Chapter 3: A Strange New World
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It had been two years since my birth, and I was growing fast. My father, Ember, had told me stories about my mother and how I had inherited her golden hair. But I had never met her, and I was starting to wonder if I ever would.


The world around me had changed too.I was now in a place where the sky was vast and open. But it was a strange new world, unlike anything I had ever seen before.

There were no stars or moon in the sky, and the sun that shone down on us was unlike any I had seen. It glowed intensely, almost like branches of light, and it was what they called "day". At night, it still shone, but with less intensity.

I had learned many things since my birth. My memory was perfect, a talent that had been bestowed upon me by the system. I could recall every detail of my past experiences, and I could learn new things quickly.

My father, Ember, had been teaching me about the world and how to survive in it. He now lived in a small community in the land of Zoé, which was ruled by three dukes.

I had also discovered the concept of energy cultivation, which allowed people to become stronger. There were rumors of people who were literally an army of one man, capable of incredible feats of strength and agility. I was eager to learn more about this power and become stronger myself.

But for now, I focused on my daily routine. I would wake up early in the morning and practice my basic movements, running, jumping and stretching. My father would often watch me from a distance.

Ezequias discovered that the system gained energy with any activity, but eating and exercising gave more points. So he put in effort to improve his innate talent for cultivation. However, his father told him that cultivation begins only at the age of ten.

Ezequias was disappointed, but he didn't give up. He continued to train his body and mind in preparation for the day he could start cultivating.