Welcome to The Empire
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As he embarked on his journey to the empire he notices the Crimson-colored screen of the system popup.

~Hidden Quest~

{First Blood} ~ Defeat your first human Opponent

(Now begins the journey of endless slaughter as you claim the lives of your first enemies but beware of the lust of battle as It may be your greatest downfall)

Reward ~ +10 Str, +10 Agl, Swordsmanship (Beginner)

Jordan could feel power seeping into his muscles empowering him like never before as well as some knowledge about the sword and proper technique. Remembering that he still had some unused skill points he decided that now would be the best time to distribute the points


Bloodline ~ None

Str {28}

Ag {35}

Dur {20}

Int {61}

Cha {20}

Stat Point ~ 0

Sp: 0


Talent~ Knife throwing (Intermediate), Swordsmanship (Beginner)

Passive ~ King's Mind

Active ~ Dual processing (B), Track star (D), Focus (F), Minimap (D)

Looking over his stats he was pleasantly surprised and proud of his strength. Once Jordan was done marveling at his strength he figured it was time to get moving so he grabbed Hina's twin daggers and started the long walk to civilization.

After about a day and a half of walking Jordan makes it to the outskirts of the empire. Two serious-looking guards were stationed in front of a massive iron gate. The first guard appeared to be some sort of roided-up pro wrestler as he stood at about 6'8 with massive muscles to match, his clean-shaven face had many scars present and with his stern expression, he looked like he would pounce on you at any second. In his meaty hands, he held a very large halberd which he seemed to be more than capable of using.

His counterpart to the left was his anthesis the man couldn't have been taller than about 5'8 and he had very few visible muscles when compared to the walking mountain of flesh that stood next to him. He had a very regal air about him, he seemed more like the son of a noble rather than a city guard. His long wavy blonde hair that reached his shoulders certainly didn't help him look out of place in this situation. He had a very condescending look on his face which made anyone who saw it instantly want to punch him pair that with the fact that he stood as though he knew that he was better than you.

Jordan was extremely cautious of the two since they were guarding one of the entrances to the empire. He walked over to the duo slumping his shoulder and reigning in his presence to appear as insignificant as possible in the eyes of the two guards.

The Taller of the two saw Jordan first ask in a rather gruff voice "Oi!, what are you doing here foreigner?"

Jordan replied "I am here to make a new life in your wonderous empire" while struggling to hold back a laugh, he didn't notice that and smirked at the boy's answer his partner however, was even more curious about the origin of the strange young man. The blonde guard decided that it was better to deny access to the foreign since the empire is currently in conflict with all of its neighboring countries.

The blond guard pulled out his rapier from its place on his side as he got into a stance "You must be some sort of spy from a rival nation as guardians of the sacred empire we will have no other than to dispatch you!"

Jordan was confused as to why the guard even assumed he was a threat, he had two rusted daggers and torn-up clothes he posed no real threat to the duo, especially considering the advantages they have against him. "look, listen I don't want any trouble I just wanna enter the empire and sleep in a bed" Jordan holds his hands up in a surrender fashion.

The blonde guard takes in what Jordan said for a second before piercing forward with his rapier, reflexively Jordan stops the attacks with his daggers forming an X to intercept the blade. He jumps away from the guard taking a defensive stance with the daggers.

The guard lets out a small smirk as he rushes at Jordan once more but what he didn't expect was one of Jordan's blades spinning through the air aiming for his neck, he easily blocks the blades with his rapier only to be met by Jordan who had used the blade as a distraction. Jordan stabs the blade right into his thigh before once again jumping back and creating distance.




"YOU DIRTY BASTARD, YOU'RE GONNA PAY FOR CROSSING THE LIKES OF ME!!!!!!" seemingly blinded by his rage the blond guard increases his speed swinging wildly at Jordan constantly keeping the pressure on him and preventing him from fighting back. Jordan is dodging and weaving his blade just barely managing to keep away from the guard's swings.

Jordan's mind is racing to try to come up with a way to defeat this guy when he sees a slight gap in his attacks. The guard has a very short period of time where he decreases his speed just slightly to release a much more powerful thrust attack. Jordan continues dodging him waiting for the perfect moment. When he sees the decrease he strikes punching the guard right in his solar plexus. The guard freezes from the shock as Jordan proceeds to pull the dagger from his thigh and slices at his throat in one motion.

Jordan falls on a knee from exhaustion as the other guard silently observes the young man. He finally decides to say something "Look kid I'm not gonna pretend that you're some criminal and that he was a noble guard of the empire that deserved better, I'm just gonna keep my mouth shut and I suggest you do the same". The man had a contempt-filled look on his face as he watched the corpse of the blonde guard. Jordan picks up his bloodied dagger as he quietly shuffles through the gate and into the empire.

"Welcome to the empire I guess" was all that the young lad could say as he entered the belly of the beast.