Karina of AESPA
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Disclaimer: Photos used in this story belongs to their rightful owner. This is a work of fanfiction. Names(Aside from Karina), characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.

Karina had it all as a member of the popular girl group called Aespa. She was adored by her thousands of fans, had a successful singing career, and lived a glamorous lifestyle. However, her life took a tragic turn when she got involved in a scandal. She was accused of having an affair with the director of the film. Even though it's not true, the scandal caused a backlash from her fans, her fans turned in to haters and Karina felt like she had lost everything in an instant.

One night, Karina decided to drown her sorrows in alcohol. She stumbled out onto the street and didn't notice a bus approaching. The bus struck her hard, and Karina was immediately rushed to the hospital.

Jin was the doctor who operated on Karina. As he was working on her, Jin is secretly her fan and he was struck by her beauty and grace. He felt a strong connection to her, and he was determined to do everything he could to save her.

Despite the odds, Karina survived the accident. However, the injuries she sustained left her unable to continue her career as a kpop singer. Karina was devastated, but Jin saw it and he was determined to help her find a new path in life. He encouraged her to pursue other passions and dreams, and Karina gradually began to see that there was more to life than just being a celebrity.

Karina started to cook, bake, and even paint. Jin helpred Karina whenever he can.

Over time, Karina and Jin fell deeply in love. They got married and started a family, and Karina realized that her accident was a blessing in disguise. She had learned that sometimes the most devastating events can lead to the happiest outcomes. Karina was lucky to meet him in times of her darkest moments.

Karina continued to be grateful for Jin's love and support. Whenever she thought about her accident, she thought of it as the day she met her soulmate. They may have had a tragic beginning, but their love story had a happy ending...

But one day, while Karina and Jin was walking towards home they were hit by an incoming delivery truck. She fell unconcious.

When she woke up, her mom was beside her. She was told that she was in coma for 6 months. She immediately ask,

"Where's Jin? How's he?"

Her mom told her, "who's Jin? you're the only one got hit."

Karina went panic, she went out from her room and look for Jin.

"Where's Doctor Jin?" She asked the nurse at the reception.

"There's no Doctor Jin in this hospital." the nurse replied.

Karina's doctor arrived. 

"It's just a dream. You've been in coma for a long time. It's normal to have false memories." The doctor explained.

Karina cried and cried. She couldn't believe it was all just a dream.

She fall asleep while crying. When she woke up with a heavy heart and tears in her eyes. The man she had been dreaming of was not real, and the love they shared was just a figment of her imagination.

"I feel empty." Karina mumbled.

Months passed, she started getting better.

As she got ready for the day, Karina tried to shake off the feeling of loss and feeling empty. She couldn't believe how real the dream had felt. She had fallen in love with a man she had never met, and now she had to let go of him.

Karina went about her day, doing her best to push the dream to the back of her mind. But everywhere she looked, she saw reminders of the man she had dreamed of. A song on the radio, a couple holding hands on the street, even the coffee shop where they had met in her dream.

Despite her efforts, Karina couldn't escape the feeling of loss and lonely. She wondered if she would ever find love in real life that was as powerful as the love she had dreamed of.

As she sat alone that night, Karina realized that the dream had left her with a gift. The feeling of love she had experienced was proof that she was capable of feeling deeply and passionately. And even if the man had been just a dream, the love she had felt for him was real.

She saw the cafe in her dream. She went inside and go for a drink.

"Iced tea with strawberry shortcake right?" the attendant said.

"How did you know my order?" Karina was puzzled.

"You've been always here eating with the handsome doctor. Speaking of which, where's he?" 

Karina cried unintentionally.

"He's not a dream."

Karina rushed back to the hospital and asked her doctor and mom what's happening.

"It was Jin's idea. He wants you to start a new life. He saved you from being hit fatally. Before he went in coma, he said "tell Karina I'm just a dream." it seems that he knows that he won't be waking up again. He probably knows it since he was our top doctor." The doctor revealed.

"Let me see him. I want to be beside him." Karina pleaded.

Karina was brought to the ICU where she saw Jin sleeping.

Karina was so happy seeing him alive. Karina decided to return to film industry as an actress. After work, she goes to the hospital just to take care of Jin. 

She was so exhausted so she feel asleep while holding Jin's hand.

"Karina... Karina..."

She felt she heard something and she opened her eyes. Somebody was patting her head.

When she was fully awake, she saw Jin smiling.

"Jin? I'm not dreaming right?"

Karina slapped herself very hard until she feels pain. 

"It's not a dream. Stop hurting yourself. I'm awake now" Jin saidin a soft voice.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid Jin! I hate you! why did you do it!" Karina cried as she softly punch Jin.

"Thank you for waiting for me Karina."

Karina was so happy that she cried like a baby but she was really thankful that they're together again.

The end.