Arlong Park
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The current situation in Arlong Park depicted a truly hectic scene. Debris and rubble were strewn around everywhere and the whole place was in shambles.


A large sea monster that looked like a cow laid lifeless on the ground with stars shining over its head.


A few people could be seen standing near the broken entrance, holding different kinds of weapons ranging from flails to kitchen knives.


A green-haired human swordsman faced off against an octopus type Fishman. Sparks flew around as the sound of metal against metal resonated. The human swordsman’s single sword moved so fast that it left several afterimages in its trail as it clashed against the six swords in the hand of the fishmen skillfully, without getting pushed back. The human swordsman’s breathing became more and more erratic as time passed.


A yellow-haired human man, wearing a black suit, confronted a shark type Fishman. The blonde nimbly dodged or parried the heavy strikes of the fishmen while also responding in kind from time to time by throwing a few kicks.


And a certain someone trapped and drowning at the bottom of the pool.


Amidst all of the chaos, a large muscular light blue saw shark Fishman was seated leisurely. He had long black hair reaching down to his shoulder. He wore a short-sleeved, unbuttoned yellow cabana shirt alongside green shorts.




Suddenly, silence fell like a verdict and everyone’s attention focused at the spot where now laid a motionless body. The body, covered in blood, belonged to a Fishman.


One of the villagers gulped loud enough for the voice to reach everyone’s ears.


“I-Isn’t t-that...”


The villager, a rather young man, barely managed to squeeze out the next words as if he couldn’t believe the current scene in front of his eyes.


“T-the officer of Arlong Pirates, Chew!”


On the wall next to the body stood Jin Woo. His gaze swept the battlefield and stopped when it met with the person sitting on the throne leisurely.


Jin Woo didn’t avert his eyes but instead, an unusual smile appeared on his face. That smile clearly only meant one thing, and everyone clearly understood the meaning behind it.


The unknown person that suddenly appeared was provoking—the strongest pirate in all of East Blue, Arlong!


In fact, Jin-Woo had arrived way earlier but, discovering that a battle was already underway, he decided to wait and observe.


His enhanced sense stat and his years of experience of always facing stronger monsters than himself told him that a sneak attack had a very low chance of succeeding. The opponent was strong, stronger than any foes he had faced so far.


Thus, he began to think and soon stumbled upon an interesting idea when he saw one of the so-called officers of the pirates chasing after another human pirate. His idea was simple, which was clear for all to see.


“I-is that guy seriously-?”


Some mixed voices came from the villagers.


“Does he think he can defeat Arlong?”


‘No, I don’t…’ 


Jin Woo lampooned inwardly. He knew that the opponent was not someone he could handle by normal means. Yes, by normal means.


‘Sigh, I won’t be going through so much trouble if the reward was not so good’



The residents are troubled by the tyranny of the Arlong Pirates and they seek your help!

Clear Objective:

Kill the captain of Arlong Pirates, Arlong.

Clear Rewards: 

+2 Levels

Maximum affinity with the residents.                            

Failure: Death of all the residents.]


The chair that Arlong sat on shattered into pieces due to Arlong’s monstrous grip and he stood up. His face, engulfed in anger, twisted greatly and then he started laughing maniacally.


“Hahaha! A pathetic human dare to pick a fight with me?”


Arlong sneered.


“Do you think you stand a chance against me just because you have defeated one of my men? Come at me with your best shot and I will crush it right in your face!”


The villagers that had found a glimmer of hope upon the entrance of the mysterious young man, fell into despair once again. The unparalleled confidence that Arlong displayed made them think that Arlong was unparalleled.


But Jin Woo had different thoughts.


‘Don’t go complaining to me later…’ 


If the opponent offered such a generous offer, Jin-woo would never turn it down.


Without giving any time for the other party to take back their words, Jin-Woo summoned the broken sword from his inventory.


Pulling out a broken sword to attack? The pirate sneered and the people despaired.


Not paying them any heed, Jin-Woo pulled back his arm, so much that his body bent awkwardly. Then with all his strength, Jin-Woo threw the sword, aiming at Arlong.


The broken sword cleaved through the air and fell with the might of a meteor towards Arlong.


Arlong scoffed, A puny human dares to? He planned on taking the strike head-on and shattering it. He opened his mouth to reveal his razor-sharp teeth. He would crush the attack using his mouth, to show the difference between a superior and an inferior race!


Arlong bit down hard with his prized teeth. Everyone present expected the sword to be bitten to pieces by the destructive power of Arlong, but the result was completely out of their expectations.


All the pirates and humans, save for a few that seemed to take it for granted, had their mouths wide open by the sight in front of them.


Blood dribbled down from Arlong’s mouth and his teeth capable of biting through a stone pillar were—broken!


Arlong’s vision turned blurry and his body froze due to the pain and shock. But through his blurred vision, he saw something—a pair of cold gray eyes that shone with a tinge of blue.