair that was gray near his temple, wearing a suit of armor typical for imperial policies. Said with a flush and satisfied look on his face.   

‘‘Lord Ogre,’’


Having his name being called, the muscular man, now known as Ogre turned toward in confusion. As he did, he saw two men wearing Yukata with flower crests on the chest area, smiling wickedly in a respectful manner. 

‘‘We just want to congratulate you on a job well done,’’

‘‘And thank you for the other day.’’ 

The two men said, rubbing their hands together with the wicked smile still on them. 

‘‘No problem, come to me with whatever trouble you have at any time.’’ At the sight of the two men, Ogre smiled back, waving at them as they bowed toward him and took their leave soon after.      

Those two men were people he had done certain favors for in return for them paying him large sums of money. Seeing how respectful they were acting toward him just now, Ogre's smile was wide and arrogant.  

I am the king of this city…!? The highest authorities. I can do whatever I want, as much as I want! Ogre strides forward, and a haughty sense of pride surges in him with every large step he takes. 

‘‘Lord Ogre, may I sincerely have some of your time.’’ 

Heh, another one! But, I don’t recognize this voice. When another voice came just after him taking a few steps forward, the haughty sense of arrogance in him surged again but unable to identify the voice he turned backward in confusion to identify who it was.

Right after turning backward, he saw a person of average stature; wearing cheaply cost jackets and hoodies. 

With his head slightly lower in a respectful manner, the hoodies cover the person's appearance from being seen completely. But from his voice, Ogre could tell that this unknown person couldn’t be that old. 

‘‘What is it?’’ Unlike with the previous people, this time Ogre's voice when asking the unknown person was fierce and overbearing.

The reason for his sudden shift in demeanor was simply because after seeing how poorly dressed this person was and remembering it to be none of the people that usually pay him off to do them a favor. Ogre's expression was full of disdain over this person.  

With that disgustingly cheap clothing, this person can’t be any rich person. Tch, wasting my time like this… Ogre felt anger just by the fact that this bastard dared to come forward and talk to him.      

‘‘I would like to privately ask a favor from you, Lord Ogre. If I may ask, would you please give me some of your time?’’ The unknown person said, his voice was deeply respectful as if talking to someone far above him. 

Humph! At least he has some manners… While still greatly feeling irritated by this unknown person, Ogre nonetheless felt pleased by how the unknown person addressed him. ‘‘Just spit it out here.’’ 

‘‘Lord Ogre, what I’m about to say is something really important to me. I’m unable to expose such a great secret right on this road where many people wonder about and can hear everything. Please Lord Ogre, just grant me some of your time. I promise you, it won’t take too much of your time.’’  

Having his request refused, the unknown person exaggeratedly said. As if hoping to gain pity from Ogre so his request could be met.  

This annoyed pests! Ogre rubs the back of his head, looking more than just annoyed by this person. ‘‘Fine! But make it quick!’’ As he spoke, Ogre's red and black sclera eye seemed to glow in a demonic manner, representing the meaning of his name. 

‘‘Oh thank you sir, I promise it will be quick!’’ The unknown person bowed and said in a joyous manner. 


So this is Ogre… Leading him across the street and into an alleyway visited by few people, Tatsumi makes sure to never let his guard around the person currently right behind him. 

When they reach closer to a place where no one’s around, Tatsumi’s hands clutch into a fist. 

This would be the second time that I took a life, I can’t let myself be shaken up over this. I can kill; I prepared myself for this even before killing a person for the first time when the Night Raid base was attacked by those mercenaries. So there is no need for me to hesitate! 

As determination formed on Tatsumi's face, an ice-cold killing intent flashed through his eyes.

Just as he said, this wasn’t going to be the first time he had taken a life. 

After his friends and him agreed to join the Night Raid, the base was suddenly under attack by hiring mercenaries. Tatsumi could still picture the image of his first kill vividly in his head even now. While it might have been a few days ago, to him it might as well have been an hour ago. 

Everything he felt then and there could be pictured clearly.   

Few days back. 

It's just one person... Tatsumi deftly dodged an incoming slash that was aimed to separate his head. After dodging the slash, the person he was fighting, a mercenary, curved his blade and brought it back up at inconceivable speed. 

For any average person, the strike might have been considered fast in their eyes but to Tatsumi — it was horribly slow. He’s also not that strong either, Easily avoiding the strike by just tilting his torso to the side, Tatsumi uttered in his mind.  

I could very well end this with a single strike from my sword… so why does this fight still persist!? Tatsumi frowned, raised his sword, and struck it forward. 

Immediately as his sword struck the other person’s weapon, a spark flew out as the mercenary flew back more than five steps. Taking advantage of that, he appeared behind him and brought his sword down instantly.  

The strike was fast and caught completely off guard by him suddenly appearing behind, the strike should have been able to kill the mercenary without a hench. That is If his sword had not suddenly hesitated in that brief instant.  

Because of that brief moment of hesitation, the mercenary was given enough time to move to the side, avoiding the sword which should have claimed his life. And even spun around to counterattack with the blade. 

Why am I still fighting him when that strike should have easily ended his life…!? Could he be stronger than expected? No! With those slow movements, enough to make me bored. It is impossible for him to be that strong.

Tatsumi flipped through the air, causing the blade to miss entirely. When landing back down, he was met with many flying knives throwing at each of his vital points. But of course, he was able to easily avoid the first few knives and then strike away the rest.  

He’s nothing like Bulat’s; neither fast nor strong, or even that skilled! So what could it be!? Why am I having a hard time beating this guy!? Tatsumi’s expression contorted in frustration. 

‘‘Haha, kid! You might be strong but you’re nothing more than a green-horn who has never tasted blood!’’ 

‘‘Huh?’’ Tatsumi narrowed his eyes deeply at the mercenary. He was trying to comprehend what the mercenary was saying, ‘‘What the hell do you mean by green-horn?’’ 

‘‘Haha, this is very funny! It seems you yourself haven’t realized your hands are trembling, how about instead of trying to figure it out, you just die now!!’’ The mercenary roared, storming forward at top speed.     

He’s right… my hands are trembling. But why? Tatsumi looked down at his own hand and saw it was trembling, as if afraid. Just when he returned his gaze back to the rushing figure and looked carefully at the area around the person's neck, did he realize the cause of his hands trembling? 

‘‘It’s because I’m afraid… afraid to kill this person.’’