Chapter 3
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He leaned forward, and his tongue began to lick directly on my clit. It felt good. Better than good. He was better at eating pussy than I would have anticipated. I began squirming again, but this time out of pleasure. I began to play with my boobs, rubbing and cupping them first, but then teased my nipples. My whole body was on fire. Everything felt tremendously erotic to me, and my moans filled the tiny apartment. This time though, I wasn’t faking.

“Fuck, bro!” I exclaimed after my second orgasm. “How’d you learn to eat pussy so good?”

His face appeared to answer, and I immediately missed the absence of his tongue. I put a hand behind his head to push him back down, but before he was muffled by my pussy, he answered, “Porn!”

I giggled at this, and then was lost in pleasure. He ate me like a starving man at a buffet. I came again and again and again. He finally relented, and I lay panting on his couch. I felt so good I even complimented him. “That felt fucking amazing. Like, way better than…” I stopped, as I didn’t really have anything else to compare it to.

He gave me an inquisitive look. “I might…I might have to try it sometime.”

“That wouldn’t be too gay?” I asked as we both put our clothes back on.

“Eh, I’m sure we’ll blur the lines on all that real soon.”

“Well, I’m not doing it again,” I said, but without conviction. I mean, it was definitely a one time thing. But who knew Dustbin had such an amazing tongue. His dick hadn’t looked half bad either.

“We’ll see,” Dustin winked.

Before my mind could wonder further, I said firmly, “Just put me back now.”

Now fully dressed, I followed him into his room. I watched as he pressed a few buttons, then my body gave a jolt, as a wave of guilt crashed over me as I looked at Kyle. I had forgotten about him when Dustin had…when he had… I couldn’t believe what I’d done to him, and then what I’d let him do to me. As Kyle began to stir on Dustin’s bed, I realized I had just cheated on him.

Tears came to my eyes. But I brushed them away. Kyle never had to know. And if Dustin told him, I’d deny it. Kyle knew how much I hated Dustin. He’d totally believe me over him. I forced a smile and said, “Kyle, thank goodness you’re okay. You were out for a while. How do you feel?”


I truly did not know how to answer that. I had been inside my girlfriend’s body, and not the old fashioned way. I had been forced to do things I never thought I’d do. And a very small part of me, a part that would never tell anyone in a million years, had liked it.

“I…I’m good. Uh, what about you?” I watched as my girlfriend’s face went scarlett. She was embarrassed!

“Uh, yeah. You scared us there for a minute. Dustin and I were really-”

Dustin cut her off. “Yeah, see how fine he is, Anna. Now give me a moment to talk with him again.”

I looked at Dustin dumbfounded. He was just carrying on like he hadn’t give me a series of mind blowing orgasms. I still needed to process it. But as I looked back at Anna, I saw I wasn’t the only one that need time to think.

“Oh, sure,” Anna said. “Yeah, I’ll just, uh…I’ll leave you to it then.”

“I thought you wanted to leave?”

“It’s okay. I’ll just…I’ll just sit here and uh…think about things.”

She was going to think about the fact that Dustin’s tongue had been lapping at her clit like a man possessed. She wouldn’t say it though. That was crazy to me! This Stealth Control was incredible in how it made the hosts think their actions were their own. I was now a believer, but I wasn’t sure I wanted to be involved. Especially if it meant aligning myself with Dustin. I told him that straight up.

“I believe you. But I don’t think I want anything to do with it.” I couldn’t look at him. I’d had his dick in my mouth. It hadn’t been my mouth, but…that didn’t matter. I had been the one in Anna’s body. I could remember how his dick tasted. I could remember how his tongue had parted my…my pussy lips.”

But Dustin wasn’t having it. “I’m afraid that’s not an option. I got plans for this town, and I need a partner. Someone’s got to man the computer and pull the other person out.”

The way he said it didn’t sit right with me. I wouldn’t hit him again, but I wasn’t going to let him hijack me or Anna again either. “Not interested.” And before he could argue, I picked up his computer, and threw it on the ground.

“Oh what the hell man!” he yelled.

“Just be glad I didn’t throw it at your head,” I retorted.

I managed to look at his face. All I saw there was anger, but I didn’t care. This hadn’t been the quick little stop I’d promised Anna earlier. I got my girlfriend, and walked out. I assumed I wouldn’t be hearing from Dustin anytime soon. As far as I was concerned, we were now even.

Anna was quiet as I took her for an early lunch. I took her to a couple of shops afterwards, but then she asked to go home. I was glad, because I was just going through the motions. I kept thinking about how Dustin had used me. How I’d never experienced anything like it. I wonder what Dustin had been planning to do with Stealth Control beyond today. I was sort of glad our little town wouldn’t have to find out. But only sort of. I had thought about how I might have used it. It was silly. It was no longer an option, but I couldn’t stop my imagination from wondering as I headed home.

After I graduated, I kept living with my parents. I was saving up money by working at a used car lot, one of the few businesses in town. Eventually, I’d have enough money to get my own place. And maybe after a small eternity, I’d have enough to go somewhere else. Anywhere else. Maybe I’d take Anna with me. Up until today, I’d thought that was a given, but who knows where her head was at now given today’s events.

As I pulled into my driveway, I saw that my dad’s car wasn’t there. He was probably at work as usual. But I noticed an all too familiar car in its place. It was a clunker that was so broken down it was probably held together by dark magic. The worst thing about it though, was that it belonged to Dustin. If he had come to apologize, that was fine. I still might have to kick his ass first.

My adrenaline was up as I burst through my front door. “Mom, is Dustin here?”

“He sure is,” she chirped. “He’s with me in the living room.”

I would tell Dustin to get out. Then I’d follow him outside. I might punch him again. Maybe more than once. But for sure I’d send him packing. At least, that’s what I thought I’d do before I walked into my living room.

The first thing I saw was my mother dressed in her dark blue bikini. I hadn’t seen her wear that in years, not since she took me to the water park for my twelfth birthday. Why the hell was she wearing it in our living room?

She had a laptop in her lap and way faster than I’d ever seen her before. Usually she’d poke a key here and a key there. She looked up and smiled at me. “Hey there, son.” She really emphasized the son for some reason. “Your friend stopped by and gave me a bottle of champagne his parents didn’t want. I tried to refuse, but he insisted. Even poured me a glass, which I happily accepted. Then he told me he needed to look at your laptop, and I said okay.”

My eyes finally took in the other figure in the room. Dustin was passed out on the recliner, the silver halo over his head. As I understood what was happening, a wave of nausea rolled over me. Somehow, even though I’d smashed his computer, Dustin was controlling my mother. My mother who was in a bikini. Dustin had taken control of my mother and then put on her old bikini, which meant he had seen her naked. I was going to have to do more than punch him. But I couldn’t yet. He was in my mother. I finally found words, and they were mostly questions.

“How? I broke your computer! How are you in my mother right now? Why my mother? You’re going to pay for this!”

“Careful, son,” my mother said as she put the laptop on the coffee table and spun it around for me to see the screen. “Your stupidity is showing. I told you, not that you were paying attention, that Stealth Control is available on the dark web. It’s open to anyone who knows where to look, and on any computer that can access the internet. So I came over to here to permanently borrow your laptop since you wrecked my computer. And also to convince you to help me out.”

“But…my mom? Why mom mom?” I finally got out.

“Because if I wasn’t inside of her right, you’d probably have kicked my ass and thrown me out. That about right, Kyle?”

I nodded slowly. He was correct. He was in charge at the moment. But the second he was out…

My mother sighed. “Look, I’m not going to stay in her. I just really need you to listen, and then I’ll go. I’m sorry for coming on so strong at my place. I got a little frustrated at not being able to convince you, then a lot frustrated, then just pissed off. I went too far. I know that now.”

“You put me in my girlfriend and then fucked my face!”

“Again, very sorry. I won’t be so rough next time. You did seem to enjoy the part after that if I recall.”

I didn’t acknowledge that I had, because I wasn’t moving on from the sight in front of me. “You put my mom in a bikini!”

I watched as he looked down at his cleavage, and then back up and me sheepishly. “Yeah, well, you only live once. Anyway, I thought I was doing you this big favor by showing you all this.”

“My mom’s body!”

“No! Stealth Control!”

I was still angry. But my imagination started whirring in the background. I hadn’t destroyed it. Stealth Control was still there, was still capable of taking over anyone that got a dose of those neuro thingies. “Why me?”

My mother looked at me like I was born yesterday, but only for a moment, then her face softened. “Kyle, has this town treated you well?” she asked gently.

“Uh, sort of, I mean…”

“No, no they haven’t. You were going to get a football scholarship, get out of this town, really make something of yourself. But as soon as you got hurt in that sports injury at the beginning of your senior year, all those opportunities vanished. I watched as this town turned their back on you. Everyone liked you as long as you could throw a ball. But once you couldn’t, they treated you like me. Like a leper, an outcast. Did you forget?”

I hadn’t. I got dealt a bum hand, and went from hero to zero in a matter of days. “I haven’t. But can’t do nothing about it.”

Dustin used my Mom’s body to lean forward and smile. As he did, her boobs sagged forward. I tried not to think about my mom’s boobs as he continued.

“Listen, Kyle. With Stealth Control, we can run this town.”

I hated to admit it, but I was curious. “How?”

“By taking over all those people that treated us like dirt. We give them a bottle of water spiked with neuro-receivers. And then whenever we need to, we take control of them and make them do whatever we want. Don’t you see? This is a short cut to money, power, and sex. This town stops feeling like a place we’re trapped in, and becomes our own little kingdom. Everything will go your way again. And you’ll be able to sleep with anyone that catches your eye, just like when you were the star quarterback.”

The idea of money and power intrigued me. So did having more dating options than Anna, but I wasn’t going to tell Dustin that. “What…what would you need me for?”

“This is really a two man operation. First, we’ve got to get  the neuro-receivers into as many residents as possible.”

“Like, everyone?” I interrupted.

“Everyone 18 and older.”

“Even your parents?” I asked pointedly.

“Ew, no, dude. They’re my parents, and it’s not like I live with them anymore.”

I glared at him.

“Right. Fair point,” he said apologetically. “But my parents aren’t really a good resource. They don’t have any money, and unless you wanted to fuck my mom…”

I didn’t. I wished I did, because if I wanted to see her naked, I’d at least be able to get even with Dustin for being inside my mom. But his mom had a trainwreck of a body, and was not someone I’d ever fantasize about. I gestured with my finger that he should keep going.

“Anyways, once enough key people have the neuro-transmitters in them, we stash these throughout the town.” My mom held up a small yellow device that looked like a pencil, but had a red light on one end that flashed every few seconds. “This is a transmitter, and it extends the signal. With enough of these in the right places, we can take over anyone we want, whenever we want, for as long as we want.”

“And nobody else knows about this?”

“I mean, it’s on the dark web. It’s out there. I’m sure there are people that are already using it in the cities, but no one around here is smart enough to figure this all out, “he said while using my mom’s arms to indicate our town. “It’ll be only you and me that benefit from it. Once we take over enough people, and the right people, this place becomes our paradise.”

I wasn’t entirely sure who he meant by the right people. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. But I knew two things. I wanted to be on the side that got to be in control. And I really wanted Dustin to get out of my mom. “What would I need to do?”

“Obviously a lot of leg work at first. Getting the neuro-receivers into everyone. Placing the transmitters. That’s phase one. Phase two is I start sending you into key people, like ones who work at the bank for starters. We use them to improve our financial situation, and after that, we start having fun.”

“But, we’ll get found out eventually. Probably go to jail.”

“No, we won’t,” Dustin said, laughing his nerdy laugh with my mother’s vocal chords. That was probably the most disconcerting thing I’d seen all day, and I’d seen Dustin’s dick up close. “Everyone we control thinks they’re the ones doing it. Right now, your mom thinks she’s having a pleasant conversation with her son while she’s wearing a bikini. She probably doesn’t understand everything we’re talking about, but her mind will make it make sense to her somehow.”

I thought back to how everything had seemed my idea when Dustin had controlled me and made me go grab Anna’s boobs. And Anna had thought everything I’d done in her body had been her decisions, her choices. If it really worked like that, I couldn’t see any downside. “Okay,” I said. “As long as you get out of my mom in the next thirty seconds.”

My mom held out her hand for me to shake and said, “Deal!”

I shook it. I let out a sigh of relief and said, “Man, I thought you were going to try and use my mom to have sex with me.”

“Hadn’t planned on it,” Dustin winked at me. “Unless that’s something you’re into.”

“Get the fuck out of her now,” I said as my hand squeezed hers tighter.

“Ow, fuck, I will, dude. I’ll do it right now.”

I let go of his hand, and he pulled the laptop back onto his lap. He hit the button and I watched as my mom stiffened for a moment, then relaxed. She looked at me and pointed at the laptop, “I’m glad you and Dustin are working on this project together. I don’t understand a lick of what’s on this screen though.”

I watched as Dustin sat up out of the corner of my eye. “Uh, what project do you think we’re working on?”

She looked at Dustin like he’d said something stupid. “You just told me. You’re going to work with key people in our town, and…” she faltered for words. “And the bank is giving you a loan I think…”

“It’s a lot of complicated stuff,” Dustin said, getting up from the chair. He grabbed the laptop from my mom. “I showed it all to you on the screen there, but I told you it’d be hard to understand.”

“Yes,” she said with a vacant nod. “It was a little confusing.”

I asked her the big question. “Mom, why are you wearing a bikini in our living room?”

She looked down at herself. Then looked back at me and smiled. “It was because of the champagne. I told you about it when you first got here. Dustin brought over some champagne that his parents didn’t want. And I drank some, and it made me feel really warm like alcohol does. And since Dustin took a nap while waiting for you to come home, I decided to shed a few layers and put on this bikini.”

“A bikini, mom?” I pushed.

“Well if it’s making you uncomfortable I’ll go change,” she huffed.

“Mom, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

“No, no,” she said, anger in her voice as she got up. “It’s just my house. I would think I could wear what I wanted to in my own home! But I’ve gone and made my son uncomfortable so I guess I”ll just go cover up my hideous, old body.”

Dustin piped up, “I thought you looked hot, Kyle’s mom!”

She smiled at him. Actually smiled at the person that made her put the bikini on in the first place.

“Thank you, Dustin,” she said, and then walked out of the room to change.

I saw Dustin’s eyes track her ass, so I growled, “I could still kill you, you know.”

“I know. But you won’t. Because I see it in your eyes now. You’re on board.”

He was right. After seeing my mother’s reaction, how she thought she hadn’t been manipulated at any point, that was enough to assuage any doubt.


As our town has a population of just over 1,800 people, it took us less than a month to get all the adults in our town a dose of the neuro-receivers. The first several people were a challenge, because not everyone will drink something handed to them by a geeky loner, or even a former football star. It got significantly easier however, once all the transmitters were placed and we started taking over the few we had dosed up to that point. By becoming other people’s husbands, wives, and neighbors, they’d drink whatever we handed them.

Shortly after, phase two was in full swing. I had Kyle man the computer while I used Stealth Control to get us some money. I didn’t bleed the town dry, just took a little here and there, which added up to a lot!

When I wasn’t making us money, I was stealthing into the husbands and boyfriends of the most attractive women in our town. In those men’s bodies, it was so easy to coerce their significant other into sleeping with me. I did Kyle’s mom more than once. That woman’s got a high sex drive. When I came on to her as Kyle’s dad that first time, she was like a wild animal. An experienced wild animal, that did things with her mouth and pussy that, well, let’s just say Kyle’s dad is a very lucky man.

Of course, I never told Kyle I was fucking his mom. We might have an alliance, but I knew he’d kill me for real over that. It was real easy to fool him though. I told him I was screwing Mrs. Petersen or some such, or making us money. There weren’t names in the Stealth Control code, so he didn’t know, and I wasn’t ever going to teach him how to use the program. Every time Kyle manned it, I had it preset so that all he had to do was press the return button. At the start, that’s all he wanted, money in the bank.

But after a short time, Kyle felt like he needed a turn at being the sender, especially after he and Anna broke up. I knew this was coming, and I saw it as an opportunity. There were several hotties in our town I hadn’t been able to plow, because they were single. I was sure they wouldn’t be for long, but I didn’t have time to wait around for them to get boyfriends. And I wanted to do more than take over their bodies and see them naked, which, I did do on occasion. But what I really wanted was to stick my dick in them. And that’s where Kyle came in.

I sent him into a few husbands and boyfriends first to lull him into a sense of security. I’d pull him back after an hour, and he’d tell me all about fucking a milf that I’d fucked already. He began to look forward to me sending him. So he was excited when I told him I was sending him to a special target a week later. What I did not tell him, however, was that it was a girl. I hadn’t sent Kyle into a female body since Anna. I wasn’t sure how he’d take it, but I really wanted to fuck this person and didn’t want to wait around anymore.

Written for an original commission, posted on Outfox Stories by Kripto, reposted with permission.