14: A Shot In The Dark
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Ramos’ army gathered in the forest bordering the outskirts of Crysalton. A tense atmosphere lingered among the warriors, who tried to distract themselves with alcohol and music. Whether they lived or died, that would be their last battle.

The war against The Hunters had been long and deadly. The Hunters were gifted warriors loyal to no one but the people. Rumors claimed there were still pure Nephilims among their ranks, but no one knew for sure. Their main motto was to protect the weak, but it varied according to their interests.

Marcus’ first choice had been to offer Remnya to The Hunters, but Magenta refused, arguing she wanted to avoid them at all costs. Most Hunters wouldn’t see the trading of a young girl with good eyes. A word in the wrong ears and her whole empire would crumble like a sandcastle.

Ronner walked among the suspicious stares of Ramos’ soldiers with a cocky smile. He looked different without his fancy suit. That night, he dressed in combat clothes: a black sleeveless shirt of bulletproof fabric, a black leather belt reforged with diamonds, and military pants, matched by combat boots. His muscular body and clothes choices made him look like a veteran warrior.

He had been part of Karx for several years, led a big army, and fought several battles. No one knew how he ended up as one of Magenta’s men. People gossiped she had bewitched him. How could a prideful warrior like him follow orders from a simple woman? The men of Karx wondered, but no one dared to question his decisions. His loyalty toward Magenta gave her the edge over anyone who tried to challenge her empire.

However, that night Ronner was a mere stranger in enemy territory. Everyone shot him daggers of contempt and fear.

“The captain trusts your word, but I don’t,” Prad, the first officer, said, standing in front of Ronner. He was an immense broad man, two heads taller than Ronner and twice as wide. He had penetrating, yellow eyes and long, black hair wrapped in a pigtail that touched his waist. “Try anything suspicious, and you’re a dead man, yo’ hear me?”

Ronner shrugged. “Don’t worry, Prad. Once I’m done here, you won’t have to see my pretty face again.” Ronner smirked as he slapped the big man’s shoulder.

Prad glared at his hand. His fists trembled as if he were holding back not to tear Ronner’s arm apart. Prad groaned, smacking his hand away, and turned around to leave.

Ronner laughed and continued toward Ramos’ tent. They met next to a campfire with blue flames. Three lamps hanging from a wire attached to the trees illuminated a map spread across a wooden table. A young blonde girl in a combat outfit accompanied Ramos. She darted a glare at Ronner, her blue orbs shining with hatred.

“What is he doing here?” she asked, springing from her seat.

“Calm down, Kana. He’s with us.” Ramos leaned his hand on her shoulder.

“He can not be trusted!” Kana shrieked, clenching her right hand into a fist that began glowing red.

Ronner smirked as he walked toward her. “She’s gotten beautiful, hasn’t she?” He winked.

Kana aimed her hand at his face. “I’ll kill you right here.” Her palm sparkled with branches of electricity.

“Enough!” Ramos seized her hand, causing the energy to disappear.

She scoffed, shooting a deathly glare at Ronner before storming away. Ronner smiled at her reaction while Ramos sighed.

“Forgive her attitude, Lieutenant Ronner. She’s still a child,” Ramos said as he flattened the map in front of them.

Ronner shrugged and grabbed a bottle of liquor sitting on the ground.

“Alright, I need your attention here.” Ramos pointed at the map of the city. “The Hunters will be waiting for us at Blackriver. We’re sending a few men there as bait.” Ramos glanced at Ronner, who nodded with a bored expression. “We will attack their fort at Black Hill. They won’t see us coming. Now, if they try to retreat, the rest of our men will hold them back until we destroy their front lines.”

“Sounds good, captain. Your strategies always startle me,” Ronner said in a disinterested tone.

The army gathered with Ramos and Ronner, who stood at the edge of a hill. The men attacking Blackriver would send a flare signal soon, which meant they had ten minutes to arrive at The Hunters’ fort and initiate the attack.

The tense seconds felt like hours.

A blue ball hissed in the sky, turning the night into day.

“Was that light supposed to be that color?” A confused guy murmured.

“Let’s go!” Ramos roared, dashing downhill into the forest. Ronner and the rest followed him.

They sprinted through the darkness, dodging trees, rocks, and deep pits. They crossed a wide river with icy waters and came to a halt behind a low ridge.

“There,” Ramos whispered, pointing at the fort located a few hundred meters ahead of them. They could reach it within one minute. “Lieutenant Ronner, this is the time.” He glanced at Ronner and then focused his deep eyes on their target.

Ronner nodded. He knew they had to attack first while the rest surrounded the fort. Being the strongest ones, they would do most of the damage. A smirk spread across Ronner’s face as he cracked his knuckles, waiting for the signal.

“Now!” Ramos let out a war cry as he jumped over the ridge and dashed toward the fort like a bullet. Ronner followed him, matching his velocity quickly.

Ramos charged energy in his palms until they glowed into scarlet fireballs. The captain was a known fire Elementalist. Ronner gazed at him, mesmerized by the sight as Ramos launched his first attack.

A large stream of blinding flames spurted from his hand and impacted the sidewalls of the fort, destroying them as fire engulfed the place.

Four men rushed outside and charged at them.

Ronner dodged the first one with ease and elbowed him in the back of his head, sending his face crashing into the ground. A second one tried kicking Ronner from behind, but fast and light as a feather, he ducked and crushed his ribs from below with a powerful uppercut.

Ramos stopped two punches aimed at his face and then hopped over his attackers. Before they could react, Ramos blinded them with two white fireballs that landed on them, causing a big explosion. Body parts and debris flew into the air, along with tongues of fire.

The last man alive froze at the sight of his dead companions. He tried to retreat, but Ronner emerged from behind the smoke and slammed his head against a rock, crushing his skull like an egg. Ronner’s brute strength was unmatched.

Having defeated the four men, they rushed to the fort and destroyed the electric fences surrounding it. Ronner kicked the entrance gates, cracking the metal in half. They pushed the gates open and scanned the unknown place.

Surprisingly, it was empty and in the dark.


The atmosphere changed as the black smoke of the fires covered the night sky, drowning the stars. It was odd. Those men had been too weak; they couldn’t be part of The Hunters with such poor skills. Ronner noticed no one of Ramos’ warriors had arrived at the fort yet. They had to surround it, yet all he saw was darkness and chilling silence.

“Something is wrong,” Ramos said, extinguishing the fire in his hands. However, Ronner said nothing. He was standing still with his back turned to the Captain.

“Lieutenant Ronner!” Ramos shouted. “Are you okay?”

Destiny had different plans for the warriors. Ronner’s body began convulsing as he stifled his increasing laughter. But unable to hold it any longer, he guffawed maniacally, turning the silence into a tragic joke.

Ramos widened his eyes as Ronner turned to face him. “It was a pleasure working with you, Captain Ramos,” Ronner said, smirking.

The realization struck Ramos like lightning, but it was too late. His eyes saw the movement, but his body couldn’t react in time.

Ronner’s right arm glowed like an electric fire from hell, and with a violent thrust, he pierced through Ramos’ chest like a drill through a piece of glass.

His face showed no pain, just misery.

The metallic smell of blood filled the air as a stream of crimson ran along Ronner’s arm, showering the ground.

Ramos’ body became paralyzed as he stared vacantly at his own demise. Finally, the Captain raised his eyes to meet the face of the traitor.

“Why?” he muttered.

Ronner’s deep blue eyes shone in the darkness, his smile growing as he marveled at his deed. “Did you really think I would risk my life for you?” His voice was as cold as the river they had just crossed together.

“My army . . . Where are they?” Ramos’ voice began losing its strength.

“Dead.” Ronner yanked his arm out of his chest violently, releasing a cascade of blood, flesh, and bones that soaked the soil. Ramos stumbled but refused to fall. “The Hunters knew your intentions, so they allowed you to walk straight into a trap.”

“Traitor! How could you betray Karx?” Ramos’ legs trembled as he struggled to breathe.

“Karx is finished. You lost the war. But I’m not gonna go down with you.” Ronner shook his arm, splattering blood across his face.

“You gave me your word . . . I trusted you!” Ramos coughed red droplets as he fell to his knees, his eyes lost in a void.

Ronner chuckled. “Let’s just say someone else hit the jackpot and I couldn’t reject his offer.” He motioned at a silhouette standing in the darkness. “Sir, why don’t you come closer?”

Ramos’ eyes filled with fire when he recognized the man in a red suit walking toward him, accompanied by two guards. He had a wide smug smile on his fat face and smoked a cigar.

“Persen Doman!” Ramos roared, full of hatred.

“Hello,” Persen said, waving at him like a child. “Such a pitiful sight.” He blew a mouthful of smoke.

“Sorry, Captain, but Persen doubled your offer.” Ronner removed his blood-stained shirt. “Or should I call you Governor Doman?” He regarded Persen with a smirk.

“It has a nice ring to it!” Persen guffawed, displaying his yellow teeth shining with gold. He had been elected governor of Crysalton, and with it, sealed the fate of Ramos’ army. The Captain despised Persen because of his participation in the fall of Karx, plus his lack of ethics and morals. Persen would side with whoever was on the winning side. Now, he was siding with The Hunters.

“Hey, boys! Show our dear Captain what happens when you go against the new world order!” Persen shouted at Viper and Skado.

They walked toward Ramos and threw something at him. As it rolled in his direction, he recognized it, the severed head of his first officer, Prad. Prad seemed to look at him with his lifeless, swollen eyes. Ramos grimaced in pain, contemplating the sight.

Another head rolled toward The Captain, thrown by Skado. Ramos gasped when her blonde hair shined under the glow of the fire. That was Kana. Her beautiful blue eyes shut forever.

Ronner walked over to the severed head and picked it up by the hair. Her blood was still warm. “Such a waste.” He shook his head. “She was a cute girl, don’t you agree, Captain?”

“Don’t touch her!” Ramos roared, darting out of the ground with his last bit of strength. But his legs didn’t respond, and his face hit the ground.

Ronner sniggered and threw the head away. “Don’t worry, Captain, I’m a man of mercy. I’ll allow you to meet with them soon.”

Ramos trembled in great pain and hatred, his stare lost in the void of the night. A beautiful sight, feeding Ronner’s lust. The Captain kneeled on the floor, waiting for his end. Everything and everyone he had once loved was now gone.

And it had been his fault.

This is mercy. Nothing else.

“I’m sorry, I’ve failed you all,” Ramos murmured as tears rolled down his bloody cheeks. Finally, he raised his eyes to face Ronner, who held him by the hair.

“Lieutenant Ronner, remember this face when you meet your own demise. Because one day, you all will pay for all your sins.” Ramos grinned as if his words had released some pain from his torn heart. “The person you least expect it will avenge us. I can promise you that.”

Ronner’s smirk faded as he nodded at Viper.

Viper walked up to them, and with a quick swift of his blade, he put an end to Ramos’ misery.

His eyes closed as his head rolled on the ground.
