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[You have defeated the Boss of the Dungeon!]

[You have gained experience!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]


[You have found a skill Rune(Dominator’s Touch)

Would you like to acquire it?]


[You have found the Red Knight’s Armor set.

Would you like to acquire it?]

“Acquire all.”

[Item: Rune(Dominator’s Touch)

Type: Rune

Rarity: ???

Description: The rune containing the skill ‘Dominator’s Touch’. The skill can be obtained by breaking the Rune.]

 ‘A Rune. I’ve heard of it but it’s my first time seeing one in person…’ The Rune crumbled into dust in his hands.

[You have learned the skill ‘Dominator’s Touch’!]

[Skill: (Active)Dominator’s Touch(Level 1)

Description: You can control objects without touching them.

Resource Consumption: None]

So, it used this to push me forward back then…Moreover, there’s no resource consumption to it. It’s a really amazing skill.’ Very content with the harvest, Jin-Woo opened information on the last drop.

“Let’s see what else there is.” He almost couldn’t hold back from smiling like a country bumpkin.

[Item: Red Knight’s Armor set

Type: Armor

Rarity: A

Description: The prized armor of the Blood Red Commander Igris.

Effects: +20 all stats

Physical damage reduction–20%

(If your strength is below 100, your movements will be slowed down by 80%)]

“It is different from the original version.” The armor had shrunk to fit the comparatively smaller frame of Jin Woo. Not just that even the color had turned from red to black and its design had also changed vastly.

“Whoever designed everything, they really have a preference for black.” Alternating his gaze between the soldiers, Jin-Woo couldn’t help but think. A similar black haze like the shadow soldiers also surrounded his armor.

Other than the looks, the armor came with the incredible option of reducing damage as well as a buff. But if there was one problem then…

“Isn’t this too flashy?” The pitch-black surface with glowing blue lines running across it would garner much attention.

As if reading his thoughts, the system window appeared in front of him.

[Would you like to turn on Invisibility mode?]


As he marveled at the convenient function, his senses suddenly triggered, prompting him to duck, and an arrow flew past where his head had been moments ago.

[Time lapsed: 1:15:47]

The timer on the ceiling still kept ticking, forcing a curse out of Jin Woo’s mouth. It seemed that defeating the boss did not clear the Class Quest.

“Tsk. I guess that makes sense after all. The goal was never to kill the ‘boss’.” Looking at the rows of knights standing before him, he couldn’t help but gulp his saliva.

“…Guess there is no other choice.” Holding Knight Killer tightly in one hand, Jin-Woo advanced into the legion.

[Skill ‘Dominator’s Touch’ is activated!]

Jin Woo swept through the battlefield like a storm. Every time he swung his dagger, heads of the knight flew or were crushed under the might of Dominator’s Touch.

‘I can do this!’

It was when he had such a thought that he noticed an abnormality. No matter how many knights he dismembered or crushed, their numbers only seemed to multiply instead of dwindling.

‘What is going on here?’

Cleaving through another charging knight, Jin-Woo used its body as a foothold and propelled himself up using Dominator’s Touch.

[Skill ‘Dominator’s Touch’ is activated!]

Clinging to a broken pillar, he scanned the battlefield with narrowed eyes. One massive Gate was busy spewing out soldiers after soldiers.

“I need to somehow close that Gate or the situation will be very dire for me…There has to be something…” His eyes quickly scanned through the group of armed knights, looking for any oddity. His senses honed through many life and death encounters guided him.

He momentarily decided to abandon defense against the flying projectiles, leaving it all to his newly obtained armor as a spark ignited in the air due to collisions of arrows against the tough metal structure.  

Eventually, his gaze locked onto a figure crouched in one corner. The figure wore a cloak and held a staff in its hands.

‘A Mage!’ Jin Woo’s eyes suddenly glowed.

[Skill ‘Dominator’s Touch is activated!]

He used all the strength in his legs as well as the propulsion from the skill and flew forward at full speed, leaving a web of cracks at his initial position.

[You have defeated an enemy!]

[You have gained experience!]

Jin Woo’s dagger cleaved through the figure without hesitation, not giving it any time to react.

“There will surely be more of them.” Just as he was about to jump onto a pillar to look for more, his attention was caught by something shining.

[You have found a skill Rune(???)]

[Would you like to acquire it?]

“Yes.” Although he wondered for a brief moment how lucky he could get two Runes in a single day, he didn’t hesitate at all to use it. In any case, one more skill would only be more helpful to him surviving currently.

The Rune crumpled into a fine dust as system messages appeared in Jin Woo’s vision.

[You have used the skill Rune(???)]

[You have acquired the skill ‘Detection’!]


[Skill: (Active) Detection (Level 1)

Description: You can sense the presence of the living creatures around you in a limited radius. The range increases along with the ‘Sense’ Stat and skill level.

Resource Consumption: 200 mana per activation; 5 mana per second after activation.]

“That’s…really useful for a situation like this.” Not just this situation but such a versatile skill would be helpful in any situation.

“The mana consumption though…” In such a situation where he needed to preserve as much as possible, that much mana consumption seemed to be perilous. But still,

[You have activated the skill ‘Detection’!]

[You can perceive the presence of every creature around you!]

Jin Woo didn’t hesitate to activate the skill. He could feel his perception of time getting slower and the world gradually lost its vibrant colors, leaving behind only dullness.

In such a pale world, he could easily feel the appearances or locations of every soldier surrounding him even with closed eyes.

Soon enough, he figured out the locations of all the Mages hiding. There were only four of them left and they were currently hurdled together.

‘What is this…?’ He felt the hair on the back of his hand stand as an ominous feeling crept up his spine. It was a warning from his intuition amplified by the effects of Detection.

What were they doing? Sparks began to ignite as the two Gates slowly started merging.

“I can’t let this continue…!” Feeling the urgency, Jin-Woo kicked the ground with all his strength, leaving a small web of cracks, and rushed in the direction of the mages.

He dealt with the incoming hordes of knights with Dominator’s Touch and those who escaped from his skill met his Knight Killer and met their demise. Not even one knight standing in Jin Woo’s path was spared.

In no time, he had arrived near the group of Mages. Now that the nearby knights were taken care of, the Mages, which were occupied by something, were as helpless as puppies against Jin Woo’s dagger.  

“One Thousand Cuts.” Numerous streaks of lights covered the cloaked figures before they were dismembered into pieces.

[You have defeated your opponent.]

[You have gained experience.]

[You have defeated your opponent.]

[You have gained experience.]

[You have defeated…]


A terrifying roar, enough to even shake Jin Woo, burst through the Gate as the sparks increased in numbers before the gates completely disappeared.

“Just what was that?” He shook his head himself and looked at the ceiling.

[Time Lapsed: 1:37:25]

“…There’s no point in thinking right now. What matters is the current objective. Let's finish this!”

 [You have used the skill “Bloodlust”.]

[The foes standing before you tremble in your presence. They are successfully inflicted by ‘Fear’!]

Jin Woo’s eyes seemed to glow as the knights visibly trembled.


Now standing beside a heap of corpses, Jin-Woo looked at the ceiling.

[Time Lapsed: 2:14:58]

The ticking counter stopped as if frozen in time and various system windows appeared in his vision.

[A Class will be granted after the player's actions have been analyzed]

[Wherever the player goes the reaper follows]

[The player's path is littered with corpses and the smell of blood]

[As the player possesses strength, he does not leave anything to his teammates, and overcomes everything with his own strength]

[Your desire for strength burns strong enough to call those who wander the valley of death, and the army of the dead who follows your commands shall create a path where your thread will be the last and you would never need another's help again]

‘This…’ A feeling of dread bloomed in Jin Woo’s heart as he read the system messages.

[Your Class is "Necromancer"!].

“W-What?! Why is it a necromancer…?!”