17: Marcus
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Two Days Ago

The midnight was soaked in urban silence. Only distant car alarms filled the background noise of that empty street. Marcus stood by his car, enjoying his cigarette as he contemplated the elegant house in front of him. He knew it well; the mother of his child lived there with her husband.

Marcus finished his cigarette and ensured no eyes followed him before unlocking the front gates. Keeping those keys had been a wise decision. Little did people know how easy it was to destroy their sophisticated security systems. He deactivated the alarm and forced the lock off the doors.

Everyone slept in the house. Marcus figured out where his daughter’s room would be. He tiptoed upstairs and reached the corridor, where a dim light peeked from behind a door. Peeping through a narrow opening, he saw his daughter sitting on her bed reading a book.

“Baby, it’s me,” he whispered behind the door. “Please, don’t scream.”

Karina flinched, throwing the book away while Marcus sneaked into her room and gestured at her to keep her voice down.

“Dad?” Karina widened her eyes. “What are you doing here?”

“Hi, baby. I told you I’d surprise you one of these days, remember?” He smiled. “Well, this is the day. We’re going on that trip as promised!”

“What?” She scanned his face in search of lies. “Are you serious, dad?”

“You tell me.” He sat next to her, displaying three plane tickets in his hand. “We will go to the Kingdom of Nebran. What do you think?”

“Wow!” She grabbed the tickets, making sure they were real. Her eyes shone. “But dad, what did mom say about this? She won’t like it at all!”

“Your mom agreed to this. It will be like the old times, you, mom, and me.” He beamed at her.

“No way!” Karina giggled. “How did you convince her? And how did you convince Mr. Peige?”

Marcus twisted his lips at the mention of his daughter’s stepfather.

“I got my ways.” Marcus caressed her face and stared deep into her obsidian eyes. “Now, pack your clothes and get ready. We’re leaving in the morning.”

“Alright, dad.” She nodded and hopped out of her bed, darting toward her closet.

Marcus’ smile faded as he closed the door behind him and headed to the room at the end of the dark corridor.

He pushed the door slowly and peeked inside. His daughter’s mother was sleeping next to a man who snored like a pig. Marcus walked over to her, and in a quick move, covered her mouth.

“Don’t scream,” he whispered in her ear. “And listen to me carefully.”

The woman opened her sleepy eyes, trying to comprehend the situation. When she recognized Marcus, her blue pupils dilated. She twisted her body, trying to break free from his grasp. Marcus wrapped his arms around her and dragged her out of the bed while he muffled her screams.

“Listen, Cecilia. Karina and you are in great danger. We need to leave right now!”

She punched him and buried her fingernails into his hands.

“Quiet!” His voice was a muffled roar. He tightened his grip on her. “Magenta is behind all this. You were always right about her, okay? But listen to me now! I only did those awful things to protect you. I was forced to do her dirty job. Otherwise, her men would kill you both! You need to understand!”

She stopped scratching his face and mumbled something. He took his hand off her mouth.

“All the pain you’ve caused wasn’t enough? Now you want to ruin our lives too?” Cecilia glared at him from the corner of her eyes. They almost glowed in the darkness.

“I deserve all your hatred. I’ve caused you a lot of pain, but everything I did was to protect our daughter and you. Magenta is bad, but his men are far worse, they’re monsters! I could never refuse their orders. It was either kill that man or have you both killed!”

Her eyes filled with tears as he released her body. She covered her face with both hands and shook her head. “You are a monster too, Marcus, and you’ve ruined our lives!” she shrieked.

“Hate me all you want, I don’t care! The important thing now is taking our daughter to safety! Once they find out I’ve betrayed them, they won’t hesitate to come after you!”

Cecilia dropped to the floor and sobbed, burying her head between her knees. “My baby does not deserve this! She deserves to be happy!”

“She will be happy! I’ll do everything I can to see her smile, but . . . “ He leaned his hand on her shoulder. “We need to go now.”

She slapped his hand away from her. “You go!” she yelled. “We’re staying here!”

“Can’t you understand your lives are in danger?” He raised his voice.

“James will protect us!” she roared, glaring at him. “Unlike you, he’s a good man and will find a way to do it! We’ll call the police, ask for protection, anything!” Her voice filled with hatred. “You can die for all I care! Leave us alone for once and for all, we don’t need you! You’re just the pet of a megalomaniac bitch!” Cecilia sprang from the floor toward her husband.

Marcus caught her and covered her mouth before she could reach him.

She grabbed a lamp from her nightstand and hit Marcus, but unfazed by it, he seized her hands, twisted her arms behind her back, and snatched something from underneath his suit.

He injected a syringe into Cecilia’s neck, silencing her screams in one second.

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry . . . “ he whispered in her ear as she closed her eyes and fell asleep in his arms.

Marcus eased her onto the floor and checked on James. The old man still snored in a profound sleep. Marcus then ran toward Karina’s room to make sure she didn’t hear the screams. Fortunately, her room was far from them.

He returned and stared at Cecilia’s sleeping face. Self-loathing burned his insides, but he had no other choice. Marcus picked her up and carried her to his car. He placed her in the backseat and locked the doors.

Marcus returned for Karina, who was ready and wondering where mom was. Marcus showed her she was sleeping in the backseat, but Karina started asking questions.

“Mom was so tired she fell asleep again.” Marcus laughed nervously. “She worked really hard yesterday. We should let her rest, don’t you think?”

Karina tilted her head and poked her mom’s nose. “Are you sure she’s sleeping?”

“Yeah!” Marcus grabbed Karina’s hand softly. “Don’t do that, baby. We will wake her up when we arrive at the airport. She will be surprised!”

“Okay . . . fine,” Karina mumbled as she glanced at her mom one last time.

Marcus adjusted her seatbelt, and finally, they drove away.


Cecilia woke up before arriving at the airport. She scanned her surroundings and quickly understood the situation. Her heart and eyes burned; she wanted to scream but remained silent for Karina’s sake.

As they parked at the airport, she pretended to sleep while Marcus unpacked their luggage and accompanied Karina to do their check-in.

She stepped out of the car and took a deep breath. Her head spun while needles stung her brain. Stopping his madness wouldn’t be hard. All she had to do was call the police or James. But for some incompressible reason, she couldn’t bring herself to do it. Cecilia leaned on the car and waited with her eyes lost in the planes landing and taking off in the distance.

Marcus returned, his face displaying signs of defeat. His eyes avoided hers as his breath shortened. She straightened her back and searched for his gaze.

“Is James okay?” she asked in a tired, soothing voice.

Marcus bobbed his head as he lit a cigarette.

“That crap is bad for your health.” Cecilia scowled.

He said nothing and kept blowing smoke like a chimney.

“Kingdom of Nebran, uh?” Cecilia chuckled ironically as she folded her arms.

Marcus put out his cigarette on his palm and faced her. His eyes were two black holes under the poor light of the parking lot. He lowered his head and dropped to his knees in front of her. He bent over and hit his head against the asphalt.

“Forgive me, Cecilia. Forgive me for all the pain I’ve caused you.” Tears began soaking the ground under his face.

Cecilia widened her eyes. She couldn’t believe what she was witnessing.

“Marcus?” she stuttered, almost losing her voice.

“Everything I did was to protect you. It’s my fault, yes! I’m a fucking monster too, yes! But, I love our girl and will give my life for her if necessary. You gotta believe me!” Marcus shouted as his voice cracked. He lifted her gaze at her, tears rolling down his cheeks.

She had never seen him crying.

“Marcus, don’t do this . . . “ Cecilia shook her head as tears formed in her eyes. She covered her face and stepped backward. “Don’t do this.”

“I’m sorry, Cecilia. . . for everything.” Marcus lowered his head as his whole body trembled.

She crouched and placed her hand below his chin, lifting his face to stare into his eyes.

“Is it the pain that you’ve kept bottled inside so big?” she asked, blinking to clear her blurred vision.

He bobbed his head.

“I understand.” Cecilia wiped his tears with her soft fingers. “Get up. I don’t need you to ask me for forgiveness. Just tell me what I need to do.”

She grabbed his hands and helped him to stand up.

“Leave now.” Marcus’ voice recovered its strength. “This plane will take you to Nebran. I deposited all my money into your bank account.” Marcus glanced at the airport’s crystal doors. “There’s a man called Adrian waiting for you. He’ll tell you everything you need to know.”

“A man? What about you? Aren’t you coming too?” Cecilia’s heart hastened.

Marcus shook his head. “I’m staying here. They want me, and I won’t get you two involved anymore.”

“Are you crazy?” she yelled. “How can we trust some stranger over you to protect us?”

“I considered this many times, over and over, and concluded, this is the best solution.” Marcus glanced at Adrian, who was laughing with Karina inside. “Adrian is a good man, he has honor and a good heart. I couldn’t trust anyone else with this.”

“Still. . .” She lowered her head to hide her tears. “They will kill you, Marcus.”

“I’m not that easy to kill.” He caressed her face and stared into her glistening eyes. “I want to do the right thing for once. I’ll bring Magenta and his empire down. But to do so, you two need to be safe.”

Cecilia sobbed, covering her face. Marcus pulled her toward him and hugged her tightly. She wrapped her arms around him and muffled her cries in his chest.

They said goodbye.

Marcus lit his last cigarette as he observed Karina by the airport’s doors. She was laughing at Adrian’s jokes. Marcus’ heart didn’t want to beat anymore, thinking about how sad her baby would be when she found out he was not coming with them. He leaned on a wall, facing the bricks. His eyes burned as doubts arose in his mind. Was he doing the right?

Yes, this is the right thing to do . . .

I am the only one who can stop them . . .

It could have been my girl instead of Remnya . . .

His sobbing stopped as he took a deep breath of fresh air. He turned his gaze toward his girl again and held it there for painful minutes.

It was time for them to leave.

Adrian glanced at Marcus. They kept eye contact for a moment where the time stopped, and then both bobbed their heads. Adrian’s eyes displayed forgiveness, and that eased the turmoil in Marcus’s heart.

Marcus finally saw how Adrian accompanied his family toward the departure hall. He stared at his girl for the last time until she faded into the airport.

His heart shattered.

Every bit of it stung deep in his chest like knives. He tried but couldn’t hold back the raging stream falling from his darkened eyes.

“Goodbye, my baby girl . . . Goodbye.”


The Mansion

Acute silence cut through the thin air of the courtyard where those two stood still. Marcus’ heart was calm, he had done the right thing, and his daughter was safe. They had abandoned the city with Adrian as promised.

Despite transferring all his money to Cecilia, he was richer than ever that night. Owner of his fate.

A drop of sweat ran down Persen’s forehead. “So, that’s what this is about, uh?” Persen smiled lightly. “What do you want from me? Tell me.”

“You will allow Remnya to leave the mansion and reach Karx.” He pushed the gun deeper into his temple.

“And, why would I do that?”

“Because if you don’t . . . “ A click resounded on Persen’s brain when Marcus cocked his gun. “I’ll blow your fucking brains out of your head.”

“Fair enough.” Persen giggled.

A breeze whistled throughout the courtyard.

“Drop that weapon, Marcus,” Magenta murmured, her voice as thin as paper. She looked like a ghost in the middle of the garden.

“Release the girl, Magenta. Now!” Marcus ordered.

“You can’t do this . . . Your daughter—”

“Shut up!” he roared. “My girl and her mother are safe. I’m not afraid anymore and will do the right thing.” Marcus seized Persen’s throat, choking him. “Do as I say!”

“They will kill you, Marcus. Stop it, please!” Slowly, Magenta walked towards him, with her emerald eyes fixed on the darkness of his gaze. She shook her head with a defeated look on her face.

“She’s right you know,” Ronner added as he strode through the crystal gates of the mansion. “Let him go and you may live, and so can your daughter and Cecilia.”

“Fuck you, Ronner! You’re the last person I’d trust.” Marcus spat on the ground with contempt.

“I’m honest!” he exclaimed, raising his hands with a big smile. “If you let him go, we’ll just forget this happened. Right, Persen?”

“Yes, of course!” Persen nodded eagerly.

“We’ll never touch your family. You have my word and Persen’s.” Ronner smirked.

Marcus laughed and gritted his teeth. “Ronner . . . You’re the most disgusting being I’ve ever known. You’ve manipulated Magenta, Ramos, and even Persen. You set up everything for this.” Magenta widened her eyes. “You even kidnapped Ellyn to use her against Magenta when you get bored with her, am I right?”

“What’s he talking about, Ronner?” Magenta asked, narrowing her eyes. "Wasn't she dead?"

“Bullshit, nothing else.” Ronner shrugged. “Although I do have Ellyn, yes, that’s true. But I wasn’t planning to use her against Magenta.” He sighed as a twisted smile drew across his face. “I just thought it’d be a waste to kill her. She’s such a fun toy for my men, you know?”

“I can’t believe you . . . “ Magenta shook her head, scowling at Ronner.

“Anyhow!” Ronner took one step forward. “I’ll give you ten seconds to release Persen. Otherwise, your daughter’s head will adorn my shelves.”

Marcus shot a glare at him. His eyes were red and dilated while his hand trembled, increasing the pressure of the gun on Persen’s head.

“After Persen, you’ll be next, fucking scum!” Marcus’ voice was a rumbling thunder.

Ronner giggled and brushed his hair backward. “You know what?” He smirked, taking another step forward. “Kill him. I don’t care.”

“WHAT?” Persen shouted, his eyes almost popping out of his head.

The time froze.

Marcus lifted his eyes at Magenta. Tears rolled down her pale cheeks as her lips quivered, trying to say something, but words never came out. His heart hesitated. She almost resembled the young girl he had met thirteen years ago.

He looked at Ronner. His cold blue gaze and constant grin were unfazed by the situation. Perhaps the number of deaths he had witnessed in Karx had numbed any feeling of remorse and empathy in that beast.

Finally, he observed Persen. The fat man was soaked in sweat, and his heart throbbed against the hand gripping his short neck. He panted and murmured unintelligible words. He was a monster, but at that moment, he seemed so pathetic and fragile.

Magenta bolted towards Marcus, and he didn’t understand why. He noticed how her pupils dilated as she moved in slow motion in his direction. What was she trying to do? Had she gone crazy?

An electric discharge shook his whole body.

Burning pain traveled through his back.

Marcus pulled the trigger.

But his hand didn’t respond.

His hand wasn’t even his anymore.

Skado, the younger, had buried a long knife in his back, perforating his lungs and heart in a soft swift he never saw coming.

Viper, the older, had landed a clean cut on his wrist, severing his right hand from his forearm with a short sword.

Marcus tried choking Persen with his remaining hand, but his strength had left his body.

Persen broke free, and Marcus fell to his knees. His black suit turned dark red while a crimson pond formed beneath him.

“I told you,” Ronner said in a voice that reminded him of death. He stepped next to Marcus and looked down his nose at him.

His vision became blurry, but he glimpsed Magenta falling to her knees in front of him. His blood dying her luxurious white dress. Her warm arms caught him when he dropped to his side and then wrapped around his cold body. Marcus could barely breathe, yet he could smell her sweet perfume and hear her sobbing in his ear.

“Help him! Call the doctors!” Magenta shrieked between sobs.

Ronner sighed. “Fine, fine!” He bolted away.

Two black trails rolled down Magenta’s cheeks as she caressed Marcus’ pale face with trembling hands. He rested his head on her chest and reached out for her hand.

“It’s not too late for you, Maggie . . . You can still do the right thing,” Marcus whispered.

She squeezed his hand and muffled her sobs in his shoulder. “Why Marcus? Why did you do this?” She sniffled.

“I’ve hurt too many people . . . I’ve been a coward all my life.”

“No . . . You were never a coward.” Magenta’s body trembled as she tried to speak. “You were everything to me.”

“I’m sorry,” he mumbled as a weak smile drew across his face. He lifted his dilated obsidian eyes to meet her glistening emeralds. “You were right. I should’ve stayed with you.” Marcus coughed droplets of blood but gathered enough strength to continue. “Perhaps, that way, I could’ve saved you.”

“I know why you left.” Magenta leaned her forehead on Marcus’ and stared deep into his eyes. Her tears mixed with his. “I already forgave you for it.”

She remembered.

Thirteen years ago.

When they were just two young dreamers.

When she wasn’t Lady Magenta, but an innocent teen who came to the city chasing her dreams.

When she worked as a maid in the mansion of the leader of The Hunters.

When Marcus was just a stubborn delivery boy who asked her out for the first time.

They dated, they laughed, they loved each other.

She even remembered a long-lost memory she had buried in the deepest corner of her heart. The time she lost her baby.

The memories crushed Magenta like an avalanche of pain. She tightened her arms around his cold body.

“I’m sorry . . . “ she murmured over and over in his ear. “Don’t leave me again, please . . . I need you . . .”

“I never stopped loving you . . . “ Marcus mumbled with his last bit of strength.

Magenta tried to say something, but her voice was muffled by tears. Instead, she caressed his nose with hers and kissed his lips softly.

“I . . . “ she started.

His heart stopped.


Her mind became blank.

Magenta felt trapped in a void of time, and her heart wasn’t hers anymore.

She sat still with him for what seemed an endless moment.

Ronner, who had just returned along with the doctors, stared at her from afar. No one of the doctors dared to get close. They were too late.

Persen was lying on a couch with Viper and Skado handing him drinks. He scoffed and tried to say something.

“Shut the fuck up!” Ronner roared.

The big man flinched, swallowing his words.

Magenta eased Marcus’ body on the ground, rubbed her blood-stained hands, and stood up. She stared at him for long minutes until the blood on her body and tears in her eyes dried up.

She glanced at Skado with lifeless eyes, the one who had ended Marcus’ life. She reached out for her thighs and drew something from under her dress.

A gun.

Magenta pointed it at Skado’s head and pulled the trigger.
