16: The Calm Before A Storm
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It had been raining all day, but that night, as a dim prelude, the full moon peeked out from behind dark indigo clouds. The wet streets surrounding the mansion gleamed with the blue headlights of Persen’s limousine, leaving a trail of red spray behind.

Shiny white boots with gold and diamonds crawled out of the vehicle as Persen stood tall with a smug smirk. He was dressed in a white tuxedo with a red ribbon tie and had a crimson rose on his lapel. His bodyguards accompanied him, wearing their classic black suits.

Ronner waited for him at the porch, wearing his favorite jet blue suit and shoes and faithful to his style, no tie for meaningful meetings.

Persen and Ronner didn’t say a word and just exchanged sketchy looks before shaking hands.

They all headed to the dining hall, where Magenta waited with a gloomy look on her face. She still beamed at Persen and invited him to sit. Magenta and Persen sat at both ends of the table, facing each other. Ronner sat in the middle by Magenta’s right side, while the bodyguards preferred to stand by the doorway.

“Let’s celebrate!” Persen smiled, lifting a cup.

“What are we celebrating?” Ronner asked.

“The beginning of a great alliance . . . No! A great friendship that will transcend time!”

Ronner rolled his eyes as they made a toast with Magenta’s most expensive wine.

“But this celebration wouldn’t be complete without the star of this night, the one who made it all possible!” Persen’s eyes shone. “My beautiful Nephilim!”

Magenta grimaced in a reflex response, but a smile quickly forced its way across her face.

“Don’t be so anxious, my friend. You’ll have plenty of time with her.” Ronner gestured at Maria, who peeked at them from behind the doorway. The maid bobbed her head and left.

Magenta curled her lips and drank her wine in silence. She had her eyes fixed on the table and nodded at Persen’s questions without paying much attention.


Remnya was adjusting the white ribbon on her head when Maria came for her. She was in a good mood; dining with Mr. Ronner was a rare opportunity. Remnya was wearing Ronner’s present too: a white dress he had bought her on one of their trips to the shopping. It looked perfect on her and matched the white heels with diamonds Magenta had given her.

As they arrived at the dining hall, Remnya’s smile fell apart. “Him?” Remnya yelled, pointing at Persen, who had his back turned to her. “What is he doing here?”

“He’s our special guest, young lady,” Maria replied, glancing at Magenta, who glared at her to hurry. “You need to be polite with him like the lady you are.”

“I’m not a lady! And I don’t like that old man!” Remnya pushed Maria out of her way. The maid almost fell as Remnya whirled to return to her room.

Magenta gestured at Ronner, who was holding his laughter as he observed Maria’s reaction. He said nothing and sprang out of his seat toward Remnya.

“Please, Rem,” Ronner said, grabbing Remnya’s hand gently, which caused her to stop and look at him. “I know you don’t like that old creep. No one does. But we need to endure his presence here tonight. That’s how business works.”

Remnya curled her lips and squeezed his hand. “He makes me feel uncomfortable, and I don’t want to be left alone with him again!”

“You won’t, I promise. I’ll stay with you all the time.” Ron beamed at her.

She tried to hide the smile drawing across her face. “Really?”

He nodded. “And If he makes you feel uncomfortable, I’ll kick his ass.”

Remnya giggled. “Okay . . . Only because you’re asking me, Mr. Ron.” She blushed.

They returned to the dining hall. Persen’s eyes darted at her like magnets, locking on her new dress. Remnya ignored his disgusting presence, and despite Magenta’s orders, she dragged her chair next to Ronner, sitting between him and Magenta.

Magenta glared at her. She had purposely placed her chair closer to Persen. Ronner tried to hold his laughter, but a small chuckle escaped his lips.

“How are you, young Remnya?” Persen asked, scanning her face. “You look splendid tonight!” His eyes dropped to her chest.

“Thank you,” Remnya mumbled as she played with the tableware.

“I’m so glad we got to meet again! I had missed you since our last encounter.” His yellow teeth gleamed with gold.

Remnya ignored him and focused on building a tower with a fork and a spoon.

“Anyhow!” Magenta raised her voice, snatching the fork from Remnya’s hands. “Dinner is ready!”

Four cooks entered the hall, carrying several big plates that they carefully placed across the table.

Remnya gaped when she spotted Zeo among them. He had a serious expression and held two plates in each hand. She waved at him, and he replied with a nod and a smile.

When Zeo passed by Remnya to place the last plate, he tossed a tiny folded paper at her. She seized it in a quick movement and hid it under her kneesocks.

The cooks left. It was time to eat.

Persen kept trying to start a conversation with Remnya, but either she ignored him, or Ronner interrupted him with annoying comments that made Persen’s face swell with anger. However, the big man kept his cool and laughed at himself.

Magenta kept kicking Ronner under the table and glaring at him to shut up, but Ronner enjoyed it too much, and so did Remnya.

Remnya smiled, seeing Ronner as the handsome knight who would protect her from the ugly orc with a creepy smile and his minions.

Dinner was over, and Magenta’s pale face was red like a tomato. Luckily for her, and despite Ronner’s big mouth, Persen was smiling from ear to ear.

“This was great, Magenta. I enjoyed every moment,” the big man said.

“I’m glad you did, Persen. I hope the childish comments of my dear man didn’t bother you.” Magenta beamed at him.

“Not at all. He’s a funny fella, isn’t he?” Persen darted poisonous daggers at Ronner.

Ron shrugged. “I can’t help it. Some of us are born handsome and funny, unlike others.” He glanced at Persen with a smirk.

Persen grinned, gritting his teeth. “I’ll meet you at the courtyard, dear Magenta. Going for a walk after a delicious meal always helps my digestion.” He guffawed and left.

The hall remained silent for long seconds.

Remnya lowered her head, realizing she had gone too far with Magenta. She had never seen the lady so mad.

“What the hell is wrong with you, big idiot?” Magenta yelled at Ronner. “How could you say his head looks like a red scrotum? Seriously?” She facepalmed.

Remnya covered her mouth, trying to hold her laughter, but failed.

“I was just playing with him.” Ronner smiled, scratching his head.

Magenta shook her head and then looked at Rem. “And you, young lady.” She narrowed her eyes. “We’ll have a serious talk later. Now, go back to your room.” Magenta motioned for Maria to take her away.

Remnya bobbed her head, slightly relieved by Magenta’s reaction. She expected much worse. Remnya smiled at Ronner and bolted out of the hall, leaving Maria behind.


Remnya unfolded the paper Zeo had given her and widened her eyes as she read it. ‘Come to the big garden and make sure no one follows you. Please, this is URGENT!’.

Her heart skipped a beat. Zeo wouldn’t tell her such a thing without a good reason. Remnya did as he asked, and ensuring no one saw her, she rushed to the garden.

Zeo was waiting for her as promised.

“What’s the meaning of this, Zeo?” Remnya asked, raising the folded paper in her hand.

Zeo hushed her with a hand gesture and then grabbed her arm, pulling her with him behind the trees and bushes that surrounded the garden.

“Listen, Rem. You need to leave this place right now!” Zeo whispered, panting as he scanned his surroundings.

“What are you talking about?”

“Magenta . . . “ He glanced left and right before speaking. “She wants to sell you to Persen Doman!”

A chill ran down her spine.

“You need to leave before it’s too late! They will hurt you!” Zeo tightened his grasp on her wrist. His hands were sweaty and cold.

“That can’t be . . . “ Remnya shook her head slowly as her heart kicked hard against her chest.

“Trust me! Mr. Marcus told me himself. They’ll hurt you! You need to leave now!” Zeo released her arm and rushed to clear a path ahead of them by removing vines and thorny bushes with his bare hands.

“You’re bleeding, Zeo.” Remnya stared at his blood-stained fingers. Why was he going that far?

“Please Rem, please!” Zeo seemed to run out of breath as he jumped from one place to another, removing every obstacle.

“Zeo!” Remnya shouted, snatching his arm to stop him.

“We can’t waste any more time, Rem, you need to-“

“Stop it!” Remnya yelled, scowling at him. “Have you gone crazy?”

“Rem! You’re being sold to Persen!” Zeo’s eyes dilated as he grabbed her wrist and desperately tried to drag Remnya with him. “He will hurt you!”

“No!” Remnya shook his hand off her and stepped away from him. “You’re lying!” she screamed.

“I am not! These people are willing to do anything for money! They even killed Orena and Ellyn!” he shouted, narrowing his eyes at her.

Remnya held her head between her hands. “No, no, no!” Her breath hastened as a knot oppressed her chest. She had worked so damn hard to rebuild her life. She studied, learned manners, behaved, and even learned how to cook some food.

Those people had accepted her despite being a horned witch, a freak.

Her newfound hopes and dreams, everything would crumble.

It couldn’t be true. Zeo had gone insane for sure.

“I know it’s hard to believe, but it’s true!”

“They won’t hurt me . . . “ Remnya laughed nervously. “Mr. Ronner will protect me. I know that!”

“Ronner is a monster! He killed Ellyn!” Zeo tried to grab her hand, but she pulled away from him and glared.

“Liar!” Remnya roared, pushing Zeo away from her so hard he stumbled and fell to the ground. “Mr. Ronner would never do that! That is a big lie! Marcus is so angry he made all this up!”

“Rem . . . “ Zeo mumbled as his eyes filled with tears, unable to believe her words.

“And you were so dumb to believe him! Marcus lied to you! He hates Mr. Ronner because he fired him!”

“He didn’t lie! I saw it myself! Are you stupid, Remnya?” Zeo roared, fire in his wet eyes.

Remnya froze for a moment, unable to believe the way her dear friend was behaving.

“Remnya, please.”

“Shut up, Zeo!” Her scream echoed throughout the garden. “Shut up and leave me alone!” Remnya ran away from him.

Zeo sprang from the ground and tried to run after her, but his foot tangled on the vines, causing him to fall flat on his face.

Hurt still, he got up and scanned the garden for his friend.

His heart sank when he saw Remnya running toward Ronner, who had just arrived at the garden looking for her. She hugged him and murmured something in his ear.

Zeo froze. An avalanche of pain crushed his heart. He wanted to run to her, punch Ronner and save her. But if Ronner found out he knew about their plans, he wouldn’t hesitate to get rid of him, and then no one would be able to help Remnya anymore.

Tears burned his eyes as he saw Ronner taking his dear friend away from him. He dropped to the ground and buried his head in the grass. A raging stream flowed down his cheeks.

He had failed.

No . . .

It’s not over yet . . .

Hell no! I won’t give up yet!

Zeo punched himself, opening a cut in his mouth, and bit his lower lip until it bled. His sobbing stopped, and he rushed to dial Adrian.

“She didn’t believe me! We need to do something now!” Zeo screamed into the phone as he wiped his tears.

“Calm down, Zeo,” Marcus answered. His voice was too calm. “I’m gonna save her. It’s not over yet. Be strong and be aware. We’re gonna do this together.”

Marcus’ words eased the tempest in Zeo’s heart. He took a deep breath and nodded to himself.

“Mr. Marcus . . . “ He stood up, trembling as he clenched his fists. “Please, save my friend.”


Maria informed Magenta that Remnya had returned to her room. Relieved, the lady ordered her bodyguards to keep an eye on the Nephilim while she rushed to meet with Persen in the courtyard.

Persen paced around the fountain, smoking his cigar. His bodyguards stood nearby. Magenta stopped for a moment to stare at him from afar. She took a deep breath and walked toward the obnoxious gentleman.

“Finally!” Persen exclaimed and blew a mouthful of smoke.

“My apologies, Persen. We were finishing some details.” She sat on the edge of the fountain, avoiding eye contact with him.

“I’ve been patient enough. I want this done right now!” Persen raised his voice while his face inflated like a red toad.

“We’re getting everything ready for you, Persen.” Magenta gritted her teeth, faking a smile.

Persen walked up to her and shoved his face right in front of hers. “Didn’t you listen to me? I said, RIGHT NOW!” he roared, shooting droplets of saliva on her face.

Magenta glared at him as she clenched her fists. It took all her willpower not to punch his face and kick his groin. “As you wish.” She stood up, pushing him away, and strode toward the mansion.

Doman scoffed and threw his cigar into the fountain. “Stupid bitch,” he said, loud enough for Magenta to hear, but she ignored him.

“Watch your mouth when you talk about my lady,” Ronner said, walking up to him with a serious face.

“Ronner.” Persen smirked. “Do you think I actually believe that bullshit?”

Ronner scanned Persen from head to toe and leaned closer. “No.” He laughed, slapping Persen’s back. “But it’s cute when she thinks she’s in charge.”

Persen guffawed. “Poor Magenta, she still thinks she holds any power here.” He lit another cigar and sneered. “Women can’t be in charge of anything. They’re useless for these things!” Persen stretched his arms, beholding his surroundings. “They’re like pretty jewels we enjoy exhibiting as trophies, but in the end, they are just that, pretty disposable objects.”

Ronner rolled his eyes and paced over to Viper and Skado, scanning the dark expression on their stone faces. Viper twisted his lips.

“Never underestimate your enemies, Persen.” Ronner smirked, glancing at Persen.

Electric silence cut the air.

An orange flash lit the sky.

The ground shook as a loud explosion shattered the crystal of doors and windows.

The massive shockwave hit them like a ton of bricks, deafening Persen, who dropped to the ground and covered his head.

“What the hell was that?” Persen groaned.

“Shit!” Ronner roared and darted toward the doors. “You stay here!” he ordered Persen before disappearing into the mansion.

“Go with him!” Persen yelled at his bodyguards, and they rushed to follow Ronner. “Shit!” Persen’s forehead shone with sweat as he slowly stood up. “Nothing will ruin my special night with my Nephilim.”

A cold piece of steel caressed Persen’s cheek.

“Don’t move, nor scream.”

Persen caught a glimpse from the corner of his eye and recognized Marcus standing behind him. He had his left hand wrapped around his neck and a revolver pressed against his temple.

Persen gulped. “What are you doing, Marcus?” he asked, smiling nervously. “Drop that gun.”

“This is over, scumbag. You won’t lay a finger on Remnya . . . EVER!”
