Chapter 2
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I thought it would be a funny thing to say to him, and I was right. My boyfriend jumped back from me like I was radioactive.

“Why did you say that?” he asked.

“Because I am,” I said with a smile. It was hilarious to me that he was taking what I’d said so seriously.

“No, no you’re not,” he argued.

I ignored him and looked down at my cleavage. “Wow!” I exclaimed. My tits looked fantastic in this low cut top I’d recently purchased. Kyle liked it too, because he’d been sneaking glances at my chest since he picked me up. As long as it was Kyle, that was okay by me. I pressed them together, giving him even more cleavage to stare at. “It feels different seeing them from this angle.” I slipped a hand down the front of my shirt, going beneath the bra and feeling the soft flesh there. “Oh, that feels different too. Really nice.”

It was true. Kyle could be rough, which I liked sometimes. But the way I was gently rubbing my boob right then made me hot.

“Anna, are you and Dustin playing some sick prank on me right now? Is he paying you? Whatever this is, it’s not funny.”

Dustin wasn’t paying me, but I did feel like joking some more. “It’s really me in here,” I said, and I pulled my top off. As expected his eyes zeroed in on my chest. “You wouldn’t punch your girlfriend for feeling up her own tits, would you?”

Kyle’s eyes were wide as he snapped at me. “Cover yourself up! Dustin’s right in the other room!”

“No, he’s not,” I said in a sing song voice. “I keep telling you, he’s right here. What can I do to prove it to you?”

I watched my boyfriend clench his fist. He was angry now. Good. Serves him right for making me wait all this time.

“Just put your top back on,” he ordered.

I gave him a pitying smirk. “I don’t think so.”

“Why not?” he pleaded.

“Because I want you to believe me, duh. Why don’t you ask me to do something that Anna would never do in a million years. Something like, um, oh, I could get completely naked and run up and down the street.”

I would never do that in a million years, but figured it was the best way to keep messing with him. I waited for him to call my bluff, but he just stood there with a dumb look on his face. So after a few seconds of silence had passed between us, I reached behind my back and unhooked my bra. Well, I tried to unhook it. More like I fumbled and struggled with it until my fingers got lucky. As I slid the straps off my shoulders, I looked down to watch the girls bounce free. It captivated me more than usual. I even gave a couple jumps to see them jiggle more.

Kyle put his hands up in surrender, and tried to look me in the eyes. It was really cute how much power my boobs had over him.

“Okay, okay,” he begged. “Uh, something you wouldn’t do. Why don’t you, uh, give me a blowjob right now in Dustin’s living room?”

I put my hands on my hips and smirked at him. “Something less gay, dude.” It was a weird excuse not to blow my boyfriend, I know. But I’ve come up with more creative reasons than that before.

Kyle seemed to think it was strange too, because he gave a dismissive chuckle and said, “Less gay? Okay, how about you go flash your tits to Dustin in the other room.”

I let my shoulders slump. I let him think he had me there, because he knew I’d never want that lazy slob to see my tits. But as I walked towards Dustin’s bedroom door, I knew this was the thing that would really make Kyle regret bringing me here and wasting my time. Besides, they were my tits, and I could show them to whomever I damn well wanted.

I pulled the door open and was instantly disappointed. Dustin wasn’t even looking at me. He looked like he was passed out in his chair. Undeterred, I whirled around and winked at Kyle and said, “Oh, looks like I’m sleeping. I guess I’ll have to do more than flash him.”

I laughed at Kyle’s disbelieving face. He really didn’t think I’d take things this far. But that’s what he got for bringing me to this dump. Maybe next time he’d think twice before dragging me along. To drive my point home, I walked over and sat on Dustin’s lap facing him. Then I took my tits and began rubbing them all over Dustin’s face.

To give a bit more theater, I said in my sexiest voice possible, “Ooh, Dustin. I love putting my big boobs in your face. I wish you’d put your cock in me. I bet it’s so much bigger than Kyle’s.”

“That’s enough!” Kyle roared.

He was so loud that I jumped on Dustin’s lap. I turned toward him and said, “Do you believe me now?”

Kyle was seething, but he nodded at me.

“Good. Are you willing to help me with it?” I asked. I did want my boyfriend’s help. I wanted to leave. But…I also was feeling pretty aroused, like, more than usual, especially for being in a guy’s smelly room.

“Get out of her first, and then I’ll listen,” he demanded.

“Okay, but you’ll want me to exit her in a slightly less compromised position. As great as this is, she might have some questions if I stopped sending the signal right now.” I sounded so smart just then, about as smart as I knew Dustin was. I turned and began typing on his keyboard like I was a real hacker.

“There,” I said, pretending I was as nerdy as Dustin. “It’s all set. Just hit enter once I’m in the other room, and we can talk.”

He fumed some more, but nodded again.

“Just don’t hit me,” I said as I extracted myself from Dustin’s lap, and walked out of the room. I had just closed the door when I shivered. I looked down and immediately knew why. I was chilly because of all my exposed flesh. As I stooped to pick up my discarded clothes, I pondered why I had pushed things so far.

Those thoughts were quickly pushed aside by a loud scuffle on the other side of Dustin’s door. Then I heard Dustin shout, “I said don’t fucking hit me!”


I rubbed my cheek where the meathead’s fist hit me. It was already starting to swell. I liked Kyle well enough, but he was really starting to piss me off. I was showing him something truly amazing, and he thanks me by punching me. He hadn’t given me a choice. I had to take over Anna. It was the only way to get him to believe me. It hadn’t hurt anything, because Anna had no idea what I’d done. That was the beauty of Stealth Control.

He towered over me, but I wasn’t intimidated. “Don’t do that again,” I warned.

“I should do a lot more than that,” Kyle said threateningly. “I don’t know how you convinced Anna to go along with this fiction, but I’m out.”

It was then that I realized how incredibly thick Kyle was. He still didn't believe me. I had taken over his body and felt up his girlfriend. I had taken over Anna and shoved her titties right in my own face. What did a guy have to do to convince people around here that they had access to a dark web mind possession program? I figured there was only one way now, and my fingers hit the keyboard.

As Kyle turned to leave, I stood up and pushed him onto my bed. He hadn’t been expecting that. He sat back up quickly, and I jammed the silver halo onto his head, then reached over and hit the enter key.

I looked back over and saw his eyes roll back in his head. I whispered in his ear, “Third time’s the charm.” Then he fell back onto my bed.


My double D’s were sugly back into my bra, and I had just gotten my top back on when I shivered. Was I still cold? I began to feel my arms, my face, and eventually looked down at my chest. I definitely wasn’t cold. In fact, I felt my body warming up again. I was getting hot even. So hot that I screamed, “Aah! What is happening?”

I saw Dustin come through his door. His face looked like Kyle had punched him. It didn’t stop him from smiling at me though.

“How about now?” He asked. “Do you believe me now?”

I didn’t know what he was talking about, but I saw Kyle’s legs on the bed. I peered around Dustin to see a bit more into his room. From what I could tell, Kyle was passed out on his bed. Dustin must’ve retaliated somehow. I responded with a question of my own. “What the fuck did you do?” I sounded furious. Good.

Dustin walked over to me and I went to hit him, but he caught my arm. I was taller than he was, but not stronger apparently.

“Don’t even try in this body,” he sneered. “Behave yourself, and I’ll put you back. I just need you to believe that I’m telling you the truth.”

The truth about what? What was he talking about? I decided to play along like I knew, because right then I just wanted to see if Kyle was okay. “I believe you! I  believe you! Now put me back!”

“Well now hold on,” Dustin drawled. “I want you to be real sure. I’m not going to transfer you back and then you think it’s still just a dream, right?”

I shook my head.

“But also, you see, I feel I’m owed a bit of an apology. I was telling you the truth after all, letting you in on something very special, and then you hit me.”

If saying sorry would let me check on my boyfriend, that seemed easy enough. “I’m sorry. I didn’t know. How could I know?”

“Because I told you, dude. I showed you and…shit. I guess I can’t blame you too much. Stealth Control is real good at covering its tracks. The host body thinks everything they’re made to say and do is their idea. Anything they can’t understand, that doesn’t make sense, their brain finds a way to excuse it or justify it. If push comes to shove, it’ll even block it out if it has to, so don’t worry about what happens next.”

It seemed to me like Dustin had completely lost his mind, because he sounded like something out of a science fiction movie. But it was not lost on me the way his voice dripped with lust as he told me not to worry. I did indeed worry as he continued.

“In way of a sincere apology, I’d like you to strip naked. Right now.”

I couldn’t believe this creep. My boyfriend was in the other room, possibly hurt, and all he cared about was seeing my tits. “Bro, that’s not going to happen.”

“It’s not, huh? Do you know how to get back to your body? Do you understand anything you saw on the monitor? It’s not point and click.”

I thought about the keys on a keyboard, and said the first one that came to mind. “Enter.”

Dustin laughed at my answer. “Sure, sure. Yes, you do eventually have to press Enter. But do you know the sequence you have to press before that?”

I shook my head no because I really didn’t understand the question.

“Well then, you’re wasting my time. You can either take off your clothes, or drag your body out of here and come back when you’re ready to show me how sorry you are.”

I didn’t have time to play games. Kyle wasn’t stirring at all. He could be really hurt. I huffed angrily and took off my top. I struggled with my bra again for the second time today. I didn’t usually have this much trouble. I got it unclasped, then took off my jeans. I stood there in front of the loser, hoping it would be enough.

“All of your clothes,” Dustin insisted.

“Dude, c’mon!” I whined. I did not want this idiot to see any more of me than he already had. Still, as I glanced through the open door at Kyle again, I figured I didn’t have much of a choice. I gripped the sides of my panties and slid them down.

As I did, I glanced at my bush. I studied it, appreciating the fact that at least it was well trimmed. I touched the top of it, letting my fingers feel the sparse hair. Then I put a finger right on top of my bottom lips and…

“Ahem,” Dustin said. “Not distracting you, am I?”

I quickly put my hands at my sides and glared at him. “No! It’s just, I’ve never seen it from this angle.”

He chuckled. “Believe me, I understand. Now get over here and suck my dick.”

I couldn’t help it as my face twisted in obvious disgust. “You’re joking,” I said.

“You can still leave,” Dustin said, pointing at his front door.

I hesitated. Kyle was always asking for blowjobs, but I very, very rarely gave them. But if this was something I had to do for Kyle’s sake, to make sure he was okay… “I thought you said nothing gay?” It was a flimsy argument, but I’d say anything if it meant keeping Dustin’s dick out of my mouth.

“Ha! That only pertained to me. You, however, are allowed to do gay stuff, as long as you got a pussy and tits.”

I scrunched up my face with rage. I thought about rushing him. But I knew he’d probably be able to stop me again. And I’d never be able to help Kyle if I couldn’t get past this jerk. As a feeling of defeat washed over me, I walked over to Dustin and dropped to my knees.

“I can’t fucking believe this,” I said.

“Oh shut up. If you had been a better friend, this wouldn’t be happening right now.”

As he unbuttoned his jeans, I looked up at him and asked, “What the fuck’s that supposed to mean?”

His eyes darkened as he said, “It means you’ve always thought you were better than me. Better than everyone. Well I was the one that saved your ass senior year. Yet whenever you come over and we hang out, you act like you’ve come down from on high and are doing me this huge favor. It’s bullshit. You’re not better than me. All you are is a musclehead that couldn’t go to college and got stuck in this hick town same as me. But you did get the hottest girl in our class, who was also too stupid to get out of here, but that worked out fine for me. Now, get to sucking.”

I gave him a look that would melt stone. His words stung. He was right though. I was stuck in this stupid town. But at least I had Kyle. And Kyle might be really hurt. Why else would he be in the other room, allowing this to happen. I steeled myself. I lowered the front of his underwear, and almost got poked in the eye by miniature Dustin, who was not as miniature as I thought it might be.

“Damn, man,” I gagged. “It smells. When was the last time you showered?”

“I don’t know,” he answered with a dismissive wave. “I’ll put it on my calendar.”

“Dude, no joke. I will straight throw up on your dick if it tastes half as bad as it smells.”

Dustin groaned, and to my surprise, he walked over to a kitchen cabinet. He pulled out a bottle of honey and let it drip onto his dick. “There,” he said after he’d drizzled the sticky substance along the length of his shaft.

“Still fucking gross,” I complained.

“Suck it or get out,” he said as he walked back over.

I kneeled there in front of him for a few seconds, then looked at him and said, “You can’t tell anyone about this. Not ever.”

“Your secret is safe with me. Especially since we’ll both be sharing many secrets in the days to come.”

As I pondered what that could mean, I parted my lips, and put them around the tip of Dustin’s cock. I kept my tongue back though. I wanted to delay that as long as possible. Dustin, however, did not want to wait. I felt a hand grip the back of my soft, blonde hair. A second later, he shoved me down on his cock. Sweat, precum and honey all rushed onto my taste buds, but I barely sensed them as my airway was constricted and I began to choke. His hand let go and I pulled off him sputtering.

“Dude, do not do that!”

“I don’t have time for you to wade into dick sucking waters, so I gave you a push. You’re welcome.”

He was such a jerk. He was right though. Other than not breathing, it hadn’t been terrible as I thought. Thanks to the honey, his dick tasted sweet. The smell was still there, but it was amazing how you could get used to a smell. I ran my tongue up and down his dick, getting all the honey. He began to moan. I wasn’t great at giving Kyle blowjobs, but he always liked it when I applied more pressure with my mouth. I wanted this to be over with as soon as possible so I could check on Kyle, so I tightened the seal on his shaft with my lips. At the same time, I started moaning like a bitch in heat. I intuited that would make him cum quicker.

As soon as I started moaning, I swear he grew another two inches. He didn’t care that I was faking it. For more of a show, I started caressing my boobs. That made me feel a little too good though. Damn it. I wasn’t trying to get turned on, but I knew I was wet. The whole thing was beyond fucked up.

I let a hand drop to my crotch and clumsily rubbed the area there that was begging for attention. But then I felt the cock in my mouth twitch. A second later, it began to pulse. I knew what was coming, and I panicked. I tried to jerk back, but Dustin’s hand was behind my head again, urging his cock deeper as his cum filled my mouth and went down my throat.

When the last drop was out, he let go and I came off spitting and yelling, “You fucking jerk!”

He had the nerve to laugh at me. “I think you were liking it there at the end, weren’t you?”

“The hell I was!” I said defensively.

“You were moaning like a porn star.”

“To get you to finish, dummy!”

“Yeah, is that why you started touching yourself? To get me to cum?”

“Shut up. I was not touching myself.” I lied.

“I’ll tell you what. How about I return the favor.”

“What?” I asked, but then he was picking me up and dumping me on the sofa. “No! Fuck! You don’t have to. No.” I squirmed as he pinned me with his weight. I could’ve fought harder, but I was so turned on right then. A sick part of me wanted to see what he meant by returning the favor. As he spread my legs and revealed my dripping pussy, I had a pretty good idea.


Written for an original commission, posted on Outfox Stories by Kripto, reposted with permission.