CHAPTER-16 ‘Full Moon’
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The rain, whipped by the wind, relentlessly cascaded down the floor-to-ceiling window, its rhythmic patter creating a soothing melody that filled the room. Rivulets of water streaked across the glass, distorting the view of the outside world. Beyond the confines of the room, the sky stretched out in a dreary expanse, an overcast canopy that swallowed any remnants of sunlight. The somber hues of gray and charcoal painted the landscape, casting a melancholic ambiance over the surroundings. The raindrops danced in wild abandon, their shimmering trails tracing a chaotic symphony against the gloomy backdrop. The wind, an invisible force, howled and whispered through the trees, making them sway and bend in a graceful surrender.

Haruto, in the midst of this atmospheric display, found solace in the rhythm of the rain, each bite of his sandwich in harmony with the mesmerizing downpour.

Suddenly, his attention was interrupted by strange chomping sounds. He glanced beside him and witnessed Tendo devouring the breakfast voraciously, resembling a famished wolf.

"Slow down, Tendo. Where are your table manners?" Alpha's voice reverberated from the other side of the table.

Tendo looked at Alpha, then turned his gaze to Beta Ren beside him, and finally at Haruto. All of them regarded him as if he were a rare specimen, an outsider even among his own kind.

Well, they're not wrong to think that way. I am rare, even among my own kind.

Tendo thought to himself. He scrunched his nose for a moment, then slowly began to chew his muffin, trying to mirror the expected table manners.

Tendo whispered slowly to Haruto, his voice tinged with uncertainty, "Do you think I'm developing animal instincts?"

Asahi raised his eyebrow with amusement, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.

"That's very humorous of you," he replied.

"No, Dad, I'm being serious. After Nevalis, um... how should I say it? After he came into existence," Tendo explained earnestly, his tone betraying a sense of urgency.

'Are you serious?'

Tendo retorted with a touch of sarcasm,

So, finally, you're back after your beauty sleep.

Nevalis's voice echoed in Tendo's head,

‘What beauty sleep? I don't sleep at all. Did you lose some screws after waking up?'

Asahi lightly knocked on the table to regain Tendo's attention, and continued,

"After Nevalis developed a link with you, what happened then?"

"Oh yeah, after developing a link with Nevalis I seem to have changed a bit"

Asahi pressed further, asking, "And how so?"

Tendo explained, "Like how I am feeling very hungry lately, and also started to ah s-sleepwalk."

As Tendo mentioned the sleepwalking, he could almost feel the imaginary roll of Nevalis's eyes in his mind.

"That's very normal for you to feel hungry because all werewolves have a big appetite. However, the sleepwalking is unusual and may have emerged after the development of your link with Nevalis. We should confirm it with Dr. Xhan," Asahi calmly stated.

Asahi then savored the last piece of pancake in his mouth and turned to Beta Ren, addressing him, "I will meet you in my office at our appointed time." He shifted his gaze towards Tendo, who was still engrossed in eating and muttering to himself. At the sound of Asahi's voice, Tendo looked up.

"Hurry up and finish your breakfast. Then go home and get ready for school," Asahi instructed, his tone firm.

After delivering his instructions, Asahi vanished into the rainy woods, leaving behind nothing but a swift black blur in their sights.


The issue of Tendo sneaking out that day was resolved just like that without getting exposed. From that day onwards, Tendo embarked on a rigorous routine of training in the mornings and attending school on weekdays, with weekends dedicated to training alongside Asahi. He altered his route to the mountain peak so he never met that mysterious spectacle guy. Days turned into months, and months morphed into years, until Tendo found himself already twelve years old. Throughout this time, they remained fortunate, as they never encountered any further attacks from Sora, and his whereabouts remained shrouded in mystery.


Tendo sitting at the dining table was savoring each bite of his blueberry muffins. Over the years, he had learned proper table manners, thanks to Asahi's repeated reprimands. Now, as he ate with poise and elegance, he appeared like a young master from a noble family. To an outsider, it seemed as though his complete attention was devoted to his breakfast. However, in reality, his thoughts were engaged in an ongoing battle with Nevalis.

With his summer vacation having just begun, Tendo and Nevalis found themselves in a heated discussion, more like an argument, about how to spend the summer. Tendo was eager for some leisure time after the demanding week of exams.

After enduring such a strenuous week of exams, don't you think I deserve a few days to relax and have fun?

Tendo argued.

‘You only have two and a half months of summer vacation, and you want to waste an entire month playing? That's unacceptable,’ Nevalis retorted in his mind.

Tendo could feel his frustration rising.

Now you're going overboard just because I usually listen to you. I can do whatever the hell I want, and I don't need to listen to you.

Nevalis remained silent, a sign that he was equally displeased. Tendo knew his wolf was angry, but he was equally enraged. He had diligently worked hard during his exams while maintaining his daily training routine without any slacking. Tendo could sense the significant improvement he had achieved over the past few years. All he wanted was a brief respite, a few days to rest and play. It wouldn't hinder his progress.

These arguments were a common occurrence during his vacations. Nevalis always pushed him to train relentlessly, believing that their time was limited, and Tendo had not fully harnessed his powers yet. While the past five years had been relatively uneventful, that didn't mean they wouldn't face challenges in the future. They needed to prepare for the unexpected. On the other hand, Tendo wanted to savor these few days of vacation by playing with Haruto hyung and his packmates. There was still ample time in the future for intense training.

As the internal battle raged on, Tendo took another bite of his muffin, the taste of blueberries offering a momentary distraction from the conflict within.

Asahi, sitting across from Tendo, had been carefully observing him, attentively noting every microexpression that played across his face. From Tendo's expressions, he could discern that the young man was engaged in a heated argument with his wolf. This had become a familiar pattern since the link between them had formed. Today they were at odds, but tomorrow they might be on amicable terms again. Asahi gently knocked on the table, seeking to capture Tendo's attention.

"Tendo, I need to tell you something," Asahi said, his tone carrying a sense of importance.

Tendo placed his fork on the plate and turned his gaze towards Asahi, giving him his undivided attention.

"You're aware that the Lycanthrope festival is approaching, right?" Asahi inquired.

"Yup, I know. It's happening next week," Tendo responded. Over the years, his voice had undergone a transformation along with his personality. While it still retained the youthful timbre of a young boy, it had shed most of its childishness, now resonating with some maturity, richness, and an underlying strength and elegance.

“This year's Lycanthrope festival will going to be a bit different, as we would welcome some esteemed families from various packs around the world.”

Asahi's words grabbed Tendo's attention. This revelation that he would be meeting other wolves from other packs sparked a surge of excitement within him. In his twelve years of life, he had never had the chance to meet werewolves from outside his own pack.

It was the first time that he would have the opportunity to meet werewolves from outside his pack. Since the loss of his parents, his world had revolved around home, pack, woods, and school. The only instances when Tendo dared to venture beyond the borders of his pack's territory were the moments he spent training on the mountain peak. And in those moments there was only one time when he encountered someone outside his pack territory and they happened to be humans. After changing his route he never encountered anyone. The prospect of meeting werewolves from other packs, witnessing their strength and power firsthand, fascinated him greatly. While he had encountered Sora, he didn't consider him a true representation of a werewolf, as he had long abandoned his wolf and resorted to devious methods. Meeting werewolves from other packs would provide a genuine glimpse into the true nature and capabilities of his kind.

Asahi continued,

"We have a werewolf council, and we call it 'Full Moon.' It was established five years ago by three Royal packs that came into existence at the same time. They refer to themselves as Royals because they believe they have the purest werewolf bloodline. This council is an esteemed assembly created by the noble members of the Royal packs. Its main purpose is to promote peace and address the various issues we face in the werewolf world. Every year, the council members hold an annual meeting during the Lycanthrope festival. All the prestigious families from the werewolf world are invited to this gathering to discuss various issues concerning our world and to foster connections with neighboring packs. For this meeting, the Full Moon Council holds a vote to decide which pack will have the honor of hosting the event."

Asahi took a deep breath and then said, “And guess what? This year we've been nominated".

“And, you are not happy about it” Tendo said as a matter of fact.

Asahi paused for a moment, his expression conflicted, before replying, "No, it's not that I'm unhappy about our pack hosting the meeting. It's just..."

Before Asahi could finish his sentence, Tendo interjected, understanding the underlying worry, "You're worried about my safety."

After his parents death he had wholeheartedly considered Asahi his father and this whole pack his family and his feelings were equally reciprocated. However, Asahi's worries seemed to be clinging to him unnecessarily. It had been five long years since his encounter with Sora and that guy never showed his face again.

Yet, sometimes Tendo couldn't help but wonder if Sora had somehow cast a spell on Asahi before leaving, leaving a deep, dark shadow in his heart. Asahi seemed to be so consumed by worries about his safety and the safety of their pack, which made Tendo feel trapped and suffocated by all the unnecessary precautions. The constant safety measures that were bounding him to one place were starting to grate on his nerves.

"Yes I am worried about your safety but there are many other things that you might not understand now,” Asahi responded, his voice tinged with the weight of his responsibilities as an Alpha. "As the leader of the pack, I must make decisions that are in the best interest of all our members."

"I do understand."

Asahi smiled lightly at his response.

Although he had trained extensively in the past few years, he had yet to experience a real-life fight apart from his unexpected encounter with Sora. He yearned to gauge his true power. He wants to grow quickly so he could take on more responsibility as a pack member and to prove to Nevalis that he was not slacking off. However, he knew that exploring the world beyond the pack's boundaries would be a challenge, as Asahi was so adamant about protecting him.


Asahi sitting in his office was focused on sharpening the edge of an arrow. Without lifting his head, he called out, "Come in." Beta Ren, who had been ready to knock the door, opened it and directly entered the room.

"Any updates?" Asahi asked, his voice was slightly muffled by the sound of the dagger meeting the arrowhead.

"We've discovered the trail of some unfamiliar wolves near the North-west territory," Beta Ren reported. "The Beta of the Glacier pack informed us about it. They will be joining us for the Lycanthrope festival, and we can discuss this matter in detail then."

Asahi's gaze shifted to the map on the wall for a moment, and then he swiftly threw the arrow, aiming directly at the map near the territory of the Glacier pack. Beta Ren watched the arrow hit its mark and then asked cautiously, "Do you think it's Sora?"

"I don't know," Asahi replied, his voice tinged with frustration. "He is not the brother I used to know. He has immersed himself in darkness, becoming unpredictable like the very embodiment of evil. I can no longer anticipate his plans." He let out a heavy sigh and redirected his gaze from the map to Beta Ren.

He then said, "Now the major issue at hand is this upcoming meeting. Why do you think they chose our pack this time to host it? This has never happened before. Although they claim it's determined by a voting system, I know it's just a façade. They always ensure that one of the Royal packs gets the majority of the votes. That’s what happening for the past five years since the establishment of this so called Full moon community."

Beta Ren nodded in agreement. "Yes, Alpha. The meeting has always been held by those three Royal packs. I was also wondering why they made this unexpected decision."

Asahi's eyes narrowed, a hint of concern in his voice. "Do you think they know about Tendo? That's the only reason I can think of. If they're aware of a Lycan within our pack, they must be extremely curious, considering the long-held prophecy known to many."

After a brief pause, Asahi continued, "But how could someone have leaked this information? Only a selected few of my most trusted individuals within this pack are aware of Tendo's true identity, and no one else."

Asahi sighed and rubbed his forehead, feeling the weight of the situation bearing down on him. The uncertainties were taking a toll on his thoughts, causing his head to ache.

"Don't worry, Alpha. Inside our territory, no one can harm him, and we will ensure that he doesn't attract any unwanted attention," Beta Ren reassured Asahi.

Asahi's concern deepened. "It's not just about his safety. I'm also worried that whoever leaked this information has ill intentions, either towards Tendo or our pack."

Asahi turned around and gaze outside at the setting sun.

After contemplating something, he turned away from the window, facing the Beta Ren.

"Have you made all the necessary arrangements?"

"Yes, Alpha," Beta Ren replied.

"Good. Double the patrols around the territory. We cannot afford to have any unauthorized individuals sneaking in during this time." Asahi instructed firmly.

Beta Ren nodded in acknowledgment. "I will go and check on the patrolling wolves then," he said before leaving the office.


Tendo made his way to their usual spot near the Sycamore tree, where he and Haruto often spent time together. As he approached, he noticed the silhouette of Haruto sitting with his back facing him. Tendo decided to try to sneak up on him and give him a playful scare, but just as he was about to pounce, Haruto's voice stopped him.

"I know what you're trying to do, so just stop," Haruto said without turning around.

"Urgh, how do you always know when I never made any sound?" Tendo complained as he settled down at the edge of the tree next to Haruto.

"I just know," Haruto replied.

"So, what are your plans for the Lycanthrope festival?" Tendo inquired.

"The usual," Haruto replied, still gazing at the setting sun.

"You're so boring," Tendo teased, making a face at his friend. After a brief pause, he continued, "Dad said that this Lycanthrope festival will be a bit different because people from other packs will be coming to celebrate with us. We've been nominated by some werewolf community called Full Moon to host this event."

Haruto responded with a lack of enthusiasm, "Yes, I know. Dad told me about this."

"Aren't you excited about it?" Tendo asked.

"What's there to be excited about? Their main purpose for coming here is the meeting, not the festival. They'll be discussing major issues the werewolf world is facing."

"Major issues? Do you think they'll be here to discuss Sora?" Tendo raised an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure," Haruto replied.

"I don't think he's a major issue anymore. He hasn't shown his face in the past five years. What I think is that he's a coward who ran away after being beaten by me." Tendo spoke confidently.

Haruto, who had been gazing at the setting sun all this time, slowly turned his head toward Tendo. His face was as serene as ever, devoid of any visible expression. It was a calmness that seemed to bring inner peace to those who looked at him. Tendo often wondered if Haruto even felt emotions or if he was simply adept at concealing them. They had known each other since childhood, spending 365 days a year together. They were inseparable, and in all that time, Tendo had never seen Haruto display any discernible emotions. He didn't laugh; he only smiled. He didn't get angry; he simply frowned slightly. He didn't cry; his eyes just turned slightly red. Despite this, Tendo felt like he could still perceive what Haruto was thinking. He knew him that well.

Right now, he could sense the unspoken words in the air.

"I'm not being cocky, Hyung," he began. "What I believe in is living in the present. Why should we ruin our present by dwelling on something that might never happen? We've allowed this terror named 'Sora' to play with our minds all these years, and he has never shown up once. He's trying to manipulate our thoughts, and we're letting it happen. Dad has never told me anything. He thinks I'm just a child who needs protection, but I'm not. I understand the tension, the anxiety, and the fear of an unseen enemy eating away at him from the inside."

Tendo took a deep sigh and continued, "And he's allowing it to happen. I've already lost my parents, and now I don't want to lose him, Hyung."

Haruto looked into Tendo's glistening blue eyes, seeing the lost child within them—the same child he had met in the pack house. While everyone around him believed Tendo had easily recovered from the loss of his parents due to his cheerful personality, Haruto knew better. He understood that Tendo was still grappling with his inner demons, and deep inside, he was still that little lost child.

With a gentle smile, Haruto flicked Tendo's forehead and said, "Okay, stop with all of this. We're here to complete our summer task so we can enjoy the festival later, and now the sun has already set, and we haven't done a single thing."

He glanced toward their unfinished model, which was now surrounded by fireflies, and continued, "Look, the night fairies have come out, and we still haven't built our model yet."

Tendo laughed and asked, "Hyung, why do you call them night fairies? They're just fireflies."

Haruto shook his head. "No, they are night fairies. Look..." He pointed to the nearby fireflies that were circling around the flowers. "They play and dance to the singing of your imagination, like little fairies."

There was something pure and mesmerizing in Haruto's eyes as he stared at the distant fireflies, and Tendo couldn't help but smile in response.

Tendo nudged Haruto slightly with his knee. "Hyung, we have to complete the model," he said, pointing toward the unfinished project.

"Oh yeah," Haruto replied, tearing his gaze away from the fireflies. "Let's finish the model. But can we leave a little bit of time to watch the night fairies?"

Tendo grinned. "Sure, hyung. Just as long as we finish it."

As they worked on their model, the night's summer breeze gently blew through the garden, carrying with it the sweet scent of flowers. In the distance, they could hear the faint chirping of crickets and the occasional hoot of an owl.

Haruto smiled and went back to working on the model. However, in the back of his mind, he couldn't wait to watch the night fairies again. There was just something so magical about them, something that made him feel alive.

Whenever he saw the night fairies, Haruto couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia. It was as if there were fragments of memories shrouded by a hazy mist. In those memories, they weren't fireflies but actual night fairies, and there were goblins and other magical creatures. Haruto couldn't tell if those were his own past memories, mere illusions, or something else entirely. It seemed absurd because he had never encountered such magical creatures in his life.

Whatever it was, those glimpses stirred something deep within him, a feeling that there was more to his life than met the eye.

As they continued to work on the model, the garden grew darker and darker until the only source of light was the soft glow of the fireflies. The two boys were so focused on their project that they hadn't noticed the sun had set, and the stars had begun to twinkle in the night sky.

It wasn't until Tendo let out a yawn that Haruto looked up and realized just how late it had gotten.

"I can't believe we've been working for so long. It's already dark."

Tendo nodded, stretching his arms. "Yeah, I didn't even notice. We should probably pack up and head inside."

Haruto glanced over at the fireflies, still dancing and weaving their way through the flowers. "But what about the night fairies? We didn't get to watch them for very long."

Tendo laughed and said, "Don't worry, hyung. They're here every day at this time. We can come back tomorrow and watch them again. But for now, let's finish packing up and head inside. We don't want to get in trouble for staying out too late."

As they started packing up their supplies, Haruto couldn't shake the sense of wonder and awe that the night fairies had stirred within him. There was an undeniable magic in the air, something that made him believe in the endless possibilities of life. Deep down, he knew he would return tomorrow, eager to watch the night fairies dance once more.

Tendo and Haruto carefully stowed away their model and tidied up the area, leaving no trace of their evening adventure. With their task complete, they headed back towards the house, guided by the soft, enchanting glow of the fireflies that continued to light their path. The night was still young, and the promise of another day filled with enchantment and discovery lingered in the air.