Chapter: 1, The Golden Rose.
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700 years ago, the seven continents of the world merged and formed the magnificent continent of Godwana. It became a vast battleground where an epic war raged between the Gods and the demons. After a grueling 90-year conflict, the demon king was finally defeated, but in his final moments, he unleashed a long lost secret spell, saturating the world with his dark energy which even the gods weren't aware of. Initially, the effects of this malevolent force went unnoticed, but as time passed, its true nature began to reveal itself. Plants and animals mutated into monstrous forms, pushing humanity to the brink of annihilation. It was then that the Gods intervened, summoning great Colosseums in the three kingdoms to aid mankind's survival. Those deemed worthy were bestowed with divine weapons after overcoming certain challenges, becoming the saviors of humanity.

[Present Time]

"Hah...hah... Hah..."

"My name is Izashi Namiko. You must be wondering why I'm running and who I'm running from. Truthfully, I'd like to know that myself."

(A  dead end ahead)

"Nowhere to run, boy. You're surrounded on all sides. Surrender and hand over the artifact, or we'll arrest you for the crime of stealing the Royal treasure."

"What artifact are you talking about? I don't have anything like that!"

"Oh, so you won't part with the artifact so easily. Ryum, capture him and obtain the artifact by any means necessary."

"Aye aye, captain."

(Crackle, Thump)

"Hey, I don't have anything! Ouch, ouch!"

"Speak another word, and you'll lose your arm. Ryum, search him thoroughly."


"Oi, officer, would you mind leaving that boy?" 

"What?! Who are you, and how did you get here?"

(He's formidable. I didn't even notice his arrival.)

"Sir, that attire..."

"You are..."

"Yes, I'm a member of the special unit 'Shadow knights'."

"My apologies, sir. I couldn't recognize you earlier. But what are you doing here? As of my knowledge this mission wasn't assigned to your unit."

"I'm aware of that myself too. However, my brother called for my help."

"Your brother? Do you mean...?!"

"Yes, that boy. Now, may I ask why the Royal knights are pursuing a young boy?"

(As expected, his aura is truly exceptional.)

"Sir, you've misunderstood. We received information about a suspect involved in the theft of a Royal artifact."

"May I know, which artifact are you referring to?"

"The Golden Rose."


(When the mutation occurred, the dark energy transformed plants and animals into deadly monsters. However, there was a special rose that sprouted where the demon king fell, becoming a unique artifact. Its singularity lay not in its scarcity but in its ability to attract monsters, even the most powerful ones, within its range.)

"Is what he's saying true, Izashi? Tell me, Izashi, do you have such an artifact? If you give it to me, I assure you they won't harm you."

"No, brother, I don't have anything like that. I don't even know what the artifact looks like."

"Izashi, you know that if you're caught with that thing, I won't be able to save you."

"I don't have anything like that, brother... Wait, you mentioned the Golden Rose, right? I do have a rose, but it's not golden—it's black. I found it in my bag when I forgot it at the Royal Museum."

"Are you being serious right now, Izashi? You're aware this is no child's play; you could face a lifetime in prison or in worst case scenario a death sentence too. Now, tell me where that rose is."


"Tell me quickly, you idiot!"

"Ouch, ouch! It's in my bag, there."

(Thunk, sweep)

"Yes, there it is. I sincerely apologize, Royal Captain, for my brother's foolishness."

"Thank you, but we cannot release your brother. He's implicated in the theft of the Royal treasure."

"But he didn't know it was dangerous, and someone left it in his bag."

"Even so, sir, we can't be certain he's telling the truth. What if he's part of a mafia gang or a spy affiliated with another kingdom?"


"Sir, we can't assist you in this matter. Please cooperate, or we'll have to take action against you as well."

"Very well. But Officer, as a Royal Captain, I haven't seen you before. Are you part of the newly formed Royal knight Unit-16?"

"Yes, sir. I'm Won Rizumi, captain of the newly formed Royal knight Unit-16."

"Won Izumi, right? As far as I know, the newly formed unit is Unit 15, not 16."

"I thought everything would proceed smoothly, but now that you've discovered... I can't let you leave."

"You think you can fight me head-on?"

"Ryum, attack!"

(Dash, ting, tang)

"Hah... haath... You've left me no choice. Ryum, prepare to use it."

"No, we can't! We don't know the consequences of using that spell."

"We have no time left to ponder. I'm certain we can handle it. Don't you believe what 'Master' said?"

"Alright, if you say so."

(Chants of spells)

(A red magic circle manifests, binding his brother with chains while emitting ominous magical energy, the Golden Rose at its center.)

"This... what is this? Why are these chains restraining us too? Brother, Won!"

"I don't know. The Master didn't mention anything about this. He assured me we could escape using this spell."

"No! Does that mean...?"

"Ha! Yes, it means your Master already anticipated this and used both of you as stepping stones to steal the rose."

"No, the Master wouldn't do such a thing to us."

"Well, our predicament suggests otherwise. If you both wish to survive, cancel the spell."

"Well, the problem is that this spell cannot be stopped or canceled."

"What?! Are you joking?"

"Uhh... umm..."

"Brother! Brother!"

"Stay away, Izashi!"


"Stay beyond the spell's range."

(Thump, thump, thump)

"Why... Why is that thing here?"

"Isn't that..."

(At that moment, they all glimpsed death staring back at them.)