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Once upon a time, in a distant and extraordinary era, there was a cave located at the edge of the universe. It was a cave that seemed to have no specific shape, as if it depended on some magical force unknown to us.

Inside the cave, one could imagine an interior completely made of crystals that emitted a sparkling light in various colors, from green to red, from blue to purple, and any other variation one might imagine. Only the spiritually wisest could access this cave. Time flowed in a very different manner than in any other place in the entire cosmos.

A celestial creature with the appearance of a regular teenager was exploring this cave, and their name could be remembered as "Akumāo" the one who reigns over the creatures. Their past had led them to embark on an exploration of existence, without stopping in any country, continent, or even a planet. Their goal was to discover the why, where, and when of life in all its purest characteristics.

They took a step towards the first large crystal they encountered and placed their hand on it. "Crystal, open your path" were their words, and the crystal suddenly began to emit a blinding black light without warning. After a while, a strange sound, like glass breaking on the ground, was heard. The crystal had disappeared and cleared the way for Akumāo. Their eyes briefly lit up, and then they received information, a very clear and accurate vision, as if it had just been stamped into their mind.

This vision depicted an alternative future of their planet, where numerous conflicts and suffering occurred. In fact, these crystals contained alternative possibilities of the world that a chosen one could access to influence it. It seemed that the gravity of these futures depended entirely on the actions taken by those who interacted with the crystals and the light they emitted after touching them.

Akumāo then continued their journey and soon arrived in another part of the cave. This time, there were not one but two crystals of possible futures. They interacted with the one on the left, and the process repeated itself: blinding light, imprinted memory, possible future. The light emitted by the crystal was still black, but the future that reached Akumāo was slightly different from the one obtained previously.

They continued on their path and enigmatically said "This is just the beginning of the story that contains more stories." Their voice echoed throughout the territory.