Chapter 1
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I knew my girlfriend Anna was mad at me by the way she slammed my car door. She knew I hated that, but it was her go to move whenever she was pissed at me. “Something wrong?” I asked irritably as we walked up to Dustin’s apartment.

“Yeah. I told you I wanted to go shopping, Kyle, not go to your dorky friend’s house.”

“He’s not my friend,” I argued. “Not really”

“Bullshit! You hang out with him at least a couple times a month.”

“We play games or watch movies. Doesn’t mean we’re tight.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Anna said sarcastically. “He’s just an acquaintance that you hang out with on a regular basis and share hobbies and interests with. Like a friend!”

“Look, I only do it because he helped me graduate last year. You know this.”

“Doesn’t mean you owe him a kidney or anything.”

“This is hardly a kidney. He asked for me to stop by today, and to bring you along. He said it was really important, and fuck it, I owe him.”

Before we got to the steps that led to Dustin’s third floor apartment, my girlfriend grabbed my arm to stop me. “You don’t owe him anything. You were nice to him at school, and that was enough. You can stop now. He’s a lost cause.”

I just smiled at her, and shrugged free of her grip. I hated when she tried to tell me what to do, which was becoming more and more frequent.

As she huffed behind me, she kept on grumbling. “Why the hell did I have to come anyway?”

I tried to placate as we climbed the stairs. “I’m sure it’ll be quick. He probably just needs a woman’s perspective on something, and that’s why he had me bring you.”

Anna groaned. “My perspective is that he hit a treadmill and shower more than once a week. Let’s just go. Let’s say that something came up and you can come back by yourself tomorrow.”

I whirled around to face her. “Give me a blowjob in the car and you got a deal.”

She pursed her lips. “Counter offer. I let you be single again.”

I sighed. “Sorry,” I said half heartedly. “But he probably already saw us pull up. Let’s just go. It’ll be quick, then I’ll take you shopping.”

She stared at me for a moment, weighing her options, deciding if this was the hill she wanted to die on. Finally, she said, “Fine, but if all he does is look me in the tits like last time I saw him, I’m out.”

As I turned my back on her, I said, “They are nice looking tits.”

She punched me in the butt and said, “You must really miss being single.”

We got to his door, and I looked at Anna. She had arranged her pretty face into something that made you think she wasn’t totally annoyed at your presence, which was close enough for me. I knocked.

Dustin answered the door immediately, like he had been waiting on the other side. He ushered us in enthusiastically saying, “Thank you so much for coming. Come in, come in. It’s good to see you both.”

Dustin was shorter than us both. I’m tall, about 6 foot 4 inches, but Anna’s like, 5 foot 9 or something. And Dustin is even shorter. It’s probably why he got picked on so much in high school. That and his interpersonal skills were fucking terrible. I’m pretty sure I was the only friend he had, which was really more of an alliance born out of necessity. He helped me graduate, and I kept him from getting forced into lockers.

“Alright, Dustin,” I said as he shut the door. “Anna and I are in a hurry, so we won’t be able to stay long. What did you want to show us?”

Dustin smiled in a mad scientist sort of way that I knew Anna would find a little unnerving. “Only something that’s going to blow your mind.” He snapped his fingers and pointed at me as if remembering something. “But first, can I offer you both a drink?”

“Uh, no thanks,” I informed him under the watchful eye of my girlfriend.

“Are you sure? I just made mimosas.” He said, looking hopefully at Anna.

He made eye contact with her for two whole seconds before I saw his eyes drift down to her boobs. The girls in school had always thought he was a creep, and that wasn’t going to change anytime soon. And since he didn’t like sports or talking about cars, which was what every guy cared about in our small rural town, he pretty much assured himself that he was going to be a loner.

What Dustin liked was computers and smelling like a combination of body odor and nachos. But the guy had helped me graduate by hacking into the school’s servers and changing a couple of grades. Since we were one of a few recent graduates that hadn’t gone off to college, I didn’t mind hanging out with him from time to time. But my girlfriend sure seemed had a problem with it.

I watched Anna stare daggers at him, then look at me and mouth the word, “Tits.” But Dustin had said something I knew would spark her attention. She sighed, snapped her fingers near her eyes, causing Dustin to look at her in the face and said, “Eyes up here, creep. Yes, I will have a mimosa.”

“Me too, I guess,” I said. “But not too much. I’m driving.”

As he turned his back on us, I thought I heard mumble, “It won’t take much.”

He came back seconds later and handed us plastic cups, one filled to the brim, the other, only halfway. “I remember you liking mimosas, Anna.” Dustin said. “I figured you couldn’t say no to one.”

Anna took a sip and said, “You figured right, Dustbin.”

I saw Dustin bristle at his old high school nickname, something he got all the way back in elementary school. Someone called him Dustbin because he often came to school dirty and smelly, like that Peanuts character. I knew he hated the nickname. Anna knew it too. It was how she not so subtly voiced her displeasure at being here.

I watched Dustin’s eyes grow dark, and for a second I thought he was going to tell Anna off. But then he seemed to veil his annoyance at my girlfriend, and said, “Well I hope you like it.” He looked at me with a nervous expectation. “Try yours too, Kyle.”

“You promise there’s not too much alcohol in this?”

He blew air out his nose. “No. You’ll barely even know it's there.”

“Is that why it tastes funny?” Anna asked.

I looked into the glass dubiously.

“Just please try it,” Dustin begged. “Just a sip.”

I rolled my eyes and brought the cup up to my lips. As the liquid passed into my mouth, Dustin broke into a huge grin. I didn’t know what he was so happy about. It was not the best mimosa I’d ever had. Anna was right. There was a funny taste.

I downed it though and said, “You’re right. I couldn’t taste any alcohol.”

“Me neither,” Anna complained.

“I’m sorry,” Dustin apologized. “It was probably 98 percent orange juice. Kyle, can I see you in the other room real quick?”

I looked towards the only other room he must be talking about. It was a one bedroom apartment after all. The door to it was open and I could see clothes strewn about the floor and at least two empty pizza boxes. “Whatever you needed us for, can’t you show us out here?”

Dustin rubbed his hands together. “I’ve got to show it to you, and only you, first.”

I hesitated, but my girlfriend prodded me to action. “Just go so we can get out of here.”

I looked towards the room again, and wondered how long I could hold my breath. “Okay, but make it quick.” I walked into the room, followed closely by Dustin. He shut the door behind me, leaving my girlfriend alone in his living room. I was jealous of her, because at least the smell was better out there.

The only furniture in his room was a small bed currently full of comic books, and a computer desk with a chair.

Dustin sat at his computer desk, and since there was no other place, I moved some comic books on his bed so I could sit down. “Alright,” I said insistently. “What’s up?”

I watched him become more animated than I’ve ever seen him before as he asked, “Have you ever heard of Stealth Control?”

I nodded slowly. “Yeah. I heard about it. It was some government project, right? And people got all worried and there were all these conspiracies. But all that blew over and now it’s used at some resort. People our age can go on vacation there so other people can experience a vacation through their eyes. Like through virtual reality or something.”

Dustin turned towards his computer screen and pointed at a black screen filled with white ones and zeros. “It’s better than that.”

“Okay. I’m sure it’s great. We done here?”

Dustin gave me a disappointed look. “You don’t understand. This is incredible technology that allows others to hijack someone else’s mind and control their actions. It’s so much more than virtual reality.”

I nodded along, but was quickly losing patience.

He continued. “Someone on the dark web leaked everything about this project, and I mean everything. How it all works. How to build a working prototype. How to put together the necessary transmitters. How to utilize the program. It took a long time to read through, and even longer to build, but I did it. The only thing that was hard to get my hands on were the neuro-receivers themselves. I had to order them from some very sketchy people online, but I got them. And today I get to see if they work.”

“I’m going to pretend like I understood any of that. Good luck with your stealth project. I’m going to go try and make my girlfriend not mad at me for the rest of the day so I can maybe get lucky later.”

“Wait!” he exclaimed. “Give me thirty seconds to show you how awesome this is!”

I gave an exasperated sigh. “Let’s see it.”

I watched as his fingers flew across the keyboard for ten seconds. Then he picked up a round silver halo looking thing and put it on his head and began to explain. “This is very rudimentary of course. I’m sure the resort has much better equipment, but this should still be sufficient. By putting this on, I become the sender. And if it works, you become the receiver.”

I guffawed. “Wait, what? How can I be a receiver? I thought I read that the people in Stealth Control had to get a shot of neuro somethings.”

“Neuro-receivers, yes. They had to be injected into the bloodstream, yeah,” he said. “They’ve made a few advances though. For one, they can be given orally. And two, instead of a 24 hour period, they can stay in the body indefinitely.”

Before he finished talking, I realized what he’d done. He’d spiked the mimosas with something he’d gotten from some shady website. He was going to kill me and Anna.

Before I could lash out at him, he said, “Here goes nothing,” and pressed the enter button on his keyboard.

Nothing was right. I watched with some alarm as he slumped forward. A pulse of alarm ran through my body. I stood up quickly and looked at my friend. What was he playing at? I wanted to yell at him for spiking our drinks, but I decided not to give him the attention he so obviously wanted. I turned on the camera on his monitor instead and looked at myself reflected on the screen.

I let out a whoop! I’m not a narcissist, not compared to my girlfriend anyway, but I did know I looked good. At that moment, I thought I looked so good that I started flexing my biceps, and pounded my abs a few times with my meaty fists.

“It feels good in here!” I proclaimed to Dustin, who still showed no movement at all. I didn’t care. It gave me a good excuse to leave. But before I went, I decided to tell him a message on his computer that I was taking off.

“Okay, don’t hate me because of what I’m about to do,” I said to the camera. I winked at myself. That should be enough. And then I walked out of the room, and closed the door behind me.

Anna looked up from her phone and said, “About time. What did he show you?”

“Nothing,” I said truthfully. I plopped down next to my girlfriend and put my arms around her kind of awkwardly. She gave me a weird look. Trying to alleviate some of the tension from earlier, I told her, “Hey, you look really good today. Can I have a kiss?”

Her eyes went back to her phone and she said, “Depends on if we’re leaving this dump.”

“That’s not very nice,” I said. I grabbed her face and turned it towards me. She acted surprised, probably because I’m usually not this forceful, but I really wanted a kiss right then. I pressed my mouth to hers, and for a moment she resisted, but then her lips parted for me.

A few seconds later she pushed me back. “Kyle! That is way too much tongue!”

“Sorry, uh, babe,” I said. I’m usually a better kisser than that. I don’t know why I was trying to rush it. It was probably because I had gotten really horny when I saw her. On a whim, I reached out and cupped her boobs with my hands and squeezed.

She didn’t stop me as I fondled them, but did say, “Uh, excuse you?”

I felt like it had been ages since I touched them, so I said, “They feel as amazing as I thought they would.”

“Kyle, stop it!” she protested. “You’re being really weird. Can we go already?”

I kept groping her, getting more and more turned on. Her boobs were so great. They were two big handfulls. I couldn’t stop squeezing them through her shirt. But I wanted more. So I tried to leverage the situation in my favor. “We can go if you show me your boobs.”

Anna looked at me with disgust. “Ew, here? No. What if Dustin walked in and saw me. It’d blow his mind and he’d die.”

“It’s okay,” I told her. “He’s taking a nap. I’m the only one that will see them. And it’s okay because I’m your boyfriend.” It was flawless logic really.

For a second, I wasn’t sure she was going to do it. But then she rolled her eyes, gave a half smile, and pulled up her shirt. A second later, she flipped up her bra, and let her breasts pop out. They looked better than ever.

I must have really been gawking, because she started to tease me. “They’re just my boobs, Kyle. You’ve seen them like, a thousand times.”

That was true. But every time seemed like the first time when it came to boobs. I was so turned on. I wondered if… “Would you suck my dick?”

I watched with disappointment as she frowned, and then put the bra back in place. “You’re so romantic. No. I flashed you, which was more than you deserved, now let’s go.”

“Okay, hold on,” I said. “I need to go tell Dustin goodbye.”

Anna gave me a puzzled look. “I thought you said he was taking a nap?”

I had said that. Probably because he looked like he had been taking a nap in his chair. But the way I’d rushed out of there, I should probably go check to be sure he was alright. “He is, but I’ll tell him bye anyway.”

I went back into Dustin’s room and shut the door behind me. Instead of saying anything to Dustin directly, I looked back at my reflection in the monitor to say goodbye to him that way. “Hey, Kyle. You’re not going to believe this. But I just took over your body, went out, kissed your girlfriend, and got her to flash me. Don’t be mad. It’s true though. I’ve been you for the last few minutes. Anna’s boobs are perfect by the way,” I finished with two thumbs up.

I don’t know why I said all that, it was just the first thing that came to mind. I pressed a button on the keyboard to stop the recording. Then I pressed some other buttons just to act like Dustin who was always clacking away on the thing. But as I pressed the last button, I felt strange, like some invisible force had released me. A second later, I saw Dustin’s face come up from his reclined position with the hugest grin on it.

“That was fantastic!” he said.

“Your nap?” I asked. “That was really weird by the way. We were talking and then you just-”

“No!” he interrupted. “I stealthed into your body. I was controlling you like a freaking puppet, and if I understand it right, you had no idea.”

“Bro, whatever you’re on, save some for me next time. I’m out.”

“Wait,” Dustin said, his fingers flying on the keyboard. “Why would you say this to me?”

I watched as the video I just made appeared on the screen. It was near the end, and I heard myself say, “I just took over your body, went out, kissed your girlfriend, and got her to flash me.”

“Why would you tell me something like that?” Dustin insisted.

“I don’t know. Maybe because I see the way you’re always staring at her tits, and I guess I just, I called you out on it!”

“Holy shit, dude!” my Dustin exclaimed. “You really do believe it was you and not me who just went out there, crammed your tongue down your girl’s throat, and felt her up?”

Dustin’s words pissed me off, and I told him so. “She is my girlfriend, so yeah, bro, it was certainly me who went out there and did those things.”

I watched Dustin’s mouth twist into a mean smirk. “But how can I know that’s what happened if I was in here the whole time with the door shut?”

That question rattled me for some reason. But, wait, there was an explanation. “Because…because I told you on the video. You heard me say all those things, because you weren’t really asleep.”

Dustin’s smirk grew. “But how would I know that she thinks I used too much tongue?”

What the hell? Did he have cameras set up in his living room? “You fucking pervert! I don’t know how you know, but I’m leaving. And if you see me on the street, go the other way.”

As I put my hand on the doorknob to leave, I heard him say, “I guess I’ll have to show you another way.”

I heard him begin clacking on his keyboard, which was fine by me. I didn’t particularly feel like listening to anything he had to say.


This was fucking riduculous. First, I get dragged to this loser’s house. Then my boyfriend treats me like an object on a couch that should be condemned because it smells like loser. And now he’s back in Dustin’s stupid room doing who knows what. If Kyle thinks he’s getting any today, he is sorely mistaken. I’m so pissed that dumping him doesn’t sound like a horrible idea. I won’t, because he’s so fucking hot, but if he keeps this shit up, even that won’t be enough.

I heard the door open and I looked up at him from my seat on the couch. He really did look good 24/7. But I wasn’t about to tell him right then. “About damn time!” I seethed.

“I’m sorry, babe,” Kyle started, and it really did sound like he meant it. “I think Dustin’s smoking something. You wouldn’t believe the stuff he’s saying right now?”

“Tell me all about it on the way to the mall,” I said as I stood up. I was almost to the door, when I got dizzy all of a sudden. I might have fallen, had Kyle moved quickly to steady me.

“Are you all right?” Kyle asked, looking at me with genuine concern.

“My hero,” I giggled. As he righted me, I felt my anger towards him. I reached up on my tiptoes to put my arms around him, and kissed him on the cheek. Then I whispered in his ear, “It’s me. Dustin.”


Written for an original commission, posted on Outfox Stories by Kripto, reposted with permission.