5: Shopping
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Cassiopeia POV



After three long weeks of meditation, eating, reading, hiking in the woods, and staring down from the mountain she was perched upon, Cassiopeia Slytherin decided enough was enough. It was time to do some real magic. Having finally managed to not freely change her appearance, she was itching to try out some other spells. Occlumency was a skill she was still working on, but for now, she just wanted to cast a spell. Any spell.

"Miss Cassi, are you sure?" Winky asked, her voice filled with worry. The house-elf had been a steady companion through all her trials, but she was still hesitant when it came to magic. "I'm sure, Winky," Cassiopeia replied, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "I mean, how hard can it be?"


With that, she raised her wand, focused her mind on the spell, and let the magic flow through her. The sensation was incredible. It was as if a river of energy was coursing through her veins, gathering in her wand, and bursting forth in a brilliant light.


"See, Winky?" she said, grinning at the house-elf. "Easy as pie."


"But Miss Cassi," Winky protested, "that's just Lumos. There are so many other spells... Miss cannot exhaust herself" Cassiopeia waved her off. "I know, Winky."


Winky didn't look convinced. "Miss mustn’t cast too much," she said. "Think of the ritual." Cassiopeia couldn't help but laugh at that. "Winky, you worry too much," she said. "But you know what, only a bit and I will think of another."



As the evening shadows crept over the mountain, Cassi leaned finally relaxed. She had just spent the better part of the day perfecting the basic spells she had learned over the years and felt rather pleased with her progress.

"But Miss Cassi," Winky, the house-elf, chimed in, her voice filled with concern, "you're using a lot of magic, you are."


Cassiopeia laughed, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Winky, you worry too much," she said. "Besides, I have a plan."


At this, she reached for a worn-out book that lay on the side table. "A Marauder's Legacy," she read out loud, her eyes gleaming with excitement. It was a book written by James Potter, filled with joke spells and magical tricks he had developed in school and written down while in hiding. But its true treasures were the instructions on how to create communication mirrors, the Marauder's Map, and how to become an Animagus.


"What do you think, Winky?" she asked, her eyes sparkling with excitement. "Should we enchant some mirrors?" Winky looked puzzled. "But why, Miss Cassi?"


Cassiopeia laughed. "Think about it, Winky," she said. "We could replace the windows in the castle with these mirrors. We could spy on the classrooms, learn new spells without ever having to step foot in them!"


Winky looked even more worried. "But Miss Cassi, that's... that's..."


Cassiopeia waved her off. "I know, I know," she said. "But think about it. We could even put some in Dumbledore's office!"


As she said this, a sudden downpour started outside, the first rain they had seen in weeks. Winky, ever the faithful house-elf, quickly transported them back to the Chamber of Secrets. Cassiopeia, however, was not pleased. "That's it," she declared, her mood soured by the sudden change in weather. "We're buying a wizarding tent. A big one!"


She quickly dried herself off and began searching for a book that explained how to cast an undetectable extension charm. "I'm going to build myself a wallet. Or a purse, I suppose," she said, glancing down at her feminine form. "Either way, I am getting out of this dreary chamber."



The following morning, Winky popped Cassiopeia into the Leaky Cauldron, her big eyes filled with worry. "Promise Miss Cassi, no Knockturn Alley," she pleaded, her voice trembling.

Cassiopeia laughed, ruffling the elf's hat. "Winky, I have no intention of getting into trouble. Today," she added with a wink, causing Winky to wring her hands even more.


As Winky disappeared with a pop, Cassiopeia turned to face the portal that led to Diagon Alley. It was still in a state of partial disrepair, the aftermath of the war still visible. Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour was shuttered, a 'Closed Until Further Notice' sign hanging on the door. Ollivander's Wand Shop stood repaired, but the window display was almost barren.


Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door to Ollivander's. A young wizard, probably not much older than herself, stood behind the counter. His eyes lit up as he saw her, and he flashed a flirtatious smile, which felt completely out of place.


"Welcome to Ollivander's," he drawled, leaning against the counter. "How may I assist you today?"


"I need a new wand holster," Cassiopeia replied, ignoring his unnecessary flirtation. "Mr Ollivander is not around, I presume?"


The wizard shook his head, the flirtatious grin never leaving his face. "Nah, old Ollivander is out hunting for wand materials. He won't be back until August. But I'm his apprentice, so I can help you."

Cassiopeia raised an eyebrow at him. "Apprentice, huh? How long have you been learning from him?" The wizard shrugged nonchalantly. "Oh, about a week."


"A week?" Cassiopeia repeated, her voice laced with disbelief. "And he's left you in charge?" The wizard shrugged again. "Yeah. I mean, how hard can it be, right?" Cassiopeia rolled her eyes. "Right. I'll just take that wand holster then, thanks."


With a new wand holster in hand, she quickly left the shop, shaking her head at the absurdity of it all. "Honestly," she muttered to herself, "a week's apprentice alone in the shop. At least he didn’t try to scare me.” As she walked away, she couldn't help but chuckle. Males flirting with her… what a crazy thought.


Scanning the signs that hung above the shops, she finally found what she was looking for. "The Wizard that likes Hikes," she murmured, a grin playing on her lips. It was a peculiar name for a shop, but then again, peculiar was the norm in the wizarding world.

As she pushed open the door, a cloud of dust billowed out, causing her to cough. "Blimey, doesn't anyone clean this place?" she muttered.


Behind a rickety counter stood an old wizard, his hair as white as the snow. "Welcome, welcome," he greeted, his voice as creaky as the door she'd just walked through.


Cassiopeia spent the next few hours exploring the shop, marvelling at the different types of magical tents on display. It was essentially like buying a house, only with a lot more magic involved. Each tent was unique, with its own quirks and features. One had a fully functional swimmingpool, another boasted a games room filled with magical board games and one was essentially a mini quidditch pitch.


In the end, she settled for a nine-room tent that was essentially a mini mansion. It had everything she could ever want - a large bathtub, a library with self-sorting books, and even basic wards. The best part? It could erect itself with just a tap of a wand.


With her purchase complete, Cassiopeia ventured into the muggle world for some essentials. Shopping for muggle items was a whole different ball game. There were sizes and measurements to consider, and sales assistants who seemed to have no concept of personal space.


Winky noted her misses discomfort and asked invisible "Miss Cassi, you okay?". Cassiopeia blushed, nodding. "Yes, Winky. It's just... different."


By the time she returned to the clearing where she'd left her tent, she was exhausted. Winky, on the other hand, was buzzing with excitement. "Miss Cassi's new home!" she exclaimed, eagerly starting to arrange the inside of the tent.


Cassiopeia, too tired to join in, simply smiled and made her way to the bedroom. As she fell onto the plush bed, she couldn't help but think about the day's events. It had been a whirlwind of shopping, embarrassment, and laughter. But as she drifted off to sleep, she knew she wouldn't have it any other way.



Cassiopeia found herself in the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, a place she knew well, yet it seemed different. It wasn't the cold, stone fortress she remembered from her school days, but rather it was welcoming her, treating her like an old friend. The castle seemed to vibrate with recognition, acknowledging her as the one who had breathed life back into its ancient walls, as though the very stones knew who had been responsible for its resurrection and were expressing their gratitude.

She strolled through the corridors, her footsteps echoing off the stone walls. The faces of students and teachers alike turned towards her, their eyes filled with admiration and gratitude. She was their saviour, their architect, their hero. She felt a sense of warmth, an embrace that seemed to envelop her as soon as she set foot on the grounds. It was a far cry from the cold, stone fortress she remembered from her school days.


But it was different from what Rose had experienced. There were no jealous glances, no whispered rumours, no hidden agendas. The poison that often lurked beneath the surface of the wizarding world was noticeably absent. Hogwarts was a sanctuary, a home, and she was its honoured guest.


And then, she woke up.


Cassiopeia blinked, the dream fading away as reality set in. She was not in Hogwarts but in her new tent, nestled in the comfortable bed she had just purchased. A soft sigh escaped her lips as she murmured to herself, "Don't be such a child, Cassi. Such a world will never exist."


But even as she chastised herself, a small part of her couldn't help but yearn for that dream world, a place where she was not just a shadow, but a beacon of hope. She turned over, pulling the covers up to her chin, and tried to block out the thoughts.


"Just reach your main goal, Cassi," she reminded herself, "That's all that matters. Happiness is overrated anyway."


With that, she closed her eyes and let sleep claim her once again. The tent was silent, save for the soft rustling of Winky as she continued to arrange their new home. Outside, the sun had set, casting long shadows across the clearing. It was a new chapter in Cassiopeia's life, filled with adventures, challenges, and maybe, just maybe, a bit of happiness.