Chapter 3: Prison Break
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I had to admit that I expected to receive some time to recuperate before the next battle, but nope. They told me that once I had finished up my repairs, off to the next battle I go. Well, I do suppose that war waits for no one.

I heard that the Cameramen had suffered mostly defeats so far, so this victory, despite how minor it was compared to the grand scheme of things, slightly boosted the overall morale of the Cameramen. Thus, many Cameramen gave us thumbs up when we returned to our base.

I was currently in the base's med bay. I was being treated by a Scientist Cameraman, which looked exactly like a normal Cameraman except that he is wearing a white lab coat instead of a black suit.

Scientist Cameraman

Watching as he welded a new arm to my shoulder, I had to admit that this situation was pretty uncomfortable to look at. Besides that, let's talk about my new arm. It looked exactly the same as before, except that it had an additional hook attached to the forearm. Apparently, they wanted to test a new weapon and decided that I was the perfect test subject.

Finally, my repairs were completed. Performing some hand gestures and punches, my arm felt as good as new, which isn't surprising as it really was new. I gave the Scientist Cameraman a thumb up and prepared to leave, but was quickly stopped by him. The Scientist Cameraman pointed at the hook on my new arm. Somehow, I instinctively knew that he wanted me to test it out. Looking around the med bay for a target, I settled on an office chair and aimed my arm at it. Then, I fired.


The hook shot out of my arm at high speeds, a chain trailing after it. In an instant, it penetrated the backrest of the office chair. The claws on the hook then extended, preventing the hook from being pulled out of the chair. I gave the chain a few tugs and sure enough, it felt secured. Now, time to try to retrieve the hook. The chain began reeling into my arm as expected, but isn't this way too fast?! I looked up and saw the office chair flying towards me. Shit!

I quickly blocked the chair with my arms, feeling a heavy impact travel through my arms. Of course, the chair couldn't handle the impact and splintered into many pieces, sending debris everywhere. The grappling hook was much more powerful than I thought! Looking at the mess I had made, I sheepishly gave the Scientist Cameraman a thumb up. I was then forced to clean up my mess before being allowed to leave.

Still, I managed to report to the hangar on time. There, I found three squads of Cameramen all neatly formed up next to their respective Cameraman dropship, which by the way, looked like giant projectors.

Cameraman Dropship

Joining the squad I was assigned to, I proceeded to wait. Soon, a two-and-a-half-meters tall Cameramen entered the hangar. When he reached our front, he tapped one of the dropships, which suddenly projected an image on the wall. Then, using the slides projected by the dropship, he began explaining our mission.

Turned out that a couple of Cameramen, which were on a mission to vandalize the part of the city owned by the Skibidi Toilets, had been captured by the Skibidi Toilet Police Force. I couldn't help but wonder what the point of their mission was? However, the main point of the briefing is that we have to save them now.

After the briefing, all three squads loaded up onto the dropships, and we moved out. While on the journey, with nothing better to do, I begin thinking up of ways to use my grappling hook.

Surprisingly, our journey was completely smooth, and we soon arrived above the prison. The prison was located on the outskirts of the city, so we intended to get in, save the Cameramen, and get out before too much support arrives. We quickly deployed and rushed into the prison block as the dropships fled the scene. They will pick us up in half an hour, while the job of the three squads is to save the previously captured Cameramen and return to the prison yard by then.

We ran into many one-meter and several three-meters tall Skibidi Toilets, but working together, we easily dealt with them. However, deep within my heart, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. Doesn't this mission seem too easy? How could the Skibidi Toilets not have any air defense?

Well, curse my big mouth, because as it turns out, there were no prisoners in the cells. Since the prison wasn't very big and we had three squads, we decided to search the entire prison, from the med bay to the storerooms to the trash. Despite searching the entire prison, we didn't find a single Cameramen.

With fifteen minutes left, the three squads immediately got together and discussed. It was a trap, no doubt, but our spies spotted the captured Cameramen being sent to this prison and none of them being transported out. So where could they be? Maybe they had already been disposed of, but there was another possible explanation I could think of.

I began explaining my idea of a secret room to the rest of the Cameramen, and the rest agreed that it could be plausible. Since we still had some time, we began searching for any possible secret entrances. With the target of our search being changed, one of the Cameramen quickly found a hollow wall and broke it down, leading to us discovering a hidden stairway behind it, which seems to lead down towards the basement.

After all three squads gathered at the stairway, we stormed into the basement and began searching all of the rooms. As for the results, we found the dismembered remains of several Cameramen. The remains were neatly arranged on some sort of surgery table and even though Cameramen are a lot more sturdy than normal humans, dismemberment isn't something we can survive. I even found several hand drawn diagrams of the different parts of a Cameraman. With a heavy heart, we collected the remains and prepared for the evacuation.

Damn, all I wanted to do now is return to our base. When we reached the entrance of the prison block, one of the Cameramen squads suddenly stopped in their tracks. Turns out that they had left a few Cameramen at the entrance to keep watch, but they were now missing. Great, now we had to deal with an ambush.