Third Arc (Fallen Heart) – 286. The Court VII
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Third Arc (Fallen Heart) - 286. The Court VII

The nobles sat in silence, their minds racing as they tried to find a flaw in Angel's reasoning. However, the more they thought about it, the more they realized that Rose's qualities made her a compelling candidate for queen. Her lineage, status, and abilities were all highly suitable for the role. Moreover, there were rumors circulating about King Eudon's intentions to make Rose his successor if no other suitable candidate emerged.

Angel observed the nobles' contemplative expressions before breaking the silence. "Do you have any other opinions?" he inquired, prompting them to speak up if they had any objections.

The duke seized the opportunity to raise a question that had been on his mind. "But what if you and Rose do not have children within a certain period of time? Will you consider remarrying and changing her status?" he asked, his tone direct and to the point.

The nobles in the room held their breath as the duke's question hung in the air. It was a bold move, one that could easily have irked the king, especially given the sensitive nature of the topic. But then again, the duke was known for his straightforwardness, even if it occasionally rubbed others the wrong way.

Angel's expression darkened at the duke's inquiry, his usually stoic demeanor cracking just slightly to reveal his irritation. It was a rare sight, as Angel typically kept his emotions tightly under control. But the duke's question had hit a nerve, and Angel couldn't hide his displeasure.

Sensing the tension in the room, the duke quickly backpedaled, offering a sincere apology for his brashness. "My apologies for my blunt question, Your Majesty," he said, his tone contrite. "But I think that question is crucial since Euphorion needs an heir."

Angel's frown deepened at the mention of the kingdom's need for an heir, but he chose to let the matter rest for the time being. "It's too soon to talk about that," he declared, his voice firm and authoritative as he redirected the conversation away from the uncomfortable topic.

“I think it's not too fast, Your Majesty. It's been a few months since your wedding. Yet we haven't seen any developments," said one of the nobles, his tone carrying a hint of skepticism.

Angel's eyebrows furrowed slightly at the noble's comment, a bemused expression crossing his features. "What development do you mean?" he inquired, his voice tinged with curiosity. The noble's insinuation caught him off guard, and he couldn't help but wonder what exactly they were implying.

A scornful smirk tugged at Angel's lips as he continued, "Don't tell me you've been spying on what happens in my chamber," he added, his tone laced with amusement. He knew such a notion was preposterous; he had taken numerous precautions to ensure the privacy and security of his personal quarters, including the installation of powerful magical barriers.

The nobles exchanged uncertain glances, their lips pressed into tight lines as they struggled to come up with a response. It was clear that they had not anticipated Angel's reaction, and they now found themselves at a loss for words.

Angel let out a long exhale, his shoulders sagging slightly as he spoke. “Indeed, I have been married to Princess Rose for several months now," he began, his voice tinged with a hint of weariness. "But during that time, there have been countless challenges and obstacles to overcome," he continued, his gaze drifting off into the distance as he recounted the events of the past few months.

"The attack on our wedding day, the ambush in Zephyrus, and finally, the incident in Asteria," Angel listed off, each word heavy with the weight of the memories they carried. "There have been many pressing matters demanding my attention, besides the issue of producing an heir," he explained, his tone filled with a sense of urgency.

Angel paused for a moment, his mind wandering to the countless responsibilities. But amidst the chaos and turmoil, there was a glimmer of solace in the form of Rose. He couldn't deny the growing affection he felt for her, nor the realization that their union was inevitable. It also reminded Angel that he hadn't had his first night with Rose yet and yes, he knew he had to make his move soon. Rose had accepted his feelings after all.

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