2: Fading hope
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Alex could feel the panic rising within him like a tidal wave, threatening to engulf him entirely. The thought of being trapped in this strange, unfamiliar as well as familiar world was too much to bear. He had always been an introvert, taking solace in the safety and security of his bedroom or his boring job, but now, that sanctuary seemed like an unreachable dream.


He was vaguely aware that Roses life continued around him, but it was as if he was submerged in a thick, suffocating fog, unable to see or hear anything beyond his own thoughts. Desperation clawed at him as he tried every possible method to return home, even resorting to obscure and irrational ideas. He found himself on the verge of tears, his voice hoarse from screaming and pleading for an emergency log out. The one thing he couldn't bring himself to do was accept the change, the horrifying reality that he was now a prisoner in this alien world.


And then, without warning, an unnatural calm descended upon him. It was as if a heavy, suffocating blanket had been lifted from his shoulders, replaced by a sense of eerie tranquillity. It reminded him of the imperio curse, and the thought sent a shiver down his spine. "What the hell?" he cursed under his breath. It was only then that he realised he had missed a significant event in Rose's life: her final battle against Voldemort.


With his thoughts coming back into his -new-(?) reality Alex tentatively immersed himself in Rose's recent memories. He felt a strange blend of guilt and curiosity as he delved into her mind, exploring the events leading up to her final showdown with Voldemort. The memories were vivid, almost as if he had been there himself, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of pride for the bravery and determination she had displayed.


 == Roses memory ==

The dimly lit corridors of Hogwarts castle seemed to stretch on forever as Rose made her way towards Gryffindor tower. Her mind was cluttered with thoughts of the recent battle, the friends she had lost, and the overwhelming sense of exhaustion that weighed down on her very soul. As she walked, she felt as though she were carrying a thousand burdens on her shoulders, each one heavier than the last.

The encounter with Death had left her with a strange mixture of emotions. On one hand, it had given her a renewed sense of hope, knowing that her parents and all those who had died were not simply gone forever. They had merely moved on to another station, another existence. On the other hand, it had also left her with a deep sense of longing, an ache in her heart that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.


As she passed by the Great Hall, she couldn't help but overhear the whispers and excited chatter of the students and teachers who had gathered there. They spoke of her with a mixture of awe and admiration, referring to her as "The Woman Who Conquered". It was a title that she neither wanted nor needed, and it only served to remind her of the immense pressure that had been placed upon her shoulders.


She had hoped that her closest friends would understand, that they would be there to support her through these trying times. But they too seemed to be caught up in their own grief, mourning the loss of Fred and others who had perished in the battle. And so, Rose found herself alone once more, retreating to the familiar solitude that had become her constant companion throughout her time at the Dursleys and, it slowly became clear to her, as well as Hogwarts. In the end she was always alone.


As she climbed the stairs to her room, she couldn't help but wonder if she even wanted to remain in the wizarding world. The expectations of others weighed heavily upon her, and she knew that with this new title, things would only become worse. Perhaps it would be best to leave it all behind, at least for a while. To travel the world and seek some measure of distance from the life that had caused her so much pain.


Lost in her thoughts, she almost didn't notice the man standing in the corridor ahead of her. He appeared to be in his late 40s, with a kindly face that bore a striking resemblance to Dumbledore. The sight of him brought a sudden rush of memories, of the wise and gentle headmaster who had guided her through so many of her darkest moments.


"Ah, Rose, my dear girl, it's good to finally meet you," he said, his warm smile reminiscent of the Dumbledore she had known and loved. It was uncanny, really, how much this man resembled the late headmaster. "What do you mean? Who are you?"

"I am Alfonso Lowell Sampson Norbert Dumbledore, the son of Albus, your late headmaster." The absurdity of it all struck her like a blow. How could anyone be so ridiculous as to name their son in such a way? "No, you're not. You're Albus," she interrupted him, her voice trembling.


His smile faltered, and he looked at her with a mixture of surprise and curiosity. "How did you come to that conclusion?"


"It's just a feeling. And besides, only Headmaster Dumbledore was ever so familiar with me. No one else ever acted this way around me." She hesitated, struggling to find the words. "I never liked that he had so many first names, it was so pretentious. So, I suppose it doesn't surprise me that you'd name your son something similar. But you just, how to put it, feel like you. Am I right?" She paused, her voice breaking. "How could you let us try everything alone, Headmaster? We needed you! I needed you!" Tears streamed down her face as she cried out, her pain and betrayal raw and unfiltered.


Dumbledore sighed heavily, casting a series of privacy charms before conjuring a pair of chairs. "You truly are a marvel, Rose. On one hand, you have an incredible intuition, and on the other, you've missed so many important details." He gestured for her to sit. "Let's have a quick talk.”


She couldn't help but notice that he had conjured a grand chair for himself while she was given a regular one, but she didn't care. She wanted answers. "I never thought you would survive, my girl," he began, his voice heavy with sorrow. "It's as simple as that. The wizarding world needs guidance. A guidance only I can provide. And for them to accept this guidance I had to wait for the need to be rescued to be big enough." He paused, seemingly lost in thought for a moment. "Nevertheless, I allowed Tom to wreak havoc, and I even managed to have those ridiculous books about your fabled life written. It was a necessary sacrifice. My 'son' could save them. Who would have expected you to survive. With barely any training and your magic bound by more than 60%… No matter. It's good that I've met you this early and alone."


With a flick of his wand, he cast a series of spells. "Obliviate. Imperio. You did all of this with the secret help of me, Alfonso Lowell Sampson Norbert Dumbledore, and now you will retrieve the Hallows and bring them to the headmaster's office, unseen." He turned away from her, mumbling to himself, "A marriage contract like the ones used in the old days would be a fine solution for you and young Ronald."


The explanation and his magic washed over her. The revelation had shattered Rose like a delicate vase, her pieces scattered about the floor. Gone was the newfound hope that had been kindling within her, snuffed out like the flame of a candle in a gust of wind. She gave in to the spells designed to make her forget, becoming little more than a puppet, her strings pulled by the invisible hand of a puppetmaster.


Rose moved robotically, her body no longer her own as she went about gathering the few possessions she still had. Her eyes, once bright with determination, now held a vacant stare, as if she were gazing upon a world that no longer held any meaning for her. Her heart, which had been so full of love and courage, was now a hollow shell, echoing with the pain of her devastating revelation.


 === Alex POV ===

Alex, somewhere within her, was desperate like never before. He could feel the weight of Rose's despair, the crushing burden of her sorrow. He knew that he couldn't let her continue down this path, that he had to do something, anything, to remind her that this could not be the end. The alternative was just to horrifying to think about. And so, with every ounce of his will, his strength, his power, and his very soul and being, he pushed, trying to breathe life back into her broken spirit.


The last push of Alex's effort seemed to have done something, for Rose awoke from her stupor, her mind slowly beginning to reason once more. With a sigh of relief, Alex relaxed for a moment, watching as the gears of her thoughts started to turn, grinding against the rust of despair that had settled upon them.


At last, Rose overcame her desperation and the spells that had been cast upon her. Still in her dorm, she spoke to herself, her voice heavy with emotion. "After coming back from Death, from inbetween, I thought my station 'life' should be well lived. Maybe I should depart and continue with whatever awaits me after. I really do no longer believe this 'life' is worth living."


Her decision made, Rose moved to the window, her hand clutching the Resurrection Stone tightly. She really did not want Dumbledore to have it, the people on the next station should be at peace and not be disturbed, and so she banished it deep into the woods, watching as it disappeared from sight. Then, wrapping herself in her Invisibility Cloak, she took her precious photo album of her parents and left the Elder Wand lying on her bed. The darkness within Rose's heart had grown too deep, too vast, swallowing her whole like a black hole consuming all light. In a final, desperate act, she had given up on life and leapt from her window, seeking the freedom of oblivion.


As they plummeted towards the ground, the wind whipping around them like a raging storm, Rose finally found the peace she had been craving. Her soul, unburdened at last, soared into the night like a bird released from a cage. The sensation of weightlessness, of being untethered from the world, was intoxicating to her as it was terrifying to Alex in equal measure. She felt the shackles that had bound her heart and spirit fall away, leaving her free to whatever came after.


Alex, on the other hand, was consumed by despair. He had tried so hard to save her, to show her that there was still hope, still a reason to fight. But it seemed that he had failed, that his efforts had been in vain.


They crashed into the ground, unseen thanks to her Invisibility Cloak but with a sickening thud that echoed through the night like the dying gasp of a wounded animal. Alex found himself for the first time able to interact with the physical world. But the only thing he wanted to do - the only thing he could do - was moan in pain.


He had never expected to survive the fall; the impact did shatter their bones, crushed their organs, snuffed out their lives like a candle in the wind. But as the pain washed over him, as he lay there broken and bleeding, he realized that he was still alive – it was not over.


In that moment, suspended between life and death, reality and illusion, Alex saw Death again. The spectre stood before him, shrouded in shadows and mystery, its gaze inscrutable and eternal.


"Rose is gone," it intoned, its voice as cold and distant as the void between the stars. "Like I suspected. You are needed, but not as Rose and the problems this stupid Dumbledore brings. Being you will suffice. Here, let me give you a hand for a new start."


The words hung heavily in the air, like a dense fog that refused to dissipate. Their meaning, obscured by the pain that clouded Alex's mind, seemed to drift just out of reach. But Death remained indifferent to his suffering. With a casual wave of its hand, a Death Eater broke free, snatching a wand from a nearby student. Summoning all its might, the creature bellowed, "Fiendfyre!" A searing wave of heat surged towards Alex, threatening to engulf him entirely.


But with another swift motion, Death transported Alex back to the Chamber of Secrets. Winky, the small house-elf, was there too. "This is your new mistress," Death commanded, its voice cold and unfeeling. "Take care of her. The next few weeks will be very hard on her." The words echoed in the chamber, but their significance still eluded Alex. Yet another wave of Death's hand conjured a mysterious ritual circle into existence.


Alex found himself slowly floating towards the circle, as Death's voice continued to fill the room. "This is an ancient ritual. Every source of its knowledge was eradicated, for it made it all too easy for people to start anew and be free of their old responsibilities. This will truly liberate you from the burdens of the woman who conquered you." Though Alex could barely comprehend the words, he found that the pain was becoming more bearable, allowing him to focus on what was being said.


"Curiously, this ritual is also one of the most effective means of healing old and new injuries, for it rebuilds you from the ground up. So do not worry about your wounds. Just please, try to stay sane, for this ritual is quite painful." With that ominous warning, Alex slumped down into the circle. His blood seeped into the engraved runes, igniting a faint glow that slowly intensified. As the burning flames began to consume his body, a deep sadness washed over him, for he knew that the path he was embarking on would be fraught with pain and hardship. Yet, amidst the sorrow, a glimmer of hope flickered in his heart - the hope that, in the end, he would find the freedom he so desperately sought.