3: I am who?
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Chamber of secrets

Death stood in the shadows of the cavernous chamber, an impish grin playing on his lips as he observed Rose suspended mid-air. The young woman was encased in an ethereal fire, its magical flames licking at her feet and ascending her body, transforming her from the inside out. The flickering light of the ritual circle cast an eerie glow upon the cave walls, illuminating the scene with an otherworldly aura.

At Death's feet, a sickly house elf lay, its breathing shallow and laboured. "This shall be your new mistress," Death announced, his voice echoing through the chamber. "I will bond you two. You will have enough time to recuperate before the ritual finishes. Afterwards, you will need to care for her, as she will be weak for quite some time." He paused, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "I am looking forward to seeing how she handles the changes within herself, the wizarding world and what is to come." He chuckled, the sound reverberating through the cave. "I wonder what she will think of her new name."


With a flourish of his dark cloak, Death waved his hand, and a myriad of items materialised in the chamber. Gold, books, furniture, and various other belongings appeared, creating a comfortable living space for the newly transformed witch. Among the items, a slightly smoldering letter hovered above a desk, the telltale sign of a howler, awaiting its moment to unleash its fury.


With his task complete, Death vanished, leaving behind the half-delirious house elf and the unconscious witch in the dimly lit cave. The elf, sensing its newfound duty, mustered the strength to crawl closer to the ritual circle. It watched in awe as Rose's transformation continued, the magical fire slowly altering her appearance and essence.



Happenings above

The chaotic aftermath of the battle at Hogwarts was a sight to behold. Fiendfyre, unleashed by a desperate Death Eater, cast an ominous glow across the battlefield. The cursed flames, which couldn't be ignored, were a beacon of destruction, drawing attention from all corners of the castle. The unknown Death Eater, consumed by his own creation, met a swift and fiery end. But the damage was done - the fire now threatened to consume Hogwarts itself, starting with the ground level of Gryffindor tower.

In the midst of the chaos, the beleaguered forces of light were forced to divide their attention between battling the flames and pursuing the fleeing Death Eaters. Fortunately, the most dangerous of their foes were already shackled, but the situation was still far from ideal. The fire was brought under control within a minute, but the weakened structure of the tower could not withstand the damage. With a deafening crash, the tower collapsed, leaving a cloud of dust and debris in its wake. Which again opened up opportunities for people to escape.


Alfonso Dumbledore, the younger and rejuvenated version of Albus Dumbledore, sprang into action. With the calm authority that had served him well throughout his career, he managed to make himself heard amidst the frantic cries and panicked shouts of the victors and survivors. Some were chasing after the escaping Death Eaters, others were hiding or fighting the remaining flames, while still others were simply paralysed with fear. Dumbledore's eloquence helped to focus their efforts on what was truly important, even as he quietly steered them towards a path of forgiveness - for he believed that saving as many witches and wizards as possible was the ultimate goal, regardless of the crimes they had committed.


In his playful, yet persuasive manner, Dumbledore encouraged those around him to forgive and forget, to accept that his way was the right way. He even managed to give an interview in which he explained his behind-the-scenes efforts to hunt down the dark magic that had allowed Tom Riddle to survive for so many years. With a heavy heart and a touch of theatrics, he speculated that Rose Potter may have been in the tower when it fell, and that a careful search would be necessary. In his mind, however, he couldn't help but wonder if this turn of events would finally grant him access to the treasures hidden within the Potter family vault.


And so, as the dust settled on the battlefield, the survivors were left to pick up the pieces and move forward, guided by the playful wisdom of Albus Dumbledore. Little did they know that Rose Potter's story was far from over, and that Death himself was watching the events unfold with a mischievous grin, eagerly anticipating the next chapter in his grand design.



Chamber of secrets

The fire that had once engulfed Rose's body began to recede, leaving behind a person who was no longer Rose or Alex, but someone entirely new. This new being, now in comfortable and full control of their body, opened their eyes slowly and at first panicked, for they couldn't see a thing. A squeaky voice reassured them, "Don't worry, Mistress. Winky will be taking care of you." They heard a click of fingers and found themselves hovering to a nearby bed.

Attempting to speak with their new voice, they managed only a croak. Winky gently reminded them, "The ritual was hard on your body. Let Winky give you some water and help you get your strength back slowly. Winky will be making a fine soup for later." Accepting the help, they relaxed. Their whole body burned, and they felt sore all over.


At that moment, a howler went off, droning with Death's voice, "Nice to see you having survived. The ritual I used was an old one. It was forbidden, for it changes a person on such an elemental level that no connection could be made with the family of said person. People used it to escape marriage contracts or the law and such. For your purpose, it is quite perfect. As side effects, if done right, the ritual gives you the best of the genes that were in the body. I managed to 'steal' from you, so you still have most of your possessions you used to own."


Death chuckled, which was felt in their bones, "Now to you: a few drops of blood onto the parchment on this desk will reveal your new name and some other things worthy of note. You will need about two weeks for your magic to recuperate and another two for your body to be really fit. I deposited some books on that desk as well, for I think you would really enjoy reading them while recuperating. Thanks to the ritual, nobody will be looking for you. The entrance through Myrtle's bathroom is also disrupted and needs to be repaired from this side if you want to use it. No one can pop into the chamber, as it now has an owner. I am looking forward to what you make of your new identity."


Feeling overwhelmed, they tried to process everything that was happening. It seemed that they had plenty of time to come to terms with their new reality, but at the same time, they were impatient. They croaked, "Parchment, give blood." Luckily, Winky understood. She clicked her fingers, and the torches on the wall ignited, revealing a female house-elf and her mistress in a never-before-seen clean Chamber of Secrets, although her mistress didn't notice.


The newborn woman, their mistress, had long hair that spread out over the bedsheets, which slowly changed colours. Her poisonous green eyes seemed too big for her face, giving her an innocent yet dangerous look. High cheekbones clear on display. Very feminine curves were evident even through the sheets. This new identity was a mystery, and her new mistress was unwilling to wait.


Winky could sense the impatience emanating from her new mistress, even as she struggled to speak. Understanding her unspoken desire, Winky gently levitated the parchment beneath her hands and carefully pricked her finger. As the blood dropped onto the parchment, it was absorbed, and in its place, writing appeared:

“Cassiopeia Lilian Slytherin”

Lady of Slytherin

Partial metamorphmagus


Eidetic memory


Stunned by the revelation, overwhelmed by its possible implications, her mistress could only manage a whispered, "I am who?" before the darkness of unconsciousness claimed her once more.


Winky, feeling both concerned and helpless, pondered what she could do to assist her mistress in this difficult time. It was clear that she needed nourishment and rest, but perhaps the books and pictures mentioned earlier could offer some comfort and guidance as well. With that thought in mind, Winky set about preparing everything she believed might be of help.