8: New bonding (R 18)
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As soon as the door closed behind them, Cassi sprang into action. She had to be swift, silent, and precise. A silent colloportus and a silencing spell to the door ensured their privacy. With that done she pointed her wand at the repugnant “number 14”, her voice barely a whisper as she cast an extremely overpowered stunning spell. He flew against a wall, unconscious. To be extra secure she followed immediately with a dark variation of the Incarcerous spell she found in a book of the Black family, that binds people into rope and binds their magic.


She took of her cloak fully and looked for Daphne. With the cloak completely gone she finally took note of the sweet smell in the room and the slightly pink colour of the air. Cassi found Daphne, lying there on the bed, completely devoid of any clothing. The only thing that adorned her was a collar around her neck, a cold and cruel chain that kept her bound to the bed. It was a sight that should have been pitiful, had it not been for the surprising expression on Daphne's face.


Daphne didn't appear frightened or distressed, the usual emotions one would expect from someone in her position. On the contrary, she looked incredibly happy and aroused. She was pleasuring herself, her hand moving rhythmically between her legs. Her moans filled the room, and she was calling out to Cassi, begging her to join.


The sight caught Cassis off guard. Her heart was still pounding from the adrenaline of the fight, her mind was still focused on the danger that might lurk outside the room. But as she took a moment to breathe, to steady her heart and clear her thoughts, she didn’t realise her mistake. The sight of Daphne, the sounds she was making, the scent of her arousal in the air... it was all too overwhelming.


Daphne was beautiful, there was no denying that. Her body was a work of art, her skin glowing in the dim light of the room. Combined with the glow that shined on her skin, her chest rising with each breath she took, her nipples hard and inviting. Her legs were spread wide, revealing the glistening wetness between them. And her face... her face held an expression of pure desire, her eyes half-closed and her lips parted as she moaned Cassi's name.


Taking in this view Cassi felt a rush of desire surge through her. She wanted Daphne, wanted to touch her, to taste her, to bring her to the heights of pleasure. But she also knew that this was not the time or the place. They were in danger, and they needed to escape.


But as she looked at Daphne, as she listened to her pleas, taking a few breaths, she found herself walking towards the bed. She knew she should be thinking of a plan, of a way to get them out of this hellhole. But all she could think about was the beautiful woman on the bed, begging her to join.


And so, Cassis gave in to her desires. She climbed onto the bed, her body pressing against Daphne's. She could feel the heat radiating from her, could feel her heart pounding against her chest. She leaned down, her lips meeting Daphne's in a passionate kiss.


Their bodies moved together, their hands exploring each other. Cassis could hear Daphne's moans growing louder, could feel her body trembling beneath her. She knew they didn't have much time, but she wanted to make this moment count. She wanted to give Daphne the pleasure she craved, the pleasure she deserved. And as they moved together, as they lost themselves in each other, Cassis knew that they would face whatever came next together. They were strong, they were powerful, and they would not let anyone or anything stand in their way.


The kiss they shared was a potent elixir, a magic more powerful than any incantation. It melted away Cassi's final resolve, and her hands, as if guided by an unseen force, began to explore the curves of Daphne's body. Daphne, in return, was tearing at Cassi's clothes, her fingers desperate to feel the warmth of bare skin.


With a swift flick of her wand, Cassi cast a spell, and her clothes landed on the floor. Now, there was nothing between them but the pulsating energy of their desire. Cassi's hands roved freely over Daphne's body, tracing the contours of her breasts, her waist, her hips. By then, she lost control over her metamorph ability, her body changing in response to her out of control emotions. But neither of them seemed to care, their focus solely on the pleasure they could give each other.


Cassi pushed Daphne back onto the mattress, and positioned herself so that her sex was hovering just above Daphne's face. She didn't care for anything else but the pleasure she knew was coming. And Daphne, ever eager, didn't disappoint. Daphne dived in, her tongue exploring Cassi's folds with a fervor that had Cassi moaning in ecstasy. Riding Daphnes face Cassi enjoyed the view, as Daphne continues to finger herself. After riding through her climax she stopped, pulling back to look at Daphne's body. The sight of her, naked and wanting, was a sight to behold.


But one climax wasn't enough. Cassi craved more. She didn't know if it was the remnants of her past self Alex, the man she used to be, or if it was a natural instinct for a metamorph. But in that moment, she managed to morph her sex into a long, thick phallus.


Daphne's eyes widened at the sight, but there was no fear or wonder in them. Instead, there was a spark of anticipation, of excitement. She begged Cassi, pleaded with her to take her. And Cassi, feeling a surge of power and lust, was more than happy to oblige.


She switched positions again, positioning herself between Daphne's spread legs. She started slow, gently pushing her new appendage into Daphne. But Daphne wanted more. She wanted it faster, harder. And Cassi, eager to please, complied. She let Daphne's legs wrap around her waist, her heels digging into her back as Daphne pushed herself deeper into her.


They lost track of time, their bodies moving in a rhythm that was as natural as breathing. They made love for what felt like hours, their moans and cries filling the room. And when they finally reached their climax, they fell into each other’s arms, their bodies entwined in a lovers’ embrace.


Exhausted, they fell into a deep sleep, their bodies still intertwined, their hearts beating as one. They knew they would face whatever came next together. They were strong, they were powerful, and they would not let anyone or anything stand in their way.


In the hushed light of dawn Cassi stirred from her slumber, her raven tresses spread across Daphne's bare chest. Her leg was draped over Daphne's hip, creating a connection that was both startling and intimate. Her cheeks warmed as she realised Daphne's hand rested gently on her backside. The blanket, nowhere to be seen, had left them exposed to the chill of the morning air and to each other.


Memories of the night before began to flood back into Cassi's mind, causing her to groan softly. The air had been tinged a strange, enchanting shade of pink - a sure sign of a potent aphrodisiac. She remembered how she had taken her time, inhaling the intoxicating scent, letting it fill her lungs and cloud her mind.


Tucked away in the corner of the room, the unfortunate 'number 14' was slowly coming to. His eyes, wide and alert, were fixed on the two girls on the bed. Cassi felt a pang of embarrassment at being caught in such a compromising position.


As she began to disentangle herself from Daphne, the blonde girl stirred, her crystal-blue eyes fluttering open. They locked eyes for a brief moment, a silent understanding passing between them. Hurriedly, they put some much-needed distance between each other, their faces flushed and eyes averted.


"Hey Daphne," Cassi began, her voice barely above a whisper. She tried to infuse her tone with some light-heartedness, but it came out shaky, betraying her embarrassment. "Bet you didn't expect we'd meet each other like this, huh?"


A silence settled over the room, broken only by the soft rustling of ‘number 14’ in his corner. The memory of the night before hung heavily in the air, a reminder of their unexpected intimacy. And while they both knew that things would change between them, in that moment, they somehow found comfort in their shared embarrassment.


"Look, Cassi," Daphne began, her voice barely audible over the morning chill. She was twisting the sheets in her hands, her knuckles white in contrast to the vibrant red of her cheeks. "There's... there's something I need to tell you."


Cassi nodded, her heart pounding in her chest. She had a feeling she knew what Daphne was about to confess, but the fear in her friend's eyes unsettled her.


"My father...," Daphne's voice broke, and she cleared her throat, her gaze fixed on the tangle of sheets. "He's... he's a sympathiser. A Death Eater sympathiser."


Cassi had suspected as much, but hearing the words spoken aloud was a different matter altogether. She reached out tentatively, placing a comforting hand on Daphne's arm. "I'm sorry, Daphne," she murmured, her mind racing with the implications of this revelation.


Daphne nodded, her eyes welling up with unshed tears. "My mother... she's just a trophy wife. She's nothing more than a token for my father's status."


"She wasn't always like this, you know," Daphne continued, her voice taking on a wistful tone. "I remember when she used to laugh, when she used to be happy. But my father... he broke her. And I refuse to let him break me."


Cassi could only nod, her throat too tight to speak. She squeezed Daphne's arm reassuringly, letting her know that she was there for her. "And then... then he introduced me to Draco Malfoy," Daphne's voice was bitter now, the memory clearly leaving a sour taste in her mouth. "He wanted me to marry him, to seal some sort of alliance with the Malfoys. But I... I couldn't. I wouldn't."


Cassi felt a surge of pride for her friend. Despite everything, Daphne had managed to hold onto her sense of self, to stand up for what she believed in. "But my father... he saw my refusal as an insult. He was furious. He... he wanted to punish me."


Cassi's blood ran cold at Daphne's words. She could barely imagine the kind of punishment a man like Cyrus Greengrass would deem fit for such an 'insult'.


"He... he wanted to demote me. From wife to... to concubine. And not just that, he would to make sure I was compliant, whatever that means. I... I couldn't let him do that to me, Cassi," Daphne's voice was desperate now, her eyes pleading. "I couldn't. So... so I wanted to run away. Leaving this country, and never coming back."


Cassi could hardly believe what she was hearing. She knew Daphne was strong willed and wanted to be free, but this... this was something else entirely. This was bravery, pure and simple.


"And... and I confided in Tracey, she wanted to come with me." Daphne's voice was barely a whisper now, her gaze locked onto Cassi's. "it was a big mistake” she whispered. “We were to meet someone that would make an untraceable portkey to France and from there, we would explore the world.” Her desire shining in her eyes “I had all my money I’ve got on me, but its all gone.” With that she broke down and began to cry silently.


Daphne shifted closer to Cassi, Cassis heart pounding in her chest. The lines between friendship and something more had blurred during the course of the night. Cassis heart ached at the sight of Daphne, so vulnerable and yet so strong. She wanted to comfort her, to take away the pain that was etched in the lines of her face.


But her thoughts were interrupted by a snort from the corner of the room. ‘Number 14’, as she had been referring to him, was still tied up in the corner, his face a mask of smug satisfaction despite his predicament.


Disgust welled up within Cassi, a fiery wave that consumed her. She could hardly believe that this man, this pig, had been a part of the plot to harm Daphne. Her hand moved instinctively towards her wand, her fingers closing around the familiar wood.


Without giving him a chance to utter a word, she cast an Imperius curse, silencing him mid-snort. Immediately she felt the will of this pig break. She quickly followed it with a spell to cancel the binding spells, her heart pounding in her chest.


"Tell me what you planned to do with her," she demanded, her voice icy. "And how you thought she wouldn't rip off your nuts afterwards."


‘Pig Number 14’ looked at her, his eyes wide blank. He began to speak, his words tumbling out in a rush. He told them about a new alchemistic drug, something that had been used in secret to reform the Death Eaters, to make them compliant for the greater good of wizarding kind. “Its spossed to rewire the head. After we fuck ‘em, we tell ‘em what we wand and they will jus’ do it.” He said, with delight.


This sure must have been some kind of secret, most likely Dumbledores. But the secret had leaked. There were people who were using the drug for their own gains, people who were trying to come out on top. The implications were horrifying, and Cassi felt her stomach churn at the thought.


She turned to look at Daphne, her heart heavy with the weight of what they had learned. Daphne looked back at her; Daphnes eyes filled with a love that made Cassi's heart ache. "I am with you, Cassi," Daphne said, her voice quiet but resolute. "Whatever you want, we will do."


Cassi's breath hitched. The potion, it seemed, was far more powerful than any love potion she had ever heard of. It didn't just make a person infatuated with another, it rewired their brain, altering their very personality and desires to match those of the person who had given them the potion.


The implications were horrifying. This wasn't just a love potion, it was a mind control drug. And people were using it for their own nefarious purposes. Not even two months after Rose just fucking stopped one madman and paid with her life for it.


Cassi felt a cold chill run down her spine. She had to stop this. She couldn't let Daphne become a victim of this monstrous plot.


"Pig number 14," she said, her voice icy. "You will take Daphne to a private room in the Leaky Cauldron. You will not arouse any suspicion. If asked, you will tell them that you wish to spend some quality time with your new trophy. Afterwards you will drain your Gringotts accounts almost completely of money and books, telling them if asked, you need it for your honeymoon and bring it to Daphne."


Number 14's eyes widened, but he nodded, compelled to obey her command. Cassi turned to Daphne, her heart pounding in her chest.


"Daphne," she said softly. "You need to play along. Pretend to be his trophy, just for a little while. I'll be right behind you, invisible. You'll be safe, I promise.” Daphne, nodded determination flashing in her eyes. Together, they left the room, with Number 14 leading the way.


Once at the Leaky Cauldron, Cassi called for Winky and together they managed to transport everyone and everything to her home. She took ‘Pigs’ wand and transfigured him into a stone, then hopped onto her broom and flew over the Forbidden Forest.


She dropped the stone above the nest of Aragog's children, the giant spiders that even after what they did at the battle of Hogwarts still lived deep within the forest, although not that much anymore, she could still see at least 50 big ones. As the stone fell, she cancelled the transfiguration, leaving ‘Pig’ to his fate, never even bothering to ask for his name.


Back at her home, she turned to Daphne, her heart aching at the sight of her friend. "What do we do now?" she asked.


Daphne looked back at Cassi, her eyes filled with love and trust that made Cassi's heart ache. "Whatever you want, Cassi," she said. "Seeing as you want to stop them, I will help you do just that."


As comforting those words were. Cassi couldn’t be sure they would have been the words of the old Daphne and it frightened her beyond words. Who would take away free will? What if she stirs Daphne wrong and she dies, because of that? The responsibility that comes with someone that relies on you this hard was overwhelming.


Cassi sat in stunned silence of all the revelations and its implications. The potion was far more potent than any love potion she had ever heard of. It didn't just make a person fall in love with another, it changed their very essence, their personality, their desires, to match those of the person who the victim was bound to.


The more Cassi thought about it, the more it horrified her. This wasn't love, it was control. It was a violation of a person's very self. And it was being used to manipulate and control people without anybody knowing that has some kind of consciousness.


Cassi sat in the quiet solitude of her office, overlooking the forest, her mind whirling as she considered her suspects. Dumbledore was the first person who came to mind, and he remained at the forefront of her thoughts. He was, after all, an alchemist of considerable skill and was in a position of power. He had the means and the opportunity to create such a potion.


She remembered the words that Number 14 had muttered under his breath - "for the greater good". It was a phrase that she had heard Dumbledore use on more than one occasion. It was his justification for many of the hard decisions he made, the sacrifices he demanded from others. Could it be that he had created this potion for what he believed to be the greater good?


But the more she thought about it, the more she doubted it. Dumbledore was many things, but he would never allow the potion to be used so freely in Knockturn Alley.


And yet, she couldn't shake off the feeling that he was somehow involved. Perhaps he had created the potion, but had lost control of it. Maybe someone else had discovered his secret and was now using it for their own ends.


Her thoughts turned to Rose. How close had she come to being dosed with this potion? The thought sent a chill down her spine. Are the people aware of the different behaviour they show? Would she?


The question now was, who was affected? How could they reverse the effects of the potion? Could they restore the personalities of those who had been affected? Cassi was not an alchemist, but she was determined to find a way.


And then there was the question of who had leaked the potion to Knockturn Alley. And why? Cassi felt a surge of anger. Whoever was behind this, they would pay. She would make sure of it. She would find a way to reverse the effects of the potion, to restore the personalities of those who had been affected. And she would find the person who was responsible and bring them to justice.


As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, she felt a strange sense of hope. She turned and looked towards where her spy room was. It was time to perfect her creation. Her resolve hardened, Cassi stood up. There was work to be done.


About 3300 words. I hope you enjoyed the chapter, I am rather happy with it. 

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