Chapter 4
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I’d had this girl in mind when I first discovered Stealth Control online. Her name was Layla. She was cute as hell, and worked at our small food mart. She was a few years older than me, and I’d had a crush on her since forever. Since I’d graduated, I’d got up the nerve to ask her out several times. But even though I was pretty sure she didn’t have a boyfriend, she always said no. I was used to being rejected by girls, but this one stung, because the last time she’d said no, she’d called me by my school’s nickname for me, “Dustbin.”

So yeah. I had no problem making her mine with a little help from Kyle and Stealth Control. Did I feel bad about using Kyle to make that happen? Maybe a little. Not really though. If anything, he should be thanking me for including him at all. I was the one doing the lion’s share of the work, and he was benefitting tremendously from it. To smooth out any ill feelings though, I would endeavor to make him feel as good as I did when he was inside Anna.

So that day, Kyle totally thought he was going to bang another hot chick as I put the device over his head. The next thing he knows, he’s in a girls’ body and in the middle of a shift at the food mart.

The hilarious thing was that he didn’t leave! I gave 50/50 odds that he’d come running the two blocks to my apartment and accuse me of sending him into the wrong person. But he just stayed there, stocking or working Layla’s register or whatever. He did manage to sneak away though, and call me to find out why I wanted him there. I told him to wait, and that all would be revealed shortly.

Five minutes later, I strode into the food mart and made a beeline to Kayla’s register. When he saw me come in, he got nervous and asked why I was there in person. I winked, and told him to meet me in the bathroom. I think that’s when he figured it out. He crossed Layla’s arms and told me to go fuck myself.

I leaned forward and in a hushed whisper, I reminded him of a couple things. Like that I was the only one that could operate Stealth Control. And that shit like this was the whole reason were were doing this in the first place. I let him know that I’d had a crush on the girl he was in for years, but still couldn’t hook up with her since she was single. The only way I’d get to fuck her was if Kyle took one for the team, and if he said no, we might have to reevaluate our partnership.

He scrunched up her face and tried to look mad at me. He might have been furious, I didn’t know, and didn’t care. He seemed to grasp the importance of the situation he was in though. And a few minutes later, he fell in line, just like I thought he would.

I was waiting for him in the small men’s room. It was just a small concrete room with one toilet, a sink, and a mirror, and most importantly, a lock on the door. A minute later, I heard a knock.

I opened it, and the girl I’d been fantasizing about said, “Okay, I’m on break. Make it quick. I don’t want to get her fired.”

Seeing Layla talk to me in the bathroom, and knowing what I was about to do to her body, made my dick rock solid. I pulled up her black, polyester work shirt so I could see her small boobs. She sighed as she began to unbutton her black pants. She slid them and her panties down. She was shorter than me, and I was able to lift her up and put her ass on the sink. I didn’t waste time, and thrust into her right away. To my surprise, she was wet and ready.

I pulled out of her, and explored her down there with a finger. I slid it up and down for a few seconds. She wouldn’t look at me, but I held my glistening finger up where she could see it and asked, “What’s up with this, Kyle?”

“Please do not say my name right now?” was his only reply.

“I just want to know why you're so wet, is all? I asked. Kayla’s face turned a pretty shade of pink, right before I rammed my full length back into her pussy.

“Fuck,” she moaned. “I don’t know. This body was horny the minute I got here, and it’s only gotten worse. Even though I couldn’t see myself, I realized pretty quick you’d put me into Layla at the food mart. At first I thought you’d sent me to the wrong person, or that you wanted me to take lottery tickets or cash from the till. But the second you showed up here, I knew what was coming.”

“Oh, I’ll be coming all right,” I quipped. But amazingly, Kyle beat me to it. The hot little bod he found himself in began to quiver and quake after I’d been pumping Layla’s tight pussy for just a few minutes. Kyle couldn’t be quiet about it either. Layla’s voice began making these slutty squeals, and begged me to go deeper. And then I heard someone bang on the door and ask what was going on, which was pretty fucking stupid because by the sound alone it should have been obvious.

After Layla came, she began rocking her hips back and forth on the edge of the sink. She gave me a real sultry look, then leaned forward and put her lips on mind. That took me by surprise, but Kyle wasn’t done, because a second later, Layla’s tongue forced its way into my mouth. I began pumping her even faster. This was amazing. I was fucking Layla. This was incredible. Not quite as good as Kyle’s mom, which was more of a surprise to me, but still pretty freaking fantastic.

She broke off the kiss, and our eyes met. She said, “You know, I always wanted to get fucked in here. I’m glad it was by you, Dustin.”

I knew it was just Kyle messing with me, trying to get me to cum. And it worked. I erupted inside of her. She wrapped her legs around me and pulled me deeper as I coated her insides.

Reality set in pretty quick, as someone was still pounding on the fucking door. I pulled my pants up, and Kyle made Layla’s uniform as presentable as he could. I told Kyle I’d get him out of Layla second I got back to the apartment. I unlocked the restroom door, and one of our town’s nosiest residents greeted me. Her name was Sheri Egret, and she looked pleased as punch to be witnessing such salacious gossip as a public hook up in the food mart. She glanced past me and saw Layla, then she started to berate us both. I just left and let Kyle deal with the aftermath. I also made it a point to confirm that Sheri had been dosed with nero-receivers. Not because I wanted to have sex with her, but because if she wanted gossip, I’d make her the center of it.

When I pulled Kyle back ten minutes later, I was amazed to hear that Layla wasn’t going to get fired. Sheri had tattled to the manager about our hook up, and publicly, the manager had promised repercussions. But once Sheri left, the manager said what Layla did on her break was her business. I found out later that Layla and the manager had been fuck buddies at one point in time, so the manager pretty much let her get away with whatever.

I went into the food mart the next day to check on Layla’s thoughts on our bathroom tryst. I wanted to see how she’d justified what had happened while under Stealth Control. She gave me an appraising look when I got there, like, really looked me over. She didn’t say anything, so I figured what the hell, and asked her out again. She still said no! However, she also said she wouldn’t mind meeting me in the bathroom again in the future. When I pressed her what she meant, she told me that for a supposed loser, I was a pretty good lay. She said she was glad she’d given me a chance.

That made Kyle’s behavior worth it. Yes, he had been absent with me about ambushing him into sex as a woman. I thought it was interesting that he didn’t seem near as angry as when I put him into Anna. Regardless, I told him I’d make it up to him. I wasn’t sure why I needed to, especially since he seemed to enjoy getting fucked as a girl.

That’s probably why I did what I did next, because I wanted to experience sex as a woman for myself. So the next day, I showed up at Kyle’s house, stealthed as Anna. Kyle was surprised to see his ex there, and I didn’t let on that it was actually me. His parents doted on me in Anna’s body, and couldn’t stop fussing about how glad they were that I’d visited.They invited me to stay for dinner. I spent most of the meal trying not to stare at Kyle’s mom’s tits.

After dessert, Kyle took me upstairs and was all, I miss you, and thinking maybe we should get back together, and other bullshit. I laughed and finally let him in on the charade.

He started to get angry, like, angrier than I’d ever seen. But then I took Anna’s clothes off and said he could do whatever he wanted to her body, as long as I didn’t have to kiss him. He wasn’t angry after that. Well, he fucked me like he was angry, but I didn’t mind. It was so weird being a chick and having a dick shoved into me. But other than having to see Kyle’s face or his junk, it wasn’t bad. It was actually really good. I liked getting groped. And the feeling of Kyle’s eyes roaming all over Anna’s body, and how much he got off onto it, wow. I think he really liked her.

He came all too quick though, and so I had him finger fuck me to climax. He started to protest, but I told him I’d go find someone else to make me cum in Anna’s body, and then he obliged me. After that, I told him he should thank me, because he got to experience sex with an ex. I ordered him to go to my apartment, and press the waiting enter key. I was hoping he’d take his time, but I was back in my body less than an hour later.

The next day, I busied myself by taking over Sheri Egret. I didn’t stay long, just long enough to mow her lawn in the nude. It caused quite a stir. A lot of pictures and videos were taken by curious and horny neighbors before a visit from the county sheriff’s department put a stop to it. That was fine, because I’d finished the lawn.

For quite awhile, the whole town was our playground. We did what we wanted, when we wanted, and who we wanted. Right up until the day it all ended.

I had slept in, and got woken up by Kyle knocking on my door. I let him in, and he smiled and clapped me on the back like we were best friends. Over the last few weeks, he’d become a real team player. He didn’t argue or complain anymore if I sent him into a girl I wanted to fuck.

He asked to speak with me in my room. I thought that was weird, but whatever. I went to sit in my computer chair, but he chuckled and told me to have a seat on my bed. Again, I obliged, wondering what he thought he was going to do on my computer. I watched in astonishment as his fingers became a blur on my keyboard. I asked him what the hell he was doing, but he didn’t respond. When I tried to stop him, he shoved me hard onto the floor. That was the moment I knew something was wrong.

When he was done typing, he turned to me, still with that damned smile, and apologized. “Sorry about that, Dustin. Couldn’t have you interrupting me while I was locking you out though.”

“Locking me out? What are you talking about?”

“First, let me thank you by saying-”

He stopped as we both heard the door to my apartment open. I heard several voices in my living room.

“Who the fuck is in my-”

“You’ll find out soon enough,” Kyle said smoothly. “But first let me say, thank you so much, from all of us, for the fantastic job you’ve done here in this little town. Very few people showed as much initiative as you. We’d hoped to take over some residences here and there throughout the country, but a whole town! This is really special. It creates a whole bunch of new options.”

I was getting very worried. Kyle never sounded this smart. And he couldn’t type that fast to save his life. “Tell me what’s going on!” I demanded.

Kyle grinned and spread out his arms. “Isn’t it obvious? I helped get Stealth Control into the wild, well, me and a team of very talented hackers. And we kept tabs on the people who were smart enough to use it, first through with a back hack into your devices. But eventually, something a little more intimate.”

I gulped.

“Did you think you were the one always in control since you began your little town takeover? Ha! My colleagues and I spent so much time in you both, helping you along as you made this a perfect little black market stealth site.”

I couldn’t believe it. I’d been the puppet on a string this whole time. “Buy why? There’s a whole resort for this sort of thing?”

He laughed. “That’s run by people I used to work with. They’re doing okay, but they have all these rules and regulations, and all the money gets filtered up the ladder. That won’t be the case here in your town. There will be almost no restrictions. The gloves come off so to speak. Anyone that pays us will get to come here, and use the residents however they please, as long as it’s not in a way that draws undue attention to police or government.”

“You can’t do this!”

“Come now. You’re smart enough to realize that it’s already done. And all because of you! Please know, we want to acknowledge that. You really did great! So, on behalf of me and my team, we’re willing to offer you something very special.”

“No! This is my town! I’m in charge here! I call the shots! Find your own town!”

Kyle gave me a sympathetic look. “Dustin, are you sure? There’s something amazing on the other side of that door. If you’re willing to just let go and let us do our thing, I think you’ll find-”

“Fuck you!” I shouted. I’d worked too hard to let someone else just take this from me. The first chance I got, I was getting on a computer and finding a way to kick them all out. They couldn’t do this. They didn’t have the right! I was the one who-

Kyle shouted through the door, “We’re going with Plan B!”

“What the hell’s plan B?” I asked, but a second later, a shiver ran through my body. I stood up. I might as well see who the hell was in my living room. “Let’s do this,” I said to Kyle.

Kyle opened the door and said, “After you.”

My eyes bulged as I surveyed the inhabitants of my living room. Twelve of the hottest women in our town were there, all at once, and very naked.

“Hi, Dustin!” they said at once.

And then it was on. They swarmed me and practically ripped the clothes from my body. I helped out where I could, and then I became completely enveloped in soft flesh. Boobs were shoved in my face. Multiple tongues found my dick. My hands were grabbed and I was allowed to paw anywhere and everywhere my hearts desired. I was more turned on than I’d ever been.

Repeatedly the horny mob got me to the brink of climax, then backed off. One of them would stroke me gently and let me watch as the rest of them made out together. Kyle got in on the action and was thrusting his dick in a new hole every twenty seconds.

“This guy’s going to burst eventually,” I said. “Is she almost here?”

I assumed there were even more girls, which was why I had asked.

Kyle checked his phone between thrusts and said, “Yeah, she’s pulling up now.”

A minute later, my mother came through the door. My mom was not an ugly woman, but she wasn’t going to win any beauty pageants either. Years of smoking, drinking, and who knows what else had stolen her good looks. And right then her face was covered in makeup that made her look like a two bit whore.

Kyle stopped fucking and started filming on his phone. “Hey! Look who it is, Dustin! It’s your mom! You ready to fuck your mom?”

I wanted to say no, but I was so horny, and my lust compelled me to yell, “Get over here, Mom!”

She marched right over, shedding her clothes as she came. She bent over in front of me, and I impaled her loose pussy with my cock.

As Kyle’s phone kept recording, she yelled, “Fuck me Dustin! Fuck your mother! That’s right! Treat me like the whore that I am! I love it! I love my son’s dick! Tell the world how much you love fucking your own mom, Dustin!”

A part of me wondered in that moment as my dick slid in and out of my mom’s wet hole, was I really the one in control? I felt like I was. Everything had been my idea, right? It was my idea to keep fucking my mom in that moment.

But that illusion was shatters as Kyle came in for a closeup and said seriously, “It didn’t have to be this way, Dustin. If you had just played ball, you could have fucked the other girls as a thank you, and we’d have left your mother out of it. Too bad, I guess.”

While he was talking, I came. I came inside my mom, and it felt great.

Then Kyle said, “I’ll send you a copy of the video tomorrow. If you remove even one of the transmitters, or do anything to remotely piss us off, me leaking the video online won’t be the worst of your problems.” Then he turned to the naked, writhing females still going at it in every free space of my kitchen and living room. “Pack it up horndogs! You can finish this orgy at Kyle’s house! I’m sure my ‘mom and dad’ want in on the action too!”

It’s been a week since that happened. I’m scared to leave the house. I question whether any of my decisions and actions are my own. I know not to try and stop them. I’m sure by now, they’ve got enough information and blackmail on me and the residents of this town to ruin us all.

The end.

Written for an original commission, posted on Outfox Stories by Kripto, reposted with permission.