1: End and new Beginning
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In the bustling heart of the city, where the tall buildings kissed the sky and traffic roared like a lion, there lived a man named Alex. Now, Alex was no ordinary fellow - he had a peculiar job that many would find rather boring. You see, Alex worked as a tax officer, dealing with numbers and forms all day long. But our friend Alex had a story to tell, a story of dreams and aspirations, and perhaps a touch of irony.


You might be surprised to learn that Alex hadn't always dreamt of becoming a tax officer. In fact, he initially wanted to get into programming, that magical world where codes and algorithms created wondrous things. Alex was fascinated by the endless possibilities that programming offered, but alas, life had other plans for him.


As it turned out, the lucrative world of programming wasn't as well-paying as Alex had hoped, at least not in the beginning. So, with a heavy heart and a practical mind, Alex switched professions and became a tax officer, where the pay was steady and the future secure.


In his early years as a tax officer, Alex quickly learned that his job did not fulfil him as he had hoped. The endless paperwork and the monotonous routine left him feeling empty and unfulfilled. But Alex was not one to give up easily. He searched for a way to find happiness in his work and stumbled upon a noble ideal - tax equality and fairness.


With this newfound sense of purpose, Alex threw himself into his work with renewed vigor. He dedicated his days and nights to ensuring that the tax system was fair and just for all. Slowly but surely, Alex climbed up the ladder in his profession, his reputation growing with each passing day.


As Alex delved deeper into the world of taxes, he learned more and more about the intricacies of the system. And then, one fateful day, he stumbled upon a fundamental truth that shook him to his very core. Taxes, in the grand scheme of things, were never fair, and they were never equal.


This revelation hit Alex like a ton of bricks. The very foundation of his beliefs, the ideals he had worked so hard to uphold, crumbled before his eyes. And with that, Alex's once boundless energy and passion for his work began to fade.


Wallow in despair he dived into the world of fanfiction and gaming.


Alex had always been an avid video game enthusiast in his youth, and when the first AI-based VR game was released, he couldn't wait to dive into it like a fish into water. The game was a continuation of the fanfiction stories he used to devour in his youth, but this time, instead of merely reading and imagining the stories, he could immerse himself in them and live the adventures himself.


The game caught his attention immediately, as it was based on his favorite Harry Potter fanfiction. Alex had always fantasied about attending Hogwarts, learning spells, and battling dark forces alongside his favorite characters. Now, he had the chance to do just that.


As he put on the VR headset and entered the magical world, he was greeted with a message at the very beginning, asking him if he wanted to try to earn a special reward. Intrigued and excited, Alex accepted the challenge with renewed vigor and started playing. Forgetting all his worldly worries.


The following months were the time of his life. Alex found himself completely immersed in the game, attending classes at Hogwarts, making friends with fellow students, and exploring the castle's many secrets. He was even sorted into Gryffindor, just like Harry, Ron, and Hermione.


The game's storyline was thrilling. Alex discovered that not only was Voldemort up to no good, but Dumbledore, the seemingly benevolent headmaster, was also hiding his darkness behind a leader of the light mask. This revelation added a whole new level of excitement to the game, as Alex now had two formidable opponents to contend with.


As the game progressed, Alex worked tirelessly to strengthen his magical skills and gather allies to help him in his quest to defeat both Voldemort and holding Dumbledore at bay without lethal conflict. He spent hours in the library, poring over ancient tomes, and practicing spells until he could perform them flawlessly.


Finally, the day came when Alex felt ready to confront Voldemort – or "Voldyshorts," as he had affectionately nicknamed him. The battle was intense, with spells flying and magical creatures joining the fray. Alex fought valiantly, using every ounce of his magical knowledge to outmaneuvers and ultimately defeat the Dark Lord.


With Voldemort vanquished, Alex turned his attention to Dumbledore – or "Dumblemore," as he had started calling him. He knew that the headmaster would try to backstab him now that Voldemort was out of the picture, so he meticulously planned his next move.


When the time came for the final showdown, Alex was ready. He confronted Dumbledore in the Great Hall, exposing his dark side and rallying the students and staff of Hogwarts to his cause. Battle erupted once more, with Alex and Dumbledore at the center of it all, their wands locked in a fierce struggle for control.


In the end, Alex emerged victorious, having exposed and defeated both Voldemort and Dumbledore. The magical world was saved, and Alex was hailed as a hero by his fellow students and the magical community at large.


Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction, his adrenaline still rushing through his veins like a wild river. He had lived out his wildest fantasies and saved the magical world, all from the comfort of his own home. He had never felt so alive, so free from the shackles of his mundane existence. Little did he know that his life was about to take a turn he could never have imagined.


In the midst of his biggest achievement, a prompt suddenly appeared before him, its words glowing with an irresistible allure: "Congratulations, you won the competition for the special reward. Do you want it now?" Without a moment's hesitation, he eagerly accepted, his adrenaline-addled mind unable to resist the tantalizing prospect of a prize. After all, when had he ever tasted victory in his humdrum life as a tax officer?


As soon as he made his choice, however, his world was plunged into darkness. Unbeknownst to him, his VR headset had experienced a catastrophic malfunction, short-circuiting and sending a deadly jolt of electricity through his body. In that instant, his physical form twitched a few times until it slumped lifelessly back into his bed, never to move again. On the other hand, his soul started a rather long journey.




Alex blinked, trying to adjust his eyes to the sudden change in scenery, but couldnt. He was not in his small, cluttered room, filled with gaming paraphernalia and half-empty cans of energy drinks.


He couldn't quite shake off the feeling that he was still playing a game, despite the fact that his surroundings seemed to be alive with vibrant colors and sounds. It was as if he'd been transported into a virtual reality game, one that he had no control over. He could only watch and experience the events unfolding before him.


As he continued to observe his new surroundings, Alex slowly began to realize that he was experiencing the world through the eyes of someone else - someone who was living out the final moments of the seventh book in the Harry Potter series. But this wasn't the story he knew; this time, the protagonist was a girl named Rose.


A smile crept across Alex's face as he allowed himself to be swept up in the narrative. It was like a teaser for an upcoming game, one that he couldn't wait to play. He was more than happy to sit back and watch as Rose's story unfolded before him.


As Rose delved into the memories of a character named Snape, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of déjà vu. The events playing out before him were eerily similar to the original story he knew so well. But to him there was something different that he couldn’t quite grasp - something more real and tangible.


Despite knowing that this couldn't possibly be reality, Alex found himself instinctively feeling and understanding what Rose wanted and needed to do next. He felt a connection to her that went beyond anything he'd ever experienced in any game before. It was as if he knew her on a deeper level, one that he hadn't thought possible.


As Rose made her way into the woods, Alex felt a surge of emotions that he knew were not his own. He could feel her fear, her determination, and her deep-rooted sense of purpose. It was as if her past had somehow become intertwined with his own, allowing him to understand her in a way that he never thought possible.


The intensity of the emotions coursing through him was both thrilling and terrifying, unlike anything he'd ever experienced in any virtual reality game. It was a whole new level of immersion, and he couldn't help but be excited by the possibilities that lay ahead. With a heavy heart, Alex watched as Rose made the ultimate sacrifice, giving her life to save the world she loved.


Rose's history bore a striking resemblance to that of Harry's, with only a few minor differences. However, there was one significant disagreement between Rose and Alex. In Alex's mind, Dumblemore was nothing more than a contemptible old man, while Rose held a deep affection for him, akin to that of a doting granddaughter. As he pondered this disparity, Alex couldn't help but wonder if Rose's heart was even more expansive than Harry's, or if the books and movies had simply failed to capture Harry's true essence.


As he delved deeper into Rose's emotions, Alex uncovered a startling revelation: Rose had no interest in dating boys. This had led to complications with Ron, who harboured romantic feelings for her, and Hermione, who had her own affections for Ron.


Hidden beneath the surface, Rose was grappling with her own secret: she was a lesbian. While this fact didn't shock Alex, the reason behind it did. He believed that the lewd behaviour exhibited by Vernon, Lockhart, and even Snape in recent years had played a significant role in shaping her sexual orientation.


Fortunately, as far as Rose was aware, none of these men had ever acted on their desires. However, Alex couldn't shake the nagging worry that she might have been obliviated of those memories, as he tended to be cynical in such matters. Even Rose acknowledged that if it hadn't been for her accidental magic, Vernon may very well have crossed a line that could not be uncrossed.




Alex could feel the weight of the vision pressing down on Rose, the cold floor of King's Cross station beneath her. The atmosphere was eerily similar to the one in the books he had read.

Roses heart raced as she tried to make sense of the events that had unfolded before her, the confusion and disgust she felt towards the grotesque creature that lay in the corner. That Alex knew as the soulshard of Voldemort.

As she stood there, the air seemed to grow colder, and a figure emerged from the shadows. It was not the wise and comforting presence of Dumbledore that Alex had expected, but rather a figure that sent chills down Roses and Alexs spine: Death itself.

The message it bore was clear and foreboding, a heavy burden that weighed on Rose's shoulders. She could return to the world of the living, but only in exchange for the soul shard. And even then, her troubles would not end with the defeat of Voldemort.


Rose considered her options, her mind racing with the possible consequences of each choice. She thought of her parents, the sacrifices they had made for her, and the love they had shown her. It was in their memory that she made her decision: she would face the challenge that lay ahead, she would choose life and carry on their legacy.


As the surroundings began to fade and the cold of Death began to fade. Alex wanted to take a deep breath but it turned its gaze towards him. Somehow Death looked towards Alex, he felt Death's piercing stare bore into his very soul deep into the soul. "I brought you here," Death spoke, its voice echoing through the empty station, "for she will most likely fail. You are the last chance for our descendants to avoid eternal slavery. Be aware and prove yourself worthy"


And just like that, the vision faded away, leaving Alex shocked.



The startling revelations that had been thrust upon Alex were beginning to take their toll on him. He had always wondered, if Death was not the embodiment of Death itself, but rather someone - or something - with its own interests at heart. The realisation Death was someone and he knew of him sent a shiver down his spine, as the gravity of the situation began to weigh heavily on his mind. The lines between the game and reality had blurred, and the terrifying truth was beginning to dawn on him.

As the cold sweat of fear trickled down his brow, Alex's heart pounded relentlessly in his chest. The realness of it all was beginning to truly freak him out. Desperate to escape the suffocating confines of this twisted game, he longed for the simple relief of a cold shower, or any other mundane distraction that could help him regain his bearings. But as he searched for the familiar gaming menu that had once been his lifeline, a new wave of panic washed over him.


The menu was gone. Vanished without a trace, as if it had never existed at all. And with it, Alex's last hope of logging out and returning to the safety of his own world. The walls of his virtual prison seemed to close in around him, suffocating him with the stark reality of his predicament. He was trapped, with no way out, and the cold, unyielding grip of fear tightened around his heart.


His mind raced, desperately seeking answers to the myriad questions that plagued him. What was going on? How had this happened? And most importantly, how could he possibly escape the nightmare that had become his reality? As the terror threatened to consume him entirely, Alex knew that he had to find a way to regain control. For if he didn't, he feared that the darkness that had enveloped his world would swallow him whole, leaving him lost and alone in the terrifying abyss of his own making.