Shadow Monarch
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[Your Class is "Necromancer"!].

‘W-Why is it a necromancer…?!’

Staring at the window with an open mouth, Jin-Woo couldn’t fathom the developments. Getting <Necromancer> as his class was a completely unexpected result to him.

“Since I have been using only swords or daggers, I expected a class like a warrior or an assassin but this…”

As he had never seen a necromancer among hunters, the only bit of knowledge about the Necromancer class came from a few games he used to play. They were usually mages followed by an army of undead. No matter how much he thought, it didn’t suit his skill set at all!

Moreover, there was a bigger issue.

“I haven’t touched my intelligence Stat all that much…”

[Will you accept the class <Necromancer>?]

“I have a choice?”

As unexpected as it could be, it was only good news for him. Also, the fact that he was being given a choice meant that he would be able to obtain a different class along with time. Although, that was only a guess.

 He hesitated for a few seconds before opening his mouth.


As if sensing his reluctance, the system asked him again.

[Necromancer is a 'Hidden class'.]

[Do you still wish to refuse?]

“Hidden…Class?” He was confused but then again, with his limited knowledge of games, Jin-Woo soon figured out what a hidden class pointed towards, “Is it like the Hunters with Rare Powers?”

There was no guarantee but whatever <Hidden Class> was, it’d only be beneficial to him.

As his train of thoughts reached there, his mind became more and more clear. “This might even be a golden opportunity for me...”

Then again, “When has the system given me anything useless?”

Finally deciding, Jin-woo said without any hesitation.

“Accept class Necromancer.”

[You have accepted the class “Necromancer”]

[Based on the number of points you obtained, you will be given a chance to promote to a superior class]

[Calculating points…]

“I don’t know what it is but it’s taking time…”

[You have exceeded the expected play time]

[You did not use a Hearthstone]

[Final health is above 50%]

[All enemies have been slain]

[The total points have exceeded the feat limit]

[You will be promoted from <Necromancer> to <Shadow Monarch>].

[You have learned a Class exclusive skill]

[You have obtained bonus stats]

[You have obtained the title 'The one who overcame adversary']

“Promoted to <Shadow Monarch>?” Jin Woo blurted out in confusion but it wasn’t too difficult to understand. The concept was relatively simple and common.

Just like how a Knight becomes a Swords Master and a Mage evolves to a Grand Mage, it could be said that the next evolution of Necromancer is Shadow Monarch in this case.

“If so, I would probably have had to stay as a <Necromancer> for some time before it could evolve.”

[Class-Specific skills:

Skill: Shadow Extraction

A shadow soldier is created from a body without life by taking out its mana. The chance of failure increases the higher the target's stats are, and the more time passed since the target's death.

Resource Consumption: None

Shadows able to be extracted: 0/30


Skill: Save Shadow

Absorb the created shadow soldiers and save them. Saved soldiers can be summoned and reabsorbed whenever and wherever the animator desires.

Resource Consumption: None

Saved shadows: 0/20]


[Title: The One Who Overcame Adversity: 

Description: A title given to those who overcame adversity heroically.

Effect: Your stats increase proportionally to your missing health. (1% stat increase every 1% HP missing.)]

“This…” Not to mention the broken-looking title, the class-specific skills astounded Jin Woo.

Something even more astonishing was occurring in Jin Woo’s vision. He could see a black haze rising from all the corpses and successive system messages appeared in front of him.

 [Shadow Extraction is possible on the target]

[Shadow Extraction is possible on the target]

[Shadow Extraction is possible…..

[Please set a command phrase for Shadow Extraction.]

After a brief pause, he spoke.



With piercing screams, the shadows of the corpses begin to quiver. Gradually, a hand emerged from the shadow and pulled itself out of the infinite darkness.

In no time at all, the figures clad in black armor from head to toe stood before him.

Jin Woo’s muscles tensed, and he almost attacked but barely contained himself before realizing the situation. The ones standing before him weren’t monsters but his summons. He barely managed to swallow his saliva as he looked at the rows of soldiers standing before him.

“Hold on, if that’s the case…” Barely able to control his excitement and anticipation, he hurried to a certain spot and sure enough, there lay the unmoving carcass of the <Blood Red Commander Igris>.

“If I can make this guy my soldier…”  The thought of having such a strong soldier exhilarated Jin Woo. He stretched his hand and,


A scream, much hoarse than before resounded in the desolate ruins of the hall as a cool breeze followed. The shadow of the corpse began quivering.

It's working! Jin Woo thought but,


With a sound akin to a mirror breaking, the rising darkness suddenly subsided and everything went back to normal.

[Shadow Extraction has failed!]

“What?!” Jin Woo couldn’t believe it. Panic struck him and his mind began to race. If he actually lost such a chance to get the strongest soldier-

[2 Attempts remaining!]

The system’s cold voice resounding in his head managed to calm him down somewhat. Taking a few deep breaths, he heaved a long sigh of relief.

What was the reason for failure? Had too much time passed or was it because of the high level of the boss? He couldn’t be sure.

“Sigh, let’s try it again.”

His eyes seemed to contain an infinite sea of darkness as his slow but firm voice resounded in the great hall.


The temperature in the surroundings suddenly dropped, and a chilly breeze began to blow on Jin Woo’s face. An invisible pressure seemed to press on his shoulders, but he didn’t budge at all.


An indescribable roar echoed in the utter silence as a hand pushed itself out from the shadow on the corpse.

[Shadow Extraction has succeeded!]

‘Yes!’ He couldn’t hide his excitement at the success and exclaimed inwardly.

The soldier standing in front of him looked exactly like the boss, save for the red armor now being completely black. The blue light glaring through the slits sent a shiver down Jin Woo’s spine. Feeling the domineering pressure oozing out, he slowly gulped his saliva.

[You may assign a name to shadow soldier at or above the Knight Grade.]

[The given name will be maintained until the soldier is released.]

[Please set a name for the soldier.]

After a short bout of silence, Jin-Woo opened his mouth almost instinctively.

“Igris. That will be your name.”

[Do you want to pick <Igris>?]


He didn’t know why but Jin Woo found the name <Igris> very natural, as if that was how it was always supposed to be.

[The shadow soldier’s name has been assigned as <Igris>!]


The boss monster, now Igris, kneeled on one knee and lowered its head in front of Jin Woo, as if expressing his undying loyalty.

*Thump!* *Thump!* *Thump!*

Following the lead of Igris, all the shadow soldiers also kneeled and lowered their heads.

Jin Woo’s heart was beating very loudly. He forced a smile and couldn’t help having silly thoughts.

“Haha, this is much better than I expected…I will be in your care then.”