Chapter 31: Payload
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Dawn, 4 days later. Jacklynn wakes up. Today is the Freedom Festival in Arintarr. Meaning that payload mission is today as well. The dark haired Yanjung stretches out, crossing one arm across her chest then the other. Twisting her torso to stretch her back and sides. She switches soon to lifting her feet behind her to pull on her feet and stretch the front of her legs before sitting on the ground and doing the splits, reaching from one foot for some time, then the other. Once done stretching Jacklynn heads to the kitchen and makes herself breakfast, a nice breakfast omelet was Jacklynns favorite. Some herbs, cheese, and breakfast sausage went into this egg based food as she made it. She was sure to make it fluffy like she enjoyed, as well as big as she knew she'd be skipping lunch later. The dark haired ninja eats, enjoying the peace and quiet so far.
Not even Julie was awake yet, so Jacklynn took her time as the Payload wouldn't start its move from Axenvail to Arintarr in some hours. Though Jacklynn was proactive and felt it was best to get a head start on the day. She ate silently, hearing a door open once halfway done with her meal for the day. Who else but Rose, Julie’s white haired daughter, walks in and climbs onto a chair, looking at Jacklynn's omelet silently. The Ninja would glance at Rose and continue eating, but the child shows no interest in noticing Jacklynn's gaze. Her eyes fixated on the eggy goodness before her, head poked up from the table just enough to where her eyes would be able to see the delicious breakfast. With this, Jacklynn chuckles and pats Rose, the child was like her little sister.

“Hungry?” The brown eyed teen asked.

Rose doesn't say anything. Instead she simply nods, her messy bed head hair shaking with the movements. Jacklynn starts eating faster. Once done, Jaklynn begins cooking for Rose. She repeats the same steps she took to make Rose’s omelet. The white haired child watching as Jacklynn cooks. After some time Jacklynn gives Rose her breakfast. The dark skinned child's face lights up in amazement, like she's been handed a holy relic. She carries the plate to the table and slides it on. Jacklynn hands the hungry child a fork and she begins eating. Julie enters the kitchen next and smiles seeing as Rose is already fed.

“Thanks, Jacklynn,” Julie said, yawning immediately after.
“Of course mama, Oh remember that today is that payload mission from before”
“Ah remember, Jandu is meant ta be there right? That's my sister, Janet. Keep an eye on her, yeah?” Julie asked, some worry unable to be hidden in her tone.
“I can try mama”
“Thanks, When is the payload anyway?”

Jacklynn looks at the cork board where missions from everyone are posted. Emarru has one tomorrow, Sav’akk had one a few days ago that was still posted, she always forgets to take her past missions down. Celeste had an errand run scheduled later this day. And in the middle was Jacklynn’s escort mission for the payload. The funny memory of Julie believing it to be some prostitution commission filled her mind, making the ninja crack a small smile across her softly tan toned cheeks. She checked the time to make sure she wasn't mistaken, and sure enough she wasn't. The dark haired ninja turns to her boss and mother figure with a smile.

“It starts at 1. I just thought I'd get up early to be fully awake and head over early,” Jacklynn explained.
“Ya excited ta see what's inside of that  payload ain’t ya?” the Malenterian woman asked as she prepared her usual morning coffee and some hash browns.
“Not just that, we enter the castle.”
“Oh really? ‘Ah forgot about that. With your good memory, that would be a lot of help.”

Jacklynn nods with a wide smile on her face. Her twin brother enters the kitchen next and smiles at his sister.  Jack, however jealous and envious of his sister's feats and abilities, cares for her greatly still. Though there is some small resentment from Jack's side, he can’t help it. The male Yanjung raises a fist up for Jacklynn, 

“You got this sis!” He said, smiling tiredly.

Jacklynn, seeing her brother root for her, is filled with joy. She walks over and gives her brother a hug. Not expecting this, the other twin hugs back. They both hold the warm embrace for a while longer before letting go, Jacklynn pats her brothers head and walks off to the armory to get her guild outfit on. Once on she steps outside into the cool, early morning breeze. The feel of it and the aura of an early morning lifted Jacklynn’s spirits up. The crisp feel of the morning air was almost like a hit of adrenaline to the ninja. She knew that today she'd help the Night Witches in a big way. She’d help make or break the next time they try on Dolland’s life. And so she got training. Jacklynn trained for hours. With herself, With Jack, with Jason, even with Emarru. All to get ready for the payload mission. Granted she didn’t need to train so hard for a mission which was essentially “walk from point A to point B with multiple heroes and soldiers”. However she wanted to be fully prepared in case anything happens. Jacklynn trained for most situations; an ambush, a lured attack, goblins, slimes, hobgoblins, gorgons, arachne, zombies. Monsters of all varying kinds. After hours of training, Jacklynn checked the time, relaxed for a few minutes with meditation, and then went off to her mission while mounted on a rust colored horse. Once she arrived, Jacklynn looked around the area to find some heroes had already arrived. And Jandu was one of them. A thin Malenterian woman in a blue dress-like outfit, clearly padded for protection, golden bracelets, around her neck was a scarf of luxurious fur. Jandu sure seems to like the high life. On her dark face rests a masquerade mask of blue, sparkling in the sun. Off the front of her head was a small tuft of hair that spiraled downward due to her naturally curly hair. Though Jacklynn can't see Jandu’s eyes, She was sure this was Julie's sister though the face shape. She walks over waving, the Malenterian hero waving back with a small smile spread across her black lipstick adorned lips.

“You must be Jandu,” Jacklynn said with a smile.
“I am,” The Malenterian answered in a deep voice ”do I… know you?”
“Nope. Not yet at least”

Jandu makes a soft chuckle at this. Internally she was complaining about having to deal with another fan or possible client. Jacklynn stops in front of Jandu and smiles kindly.

“I look forward to seeing what you can do in this mission,” Jacklynn added. “I know I'll be giving it my all, it's finally something interesting.”
“Nothing other than the damned Night Witches and the common crimes, lately. But I agree, this is a good change of pace. It's nice to know I'm not the only one that feels bored most of the time”
“Interesting missions come around rarely, this one caught my interest though. A payload headed to Arintarr? Of course it will be interesting.”

Jandu chuckles. It was around midday now. The Payload was to arrive sometime soon. The volunteers begin looking around, somewhat impatient for it to finally arrive as Jacklynn and Jandu continue talking. Among Jacklynn and Jandu were the likes of A2, A lightning hero from Randorvich. She wore wolf pelts made into a cloak and leather armors over cloth armor, all put together to be quite nordic looking. On her shoulder was a hammer, big and devastating. A2 had blonde hair in a warrior's braid and face painted around the eyes to be black and circular. Accompanying them was Sorrin as well. A male mage covered by a light tan cloak and having dark brown leathers as light armor. His eyes were hidden under the dark of the hood that was up, and in his hand was a book of which he used as a catalyst to channel magic through. It was the catalyst that allows mages to be so much stronger than common folk using magic. After a few more minutes, horses pulling a cart holding boxes trot over. All remained silent as the Horses trot up with the payload, a soldier in usual guard armor speaks up.

“Alright, your job is to escort us to the castle safely. This shipment is very fragile and important, understand?”

The volunteers nod, understanding. With that they begin the trek. A few minutes in, Jacklynn decides to speak with Sorin, interested in his magics and magic knowledge. She approaches the cloaked mage, his tan covering softly moving in the wind as he walks.

“So youre the famous Sorin?” Jacklynn asked.

The mage simply nods, saying nothing. Jacklynn walks beside him and looks around.

“Is it true that everything in the world has a magic Aura? I haven't studied magic much myself, but I'm interested in learning more.” the ninja said, smiling.

Sorin looks at Jacklynn, seeing her smile he does as well and speaks with a calm and soothing voice.

“That is correct, all things have a Magic Aura. All things are connected to what's known as the “Magic Nexus”. It is from the Nexus that allows all things the potential of magic. It is from the Nexus that the world burns brightly. It is from the Nexus that we can live within True Life,” Sorin explains
“True Life? What's that?”
“True Life is a state of being connected to all things and at peace, how life was meant to be lived. It is a Heaven on Roan that all things are currently living within, as they are connected to the Magic Nexus. Without the Magic Nexus there is no True Life, and without True Life, there is no true happiness. Us mages are more in tune with the Nexus. And therefore we are more at peace and  closer to achieving the state of True Life.”

Jacklynn thinks about the concept of this “True Life”. It sounds wonderful. And to think all things are in it, but that mages are closest to it. It reminded her much of Internal Peace from her home's teachings.

“And only Mages can achieve this “True Life”?” Jacklynn asked, now deeply intrigued by this concept.
“Yes,” Sorin nods his head as he looks around the area. “All things connected to the Magic Nexus have the possibility to come to full realization of True Life, but to do so one must join the Church of Magic.”

Jacklynn pauses the conversation for a moment to ponder this. True Life sounds like bliss to her. Being in connection with the world and to be at peace. It’s described as a heaven on Roan. Jacklynn seems convinced of the ways of “True Life” and wishes to achieve this feeling, despite the sounds of it being impossible.

“It sounds amazing. I wish I could achieve that,” the young Yanjung said.
”You may not achieve True Life exactly, but attending the Church of Magic can help you get closer to feeling at peace,” Sorin said, smiling at Jacklynn.
“I’m sorry but I can't. My friends need me right now.”
“Noble of you to put others before yourself. If you ever decide to attend, I will vouch for you.”

Jacklynn nods and smiles at Sorin before looking around and heading over to the brutish looking A2. Just stepping near her Jacklynn feels that she'd get pummeled in some way shape or form. She just had that feeling of aggression around her, however she wasn't aggressive herself. Jacklynn looked at the nordic woman, who looked back and gave a hard smile.

“So, what is a frail looking woman doing here?” The blond haired woman asked.
“I may look thin, but I am strong. More than you would think,” the dark haired woman said, challenging A2.

The muscular nordic woman laughs heartily at Jacklynn’s attitude. It leaves the red clad ninja confused as she looks up at her. After she finishes laughing, A2 looks at Jacklynn.

“I like that spirit you have! You’re my new friend!” She said.
“Oh? I'm not sure what I did but… sure I guess,” Jacklynn said, put off slightly by A2s sudden change in demeanor.
“You seem like fun.”

Jacklynn smiles at the blue eyed woman's complement, it gives her a boost in confidence slightly. Though even if there was no compliment Jacklynn would have been purely confident in herself anyway.

“I like to think I am. So you're A2. From Rohonda, right?” Jacklynn said, making sure she was correct.
“That's right, what about it?”
“How is Rohanda? I’ve always heard negative things like it's a dirty country and all but I don't really trust all that. I want to take it from someone that's from there.”
“You keep an open mind, I see, good. More people need to do that. It’s not as “dirty” as everyone says it is. Everyone is like one big clan and community. Quite nice really, other than the constant clan wars going on. Even then, those are fun,” A2 says looking at the ground thinking. 

Jacklynn seems to think about how she spoke of her home. It didn't sound as bad as she heard. It sounds rather nice. Much like the Yanjung village only without clan wars.

“You sound like you miss it,” Jacklynn said, keeping the conversation going as she glanced around the area. She did have a job to do as well and that was to ensure the carts safety.
“I do, But I'm here now. I'm a hero and I'm doing what I think is right and what's best in my heart, and that's fulfilling. I feel happy here.”
“Yeah, I miss my home to,”

A2 looks at Jacklynn and lays a hand on her shoulder to give her reassurance. Jacklynn looks up at the well toned woman who smiles at her..

“Something I learned on my travels is that you alway have two homes. The place you came from, and the place you feel comfortable at. As long as your heart is in it, everywhere can be home.”

Jacklynn thinks about these words for a moment. She feels at home with her brother, and with the witches. Jacklynn slowly smiles, feeling a bit better about home now.

“I guess I have 3 homes then.” She said,
“That's more than I have!” A2 said, laughing with a hearty chuckle.

Suddenly, a loud roar and thunderous beats are heard in the distance. Everyone knew that sound. It was a beast of immense proportions. One of the most intelligent and fearsome magic based creatures in all of Roan. Flying in at around 15 feet tall (4.572 Meters) and dawning grass green scales stronger than that of diamond, 2 large wings strong enough to create gale force winds, 4 sets of razor sharp claws capable of severing rock, and jaws rowed with teeth strong enough to bite the hardest of metals. It was a dragon! And by the look of it, a nature one. The 4 heroes look at it in shock and awe at the reptilian beast. Time seemed to slow for Jacklynn as her mind ran as fast as it could, processing what she was seeing. “A Dragon! A real life Dragon!!” She thought in her horror. Some part of her felt terrified, some part thought death would befall her here. But in defiance her body takes out her daggers. Sorin preparing magics of high calibers. His hand enveloping in blazing red flames, knowing that the dragon is one of the Nature elements. A2 grabs her warhammer, it shrouds in blue sparking electricity. She wasn't too sure how to handle this unexpected threat, but she was ready. Jandu herself was stuck in shock and fear. Of all things, it had to be a dragon to pop up and attack the payload.

“We got a plan with this!?” A2 yelled out.
“Kill it,” Sorin said, stepping up and holding his hands out to the dragon, sending flames at it.

In return, the dragon breathes what can only be described as pure nature magic energy at the intermediate mage. Both throws of magic collide and enter a power struggle as Jacklynn rushes over to the reptilian beast, daggers drawn and arms crossed over her chest prepared to slash. A2 as well charges in to slam her electrified warhammer down on the leg of the dragon. Both attacks from the girls do nothing, in fact Jacklynns daggers break on impact!
“I have to attack the soft parts, the eyes and the underbelly. That will be impossible,” Jacklynn thought.
The dragon inhales and breathes a deeper breath, overpowering Sorin’s blazing inferno and sending him flying back. The soldier and their horses carrying the payload had been rushing off this whole time. The scaly beast then ignores the other heroes completely and gives chase, trying to take off after it. But Sorin, acting quickly, scorches its wings and the dragon falls onto its injured side after the first wing beats. The dragon sounds in pain and quickly gets up before being faced with a blade shaped flame burst from the Mage. A2 tries once more to rush over for an attack, but the Nature Dragon spits a ball of biomass at the Nordic, blond haired woman and puts her down, vines coming up and pinning her to the ground, but gets free with Jacklynn’s help. The flame sent at the dragon hitting it and searing the side of its face.

“It was trying to fly after the Payload! Protect it!” Sorin yelled out, standing tall against the Dragon, defiant and strong in will.
“We aren't leaving you behind, We are slaying this Lizard!” A2 shouts, holding her hammer behind her with a wide grin. She seems to be enjoying this unexpected dragon.
“Are you both nuts? We aren't Dragon Slayers! We don't have the skills needed!” Jacklynn said, trying to bring both of them to reason. 

They had an elemental weakness on the dragon, but it was clear Sorin wasn't strong enough to combat the dragon. Jacklynn knew much better than to continue with this useless challenge, she didn't want them to die. But she didn't want to die either. She can only attack the soft parts of the dragons, her daggers aren't made for this. In a solitary moment she looks up as the dragon was swiping at her and A2 with razor sharp claws. She had seen her life flash before her eyes. Her family, her parents' funeral, her friends back home, the Night Witches, her brother

The next moment the dragon's claw hit a flaming shield erected around the two girls, burning its paw harshly. It screeches out in agony and pain. Sorin’s hands look rather burnt now, the flame magic taking its toll. The mage was hurt, but he kept fighting. Jacklynn, to A2’s shock, grabbed the blond haired warrior and leaped away, using dark magic to enhance her legs and push them forward out of the dragon's reach. These three were the ward for the payload, keeping this dragon at bay. With a grunt, Sorin jets out his hand to A2 and her hammer becomes enchanted in flame. The dragon follows with its eyes and looks hesitant for a bit. The creature takes a single step back, but in that time Jacklynn uses light magic to cloak herself and rush over to the dragon’s tail. The large and thick tail hits Jacklynn hard in the chest and sends her back to the others, the cloaking light magic being disrupted from the hit. “How did it see me?” Jacklynn thinks before slowly getting up.

“Alright, I'm taking out all the tricks then!” Jacklynn said, yelling at the reptilian monster.
“Come and get it you overgrown gecko!!” A2 yells as she draws her hammer over her head, preparing to rush in.

Before the next attack lands, the magic creature speaks in some garbled language. It seems to have single or double syllables before a small space. Then the dragon turns and attempts to escape. Sorin, Jacklynn, A2, and Jandu were all utterly stunned. They had survived a dragon attack. How? To them they were unsure, they were lucky. And the girls knew it all was because of Sorin. They quickly rush over to the burned mage to check on him.

“You saved our fucking lives!” A2 shouted.
“How bad are your burns?” Jacklynn asked, grabbing one of his hands softly and pulling them up for her to see.
“I’m fine, it's no problem” The mage said, wincing as Jaklynn grabbed his hand.

The mages had second degree burns on his fingers and most of his and his hand. This was called a “Blight”. Blights are a magical drawback when someone uses magic techniques that are too strong for them to handle, or when someone overuses a type of magic. The effects of things even like burns caused by this are healed over time, and the body part affected slowly returns to full health. Jacklyn knew the basics of this, but wasn’t sure how to help, so she did what she felt would help the most and wrapped Sorin’s arms in some cloth she had with her incase of any injuries. In fact, she felt it slightly on her hands, the Magic Blight from her using that light magic technique.

“Keep these on your hands please.”
“Yeah, thanks Jacklynn,” The hooded mage nodded.
“We should catch up to the Payload,” A2 said, looking in the direction their escort carriage had gone, when she noticed the utterly catatonic Jandu standing by. 

“She was there the whole time?”
“I guess, I didn’t notice her move in the slightest during the fight,” Sorin said.

Jacklynn shakes her head in disappointment and walks over, gently nudging the Malenterian hero. “This was Julie’s sister? She's so afraid…” Jacklynn thought to herself. Jandu looks at Jacklynn, only her eyes glancing over as if her body was frozen. The young, black haired Yangjung offered a soft smile to Jandu. The tall woman slumps slightly and lets out a relieved sigh. Soon, turning and walking off to find the payload. The other 3 do the same, however one thing weighs heavy on Jacklynn’s mind: “Why did the Dragon attack”


Once at the castle, the 4 volunteers enter through a side entrance. One jacklynn had never known or seen before. It stands to reason that this is where the Kingdom's shipments head to. It was heavily guarded, very heavily guarded. And it makes sense too with the recent and growing protests for answers from Dolland. Jacklynn could feel it back when her, the others, and the payload entered the kingdom; Arintarr was ripping itself apart. It was as if a Civil war had broken out between those that are questioning everything and thinking Dolland at the head of the Mad Lord’s War and those that believe it's merely slander, and the king was shut away, hiding himself. Jacklynn took note of everything around her, no longer interested in the others. She needed notes on the castle. A soldier begins taking them into a room to meet the Queen when she looks back as other ironclad people are opening the box of the pauload and checking inside. There, a small glimpse of what it was could be seen by Jacklynn. Vials of what seemed to be a thick red liquid. She couldn't make much out before a soldier yells at her and starts pushing her into the hall. The tan skinned ninja looks around as she takes mental note of everything, taking more note of hallways and thoughts of where they lead.

“Excuse me, soldier. Could I know the way to the bathroom?” Jacklynn asked.

The soldier nods and calls out for another to do so. With a small attitude the soldier rolls their eyes and begins leading Jacklynn off down a hallway. She continues taking clear notes of all things she passes by.

“We’re here. Hurry up,” The annoyed male soldier sas to Jacklynn.

She nods sweetly and walks in. Truth being she didn't really have to go, she used this time to get her thoughts in order. On the way down the hall she walked she had seen a rather large door. Either that was the Dining hall or that led to the king's room. She expected the king's room to be at one of the higher spires in the back, but it was all speculation. She couldn't exactly escape the situation she was in right now to check. And what was that red liquid she saw? Feeling defeated, the Yanjung ninja accepts her place, walks out to the soldier, and is escorted to the other 3 who are seated before the throne. There upon one of the two most elegant of chairs was Queen Aniese, Wide ot King Dolland. She had a beautiful set of green eyes, long brown hair, fair skin. On her body was a lovely shade of white in the form of a dress with a nice long skirt. Nothing too fancy, that wasn't the style of the queen. She sat proper; back straight, hands on her lap, legs crossed. And her face showed a soft smile, caring for the subjects that had helped the payload reach her husband's castle.

Thank you all kindly,” The Queen said. “I am aware that a foul dragon had attacked you on the way, I am glad that you all are unharmed and thankful that you would aid us in such scary times. My husband would be here, but the protests have him fearing for the wellbeing of our son and himself.”

Jacklynn goes to ask about the protests, hoping the Queen would shed light on it herself, but before that, A2 spoke out first.

“You do see it from the people's eyes, right my Queen?”
“I do very well, but I am powerless to speak against it. In the last 4 days I tried, and then things have just gotten worse. They want my husband to speak for himself. But if I may say the gist of my statement; Dolland has done nothing wrong. It looks horrible, but it truly wasn't him starting the Mad Lord’s War. He tried going against that of King Tamerus.”
“Why can’t he speak up against it then? Why not speak the truth?” Sorin said, feeling confused by this.
“There is no evidence, but I am a first hand witness, yet no one wishes to believe me.”

Jacklenn gives a look of disapproval. “You’re his wife, you'd stand up for him. And all this you’re saying proves you are,” She thought to herself. Not only did Jacklynn now have 2 estimated locations for the king's room, but a mystery as to what the red liquid was, and slight proof that the queen was in it too.

“My queen, I looked back at the payload in curiosity and saw that the box held vials of red liquid, may I ask what it was?”

Anies looked at Jacklynn, her soft smile fading slightly. Not to be serious or unfriendly, she seemed disappointed, and her tone shifted to match it.

“Blood,” She said plainly, “Blood for medical reasons.”

Jacklynn nods, taking this at face value but still taking note. The queen looks at a soldier near her and nods her head. The soldier walks over and hands each volunteer a payment, more than they were expecting too, compliments of having to deal with a dragon. Weary still, Jacklynn leaves the castle after, not wanting to stay. A2 follows with, also being auspicious of the king and queen.

“Be safe, A2. Hopefully we meet again,” The young ninja said.
“I’m sure we will,” The nordic hero nods with a wide smile.

After giving a smile back, Jacklynn rides off to Moonshine Run, still wondering to herself why a dragon of all things attacked a payload carrying blood samples.