Chapter 7: Player Status
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[Player status: Ezekiah Fitzgerald (James).

Age: 6 years

Realm: None

Feats: Perfect Memory.

Special Ability: Accelerated Brain Development.

Technique: Pantheon Level 0. ]

Ezequias stared at the status screen that had appeared in his mind. It had been four years since and yet his status remained the same. He had hoped to see some progress by now, but it seemed like he was stuck in place.

He shook his head and tried to focus on the task at hand. Maybe he just needed to work harder and put more effort into his training. But it was frustrating to see that he wasn't making any real progress.

He looked over at his father, who was watching him with a thoughtful expression. Ezequias couldn't help but feel a pang of envy as he thought about how easy it seemed for his father to use the Pantheon technique. His father had trained with his own father, and it showed in the way he moved effortlessly with the shield and spear.

Ezequias couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be as skilled as his father. He knew he had the perfect memory and accelerated brain development abilities, but it didn't seem to be enough.

As he continued to train with his father, Ezequias couldn't help but notice the nostalgia in his father's eyes. He knew his father was thinking back to when he was the one training with his own father. It was a reminder to Ezequias that the Pantheon technique was more than just a skill, it was a legacy that had been passed down through generations.

Ezequias took a deep breath and tried to push his doubts aside. He would continue to train and work hard, and hopefully, one day he would make his father and his ancestors proud.

Two months later

Had passed since Ezequias started training with his father and sparring with Ellen. He still hadn't advanced in his Pantheon technique, but he had become more familiar with the shield and the spear, and was able to move with more ease during combat.

Ezequias: sighs I know I haven't advanced much in the Pantheon technique yet, but sometimes I feel discouraged. It feels like I'm stuck in the same place.

Ellen: That's not true, Ezequias. You have a natural talent for combat, and your determination is admirable. You just need to keep practicing and refining your technique remember, before you had difficulty moving with shield and spear. 

Despite not having made progress in his technique, Ezequias was determined to keep training and improving. He knew that success didn't come overnight, and he was willing to put in the work.

During his training, Ezequias couldn't help but think about his father's stories of his own training with his grandfather. He wondered if he would ever be as skilled as his father, and if he too would have stories to tell his own children someday.

As he sparred with Ellen, Ezequias couldn't help but feel a take sense of satisfaction as he saw himself improving little by little. Despite not having advanced in his Pantheon technique, Ezequias felt like he was growing stronger in other ways. He was becoming more disciplined, more focused, and more determined to achieve his goals. He knew that with time and patience, he would eventually achieve greatness.