13: Prelude Of Pain
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Gorth came for Zeo early in the morning and took him to the kitchen for his first day of work. His boss was an old lady called Hena, who explained everything he had to do there. It was simple: peeling potatoes, lots of potatoes. He spent all morning doing so with her. A monotonous and slow task, but much better than the slavery he had to endure back in the orphanage.

The delicious smell of food and the skillful display of the cooks made his time more enjoyable. By the afternoon and after lunch, Zeo was allowed to leave the servants' house. Eagerly, he ignored his fatigue and headed to meet his old friend, who had promised to wait for him in the large garden.

In the distance, Zeo recognized the unmistakable black hair and horns he knew so well.

Remnya was standing under a cherry blossom tree. Two violet hummingbirds flapped their wings around her as she smelled the scent of a White Fangs flower in her hand.

Zeo walked toward his friend, and a smile spread across his face when she noticed him. They exchanged looks, greeting each other in silence, and sat on a wooden bench.

A perfumed breeze whistled between them, throwing Zeo's bangs over his glasses. He peeked at Remnya from the corner of his eyes, still unable to believe that cute girl was the same tomboy from the orphanage. The moths in his stomach went wild, making him squirm in his seat.

"Zeo . . . " Remnya said, biting her lower lip. "Tell me about the Nephilims."

Zeo widened his eyes, thrown off by the unexpected question.

"You've always said I was one." She turned to him. "Well, now I want to know more about them."

He took a moment to process her request and then nodded. "What do you want to know?"

"Magenta and Marcus told me I was special, and everyone here treats me as if I was some kind of . . . " Remnya huffed. "What are Nephilims good for, anyway?"

He held his chin, glancing at Remnya's clenched fists around her flower. "Nephilims are stronger, faster, and more durable than humans, and they have special abilities too. Do you remember how fast your wounds used to heal?"

"Magenta doesn't care about that." Rem frowned. "Otherwise, she wouldn't force me to spend hours learning stupid things such as 'what's the right way to arrange tableware?' No!" she shouted, leaning closer, whereas her face was right in front of his.

Zeo met her eyes, feeling the frustration in her. "A pure Nephilim like you is a rare wonder, Rem. After the Blood War, everyone thought Nephilims were extinct, yet here you are. You are indeed special."

"Special, uh?" Remnya squinted at him. "Something has been bothering me ever since I arrived here." She observed two birds chirping on a tree. "There's this girl called Brisa who said Magenta bought me." She curled her lips.

"Bought you?" Zeo remembered the crazy ideas drilling his head for the past few days.

"That's not it! One week ago, this weird man came to the mansion. He seemed to be really interested in me, and in a very weird way!" She gritted her teeth. "You will think this is stupid, but that night, I felt as if Magenta were trying to sell me to him."

A cold shiver ran down Zeo's spine. He froze for a second. "That makes no sense, Rem." He laughed nervously. "Where did you get that from?"

"I don't know, but a lot of things are out of place here." Rem scowled. "I can't leave the mansion at all. Only Mr. Ronner takes me outside sometimes. I barely know the city, and I take private classes instead of going to school." She shook her head and slammed her hands on the bench. "One night, I even found a maid badly beaten in her room!"

Zeo clasped his sweaty hands and swallowed through the knot in his throat. The pieces of his puzzle wanted to fit together. "Rem . . . What was the name of that weird man?"

"Persen Doman."

The last piece fit in his head. Zeo felt a heavy cross dropping on his shoulders while his heart sank to the bottom of his stomach. He did his best to hide the war unleashed inside him with a big smile.

"Everything will be okay, Rem, trust me. No one buys people anymore." He giggled. "You still need to get used to your new life. It'll take time, but you'll see how things get better. Plus, I'm here for you now!"

Rem regarded him with a weak smile and grabbed his hand. "I missed you. I didn't have anyone to vent like this. I can't trust anyone else, Zeo."

Zeo squeezed her soft hand and blushed. Part of him wanted to reveal everything he knew about Magenta and Persen. However, his priority was to find a solution and ensure Rem's safety.

"I missed you, too," he stuttered.

They remained silent.

She didn't take her crimson orbs away from him. Zeo enjoyed looking at her beautiful face, but his whole body was trembling and soaked in sweat. He rushed to draw his cell phone out of his pocket and showed it to her.

"Look! Someone gave me this." Zeo took advantage of the distraction to wipe the sweat off his hands. "Now, you can contact me whenever you want."

"A phone? I never imagined you had one!" Remnya beamed at him. "That means we can call each other anytime!"

He nodded. "Whenever something is bothering you, I'll be here to listen to you."

"Thank you!" Remnya hugged him, making sure not to hurt his back this time. "You're the only person I trust here."

Zeo's face flushed bright red while his ears burned, but he hugged her back, squeezing her slim body. I'll protect you, Rem. No matter what I have to do.

A tender silence embraced them for long seconds.

"Zeo," Remnya whispered in his ear.

He swallowed the knot in his throat and stuttered, "Uh-yes, Rem?"

"You were right. I'm immune to fire."



Devil Peaks Park was a green plateau amid undulant hills. Located at the feet of one of the highest mountain chains of Crysalton, it provided a majestic view of the entire city. The place was an oddity held by a massive slope that fell over the abyss. The park became crowded at night when people gathered to witness the glowing city spreading across the valley like an endless swarm of fireflies.

That afternoon was oddly quiet and warm. Marcus sat on a bench in front of a fountain shooting blue beams of water. Next to him, a young girl ate a tower of ice cream. She had the same sharp obsidian eyes as him and light chocolate hair styled with twin tails. They smiled and talked as they watched the aerial tramways come and go between hills.

"You need to come with us sometimes," the girl said.

"I don't think your mom will like it," Marcus replied.

"You'll never know if you don't ask her!"

He chuckled and ruffled her hair. "Why don't you come with me instead? Just the two of us."

"I want to, but mom says I can't go with you." She sighed. "I wish it could be like before, dad. The three of us together!"

Marcus' finger trembled while he caressed her cheeks. His eyes flickered with sorrow. "Well, baby . . . Some things are more complicated than we would like, but I'll find a way to make that trip together. I promise." He kissed her head.

A black limousine turned into the park and halted nearby. Marcus recognized its silver rims with rubies. The chauffeur opened the back door, and an imposing lady stepped out, sapphires sparkling on her heels. She twisted her lips into a smug grin and sauntered in their direction, drawing men's eyes to her like a magnet.

The little girl observed the fancy lady as a smile drew across her face. "Magenta!" she shouted, running toward her.

Magenta beamed at her. "How are you, Karina, my dear?"

"I'm great!" Karina wrapped her skinny arms around Magenta. "You're so pretty today, aunt Magenta!"

The lady touched her head with her fingertips. "Thank you, my dear. You too."

"Look!" Karina showed her the ice cream and two stuffed animals. "Dad bought me this!"

"He's such a great dad, isn't he?" Magenta glanced at Marcus, her eyes flashing with poison.

Marcus let out a deep sigh and walked toward them. "Okay, my girl." He ruffled Karina's hair. "I need to talk to Magenta. Would you mind waiting for us at the Pink Garden? It won't take long, I promise."

The little girl nodded and gifted a smile to Magenta before running away to chase a white dog. Magenta and Marcus exchanged sketchy looks and walked to a lookout on the edge of a cliff.

Magenta's smile fell apart as she narrowed her eyes. "Why here, of all places?"

"I don't want that boy toy of yours to stick his nose in our business," Marcus said, leaning on the crystal railing.

"Fair enough. Now, let's get straight to the point." Magenta folded her arms and huffed. "I couldn't believe it when I heard it. The nurse's boyfriend ran away, and as if that wasn't bad enough, he suspects something about us?"

Marcus nodded.

"I can't believe you, Marcus!" she shouted, glaring at him. "How could you allow this to happen?"

"I did try to restrain him until Gorth came for him, but I never imagined the Anglish boy would pull such a feat."

"Calling you stupid would be a compliment for you!" Magenta twisted her carmine lips, shaking her head.

"Adrian only has suspicions about us. Nothing more." Marcus kept a stone face.

"And you confirmed them by trying to kill him, big idiot!"

"I didn't want to kill him. I tried to win time for Gorth because my priority was the Anglish—"

"You did neither!" Magenta seized his shirt collar, pulling his face against hers. "What do we do now, Marcus?"

"I'll take care of Adrian. Trust me, I know where he is." Marcus grabbed Magenta's wrists, softly disentangling her fingers from his.

She brushed a strand of hair off of her face. "What about the nurse? Where is she?"

"You should ask Ronner about that. He's the main reason all this struggle ensued on us." Marcus frowned.

"That's why I am so pissed at both of you!" Magenta bellowed, drawing several eyes toward them. She clenched her fists and lowered her voice. "Fucking stupid men, you don't use your brain! You are all like animals driven by instinct. All this could have been avoided!"

"I apologize, my lady," Marcus said sarcastically.

"Don't give me that shit!" Karina, who was petting a dog, glanced at them with a concerned expression. Magenta took a deep breath, her face red like a pepper. She folded her arms and tapped her heel on the asphalt. "You already identified his location. Now, leave the rest to me. I got a more important mission for you and that other fool."

Marcus widened his eyes.

"I'll take the delicate matters in my hands, but you and Ronner will take care of those brutes from Karx." Magenta's eyes pierced Marcus' soul. "You two will go to their cave or whatever disgusting place they inhabit and get a good deal for me."

"My lady, you . . . "

"Don't get me wrong!" Magenta yelled, pointing at his face. "I'm not doing this for you or the Nephilim! I just hate Persen as much as you do, and even though his offer is tempting, I'd rather not have to see his gross face every day. Like I would have to if I agreed to his terms."

A slight smile drew across Marcus' face. "Thank you."

Magenta locked her eyes on him and caressed his face and lips with her fingertips. "Is this so important for you?"

"Yes." His tone was categorical.

"Okay . . . " Magenta ran her fingers along his neck and tried to kiss his cheek.

Marcus leaned away from her. He stood still with his arms bound to his sides and his stare fixated straight ahead. "Magenta, please. Not here . . . "

Magenta buried her nails into Marcus' skin, the veins on her forehead swelling. "Why? Is this because of your fucking promise?"

"It's better this way, Magenta," he murmured, his eyes lost on the horizon. "There's no point in trying anymore."

The lady turned to observe Marcus's daughter playing with three stray dogs, who licked her face. The little girl laughed and hopped around, her hair a happy mess. "That little spawn . . . You didn't even love that bitch of her mother."

"I didn't." Marcus' eyes turned to his daughter. "But I love my girl more than anything in the world."

Magenta let out a silent sigh and turned her back to him, her black dress dancing around her long legs. "You'll go to Karx and convince them to pay more than Persen." Magenta glared at him. "But if you fail, your dear Nephilim will belong to that pig, and it'll be your fault."

Magenta whirled and walked away, her heels resounding on the ground.


Over twenty kilometers from the mansion, near the slums of the city, Marcus drove the most expensive Magenta's car. It wasn't the most luxurious, but certainly the safest. Its armored body could withstand the most severe damage and keep the passengers alive in the worst apocalyptic scenario.

Three cars in total. Ronner led the way alone, Marcus followed him with two armed men, and one last car covered their back.

They headed to one of Karx's hideouts, far from the city and hidden from the eyes of the law. Karx was a large, infamous organization composed of warriors from different origins. Among their ranks, Hybrids, Humans, and Others fought as one.

But their armies became weaker every day. The Blood War had left them scarred with wounds that threatened to end their legacy.

Labeled as a terrorist group by the government, they were hunted like animals by the Earth's Elite Forces, also known as The Hunters. While the weaker armies perished, the stronger ones resisted. One of those armies, known as the Lazio Coalition, still fought, refusing to give up. Ronner and Marcus would meet them that night.

They arrived at a ghost village surrounded by thick mountain forests. They parked next to a crumbling building on the slope of a hill. Deep darkness engulfed the place, except for the waxing moon casting a weak light on the dry soil.

A reddish lamp next to a door swung with the wind, lightning the rough face of a bulky man who waited for their arrival. He gestured at them with lifeless eyes and then faded into the building. Ronner followed him, smirking as he led the pack confidently. Marcus went after him, calm but wary of his surroundings. Two of their men accompanied them inside while the rest stayed by the cars.

They halted at what resembled an abandoned factory. Improvised lights hung from the ceiling, illuminating the interior with a weak yellow glow. Ronner shook the dust off an old chair and sat with his arms folded. Marcus scanned the place; there was darkness beyond the reach of the lights. He wondered how many eyes observed them from the shadows.

"Welcome," a raspy voice said as an old man stepped out of the darkness. He was short and slender, with gray and black stripes on his hair and a weird tattoo on the left half of his face. He was wearing a sleeveless shirt that displayed thin yet steel-hard arms. "I'm glad you came." He smiled, multiple branches of wrinkles breaking across his face.

"Captain Ramos, isn't it?" Ronner asked, scratching his chin.

"That's correct." He bobbed his head. "I apologize for the poor conditions. We didn't have time to clean." The old man sat on the floor and analyzed their faces. "Can I offer you something to drink?"

"No need for fake courtesy," Ronner said, leaning forward with a cocky smile. "How much?"

Ramos chuckled, unfazed by Ronner's attitude. "Three million Dentz."

"Not enough, Persen is paying four."

Ramos regarded him with focused, wine-red eyes. "You know we will provide your girl with the best training she can have to develop her abilities. Plus, we'll keep her safe and healthy. Can Persen do that?"

"I don't know, nor I care. He's paying more, that's it." Ronner folded his arms and winked at two blue eyes glaring at him from the shadows.

"That house of yours is no place for a Nephilim. Her potential will go to waste in such a poor environment." Ramos shook his head and caressed his thin beard. "And Persen . . . That scum will ruin her, you know it."

"The lady decides." Ronner shrugged, distracted by a moth flying by his head.

"Captain," Marcus interrupted, taking one step forward. "The lady won't change her mind unless you improve your offer." He stared Ramos straight in the eyes. "Remnya is a precious gem. You can't allow a swine like Persen to put his hands on her."

The captain lifted his eyes, locking them on Marcus. He nodded with a smile. "Help me here, then. The war has been cruel, we don't have a lot of money left. Nephilim or not, we have to feed her and take care of all her needs. Teenage girls are complicated." He chuckled. "My granddaughter is the perfect example."

"Four Dentz and four of your best men," Marcus said firmly.

"Four of our best men?" Ramos held his chin and stayed silent for a moment. "It wouldn't be the first time Karx provides the Lovecraft mansion with men." He glanced at Ronner with a smirk.

Ronner stifled a chuckle. "I did what I had to do, captain."

"Ronner Kavalar, ex-Lieutenant of the 237 division, Silver Army." Ramos grinned. "You seem to enjoy your peaceful life better than here."

"I'm weak to women and money, and I don't like to get dirty, captain," Ronner said as a smug smile spread across his face.

"We need strong men like you. The next battle might change the fate of Karx forever." Ramos eased himself from the floor and walked up to Ronner. "I'm willing to pay four million Dentz and provide Magenta with four of my best men, but in exchange, I want your services, Lieutenant Ronner." His tone became grave and sharp as he stared deep into his eyes.

Ronner scoffed, looking away with visible annoyance. "Are you asking me to risk my precious life for your stupid cause? Am I hearing right?"

"No. I'm asking for your services in one single battle. That's it."

"Ronner, please," Marcus said, gazing at Ronner. "This is the best for every one of us."

"Marcus." Ronner shook his head. "I was right about you. You care about the Nephilim girl too much."

"You know the mansion is no place for her." Marcus narrowed his eyes as he clenched his fists. "I might not possess your skills, but I'm willing to risk my life with you if that means accepting this deal."

Ronner raised one eyebrow and sniggered. He stood up, pushing Marcus aside as he paced over to Ramos. Ronner closed his eyes, stretched his arms, and let out a deep sigh. "Fine . . . I guess we have a deal then."

Ramos bobbed his head and offered his hand to Ronner. "You won't regret this."

They shook hands. Ramos and Marcus exchanged looks while Ronner rolled his eyes.

The deal was closed.
