Chapter 4: Ambush
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Looking through the windows, the yard seemed completely clear. However, none of us believed that for a second.


As I observed the yard, I noticed that the shadow at the entrance seemed a little weird. I remember that the building is a normal, blocky shape, so its shadow should also be equally blocky. However, it seems that in addition to the blocky shadow of the building, the shadow at the entrance also seemed to include two extra dark lumps.

After informing the rest of the Cameramen, my squad and I headed to the roof to take a look while the other two squads remained near the entrance in case the shadowy figures made a move. Quietly, we climbed up the stairs towards the roof and peeped through the roof door.

There they are! Two Spider Skibidi Toilets! They were peering over the roof, clearly staking out the entrance. Since their backs were facing us, they didn't realize that they had already been discovered.

Spider Skibidi Toilet

Including their legs, they were over... Five meters tall...

I couldn't help but freeze up. How do we even fight them!? Maybe it would still be possible to win if there was only one, but having to fight against two is way too difficult. Maybe if all three squads swarmed them, they could be defeated, but the casualties won't be small. We decided to retreat downstairs to make a plan first.

Another issue. By now, the dropships should have already arrived, but when I looked for any signs of them while on the roof, I found nothing. In the best-case scenario, they are running late, as for the worst-case scenario, something happened to the dropships, and they aren't coming to evacuate us anymore.

I decided to worry about that later. For now, the Spider Skibidi Toilets are the main issue. Their massive frames make them unable to enter the prison block, so we are safe for now at least until their reinforcements arrive. On the other hand, we couldn't expect any of our own reinforcement as this mission was meant to be a covert mission. Additionally, with no way to contact the base due to the nature of our mission, we had to come up with a plan to defeat them while we still had time.

First of all, what type of enemies are the Spider Skibidi Toilets? They are melee fighters, mainly attacking using their mouths or their legs. Their legs are sharp enough to stab through a Cameraman's body. For their strengths, they are highly agile, capable of scaling walls like spiders, and their above average size make them a big threat against the average Cameraman. As for their weakness, they aren't anything special. They do not possess any abilities that make them invincible against the average Cameraman.

This meant that as long as I could incapacitate them and get rid of their agility advantage, it may be possible to win. And so, the boys and I came up with a plan, and a backup plan in case our original plan goes wrong, and a backup backup plan in case said backup plan goes wrong.


When the Cameramen finally gave me the thumbs up, I knew that everyone was in position. I was currently standing behind the rooftop access door, with all of the boys ready beside me. I looked through the doorway... Good, they were still facing away from us. Aiming my arm at the water tank of one of the Spider Skibidi Toilets, I fired the grappling hook.

Swish! Thunk!

As expected, the hook penetrated the tank of the toilet and is now securely locked in place by the claws that extended. Now, it's time for us to PULL!

Twenty Cameramen immediately pulled the chain with all of their strength, the sudden force sending the Spider Skibidi Toilet into a fall.

It quickly recovered and began struggling, its legs skittering as they attempted to dig into the concrete roof. But against the strength of so many Cameramen, its fate is to be dragged towards us. The other Spider Skibidi Toilet seemed to have just escaped its state of shock and attempted to hold onto the one being dragged, but it was too late. The Skibidi Toilet smashed into the doorway, its massive size causing the only part of the Spider Skibidi Toilet to go through the doorway being the water tank. And on top of the water tank...

Two Cameramen immediately went for the flush lever. The Spider Skibidi Toilet struggled, swinging its back legs around erratically, which unfortunately managed to land a heavy blow on one of the Cameramen. Thankfully, the other managed to pull the lever and flush the Skibidi Toilet.

Of course, the battle wasn't over. After I had retrieved my hook, the other Spider Skibidi Toilet pushed the dead Skibidi Toilet out of the way and began attacking us by sticking its legs through the door. Two unlucky Cameramen were immediately pierced. We have suffered casualties, but everything was still going according to the plan. Around ten Cameramen, each equipped with guns found in the armory, immediately climbed the stairs and opened fire at the Spider Skibidi Toilet.

The bullets quickly pushed the Skibidi Toilet back from the doorway. Using this chance, the rest of the Cameramen, me included, slipped through the sides of the path of the bullets and rushed onto the rooftop. We quickly surrounded the Spider Skibidi Toilet, pouncing onto it the moment the gunshots stopped. Some of the Cameramen grabbed onto its legs while some of the Cameramen grabbed onto the toilet itself.

However, despite being held down by so many Cameramen, the Spider Skibidi Toilet was still able to struggle, even managing to bite one Cameraman in half. Looks like we had underestimated the actual strength of the Spider Skibidi Toilet! In fact, it may actually escape! I can't let this go on.

Thus, I used my grappling hook to latch onto the water tank and attempted to climb my way to where the flush lever is. Although this wasn't a part of our plan, I believe that this would be the most efficient method of defeating the Spider Skibidi Toilet.

As I was making my way up, it managed to free one of its legs and take out a few more Cameramen. By the time I had finally reached the top, it had already completely escaped from the clutches of the Cameramen and was now struggling to throw me off.

I can't reach the flush handle while the Spider Skibidi Toilet keeps throwing me around! Ah! Damn it! I had even fallen to the side due to its wild movement, causing me to have to climb onto the top again. I was still able to remain attached to it due to the grappling hook, but its spontaneous and powerful movements made me swing all over the place, preventing me from making any progress towards the flush lever.

The only thing stopping me from being killed instantly is the fact that I am in its blind spot. Its legs were unable to reach me, and it certainly couldn't turn its head a hundred and eighty degrees to attack me. Thus, we were stuck in a stalemate.

Uh oh. Looks like the stalemate is about to tip in its favour. It ran towards the edge of the building. Hugging onto the toilet for my dear life, I watched in horror as the Spider Skibidi Toilet began scaling down the building. Fortunately, it didn't remain on the side of the building for too long. Unfortunately, when it finally reached the ground floor, it began running around erratically, occasionally smashing me against the walls of the prison. Damn! Is this what I get for wanting to be a Hero?

As I received more and more damage, I felt myself weakening with each second passing. I had to defeat him now, or else it would be too late.


Seeing that the Spider Skibidi Toilet had stunned itself after crashing into a wall, I summoned all of my strength and took the opportunity to pull myself onto the top.


My legs, which were still hanging off the side of the Skibidi Toilet as I hadn't pulled them up yet, were smashed into the walls. I couldn't feel any pain, but I also seemed to no longer be able to move them. Damn! All I wanted to do now was flush this Skibidi Toilet, even if it will be the last thing I do.

Using my last bit of strength, I pulled the flush lever and flushed the Skibidi Toilet. As the Skibidi Toilet fell over to the side, I too fell over along with it and flopped powerlessly onto the ground.

Soon, the Cameramen arrived at the ground floor from the roof. They quickly took stock of the situation and brought me into the prison block to rest. Of course, they didn't forget to give me thumbs up.