Chapter 3: The first floor boss
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New chapter is up. Tried a few new things with the tables and totally broke some of them while others turned better, then some extra background started showing outside the table. Lets hope I fixed everything. Opening Booster Pack: LoBE or is it LoBY? is done with YGOPRO Pack Simulator.

I open the door to the next room and immediately unroll the play mat and activate the Emissaries. This time there is no feeling of losing power, but it still takes 5 seconds to activate. I wonder if the time will decrease as the Skill levels up? When the 3 figures emerge from the card, they walk to the edges of the room and stay there. The goblins either don’t see them or don’t perceive them as a threat, because they don’t even react to them. The same cannot be said about me, however. The closest to me starts running towards me with raised primitive stone weapons at the ready. I also hold my stone knife a little tighter and run to intercept them. This time I pay attention of their anatomy before starting my attack. Humanoid creatures have pretty similar distribution of organs and blood vessels as humans, so in theory they also have the same weak spots as us. Heart is protected in the rib-cage, so it is a poor target to aim for, The neck and the eyes are much more accessible with them being as short as they are. Also there is the weight advantage I have over them if I don’t have to fear being stabbed by their weapons.

As the goblin approaches and stretches its arm to stick me, I move my left hand to the side of its weapon and try to sweep it away from me, while my right hand stretches forward to stab it in the eye. With a little luck it will be deep enough to kill it in a single attack and I can go for the next one. And the goblin reacts faster than me and the arm I am trying to sweep away moves towards instead of away from me and collides with the side of my stomach. There is no damage of course, but the jerk causes me to miss and my knife only cuts its ear. Recovering from the situation I snake my left arm around its weapon arm and go for the second try. This time my knife goes in the eye and the goblin stops moving, but when I try to pull the knife out it looks chipped and at the verge of breaking, so I throw it with all the strength and accuracy I can manage toward the next goblin and instead take the one from my dead enemy. Looking back to the next goblin I am surprised to see it bleeding from a wound on its forehead. If my throwing is like that I may have more luck throwing rocks at them with the speed of a pitcher than stabbing them from up close. Something to think about after I deal with all the goblins. Clenching my hand around the new weapon I attack the next approaching goblin. The fight after that goes pretty similarly to last time. 

They see I can’t be hurt and start fleeing and I chase them with a knife like some third rate villain from a horror movie. There were even 1 or 2 goblins at the end I tried throwing decently sized rocks at and managed to at least render them unconscious. By my count there are 20 goblins here. I dismantle the first one more thoroughly to see where it’s organs were and what organs it had. Skinned a portion from here and there to see how durable the skin was and if it could be used for a sling. The results are not encouraging. 

After finishing I look at the clock on my phone and see it is 2 o'clock and I have 10% battery. Better turn it off to save some juice. Even though I have solar charger I don’t think the light in the dungeon will do the job. I roll the play mat and tuck it in the elastic on my pants. I walk around, checking for traps with the stick when I find a door a lot bigger than the other rooms and with a lot more decorations. If I had to hazard a guess I would say this is a boss room. Looking at my Tokens at the moment I have 141, so I sell the 20 cores to make it 161. 

I open the door and stop in place. The Emissaries are not moving from their position to follow me. Does that mean any effect not aimed at a creature is only specific to one field? Could I have put Black Hole on the play mat and during the 5 second it activates tossed it in another room without harming myself? But even if it was possible I would still have to conduct tests with other cards that are not as destructive and only when I am sure it wouldn’t destroy everything, would I try it. For now I enter the boss room without the protection of the Emissaries. The door slams behind me and probably locks me here until I die or defeat the boss. 

What awaits me inside the boss room is a standard height goblin equipped from head to toe in armor and holding a scary looking sword. If I had to guess what it was I would say goblin warrior or soldier or something along those lines. For now I unroll the play mat and put the Change of Heart in the Spell zone, but after waiting for 5 seconds, nothing happens. Is this related to how I can activate the card even though it should be higher than I rank? Could it be it displayed an effect on the scale of I rank spells against the goblins, but against goblin warrior it has to display the power of H rank spell and that is why it isn’t activating? Will Resurrection even activate if I died? 

The beginning of panic rises up in me. Maybe it is something else, but right now I can’t think what it could be. I need to find a way to defeat this boss or I may find out what it feels like to die and not resurrect. Coming up with a quick plan I activate Castle Walls and Reinforcements… on the boss followed by Amanojaku’s Curse. I hear the DING sound indicating a new skill and then watch as the goblin warrior starts struggling under the weight of his own armor and sword. It looks like the effect worked as intended even if it only applies as an I rank. I carefully approach the struggling boss, circle him once to find a good spot to attack him and then plunge my stone knife in the side of his throat, right between the helmet and the armor. To be sure it dies quickly I stick it from the other side as well and watch the boss crumble to the floor, motionless. This time there is no emotions associated with the actions I took. No disgust, no regret, not even fear, after the preliminary panic at the thought of me dying. I fear I am adjusting too fast to such a dangerous life. 

There is a light in the room and a wooden chest materializes out of nowhere. I don’t think this is a trapped chest or a mimic, but just in case I take my stick and poke it a few times, then I lift the lid with it. Of course I didn’t just take the sword and hack at it, there was still a curse in the room that would weaken me instead of strengthening my attack. Getting closer to the chest I find inside a knife, bronze if I had to guess, a red potion, which could be anything from health to poison, a small pouch, probably with money inside and pair or gloves, leather. That pouch could make a fine blackjack or a sling with just a little work. I should drip a few drops of the potion on my hand and if there is no reaction, then on my tongue. I should also have Dian Keto ready in my hand. 

First I emptied the pouch’s content into a side pocket of my backpack and grabbed the knife. I carefully pull the strings out and then then cut into the fabric. The goal is to cut it into a rectangular shape, then cut triangular pieces out, until I had something like trident or fork on both ends. I take out the duck tape and cover the fabric, then make a small hole close to the end of each prong. I don’t think the string from the pouch is long enough for the sling, so I make a rope out of the duck tape like in an episode of Mythbusters. I then overlap the side prongs with the central one and thread the rope through the incisions and tie them in a knot. I do this on both sides in order to create a nest for a rock to stay in, so when I swing it around it wouldn’t fall out. This is not one of the hobby slings created with the rubber from deflated soccer ball and wood or surgical tubing and metal. It is an old school David vs Goliath type sling. Let’s hope it is just as effective on the dungeon creatures. Still, I am glad I didn't have to resort to repurposing my bra into a sling, because  I am sure I don't want to explore a new world without support.

Next I start testing the potion, by dropping a few drops on the back of my hand and observing for any reaction like inflammation, itchiness or numbness. After not seeing or feeling any symptoms after an hour, I drop a few drops on my tongue and wait for an reaction. The small amount is enough to allow me to taste the potion and I have very high hopes it is poisonous, because I really don’t look forward to drinking this as water substitute. It is so very really awful. But after another hour passes and there is no reaction I proceed to the next test. Making a small scratch on my hand with the new knife I then put a few drops of the potion on it and observe with fascination as it heals almost instantly. Well I can’t argue with results, it is a healing potion. 

After my tests, I go back to the boss corpse and inspect it closely. There is no difference in its appearance compared to other goblins, so I proceed to extract the core from its chest. It looks just a millimeter bigger, so maybe it really was an H rank monster. I also take the sword and put it in my backpack in case I need it for something at a later time. While rummaging I take the Last Will and secure it in another pocket. I really should have checked if it was still here before confronting the boss. That was a mistake that could have cost me my life. But, seeing as it hasn’t disappeared after midnight, I wander if I can materialize the paper and sell it to people once I leave the dungeon? I take an energy bar and slice a very small piece of it and place it on the floor together with the wrapper. Maybe the dungeon will absorb it and learn how to make them, so I could find some in a chest on the second floor. I again roll the play mat and now, down the stairs I go, towards the next dungeon floor. 

At the end of the stairs I find myself in a room a lot like the one I appeared in this dungeon in. There are the symbols on the floor, the cube with a socket on it that connects to the symbols and a door on the other side of he room. I quickly try the new core on the socket, but there is no effect. I guess my journey continues. But first I must sleep, because I am dead tired. So I place my backpack in a corner and use it as a pillow and almost instantly fall asleep. 

When I woke up, at first I didn’t know where I was. I wasn’t sleeping on my comfortable bed and on my soft pillow. Then there were the white walls without wallpaper or furniture anywhere around me. And when I stood up and saw the symbols on the ground, everything came back to me. I was Isekai-ed and not by Truck-kun, but a Duel Monsters card that summoned a machine. Turning my phone on for a few seconds I see it is around 12 o’clock. First let’s see my Status.

Name: Jessica Thomas
Gender: Female Age: 19
Occupations: University Student Lvl 2(4th)
Novice Summoner Lvl 2(1st)
Novice Dimension Traveler Lvl 1(1st)
Level: 3
HP: 940/940 SP: 1115/1115
MATK: 1588 ATK: 477,5
Magic: 966/966 DEF: 160
Strength: 280  
Status Points: 15

“Huh, some stats increased by a lot. I think some of the notifications are related to this. Notifications.” 

New Skill Learned: Novice Magic Sight
New Skill Learned: Novice Magic Contract
Skill Novice Throwing has leveled up
Skill Accuracy has leveled up
New Skill Learned: Novice Magic Control
Skill Novice Knife Handling has leveled up
Skill Observe has leveled up
Skill Anatomy has leveled up
New Skill Learned: Novice Curse Summoning

“That is a lot of skills to learn and level up in one day. Occupation: Novice Summoner”

Novice Summoner Tier 1 Rare Level 2
Allows you to Summon I rank creatures, machines, items, spells and curses.
Previous class:
When equipped grants the following stats:
Tier 1: 2 Magic, 2 hidden, 30 HP, 30 SP, every level.
Tier 2: 7 Magic, 7 hidden, 40 HP, 40 SP , every level.
Tier 3: 15 Magic, 15 hidden, 50 HP, 50 SP, every level.
Tier 4: 20 Magic, 20 hidden, 60 HP, 60 SP, every level.

“An addition of Curses. I wander at what level will I be able to Summon 2 star creatures? Tokens Total.” 

Total Tokens: 554 

I plop the new core in the shop and the Total becomes 559. Enough for me to buy a new booster pack and hopefully get some new Spell and Trap cards. 

Remove Trap, Cannhorn, Wight, Mountain, Masaki the Legendary Swordsmaster, The 13th Buried Cyclops, Mirage and Giant Soldier of Stone. Of which I can only use 3 cards. One is a copy, one is a Zombie, which eliminates it and the other is a Field Spell, which doesn’t help me much. And by the looks of them, even if I sold them all, I can only recover about half the price of the Booster Pack. For now I put sleeves on the 3 I can use, then eat one of my energy bars and drink a bottle of water and make my way to the next room. 

Rate, review and comment your thoughts and opinions. As mentioned before, I try to use the Japanese translation of card names instead of their TCG names and the art of modified cards is the Japanese art.