Chapter 2: First Battle
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And so, both sides clashed.

The armored vehicles immediately opened fire on the three-meters and eight-meters tall Skibidi Toilets with their machine guns. It did not seem to do much, but it at least held them back from being on the frontlines.

On the other hand, the Cameramen and Skibidi Toilets on the frontlines engaged in close-quarters combat as bullets whizzed over our heads. The Cameramen immediately grabbed onto the heads of the Skibidi Toilets and attempted to defeat them by pulling the flush lever, while the Skibidi Toilets attempted to headbutt and bite the Cameramen.

From the description of the fight, the situation may sound comical. Even I had to admit that watching the Skibidi Toilets get flushed away is kind of funny and satisfying to look at. However, watching Cameramen get torn apart by the Skibidi Toilets using their mouth is horrifying since that could very well be my fate soon. 

I watch as the troops on the frontline get defeated, only to immediately be replaced by the troops behind them. Since I was in the middle of the squad, it will be my turn to fight soon.

Finally, I came face to face with a Skibidi Toilet. Despite being only a meter tall, its elongated neck increased its height to around two meters, adding on to its intimidation factor. It launched its head towards me, which I promptly grabbed with both hands.


Why the hell are these funky looking fellas so damn strong. It took me all of my strength just to prevent a Skibidi Toilet from pushing me back. I can't let this situation continue. I continued holding back the Skibidi Toilet with one hand while pulling my other hand back before forming a fist. The Skibidi Toilet, which I could no longer hold back with one hand, began sneering and pushing forward. Unfortunately for it, the situation soon changed as I landed a right hook onto its ear.


Its head reared to the side from my punch, and I could finally see its weak spot, the flush lever! Taking this chance, I continued pushing its head to the side with one hand and pulled the flush lever using all of my strength with the other.


The expression of the Skibidi Toilet turned into one of shock as its head began spinning around before getting sucked into the toilet bowl. One down.

The defeated Skibidi Toilet immediately got replaced by another, but I was now more confident when facing it. Using the same tactic, I was able to flush it down with greater ease than the first. And then, another one replaced it yet again. This went on two more times, bringing my total kill count up to five.

I had to admit that I got a little complacent by the time I was facing the sixth Skibidi Toilet, so imagine my surprise when it pulled back its head as I punched it, dodging my fist.


It launched its head forward and bit down on my extended arm, instantly biting halfway through it. I couldn't feel any pain, but it was still a shocking sight, seeing my arm receive so much damage. Damn it! What should I do?!

A dull memory passed through my mind as I remembered reading from somewhere that a person could force a crocodile to release himself from its bite by attacking the crocodile's eyes. That's the only option I had left, so I jammed my thumb into one of the Skibidi Toilet's eyes. Its face contorted in pain as it retreated, its mouth still tightly clenched around my arm.


I watched as my right arm got completely torn off from my shoulder down. Still, I felt no pain. This might have been for the better, as I had to prepare for the final face off against the Skibidi Toilet, and the pain would have only distracted me. The Skibidi Toilet, which was now blinded in one eye and fully enraged, threw my arm aside and charged towards me.

I put my remaining arm up in a defensive position and pulled one of my legs back, preparing for a kick. Just as we came within range of each other, a punch suddenly landed on the Skibidi Toilet.


Surprised, I looked towards where the punch came from. A Cameraman that was near me had released the punch, but shouldn't he be busy with his own opponent? Looking around, I realized that all of the one-meter tall Skibidi Toilets had already been defeated, leaving only this final one.

On the other hand, there were over ten Cameramen left after the fight, and they had already surrounded the final Skibidi Toilet. It looked around in fear when it realized its situation, but the Cameramen had no mercy. They beat the ever-living shit out of the Skibidi Toilet before finally flushing it away. Then, they started giving each other thumbs up. Umm guys, I think you are forgetting about something.

I pointed at the three-meters and eight-meters tall Skibidi Toilets, who had started pushing towards us despite the hail of bullets. The Cameramen all looked towards the Skibidi Toilets but didn't seem as willing to move as before. Fair enough, even I had no idea how to reach the eight-meter tall Skibidi Toilets. The armored trucks were only around three-meters tall, meaning that even using the trucks as a stepstool wouldn't help much. But still, we should at least take out the three-meters tall ones first.

I ran in front of the armored trucks and waved my hand before pointing towards the eight-meters tall Skibidi Toilet. Seeming to have understood, they all concentrated their fire on the eight-meters tall Skibidi Toilet, managing to push him back. The few three-meters tall Skibidi Toilets, now no longer being held back by machine gun fire, began rushing towards us. Unlike fighting against the eight-meters tall Skibidi Toilet, the Cameramen are fully willing to take on the mere three-meters tall Skibidi Toilet. Since the three-meters tall Skibidi Toilets were not tall till the point where their flush level is unreachable, they were quickly taken out using teamwork without us suffering any casualties.

As for the eight-meters tall Skibidi Toilet......

After getting rid of the three-meters tall Skibidi Toilets, I managed to come up with an idea. We waved at the Skibidi Toilet in an attempt to get it to chase us, and chase us it did. Finally, it was right where we wanted!

On the building beside the Skibidi Toilet, a Cameraman previously stationed on top of the building jumped onto the Skibidi Toilet and pulled the flush lever, successfully defeating it. Finally, this battle is won! As everyone was giving each other a thumbs up, I couldn't resist the atmosphere and joined in.