Blood-Red Commander Igris
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[<Class Change Quest> has started!]

[Quest Objective: Survive as long as possible.

Quest Rewards: ???]


[During the Class Change Quest, Item Shop is unavailable.]

[During the Class Change Quest, Inventory is unavailable.]

The sudden barrage of messages surprised Jin Woo.

‘What? This shitty game!’

He had never expected such a thing, so his surprise was inevitable. But it didn’t matter much. From the start, he never trusted the system fully.

Even if the Item Shop or Inventory became unavailable, it didn’t matter for him. He came prepared!

[Survive: 00:01]

A timer appeared on the high ceiling.

The thing that worried Jin-Woo the most was how he could even survive in such a situation. He had never entered an S rank dungeon, but he thought an S rank dungeon would be about the same as the one in front of him.

He calmed himself down and began to think logically.

‘The situation looks really bad, but it’s not actually that dire…Yes, even if there are almost two hundreds of opponents, only around ten or so can attack me at once due to their range of attacks…now the problem would be archers but in such a mess, friendly fire would be inevitable and that’s also in my favor…It’s not an impossible task but…that boss is problematic…I am not sure if he would join from the start or not but judging the actions of monsters in a dungeon, he most likely won’t…’

Jin Woo took even less than a second to formulate a course of action and rushed forward. He planned to charge head front! He believed that while it might be difficult, it wasn’t a hopeless situation.

[Skill “Sprint” has been activated]

[All movement speed will be increased by 30% and 1 mana will be consumed per 1 second.]

Jin Woo held the Knight Killer in his right hand while Rasaka’s Fang in his left. Just as he was about to head into the horde of knights, a random thought came to his mind.

’If I defeat the boss, shouldn’t the dungeon be completed then?’

The boss hadn’t moved from its spot on the throne and calmly looked over the battlefield without joining, just as he had guessed earlier.

Thinking that it’s worth a try and because it didn’t really matter either way, Jin-Woo jumped onto a pillar and surveyed the area.

While dodging the arrows shot by the archers, Jin-Woo jumped from pillar to pillar and helmet to helmet and eventually reached the throne.

The boss stretched his hand forward towards Jin Woo as he suddenly felt a force in the air propel him forward. The sudden impact made Jin Woo lose his balance and crash onto a wall.

‘What was that?’  Jin Woo rolled on the ground and got into a stance hurriedly. He couldn't afford to be careless here.

The Red Knight brandished his greatsword and charged at Jin Woo. Jin Woo received the great sword of the Red Knight with his Knight Killer.


The impact of the strike pushed Jin Woo back a little.

‘I’d be dead if I allowed a few clean hits like that one…’ Before Jin Woo could recover completely from the heavy blow, the Red Knight lashed out with a kick.

Jin Woo crashed into a wall behind him.

‘Damnit, that hit took almost a third of my max HP.’

He couldn’t help but curse inwardly. All of the dungeons Jin Woo had cleared, he had only fought monsters that relied on brute strength and had low intelligence.

But the Blood Red Commander standing in front of him fought like a veteran warrior. The combination of brute force and refined skills gave birth to a monster of a whole different level.

A smile appeared on Jin Woo’s face when he saw the Red Knight in front of him hadn’t taken advantage of his short daze.

“Is that chivalry? I’ll make you regret not finishing me when you had the chance.”

Jin Woo charged at the Red Knight with Knight Killer in his hand. The Rasaka’s Fang had been dropped by him due to the impact and he couldn’t search for it currently.

The Red Knight also brandished its greatsword and charged towards Jin Woo like a bullet train. Jin Woo could feel the oppressing pressure from his opponent.


Sparks flew around with each clash of their blades and eventually.

[The duration of Strength Enhancement high-grade potion is now over. You cannot consume another potion for the next 24 hours.]

[The duration of Agility Enhancement high-grade potion is now over. You cannot consume another potion for the next 24 hours.]

Jin Woo’s health bar flashed red with a beeping sound, warning him.

[Your health is below 30%!]

[The skill “Perseverance” has activated. You will receive 50% less damage!]

A series of notifications appeared in Jin Woo’s vision, but he didn’t pay them any mind, solely focusing on the life and death duel.

The smile on his face became more and more fierce with each collision and his eyes seemed to glow, adrenaline pumping in his veins.

The movements of the Red Knight seemed to freeze for a moment and its armor trembled slightly. Jin Woo didn’t miss this opportunity and, without paying it much thought leaped at the Red Knight’s back.

Jin Woo stabbed the Knight Killer into the gap between Red Knight’s helmet. He couldn’t feel any feeling of the flesh, but his intuition told him that it was effective.

Using his left arm, he held tight the neck of the Red Knight and pulled with all his might. The muscles on his arm seemed to bulge under extreme stress as Jin Woo applied all his strength, all the while continuing to attack with the Knight Killer

The helmet of the Red Knight crumpled under his monstrous strength and then finally, The Blood Commander Igris fell due to the fierce onslaught.

[You have defeated the boss of the dungeon!]

[You have gained experience!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]