Chapter 8: Duke of Atherton
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Ezequias stood by the window of his room, gazing out at the vast landscape beyond the mansion.

Suddenly, he saw something moving in the distance. As he focused his gaze, he could see that it was a group of Pterosaurs, flying in formation.

There were four smaller Pterosaurs, with a large Pterosaur being ridden by a man who was only about 1.5 meters tall. Ezequias was fascinated by the sight, watching as they flew gracefully through the air.

Pov Ember Fitzgerald

Susan Artemisi, the servant, entered the room and approached Duke Ember Fitzgerald. "Your Grace," she said with a bow, "Duke Atherton has arrived. He is mounted on a Pterosaur."

Ember raised an eyebrow in surprise. "A Pterosaur? That's quite impressive. Show him in, please."

Moments later, Duke Atherton was escorted into the room. He had an imposing presence but short stature , with striking platinum-blue hair that made him stand out. His family was known for their mastery of ice techniques.

Duke of Atherton: Good day, Duke Ember. Thank you for receiving me.

Duke Ember: Good day, Duke Atherton. It's my pleasure. What brings you here today?

Duke of Atherton: I come to propose a union between our two houses through marriage. As you know, after the disaster that struck our Zoé , there were only three duchies left, and they were all led by the Kingsley house. But with their fall, there's a power vacuum that needs to be filled.

Duke of Atherton: My granddaughter, Lady Isabella. She's young and beautiful, and she's been trained in the arts of diplomacy and statecraft since she was a child.

Duke Ember: Lady Isabella. I've heard of her. She sounds like a fine match indeed. But my boy still very young.

Duke of Atherton: why don't we make an agreement your son spends 6 months in my territory then my granddaughter 6 months in yours so we can prepare the union of our homes.

Duke Ember: I will consider your proposal, Duke Atherton. But let me make one thing clear: My house will not be subservient to yours. We are equals in this union, and we will treat each other as such.