Chapter 6: Six years old
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Ezequias stood on the balcony of his mansion, watching as the last of the flying dinosaurs were swiftly taken down by the skilled hunters of the Fitzgerald family. As he watched, he couldn't help but wonder if he had somehow been transported to a pre-historic world.

Lost in thought, Ezequias pondered the possibilities. Could he have been transported to another world, one that existed long before his time? The idea was both exciting and terrifying at the same time.

He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and belonging, however, as he remembered the symbol of the Fitzgerald family: the red eyes that represented their affinity with fire. Perhaps this world, with its strange creatures and ancient landscapes, was where the Fitzgeralds had first developed their connection to the element of fire.

Ezequias had just turned six, and his father had already begun teaching him the family techniques. One of the techniques that had been passed down through generations was the Pantheon technique, which involved the use of a shield and a spear in combat.

Duke Ember had always been busy with his duties as the ruler of the duchy, but he made sure to spend time with his son whenever he could. He knew that it was important to pass on the family traditions and techniques to Ezequias.

Ezequias: Dad, can you tell me more about the Pantheon technique? Why is it important for our family?

Ember: Of course, son. The Pantheon technique has been passed down through generations of our family. It involves using a shield and spear in combat, which makes us formidable warriors.

Ember: Our family has always had a natural affinity for fire, that's why we excel at fire-cultivated techniques and also why a phanteon technique is imbued with fire resource, but that's for later.

Ezequias: I understand. But what about our affinity for fire? Is that part of our family's legacy too?

Ember: Ezequias' red eyes are a symbol of the Fitzgerald family's affinity for fire.

Ezequias: That's so cool. I can't wait to learn more about it.

As they trained, Ezequias' father couldn't help but feel nostalgic. He remembered when he was just a young boy, training with his own father in the very same courtyard. His father had taught him the Pantheon technique, just as he was now teaching his son.

He could still feel the weight of the shield in his hand and the thrill of victory as he landed a precise blow with his spear. He knew that he had passed on more than just a technique to his son; he had passed on a legacy, a tradition that had been in their family for generations.

As they continued their training, Ezequias' father couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and joy as he watched his son's skills improve with each passing day. He knew that one day, Ezequias would be able to carry on the family legacy and pass it on to his own children.

But for now, he was content to simply train with his son and enjoy the feeling of passing on the knowledge and skills that had been handed down through the generations. As they finished their training for the day, Ezequias' father couldn't help but smile as he watched his son carefully place the shield and spear back in their proper place, ready for their next training session.