Chapter 1: Jack
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So I rewrote the original chapter and changed the story a bit. I'm not sure if this is any better. Like I said before, this is my first go at writing, and any feedback would be amazing. I need to find a better way to update chapters so people get notified. The other chapter I will rename something like "draft" and remove at a later date.

The village of Oakwood was a place of natural beauty and serenity. Nestled in a peaceful valley, it was surrounded by rolling green hills on one side and a vast, lush forest on the other. The air was fresh and clean, filled with the sounds of nature. The simple, quiet way of life in Oakwood offered a respite from the hectic pace of the outside world, creating a tranquil haven for its residents. It was a place where one could truly relax and escape the stresses of daily life.

As the sun rose over the small, cottage-style homes of the village, it cast a warm, golden light that danced and shimmered over the charming streets. The vibrant patchwork of light and shadow that was created gave the village a lively, cheerful atmosphere. Life here moved at a peaceful, unhurried pace, with people going about their days with a gentle rhythm and a sense of calm contentment. It was a place where one could truly relax and enjoy the simple pleasures of life.

As the sun rose over the small village of Oakwood, the villagers would make their way to the bustling village square. They would gather around tables, chatting, and laughing over steaming cups of freshly brewed coffee. The air was filled with the rich, fragrant aroma of the brew, as well as the sounds of clinking cups and friendly conversation.

Meanwhile, the village blacksmith, Jethro, would be hard at work at his forge, his strong arms skillfully wielding his hammer as he sharpened the blades of tools and farming equipment. Across the square, Anna and Joseph, the local bakers, could be seen tending to their ovens, their calloused hands expertly kneading dough for the day's batch of bread. The sight and sounds of the villagers going about their daily routines added to the vibrant, lively atmosphere of the village square.

The young children of the village spent their days playing in the woods that surrounded their homes. They chased after brightly coloured butterflies, darting this way and that, their laughter filling the air. As they ran, they munched on wild berries that they found growing among the trees. Meanwhile, their parents were busy working on their farms and tending to their gardens, ensuring that their families had enough to eat.

As the darkness of night enveloped the village of Oakwood, the villagers made their way to the serene pond, which was a beloved gathering place for the community. They huddled around, laughing and chatting as they toasted marshmallows over the flames of a crackling bonfire. The warm glow of the fire cast a golden light on the faces of the villagers as they shared stories of days long past. Above them, the stars twinkled and shone, a breathtaking sight that filled them with a sense of wonder and gratitude. As they sat together, watching the night sky, they all knew that life in Oakwood was a true blessing.

On the outskirts of the village, a small cottage stood, its walls a cheerful shade of yellow and its roof adorned with flower boxes bursting with blooming plants. This was the home of Jack and his parents, a cosy retreat that was nestled away in a quiet corner of the village. Despite its location, the cottage was still within easy reach of all the amenities and activities that the village had to offer. As they sat on their front porch, sipping tea and watching the world go by, Jack and his parents felt grateful to have such a welcoming and conveniently located home.

✧ ✧ ✧

Jack was a curious and adventurous boy, always eager to learn about the world around him. At the age of eight, he was already a well-respected and well-liked member of his community. He often accompanied his mother to the market, where he would watch and learn as she haggled with merchants and bought fresh produce. When he wasn't helping his mother, Jack could be found exploring the fields and forests that surrounded his home, marvelling at the beauty and complexity of the natural world. Despite his youth, Jack was known for his hard work and reliability. His parents were proud of him and did everything they could to support and encourage his love of learning. They knew that with his curiosity and determination, Jack would go far in life.

Every day, Jack was an early riser, waking up before the sun even peeked over the horizon. He had a lot of work to do, and he was determined to get everything done efficiently and effectively. His first task was tending to the vegetable garden, making sure that the plants were healthy and free of pests.

As he worked, Jack called out a cheerful "Good morning, Shadow!" to his loyal cat, who was curled up in a sunny spot, dozing off. Shadow opened one eye and looked at Jack before closing it again, content to soak up the morning rays.

Despite the early hour, Jack was in good spirits as he worked in the garden. He loved being outside in the fresh air, and he enjoyed the sense of accomplishment he felt when he saw the fruits of his labour. He knew that Shadow shared his love of the great outdoors, and he was grateful to have such a faithful companion by his side.

After that, he assisted his father in his carpentry work, carrying wood and supplies and running other errands as needed. Meanwhile, his mother worked as a seamstress, mending clothes and other household items. Despite the long hours and hard work, Jack was always eager to get outside and explore new places. As soon as his chores were finished, he would run outside, climbing trees and chasing after rabbits with boundless energy and enthusiasm. The forest on the edge of the village held a particular fascination for him, and he often spent hours wandering its shadowy paths, marvelling at the sights and sounds of the natural world. Jack loved nothing more than spending his days out in the fresh air, surrounded by the beauty and wonder of the natural world.

Despite his adventurous spirit and love of exploration, Jack always made sure to be home before the sun set. He knew that his parents would worry if he wasn't there to help with the evening meal, and he didn't want to cause them any unnecessary concern. Though he loved the simple pleasures of life in the village, Jack couldn't help but wonder what lay beyond its borders. He dreamed of adventure and excitement, longing to see all that the world had to offer. He imagined travelling to far-off lands and experiencing new cultures, meeting interesting people, and having unforgettable experiences. These dreams spurred him on, fueling his desire to learn and grow. Jack knew that with hard work and determination, he could make his dreams a reality, and he was eager to see where his wanderlust would take him.

✧ ✧ ✧

6 Years Later

After a long day of hard work, Jack was relieved to finally be finished with his chores. He carefully put all the carpentry tools away, making sure each was properly stored and ready for use the next day. Exhausted but satisfied, he made his way over to the barrel of water that stood behind the cottage.

He cupped his hands, feeling the cool water fill them. Jack couldn't help but smile as he brought the water to his lips and took a long, satisfying drink. He splashed some of the water on his face and neck, relishing the feeling of the cool liquid against his skin.

As the sun began to set, Jack had a new mission in mind. He and his trusty cat, Shadow, were going to explore the forest that lay just beyond the big oak tree that stood at the centre of Oakwood Forest. They had never ventured that far before, and Jack was excited to see what they might discover.

Jack walked into the kitchen to find his mother sitting at the table, busy mending a coat. "Hey, mom, I've finished my chores," he said. "I've just come in to grab my hunting gear, and then I'll be off."

His mother looked at him with the same worried expression that she always wore when he went hunting alone. "Just be careful and make sure you're home before midnight," she replied.

"I will, mom," Jack reassured her with a warm smile. "Don't worry so much. I've been hunting in these woods all my life, and nothing bad has ever happened. Plus, I'll have Shadow with me."

"Okay, honey," his mother said, returning his smile. "I'll let your father know. I don't want to bother him while he's working."

Jack nodded and headed to his room to put on his cloak, satchel, bow, and hunting knife. He returned to the kitchen and kissed his mother on the cheek before saying goodbye and heading out the backdoor.

He walked around the front of the house, calling out to Shadow as he approached the fence. The old cat was fast asleep in the sun, and Jack couldn't help but smile at the sight. "Hey buddy," he said, gently nudging the cat. "Are you coming with me or staying here for the day?"

Shadow opened one eye, lazily regarding Jack. After a moment, the old cat responded with a soft meow, signalling his willingness to join Jack on their adventure. Encouraged by Shadow's response, Jack decided it was time to head into the village to gather supplies for their journey. They knew they would need food for the long hike ahead, and they were determined to be prepared for whatever the forest had in store for them. So, with Shadow by his side, Jack set off towards the village.

✧ ✧ ✧

Shadow's limp had become more pronounced with each passing step, and it was clear that they were struggling to maintain their pace as they trudged along the road towards the village, Jack's face creased with concern. "Would you like me to carry you?" he asked, offering his arms as support. Shadow looked up at them, gratitude and relief clear in their eyes as they meowed. Jack gently picked up Shadow, making sure to support their weight evenly as they continued their journey towards the village.

Jack arrived in the village and gazed around at the bustling streets, observing the villagers as they went about their daily routines.

Finally, they arrived at the general store, where Jack pushed open the door, the bell ringing out as they entered. Old Tom shouted from the back that he would be with them in a minute. Jack gently set Shadow down on the counter and began to browse the shelves, searching for the supplies they would need for their journey into the woods. He selected nuts, apples, and dried jerky—both salmon and beef—for Shadow and himself.

As Jack returned to the counter, he saw Old Tom chatting with Shadow and rubbing his chin. "Hey Tom, sorry for Shadow being on the counter, but his hip is bothering him today," Jack said as he placed his items near the register.

"Not a problem," Tom chuckled. "Once you get to our age, any opportunity to sit down instead of standing is a blessing." As Tom totaled up the cost of Jack's purchases, he said, "That will be nine coppers." Jack handed over the money, organising all of his items in his satchel before picking up Shadow and saying goodbye to Tom.

As they walked through the village, Jack was greeted by many of the villagers who were milling about. He made his way to the well to fill his canteen with fresh water, chatting with the other villagers who were there. Once he was finished, Jack picked up Shadow, and they set off towards the woods, eager to begin their journey. Jack felt a sense of excitement as he walked. Knowing that the hike would be challenging, he looked forward to exploring the wilderness and spending time with his faithful companion.

✧ ✧ ✧

The duo set out on their journey, making their way through the gate of the village that was closest to the forest. Jack was still cradling Shadow in his arms, the soft purring of the feline resonating through the air as he stroked his head gently. Shadow, who was a small black cat, seemed to be completely at ease and content, snuggled up in Jack's embrace.

As they walked, they passed by various houses and buildings, taking in the familiar sights and sounds of the village. The streets were bustling with activity as the villagers went about their daily tasks, the sounds of laughter and chatter filling the air. However, the group was focused on their destination, the dense forest that lay beyond the village gates.

As they neared the forest, the sounds of the village began to fade, replaced by the rustling of leaves and the calls of the forest's inhabitants. The forest was dense and dark, the canopy overhead blocking out much of the sunlight. But the duo pressed on, eager to discover what lay hidden within the forest's depths. Shadow seemed to sense their excitement, and he started to meow softly in Jack's arms, as if encouraging them to continue.

As they made their way deeper into the woods, Jack and Shadow were awestruck by the dense and lush forest that surrounded them. The tall trees reached toward the sky, their branches intertwining to create a thick canopy overhead. The underbrush was thick and overgrown, making it difficult to navigate at times. The sun was shining brightly, but it was still quite chilly in the forest, with the coolness of the air seeping through the thick layers of leaves and branches.

Despite the challenging terrain, Jack pressed on, determined to explore every inch of the forest. He had been carrying Shadow in his arms, the small black cat purring contentedly as they walked. But after about an hour of trekking through the woods, Jack stopped in his tracks. He gently set Shadow down on the forest floor and rummaged through his satchel. He pulled out his winter cloak, a thick and warm piece of clothing that would protect him from the chill of the forest air.

As he put on his cloak, Shadow gathered around him, rubbing against his legs and meowing. They knew that the forest would be a harsh and unforgiving environment, but they were determined to see it through to the end. Jack quickly put on his cloak, the warm fabric immediately protecting him from the cold.

Feeling refreshed and ready to continue, Jack picked up Shadow and set off once again into the forest. The forest was beautiful and mesmerising, but also deadly and unknown. They were ready for whatever came their way. Shadow, too, seemed to understand the significance of the journey and stared up at Jack with his big green eyes, as if to say, "We're in this together, no matter what".

As they continued to make their way through the forest, Jack was surrounded by a diverse array of plant and animal life. Shadow, who had been content to snuggle in Jack's arms for much of the journey, suddenly became energised and decided to explore on his own. He bounded ahead, pausing occasionally to chase after flitting birds and butterflies that fluttered through the trees.

Jack, meanwhile, was marvelling at the different types of mushrooms and wildflowers that grew along the forest floor. The riot of colours and textures was like nothing he had ever seen before. He bent down to examine a particularly interesting specimen, admiring the delicate cap and the intricate gills that lined the underside.

As they walked, they came across different kinds of mushrooms too, some red, some white, and some brown. Each mushroom had its own unique characteristics and habitat. Jack was fascinated by the way they grew, and he couldn't resist stopping to take a closer look. He realised that some mushrooms were edible while others were deadly, and he made a mental note to study more about it.

As they continued their journey, Jack and Shadow found themselves surrounded by a riot of wildflowers, their bright petals and delicate aromas filling the air. Jack couldn't help but be awestruck by the beauty of nature. He bent down to examine the different varieties, taking note of the unique shapes, colours, and scents of each one.

All around them, the forest was teeming with life, and the group couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and awe. They knew that the forest was full of surprises, and they couldn't wait to see what other marvels lay ahead. Shadow too was enjoying the journey, chasing after the butterflies and other small animals he came across with a wide grin on his face.

As they continued on their journey through the forest, Jack began to feel the pangs of hunger. He decided to stop and take a break beside a babbling brook that flowed through the forest. Jack pulled out a small bag from his satchel and unpacked some dried beef jerky for them to share. The salty and savoury flavour of the jerky was a welcome change from the bland trail rations that they would normally have been eating.

Shadow was busy lapping up some cool and refreshing water from the stream while they sat and ate. The sound of the water flowing over the rocks was soothing and relaxing, helping to wash away some of the exhaustion from their journey.

As they rested and ate, Jack took a moment to watch his feline companion, Shadow. He saw a butterfly land on Shadow's nose, but to Jack's surprise, instead of chasing it away, the cat just sat there calmly, as if it were a daily thing. Jack chuckled at the cat's antics.

Jack couldn't help but be reminded of how resilient and adaptable animals like Shadow can be. He realised that the little cat had just as much of an impact on the journey, and they couldn't do it without each other.

The break beside the brook was a welcome respite, and they all felt refreshed and ready to continue on their journey. He knew that the forest was full of surprises, and they couldn't wait to see what other marvels lay ahead. And Shadow, too, was happy to be a part of the adventure, once again jumping and running around with energy, ready to see what the forest has next for them.

✧ ✧ ✧

As they pushed deeper into the woods, the trees grew increasingly dense and the underbrush more overgrown. Jack had to work hard to clear a path through the thick foliage, using his hands to push aside branches and weeds. He could feel the sweat beginning to bead on his forehead, and he knew that the journey was becoming increasingly challenging.

But while Jack was still able to push through the underbrush, Shadow began to have trouble navigating the terrain. The small cat had been exploring on his own, but as the forest grew thicker, he started to limp and meow for Jack to pick him up. Jack scooped up Shadow, noticing that his hip must have been bothering him. He immediately felt a pang of guilt for not keeping a better eye on the cat, and he vowed to be more careful in the future.

As they walked, Jack cradled Shadow in his arms, trying his best to keep him comfortable. The cat seemed to sense that Jack was trying to help, and he started to purr softly, as if to tell him that everything was going to be okay.

They had come too far to turn back now. Jack made a mental note to keep an eye out for a safe place to set up camp, tend to Shadow, and let him rest properly before the journey continued.

As the sun began to sink lower in the sky, Jack began to worry about finding a suitable spot to set up their tent for the night. They had been walking for hours, and the dense forest showed no signs of thinning out. Jack's feet ached, and his shoulders were sore from carrying Shadow. He was feeling tired and increasingly frustrated, but he didn't want to give up just yet.

Just as he was beginning to lose hope, Shadow, who had been snuggled in his arms, seemed to sense his mood. The cat began to rub against Jack's chest, his purring growing louder and more insistent. Jack couldn't help but chuckle at the small cat's antics, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of comfort from the soothing sound of Shadow's purring.

The purring seemed to remind Jack of why they were on this journey in the first place: to explore the unknown and experience the beauty of the forest. He knew that they were close to a clearing, there was supposedly a large oak tree which the village and forest was named after and he couldn't let the hardships of the journey bring him down. He felt a renewed sense of determination, and he pushed on, his feet aching and his body tired.

Just when Jack was on the brink of despair, he stumbled upon a beautiful clearing that took his breath away. The sun was setting, casting an orange and pink glow over the landscape, making the clearing look like a scene out of a fairy tale. The sight was so mesmerising that Jack couldn't help but stop and stare in wonder at the beauty before him.

The clearing was filled with wildflowers in various hues of yellows, pinks, and purples. The tall grass swayed in the breeze, creating a sea of green. In the centre of the clearing stood a large stone slab that seemed to have been placed there by some ancient hand. The slab was covered in mysterious runes that Jack couldn't quite make out. As he walked towards the stone, he could feel a humming vibration in his chest, as if the stone were alive and calling out to him.

Shadow too seemed to sense the mysterious energy of the stone, and he meowed softly as they walked towards it. Jack couldn't help but feel a sense of unease as they got closer to the slab. He realised that this was something beyond their understanding, but he was also filled with a sense of curiosity. He reached out and touched the stone, and as he did, he felt a sudden jolt of energy coursing through his body.

It was as if the stone was trying to communicate something to him, but he couldn't quite grasp its meaning. The humming vibrations emanating from the stone grew louder and louder. The hairs on Jack's arms began to stand on end, a warning sign that something bad was about to happen. He couldn't quite understand what it was, but his instincts told him to turn and run. But it was too late, as he saw a bright flash of light coming from the stone.

Suddenly, something shot out of the stone and struck both Jack and Shadow, throwing them across the clearing. The force of the impact was immense, and Jack felt a searing pain as he was tossed through the air. He hit the ground hard, and everything went black.

As he lay there, his mind raced. He couldn't understand what had just happened. He had been struck by a bolt of lightning, but the sky was clear and there were no clouds in sight. He couldn't understand how it was possible that he had been struck by lightning on a sunny and clear day.

He realised that he had to check on Shadow, but he was unable to move, and he felt a sense of helplessness wash over him. He was aware that what had just occurred was not natural and was beyond their comprehension. The clearing that they thought was peaceful and beautiful now looked dangerous and deadly.

He couldn't move, but he could see Shadow's body out of the corner of his eye, and he was filled with relief that he was still breathing and there was no blood. His thoughts were clouded, and he couldn't make sense of what had just happened. But he knew one thing for sure: this journey had taken a turn for the unexpected.