Chapter 028: Eunuch
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Robin stood there pitifully weak and helpless, and she wasn't even going to argue that she had never stolen anything from anyone, and the fruit power was even less likely to be shared out.

After being captured, she knew that if she revealed her ability and was locked by the Kairōseki (Sea Prism Stone), she couldn't escape, so she was careful to hide her ability until those pirates loose just to escape by using the ability.

Robin also knows that the other slaves, although they do not say it, but in their minds, may also be complaints, but it does not matter. She no longer has hope for the world. There is no need to think about how others are looking at her.

It seems that many readers are upset about the setting that Robin did not eat the fruit in O'Hara last night, so I'm forcibly concluding. (☆^ー^☆)


The door was violently pushed open.

"Kid, you're right, it's always just the fault in this world!" The man dressed in black who grabbed the mace and slid out sparks on the ground walked in with a large number of pirates.

"I also want to know why my dad is not the richest man in the world? Why isn't my mom a high-level World Government official? Why can't I be an aristocrat who gets to play with women every day? It's all because it's fucking unfair when people are born, that makes us take the path of being pirates all over the world!"

"Who does not want to be a good person if they have a choice?"

"Hahahaha! Boss is right, we're all good people!" The other pirates also cheered.

In the noisy prison, instantly silent, even the young boy who had been speaking out became silent. In the end, he was just a bully who was too weak and afraid.

"Hehehe! This little kid can be trained, from my past experience, the ones who do their best to catch slaves are often the ones like them."

When the boy cowered and did not dare to answer, the leader had lost interest and continued to walk towards Robin, gripping the mace, "Little girl, it seems you were treated a little too well before and did not know to cherish that rare treatment. How dare you escape and even steal the captain's devil fruit, this time I have to break your leg to do so."

"Anyway, the only thing those big shots value is what's in your head and as for the rest......"

"Big brother Longinus, we...... " seeing that captain Kinu has raised his mace high, it seems that the next moment it will smash on Robin's thin body. In the end, Hina could not bear to exclaim in a low voice.

"Mmm! I'll be right here......"


Longinus was about to strike when a heartbreaking scream came from the field, which contained a sound of despair contained in the deadly silence so that he could not help but tremble slightly physically.

Longinus could not help but fix his eyes to see that Captain Kinu's mace in his hand had fallen aside. While he was bowed over his lower body, his face was pale, with sweat drops constantly falling from his forehead.

At this moment, Longinus also recalls that otherworldly soul's memory. In the original work, Robin is going to do a shocking act in the world, that is, the kind of treatment suffered by Franky.

'According to that otherworldly soul, this guy has become 'eunuch', right!' Longinus' body chilled slightly, no matter what else. This one is the normal reaction any man should have when he sees this situation.

"Get...... this damn brat for me, I...... I must crack her bones all over!" Captain Kinu screamed in anger. His voice had taken on a few feminine tones.

The pirates are looking at each other. None of them dare to go forward. That is a more terrible punishment than death!

"You bunch of losers, do you want to die?"

Captain Kinu reprimanded angrily, while the rest of the pirates bowed their heads weakly.

Now is the time!

Longinus seized this gap at the moment and jumped out of the corner to the cleanest method to crush the heart of Captain Kinu, and then appeared in the most crowded part of the pirates and swept out a whip leg, enough power to break the steel and let those pirates' limbs instantly broken.

The blood spurts, the limbs fly, and the scene is exceptionally gory, causing the slaves to scream when grasped horribly.

There is no help here for those who are strong in physical skills. Without the Marine Rokushiki (Six Powers) knowledge, the lack of ranged attacks with a single strike is so great that Longinus cannot hold any hand.

Other pirates are also alarmed, driven by the vengeance of blood, they lose their senses and charge at Longinus, but a small number of pirates recognized the situation and slip away to the rear in silence.

The more you kill, the calmer you are!

The gore and massacre scene came first when Longinus targeted his biggest threats, namely the gunners, which were not so much a threat to his life but a threat to this flawless rescue operation.

Under his lightning-fast advance, the seven pirates with pistols could not fire a shot at each before they were taken out.

After losing the threat of the pistol, the cage, which should have been restricted, became the best protection for those slaves, and Longinus was able to loose his control, killing all those pirates who did not escape in just three seconds.

"This...... is the Marine coming to save us!"

"Great, no need to go into slavery!"

"Oooh, mom and dad, I miss you!"

Although the scene is somewhat gory, other than the few baizuo, all slaves are in no favor for these pirates, one can not wait for these pirates to die, and naturally, there will not be any discomfort.

"Ma...... Marine......" in a cheer, only Robin's small face turned pale, and she could not help but retreat behind her. It seems that only the cold cage behind her can give her some comfort.

"Big brother Longinus, this is the key!" Hina took out a set of keys from the 'dead eunuch' and said with joy.

"Then the task of rescuing them is in your hands, little Hina."

"Hina promises to complete the mission!"

Longinus headed out the door to deal with the hidden problems he had just left behind.

Bang Bang Bang!

"Damn, that idiot Kinu has locked the door!" The fleeing pirates slapped the door to vent their anger, with fear already leaving behind the strict ranking of the crew on the pirate ship.

"Why...... why the sounds of fighting have gone away?" A pirate trembled and said, "Is it that they have been killed?"

"Don't try to alarm to yourself, it's only been a while!"

"But Captain Kinu was taken out in one shot, that marine brat is simply a monster!"

"Hurry up and find a way to remove this iron door......"


Without any warning, the pirate who spoke just fell straight down.

"Damn, it's a silenced pistol, take cover!"

"Six pirates, with exactly six rounds of ammunition, let's send all of them to you!"

With the aid of a powerful Kenbunshoku Haki (Color of Observation Haki), coupled with the lack of long-range attack means, Longinus naturally will not give up the pistol as a help.

Although the pirates are hiding behind the cover tightly, there is no place to hide under Longinus' Kenbunshoku Haki (Color of Observation Haki).

After several times when the body fell to the ground with a dull sound, the battle quickly ended.

Longinus slowly back into the prison, and Hina, who was looking forward to it, and the trembling rescued people suddenly cheered out loud.

"Great, we are finally saved!"

"Big brother Marine, thank you!"

Longinus smiled, and his gentle smile seemed to have an invisible power to settle the crowd down, "Everyone take a little rest, and in a short while the Marine will come and send you back home."

"Only, before that, we have one last sinner to judge!"